The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 9 Chapter 80: The champion will call Taishi Ci (middle)

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After passing through Xiaoxian and Fengxian in Peiguo, Zhang Fei led his troops to drive more than 200 li and attacked Shanyang County. First, from Fengxian to the northwest, he pretended to attack and defend Dongxian, and then turned to the northeast and attacked Fangyu. Arriving at the foot of Fangyu City, Zhang Fei sent his troops to gallop around the city, showing off their might and power, claiming to be five thousand fine cavalrymen. .

Both the east and the side are shaken.

Fang and the defenders did not dare to leave the city gates behind closed doors. Zhang Fei, because his part was all cavalry, did not have a strong attack. He swept the villages in Fang and the territory. It only took more than a day of work to attack the entire county’s manor and dock walls. The next thing was ruined, and a lot of grain and ordnance was captured.

Yuan Yi, who was in Changyi Prefecture, was shocked when he heard the report, so he quickly dispatched the soldiers from the Changyi camp and rushed to the side to help him, but he didn't expect Zhang Fei to fight at all, and before his reinforcements arrived, he rushed out. After returning with the Ministry, he returned to the territory of Fangdong, which was also plundering the countryside.

The tributary that merges into the main stream of Sishui from the direction of Dongjun crosses Shanyang County, Juye, Jinxiang, and Gaoping County are in the north of this tributary, and Changyi, Dongjin, Fangyu, Fangdong, and Hulu are in the four counties. The south side of this tributary is separated by this tributary, and because Changyi is in the south of this tributary. In the area of ​​Juye and Kangfu, Zhang Fei did not disturb the south of Shanyang County, but only swept the north of Shanyang County.

Yuan Yi's reinforcements could not catch Zhang Fei, and Junnan was disturbed by Zhang Fei, and the grass and trees were full of soldiers. Yuan Yi was deeply afraid that Xu Xian and Zhao Yunzhen would follow, so he flew to Dingtao and asked Cao Cao for help. In one day, he sent three urgent letters in a row.

Cao Cao didn't believe that Xun Zhen would really attack Shanyang in a big way, but Yuan Yi kept calling for help, and he couldn't ignore it, so he summoned the army to discuss the matter.

The governor of the prefecture, Zhang Guan, was the grandson of Zhang Jian, a native of Gaoping, Shanyang, and he had a deep affection for his homeland. Hearing the news, he suddenly turned pale, and said to Cao Cao: "Ming Gong, unexpectedly Zhendong sent two generals Xu and Zhao to attack Shanyang. It seems that Le Wenqian's attack on Jibei was a false shot in the east of the town. This is a 'sound to hit the west' plan. The matter is urgent! Duke Ming should send troops to help Shanyang urgently. Otherwise, if Shanyang loses, it will help Yin is not safe."

"Listening to what you said, do you think that Zhendong is feigning to attack Jibei, and the intention is really Shanyang?"

"Isn't that so?"

There are many people who agree with Zhang Guan's opinion.

There are quite a few noble families in Gaoping County. In addition to the Zhang family, there are also the Liu family and the Wang family. The Liu family is the Liu Biao family, and the Han family is the clan. Celebrities, such as Wang Chang, who stood side by side with Li Ying and others, was named "Eight Jun"—this person was the father of the famous genius Wang Can in later generations. Wang Can is not in his hometown now, but went to Jingzhou the year before, and took refuge with fellow villager Liu Biao. However, many of his clansmen stayed in Yanzhou, and several officials in the state government belonged to his clan.

Zhang and Wang are in the same county and are equally famous as prefectures. Yellow turban, Shanyang is thick, according to common sense, Zhendong will not give up the golden and take Jibei, isn't it thankless? You can help me quickly."

Cao Cao inspected the hall and noticed that many officials, some thoughtful, some silent, but most of them nodded in approval to what Zhang Guan and others said. One of the officials left the table and got up at this time, and said loudly: "Your Majesty is absurd!"

Everyone looked at him and saw that the person who was speaking was not very old, only about twenty years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, standing tall and strong, showing a resolute attitude, but he was a favorite for Cao Cao's newly established state.

Man Chong, courtesy name Boning, is also a native of Shanyang. His family is in Changyi, and his family is also the surname of Guan. In his early years, when he was only eighteen years old, he went out to serve in the county government and served as an official of the county court. In the post office, he smoothed out the tyrants Li Shuo and others who harmed the common people. , which made Gaoping County smoky, and Man Chong was imprisoned for taking him. As a result, Zhang Bao was tortured to death, and Man Chong had to abandon his office and return home.

Cao Cao knew that he was full of favor, and after taking over Yanzhou, he allowed him to enter the state capital. Although the time was not long, he was already very creditable to him.

At this time, seeing Man Chong come out to refute Zhang Guan and others, Cao Cao was overjoyed.

After all, Cao Cao is the new head of Yanzhou. For Zhang Guan and others, who are both important officials of the state government and scholars from the clan crown county, he needs to be courteous three points, especially now that the hometown of Zhang Guan and others is involved. It is even more difficult to "rebuke it", otherwise, it will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of Zhang Guan and others.

You should know: After Liu Dai died, why did the officials of the prefecture agree to welcome Cao Cao to take over Yanzhou? Didn't he just value Cao Cao's ability to use troops, and hoped that he could defend their hometown for them, so that Yanzhou Prefecture would not be invaded by the Yellow Turbans and foreign enemies? Therefore, now Shanyang is "in a hurry", even if he is deeply suspicious of "this urgent", Cao Cao can't take the initiative to say "you are wrong, I will not help Shanyang".

Man Chong is a native of Shanyang. Since he doesn't agree with the opinions of Zhang Guan and others, it's really the best thing to do, so he can take the lead.

Cao Cao was overjoyed in his heart, his expression remained unchanged, and he calmly asked, "Berning, why do you say that the masters are wrong?"

"The way of using troops, the key is to be quick and dense. If you don't move, you will be fast. If you don't move, you will move like thunder. The rules are as firm as a mountain. If you move, you can't attack the enemy. 'Yes, Zhendong is old at the use of troops, why would you not know this? Shanyang is adjacent to Jiyin in the west, and Chenliu is not far away. If Xu and Zhao really attacked Shanyang, why would Zhendong enter the country first with cavalry? Aren't you afraid of Jiyin and Chen Liuqing's help? It's good to say that Zhendong's 'sound in the east and the west' is good, and it must be Zhendong's 'fake shot'!"

"Oh? Then why did you think Zhendong would "fake" such a "shot"?"

"It's nothing more than to lure Colonel Xiahou and my troops from Dingtao Camp into Shanyang so as to save Rencheng County."

Although Man Chong guessed that Xun Zhen was faking a shot, he only saw that one of the falsified shots was beneficial to Xuzhou Shou and saving Rencheng County, but he did not guess that Xun Zhen's deeper intention was to create something for Le Jin. a better situation.

Cao Cao asked the officials and officials, "What do you think of what Boning said?"

Zhang Guan and others strongly disagreed, and still insisted that Cao Cao immediately send troops to assist Shanyang.

Cao Cao was very helpless and could only turn his eyes to Cheng Li and Chen Gong.

Chen Gong frowned, thinking deeply.

Cheng Li and Cao Cao had the same point of view, and found that Cao Cao's eyes turned to him, he knew Cao Cao's embarrassment, and said in his heart: "Zhang Guan and others are worried about the villagers, Yuan Boye is a younger brother from the beginning, and both sides are urging help like fire, Cao Gong It’s hard to avoid.” Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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