The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 82: The champion will call Taishi Ci (4)

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War is never simply to win on the battlefield, but the struggle between the enemy and us in all aspects, including national strength, politics, diplomacy, etc. The so-called war is the continuation of politics. It is true that Xun Zhen sent Zhang Fei and his troops to attack the mountain. Yang, on the surface, was a military operation, but in reality, it contained a political offensive.

This political attack was the performance of Zhang Guan and others during the military meeting, and Yuan Yi's three calls for help within half a day.

It can be said that Xun Zhen's military action was a conspiracy, even if Cao Cao, Cheng Li and others saw that Xun Zhen would not be able to start a state war with Yanzhou at this time, that is to say, he would not be able to attack the mountains at this time. However, due to political pressure, Cao Cao had to be led by Xun Zhen, and he could only divide his troops to help Shanyang.

Of course, Cao Cao's troops were not many, and they did not achieve Xun Zhen's expected goal, but at least Xun Zhen's strategy was successful by one third. First, Li cadres were separated. Shou, withdrew from the battlefield in Rencheng County.

Cao Cao's troops can now be divided into three categories, one is his direct line, the other is the state soldiers, and the other is the county soldiers sent by the prefectures to him temporarily.

His direct lineage is now divided into three places, one is stationed in Dongjun, the other is led by Xiahou Dun, who has launched an attack on Rencheng County, and the other is Cao Hong and Cao Chunying. Cao Chun went to the east bank of Sishui, and Cao Hong is now in the Dingtao camp, following him. In other words, his direct line troops can be mobilized, but now there are only a few hundred Cao Hong troops left.

Most of the state soldiers were in Dongping, and they were divided into two places. One was in Xuchang, the other was in Shouzhang. The main force in Shouzhang was temporarily led by Bao Xin. The army was also divided into two places, the main force was under Xiahou Dun's tent, and the rest were in Dingtao's camp.

In addition to these three categories, there are Li Gan, Jiang Qi, and Zhu Ling.

When Li Gan was separated out, the soldiers and horses that Cao Cao could personally control, that is, the reserve team he could use, were only Cao Hong, Jiang Qi, Zhu Ling and a small number of soldiers from various counties, and the total number was less than 7,000. Less than 7,000, more than 6,000 cavalry, it seems that there are still a lot, but the problem is that the composition of these 6,000 cavalry is too complicated. Jiang Qi and Zhu Ling are guest troops, and the soldiers of various counties are also "guest troops". Let's not talk about the combat power for the time being, but only in terms of obeying orders and willing to be Cao Cao/death battle, obviously I can't believe it.

Cao Cao was anxious because of this.

He knew that he must immediately counter Xun Zhen's combined political and military offensive.

Otherwise, if Xunzhen is persecuted like this, Rencheng County cannot capture the small matter. He is in charge of Yanzhou, and he does not have much prestige in the state. In case of a big defeat, it will definitely lead to the disappointment of the gentry in the state. When Gongsun Zan's army was strong and powerful and invaded Jizhou, how many county magistrates and local tyrants in Jizhou secretly communicated with him, and even greeted him in the open? The lessons from the past are really not too far away. If he does not attach great importance to this and try to resolve it, then he will be doubtful whether he will be able to hold the position of the prefect of Yanzhou in the future.

The solution that Cao Cao came up with was to send Bao Xin to attack Jiang Hu and Li Zan, bring his own troops to Rencheng, and personally command the battle.

After hearing him talk about this countermeasure, Cheng Li and Chen Gong both said: "Ming Gong is a high policy!"

Cheng Li stroked his gray beard, praised him repeatedly, expressed his admiration, and said, "Ming Gong's strategy of attacking and defending will definitely make Zhendong scratch his head."

Sending reinforcements to Shanyang County is a passive defense. Xun Zhen's offensive is so aggressive, of course it is not enough to just defend. Since it is necessary to make a counterattack, then simply make a big one. Xun Zhen opened up to seize the initiative in the battlefield. On the Shanyang battlefield, Cao Cao responded to Li and opened up another Dongping battlefield in order to regain the initiative.

Before the war started, Xun Zhen’s military use and focus were in Jibei, Cao Cao’s military use and focus were in Rencheng, and now the battle has just started. In terms of the current situation, the most important thing is no longer Jibei. , not Rencheng, but Dongping Country.

Dongping Kingdom is in the middle of Jibei and Rencheng, bordering Jibei to the north and Rencheng to the south. If Bao Xin can win a big victory on this battlefield and defeat Jiang Qin and Li Zan or simply drive them away, then he can go north to Jibei. From the northern country, to Rencheng County in the south, Cao Cao will be able to advance and retreat freely, attack and defend according to his heart, and the initiative in the battlefield will completely fall into his hands. In this battle, he will have a six-point victory.

This is a good move, but whether or not Bao Xin can win depends on whether he can win. Even if he wins, he can only win six points. Therefore, Cao Cao thinks that it is not enough, and he still needs to add something, so he decides to lead the troops himself. Go to the front line of Rencheng.

When he goes to the front line of Rencheng, he can kill two birds with one stone.

Strengthening Xiahou Dun's troops and increasing the offensive against Rencheng County is one of them. If Bao Xin did not fight well in Dongping, he could send troops to help him at any time. This is the second.

Cao Cao's two moves are indeed bold, and it is precisely because of their boldness that they are sharp, and they deserve Cheng Li's praise.

Chen Gong said, "If Bao Jibei is attacking Li Zan and Jiang Qin, what will Zhendong do?"

As he thought about it, he slowly asked and answered his own questions, and then said: "I want to help or not help. If we help, the pressure on Shanyang and Rencheng County will be greatly reduced; Once Dongping is obtained for me, Jibei will lead his troops to the south and join forces with Duke Ming, and Rencheng County will also attack and recover Yi." He praised, "This is a wonderful plan for Duke Ming!"

Cheng Li smiled and said, "Ming Gong, there is a strategy that can make Zhendong scratch his head even more."

Cao Cao said happily: "What is the best policy for you? Hurry up and tell me!"

"Why didn't Duke Ming pass on the state order, saying that after the rebellion, the people's livelihood was difficult, Li and Guo insulted the emperor, the royal family was late, and asked Zhendong at this time, he didn't think about serving the people and the country, but he invaded our state instead. ?"

Xun Zhen played a combination of military and political Cao can also use this to retaliate.

A letter, a few words, may not have any real effect, but the art of war also says "attack the heart first", those who can attack the heart will destroy themselves. If this method is used properly, it can destroy not only the rebellion, but also the enemy army. Can. It is soldiers who fight on the battlefield. If the soldiers of the enemy feel that the battle is wrong and that they are at fault, then their fighting spirit will not be high, and the people of the enemy country will also have public grievances because of this. Yes, they have no motivation. The Art of War also says, "A soldier who is mourning will win", why is this? One heart and one mind, the same hatred and hatred for the same reason, the enemy can't "enmity", there is no anger, it is difficult to win.

Cao Cao laughed and said, "This policy is exactly what I think!"

Faced with such a critical situation, Cao Cao responded calmly and laughed freely, which made Cheng Li and Chen Gong not aware of their heartbreak.

When Cao Cao's letter reached Xuzhou Prefecture, Xun Zhen was reading the military newspaper that Le Jin had just sent.

Le Jin had already invaded Jibei and conquered Feicheng. He described Taishi Ci's bravery in the military newspaper and described him as "a champion of meritorious service". Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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