The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 81: The champion will call Taishi Ci (3)

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Cheng Li opened his mouth and said: "Everything you said is reasonable, but I think that Zhendong must not be someone who wants to take Shanyang."

During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Cheng Li, a scholar, was able to protect his hometown of Dong'e. He was very famous in Yanzhou. Earlier, even Liu Dai made a special trip to ask him for advice. Zhang Guan and others all respected him very much.

Hearing what he said at this time, Zhang Guan asked, "What do you mean by this, sir? Why do you think so? Could it be that the gentleman also thought that Zhendong sent a horse into Shanyang just to understand the urgency of Rencheng County?"

Cheng Li said unhurriedly: "Let's not say whether Zhendong is trying to understand Rencheng County, just one thing: I dare to ask you gentlemen, if Zhendong really invades Shanyang, what will happen to Jiyin and Chenliu? reaction?"

Zhang Guan replied: "If Shanyang is lost, Jiyin and Chenliu will not be able to sit comfortably, so Wu Jiyin and Zhang Chenliu will definitely help each other."

"With the five counties of Wushanyang, Jiyin, Chenliu, Jibei and Dongdong, can we fight Xuzhou?"

Although there are yellow scarves all over the Jibei County, the territory can be said to be very few, but when it comes to soldiers and horses, Bao Xin has a part in his hands. Bao Xin is from Mount Tai. Brave, after becoming Prime Minister of Jibei, in order to suppress the local Yellow Turbans, he recruited a group of swordsmen and warriors from the county in Jibei. These people fought a lot of battles with Bao Xin, and their combat effectiveness is still good.

"Although Xuzhou's army is strong, its population is small, and its wealth is not as good as that of Wuzhou. In addition, there is Jizhou in the east of Wuzhou, and it is enough to fight Xuzhou."

Cheng Li nodded, and said: "The chief is very true! Compared with military strength, Wuzhou may be slightly inferior to Xuzhou, but in terms of population and output, Xuzhou is not as good as me, and Jizhou defeated Gongsun Bogui and Yuan Che. He has spare strength for riding, and now he can help Wuzhou, but Lu Feng first got the capital of Yuan Highway and invaded Runan, like a prairie fire, making Sun Wentai unable to take care of it. Compared with the situation, Xuzhou is not as good as Wuzhou. Therefore, it is stupid. I think that Wuzhou is enough to fight Xuzhou." After a pause, he continued, "Since this is the case, will Zhendong invade Shanyang at this time?"

Zhang Guan and the others pondered.

After a while, Zhang Guan said: "So, is the general will that Zhendong dare not invade Wuzhou now?"

"Outside is not a sure-fire enemy, and inside there are unsustained people, how can Zhendong dare to invade Wuzhou in a big way?"

The so-called "people who have not been touched", Cheng Li said a bit exaggerated, but what he meant was right.

In the end, Xun Zhen only got Xuzhou, and it has only been a year. Even though most of the gentry, the tyrants of the county and the county support him, or in other words, they do not oppose him, Xun Zhen can't "deplete the army" and "exhaust the people's strength" because of this. , to fight a Taishan, fight a Jibei, a quick battle, and a county at a time is fine. Now the state capital's treasury materials can fully support it, but once the state war with Yanzhou begins, the state capital's treasury will not be enough. It must be widely recruited from the people. Just as Zhang Guan and others welcomed Cao Cao into Yanzhou, the scholars in Xuzhou also hoped that Xun Zhen could settle down in the state. As a result, if Xun Zhen was "searching for the people" instead, causing their family members If their interests were greatly infringed, then they might change their attitude of not supporting or not opposing Xun Zhen to opposing Xun Zhen.

In short, the power of the local gentry was too great, Cao Cao had trouble with Cao Cao in Yanzhou, and Xun Zhen could not act recklessly in Xuzhou.

Zhang Guan and others thought about it, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt that Cheng Li was right.

Zhang Guan asked: "However, in the public view, Zhendong sent cavalry to invade Shanyang, really to understand the siege of Rencheng County, and as for Xu Xian and Zhao Yun to follow the army, is it a lie?"

Cheng Li intuitively thought that Xun Zhen sent Zhang Fei to lead his troops to invade Shanyang, not just to understand the siege of Rencheng County, but these considerations did not need to be told to so many people in the hall. In fact, Cheng Li believed that even if If I told them about it, they probably wouldn't understand it. Therefore, I didn't say my doubts at all. I just followed Zhang Guan's words and answered the second half of his sentence, "I've been busy talking just now." The way of using soldiers, the key is to be fast and secret.” It is indeed said that he can’t show what he can’t, and he can’t show what he can do. Zhendong is obviously in the ’can’t show what he can’. I think he will definitely not adjust Xu Xian and Zhao Yun entered Shanyang."

