The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 79: The champion will call Taishi Ci (1)

When Xun Zhen's army ordered to Xu Xian's army, he was leading his troops to march in the territory of Pengcheng Kingdom. After receiving the order, he immediately summoned Zhang Fei. m. When Zhang Fei arrived, the two of them stood on the side of the road, and Xu Xian conveyed Xun Zhen's instructions to Zhang Fei.

"Yide, this is the master's order, take a look."

Since he conquered the entire territory of Xuzhou, Zhang Fei has been under Xu Xian's account, subject to Xu Xian's restraint, and has fought several battles with Xu Xian. He is very familiar with Xu Xian's temperament and knows that he does not talk nonsense. , Because he was reading the order to stop the army, he said concisely, "Then I will lead the troops to change their route to Shanyang now!"

In fact, a few days ago, Zhang Fei had asked Xu Xian for help, requesting to bring the cavalry of the headquarters first, so that he could reach Rencheng County in the shortest time, and rush to help Liu Bei and Chen Bao. He has been in friendship with Liu Bei for many years, and Rencheng County has now become Cao Cao's inevitable target. Of course, he will worry about Liu Bei's safety, so he has this request, but Xu Xian refused.

Xun Zhen once said something to Xu Xian and other old people in Xixiang when he was teaching the art of war. It should be noted that in the various battles of ancient and modern times, who is the victor? Who is the loser? Most of the only one, that is "wrong". Anyone can make mistakes, and those who make fewer mistakes will eventually win. Therefore, we must guard against greed and impatience.

This is not to ask subordinates to be "conservative", but to remind subordinates to be prudent when leading troops to fight.

Xu Xian firmly remembered Xun Zhen's words.

Because, in the subsequent battles, he would definitely not use it when he could not use it at odd or dangerous times. Zhang Fei's request, first of all, is a bit risky in his opinion. The flying troops are all cavalry, without the cover of infantry. If you live there, there will be the danger of the entire army being wiped out. Secondly, there is not too much distance from Xiapi to Rencheng County. Even with normal marching speed, it can be reached within a few days. Liu Bei and Chen Baoyu attacked the whole city, After seeing that the main force of Cao's army was in Juye and Jinxiang, they had already started in advance, shrinking their forces and strengthening the city's defense. That is to say, Zhang Fei did not have to go first, so he did not agree.

Despite worrying about Liu Bei's safety, Zhang Fei had no choice but to obey.

Now, Xun Zhen's order came, and Zhang Fei obeyed without saying a word.

Xu Xian asked him, "How much food and equipment does Junyi bring?"

Zhang Fei thought for a moment and replied, "Two days of ration and grain, and two hundred arrows of soldiers are enough."

"Two hundred arrows" refers to the number of arrows or crossbows carried by each soldier.

In the pre-Qin period, when troops went on expeditions, the number of arrows and crossbow arrows usually allocated to each bowman was no more than dozens. There is one rule, that is, each participant can wear armor, carry a sword and crossbow, carry fifty arrows, three daily rations, and travel a hundred miles in half a day, that is, each soldier carries fifty arrows.

It stands to reason that the crossbow arrow is not heavy, why only carry so few?

This is because it is not easy to carry if the number is too large, and the soldiers go out to war, not only with crossbows, just like Wei Wu's soldiers, but also armor, spears, knives, and sometimes military rations, etc. Wait.

The regulations of this dynasty are similar to those in the pre-Qin period. Regardless of the battle and defense, the number of arrows and crossbow arrows allocated to each bowman is mostly fifty. Of course, sometimes it will be a little more. It is also possible.

Under the painstaking management of Xun Zhen, the elites of Xun's cavalry are now mostly one person and two horses, or two people and three horses. Zhang Fei's army has a total of 800 cavalry, needless to say, all of them are elites. It is very expensive. Of course, they cannot be allowed to "do heavy work", like a horse, but it is okay to let the spare horses carry arrows and crossbows that are not heavy, so Zhang Fei intends to give each soldier. Prepare two hundred arrows and crossbows without worrying about affecting the flexibility and mobility of the march.

Xu Xian had no opinion on the number of arrows and crossbow arrows, but he was a little surprised by the amount of ration Zhang Fei planned to carry, he said, "Yide, Shanyang, and the enemy territory, will it be possible to bring only two rations of ration? too little?"

The so-called "enemy territory", Xu Xian's meaning is very clear, you are leading troops deep into the enemy territory, and there is no way to supply you with logistical baggage, you only bring food for two days, what will you do if you run out? Zhang Fei replied: "Because food is used by the enemy, this is the teaching of the art of war."

Xun Zhen repeatedly admonished the officers of the generals and schools of various ministries, and strictly ordered them to disturb and abuse the people. Most of the generals and schools followed Xu Xian, Xuncheng, and Xu Rong.

Yanzhou is currently in the "enemy territory", "the enemy is fed by food", this is an article in the art of war, depleting the enemy's strength in order to obtain the effect of the enemy's elimination of my rise is Xun Zhen, and this idea of ​​Zhang Fei can't be mentioned. A little criticism. "After the three armies, there will be a year of disasters", which means that even if it is a strictly disciplined army, as long as the war ends, the people in the battlefield will definitely be affected and affected.

Xu Xian nodded and said, "The captain is really brave."

"Because of grain for the enemy" is good, but it has to be able to get grain from the enemy. Now that it is February, the green and yellow are not available, and it is impossible to plunder wheat from Yexian. The only way is to find other ways, either from the country manor, or from Take it from the warehouses of the enemy city, or else, plunder the enemy's food routes. Needless to say, the enemy city and the enemy army’s food supply must be captured first and can be beaten. The manor in the countryside is also known as “ Although it is small, many of them are like small towns, and they also need real swords and real guns. go dry.

Being brave or not is not only seen on the battlefield, but also in peacetime. Zhang Fei's army has 800 soldiers and more than a thousand horses. People eat horse chews. It consumes a lot of money in a day. A general is the courage of an army. What is the courage of a general? With grain in his hand, he does not panic. Grain is one of the courage of the generals. Zhang Fei dared to take only two rations of food into the enemy's territory.

Zhang Fei said: "My lord has ordered me to enter Shanyang County before dawn and dusk. Please send the grain and arrows with me, wait for the grains and arrows, and fly to the west."

Because they were following Xu Xian, Zhang Fei's cavalry did not carry much arrows and grain. Most of these things were transported by the civilians who were in the army. Xu Xian then ordered the baggage battalion to allocate grain and arrows according to the quantity required by Zhang Fei. Arrow and crossbow with it. After receiving the soldiers from the headquarters, Zhang Fei said goodbye, led his troops, split up with Xu Xian, galloped westward, and went straight to Shanyang.

It is not only to take care of the marching speed of the infantry, but also to cherish the horsepower. Originally, Zhang Fei's cavalry would lead the horse on foot, but now they all mounted on the horse. The vibration, the smoke billows.

This movement caused the infantrymen who were walking on the road to turn their heads to look. Xu Xian was still standing on the side of the road, not moving. Looking at Zhang Fei's leadership, and watching his flag gradually recede, Xu Xian said in his heart, "My lord secretly told me, once again that Caodong County is good at using troops, Xiahou Yuanrang, a fierce warrior, who is helping Rencheng County today, I want to come to a meeting. There was a tough fight."

Zhang Fei entered the enemy territory alone and shouldered the task of mobilizing and attracting the main force of Yanzhou to Shanyang and Rencheng. There was a great danger. Xu Xian rushed to help Rencheng County and was about to fight against the elite Cao army led by Xiahou Dun. Nor is it easy.

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