The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 86: Raiders retreat to Xiahou???)

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Le Jin was in Jibei to reinforce Feicheng's defense, and while waiting for Zhao Yun to arrive, he dispatched He Yi to attack the Yellow Turban strongholds around Lu County. He thought that Bao Xin was at stalemate with Li Zan and Jiang Hu, but this information was wrong, Bao Xin Not only has the main force in charge been in charge for a long time, but not long ago, he also received an order from Cao Cao to launch an offensive against Li Zan and Jiang Hu.

Bao Xin was deeply convinced by Cao Cao, and his support for Cao Cao was unconditional. Then, Cao Cao's order, he resolutely implemented it, but there was a problem: in Le Jin's information, about the "low morale" of Yanzhou soldiers and the lack of "aggressiveness" The heart of the battalion" is correct, "although there are more than ten thousand of them", after reading Cao Cao's order, the captains and captains of each battalion have no intention to fight.

At the military council, Bao Xin repeatedly asked everyone for their opinions, but all the officers of the state army remained silent, and no one was willing to take a stand.

This is not surprising.

First of all, Bao Xin was only a county governor. It was because of Cao Cao's appointment that he was able to temporarily lead the state soldiers, and his prestige could not be convincing.

Secondly, even Cao Cao was only a county governor of Yanzhou before he succeeded him as the prefect of Yanzhou. In other words, he and the captains and captains of the state army, although they had different civil and military positions, were all in Liu Dai before. The prestige of those who obey orders is not enough. This is why Cao Cao is eager to obtain military exploits.

Earlier, when Liu Dai was in office, he was also eager to obtain military exploits, but compared with Cao Cao's current situation, Liu Dai was a little stronger. At least the state army was formed by him, and the officers of each battalion were generally willing to obey his command. Now, Cao Cao has to win not only the support of the county magistrates and nobles in Yanzhou, but also the support of the state army.

Sitting on the seat, Bao Xin was watching the account. Seeing dozens of people, no one spoke, not to mention "actively asking for battle", but any personal views and opinions on Cao Cao's order. No statement.

Bao Xin knew the reason, so he didn't say much. He stood up from the seat, stared at his sword, and said in a deep voice: "The state government has ordered, we should obey. I intend to send troops to attack it three days later, first attacking Dongping Lu, Let's attack Ningyang again." After speaking, he paused, everyone in the tent looked at me, I looked at you, but no one spoke, so he continued, "When you are waiting for Dongping Lu, you don't have to move forward, If the letter is defeated, you can follow up, and if the letter fails, you don't need to worry about the pursuit of Zan soldiers, and you have the letter department for you to cut off."

The state of the state army is already like this, they cannot be forced, and it is useless to force them. With such a low morale, even if they are forced to go into battle, the result will only be a disastrous defeat. At the moment, only Bao Xin leads the troops and leads the headquarters to strike first. , If you can win a battle, you may be able to improve the morale of the state army, and then do the next action.

Bao Xin has a deep and determined nature, is generous and loves people, manages his body thrifty, and supports his generals and soldiers with no surplus, so he has won the hearts of the soldiers of his own division. Now is the time for them to do their best.

After listening to Bao Xin's words, some of the state army officers in the tent were also brave. Seeing that Bao Xin was willing to strike first, although they still refused to "snatch" the "beautiful job" of the "pioneer", they also spoke out one after another. , they all said: "I would like to attack Li and Jiang from the general."

Like Cao Cao and others, Bao Xin also had the title of general, so people called him "general", and Cao Cao appointed him to temporarily lead the state troops because he had the title of general. Harder to get the obedience of state soldiers.

East Pinglu, Li Zan's camp.

The county seat of Dongping country is salt-free, and the salt-free position is on the north bank of Wenshui River. Liu Dai's attack on the Yellow Turbans is unfavorable, and he will kill himself. The Yellow Turbans in Wenbei are so prosperous that they have occupied the salt-free areas. area. Wuyan and Dongpinglu face each other across the water. Although Li Zan has not fought a major battle in Dongpinglu, in recent months, he has fought quite a few small battles with the Yellow Turbans of Wenbei who are trying to cross the Henan.

Le Jin used troops to help the North, Cao Cao attacked Rencheng, and Dongping Lu was in the middle. Although Li Zan was a scholar, he also knew that the strategic position of Dongping Kingdom had risen sharply. A few days ago, he received a secret letter sent by Xunzhen, asking him to strengthen the city guard to prevent Bao Xin from attacking. At the same time, pay close attention to Bao Xin's movements.

Just when Bao Xin held a military meeting and conveyed Cao Cao's order, Li Zan received another letter from Xun Zhen.

This letter was written by Xun Zhen personally to Li Zan after confirming that there was a high possibility of a war in Dongping. In the letter, Xun Zhen suggested that it would be better for Li Zan to come to Tan County, and the Xuzhou shogunate would transfer someone else to Dongping Lu to replace Li Zan and lead the troops of Dongping County.

This is a piece of Xun Zhen's thoughtfulness and love for Li Zan. She knows that Li Zan is a civil servant who has neither military courage nor military strategy. Once Dongping starts the war, it will be a small loss for Dongping and Lu. sigh.

Li Zan showed Xunzhen's letter to the officials of the county government and the battalion generals of the county soldiers, and smiled: "Dongping borders Jibei, and Bao Yuncheng and I are old friends, but Xia Yuncheng confronted me, Yuncheng would not Go, how can I go to Tan? Zhendong is really kind and generous, how can you despise me?"

"Contempt" Yun Yun, obviously with a smile. A person's true character can only be seen when he encounters major events. Li Zan usually gives the impression that he is only a "literate scholar". At this time, as soon as he said these two words, he suddenly showed his literacy and courage, which attracted the admiration of the county officials and the battalion generals, who all said: "The Duke of Ming is already competing with Bao Jibei. I mean, we dare not follow it? If Jibei comes to invade our city, we dare to ask Ming Gong to break it!"

Li Zan said in his heart: "The morale is high, and the military will be available." He stroked his beard with relief and said with a smile, "Let's see if Bao Jibei dares to come!"

After the discussion was Li Zan went out of the tent, climbed to the watchtower in the camp, and looked to the west first. There was the direction of Shouzhang and Xuchang. Xuchang was in the north of Wenshui, so that's all. Zhang and Dongping Lu are on the south bank of the Wenshui River. The two counties are adjacent to each other, and the cities are very close, but only sixty or seventy miles. Li Zan thought: "If Bao Yuncheng comes to invade my city, he will be sent out from Shouzhang. I should send more scouts to investigate the truth of Shouzhang."

Just do it when he thinks of it, Li Zan ordered to the left and right: "Send more scouts, find a way to sneak into Shouzhang, and see if there is any change in Bao Jun."

Li Zan guarded Dongping Lu very strictly, and Bao Xin also guarded Shou Zhang very strictly. Not only did they have troops stationed in each pavilion to check passing pedestrians, but also set up checkpoints on the trails, and scattered among the fields. Many small troops cruising and patrolling, it can be said that birds cannot enter, so that although Li Zan is the prime minister of Dongping, he has never been able to infiltrate the intelligence work into Shouzhang City, let alone Bao Xin's barracks.

The officials on the left and right received orders, and some people went down to the tower to handle the matter.

After looking west for a while, Li Zan turned his eyes to the south, and then looked in the direction of Renchengguo. Looking far into the distance, he saw a vaguely low mountain in the distance, and the sky was cloudless. Spectacular, he thought: "I wonder how Rencheng is doing now?" Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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