Zhang Guan and others were basically persuaded by Cheng Li, but after all, Shanyang is their hometown. Most of their clansmen, family business, relatives, and friends are in Shanyang. , or someone insisted that Cao Cao send troops to help.

Chen Gong said at this time: "Zhang Fei, a veteran general, is a master of all his works, and the teacher of Xiong Hu, originally stationed in Ruyin with Li Tong and Xun Pu, and now he is specially transferred back for Zhendong to invade Shanyang, and his troops It is said to be five thousand, which is a false statement, and at least there should be a thousand cavalry, even if Xu Xian and Zhao Yun will not follow, I am afraid that Shanyang will not be able to fight alone, so it is appropriate for Duke Ming to send some reinforcements over."

Chen Gong and Cheng Li have similarities and differences in temperament.

The similarities are that both of them have strong personalities. The difference is that Cheng Li’s family name is not obvious. With the right surname, he became famous as a teenager, and he has close contacts with the big surnames in China and Yanzhou. With such a circle of friends, it is inevitable that he will unconsciously stand on the interests of the big nobility. This is good for Cao Cao, but also disadvantageous. The benefits are: Because of this, Cao Cao was able to obtain his power, and with Bao Xin's help, he entered Yanzhou. The disadvantage was that after winning Yanzhou, Chen Gong would sometimes go against Cao Cao's wishes because of the interests of the big nobility in the state.

However, what Chen Gong said at the moment, asking Cao Cao to send troops to assist Yuan Yi, was not only for the benefit of the great nobles in Shanyang, but also for the sake of Cao Cao. Cao Cao had just entered Yanzhou, so he had to take care of the requests of local scholars. First, Yuan Yi asked for help three times a day, and he could not ignore it for Yuan Shao's sake. Second.

Cao Cao knew what Chen Gong meant, so he thought about it a little and said, "The public platform is very true. That's it. I'll transfer Cadre Li to help Shanyang. Can you wait and see?"

Zhang Guan and others did not agree. Some people said: "Li Gan is only a tyrannical force, and he can't fight against Zhang Fei's veteran general. He is only a militiaman, with insufficient armor and equipment. If you want to send a teacher to help, why not transfer to another department?"

Someone else said: "Zhu Ling and Jiang Qi are the subordinates of Yuan Chaqi. They have been fighting for a long time. They are good at fighting and soldiers. You must use the force of death, the general will know the soldiers, and the soldiers will also be strong, and the enemy Zhang Fei can also be.”

The two battalions of Zhu Ling and Jiang Qi, Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses, said that Yuan Shao lent Cao Cao to help Cao Cao. Yuan Shao said that when Yuan Shao lent these two battalions to Cao Cao, in front of Yuan Shao, Cao Cao also behaved very happy at that time. , In fact, in his heart, he was not so happy, on the contrary, he was even a little wary and jealous of Zhu Ling and Jiang Qi.

Why? It was because of Yuan Yi.

Yuan Yi is Yuan Shao's younger brother, and has already taken charge of a large county in Yanzhou. Now Yuan Shao has allocated two battalions nominally, they are all given to Cao Cao, but in case something happens, in the end these two battalions Part, will Jiang Qi and Zhu Ling follow Cao Cao's orders or Yuan Yi's orders? Don't even think about it. Yuan Shao's act of "borrowing troops" seemed to be helping Cao Cao, but in fact he was helping Yuan Yi, and was helping Yuan Yi's power and influence in Yanzhou. It is also for this reason that even though the prefecture is in Changyi, after Cao Cao took charge of Yanzhou, he would rather garrison Dingtao than go to Changyi, in order to avoid direct contact between Yuan Yi and Zhu Ling and Jiang Qi, They cannot be allowed to meet every day.

After listening to the suggestion of the state official, Cao Cao kept his face and smiled: "Zhu and Jiang's second school, I have another great use. Although Zhu and Jiang have many veterans, they are all from Jizhou, and the guest army is also, Li Ganhe. This is not the case with his trilogy. Li Gan, a native of Shanyang, and most of his trilogy are natives of Shanyang. Now that Shanyang has been invaded, I will send him to the east to help them, and they will definitely die. Strong, not enough to mention."

The state official thought for a while, and felt that Cao Cao was right because he did not speak any more.

It was decided to send Li Gan to lead his troops to aid Shanyang, and Cao Cao asked the prefectural government to return a letter to Yuan Yi, telling him of the decision.

After the discussion was over, Cao Cao left behind Chen Gong, Cheng Li and a few others, and said at the head: "My intention is to ask Yuncheng to attack Jiang Hu and Li Zan immediately, and I will lead Zilian, Jiang Qi, and Zhu Ling to the camps. Personally attack Rencheng County. Why do you think so?" Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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