Lin Chong never thought that he would one day become a protagonist-like existence, although he had not yet received any benefits brought by this so-called 'strongest' system, but it can be imagined that the next task reward is one minute, once the tasks are completed, the rewards in the future will not be more and more abundant. Maybe you can get 10 minutes, 20 minutes? Therefore, we must do our best to complete this task.

Right now, the most important thing is to think of a way to complete this task, after all, Lin Chong has never been a person who will admit defeat in his bones.

Lin Chong turned over, opened the task panel, and looked at the task content again, [Task content: Pursue the school flower Li Xue and become Li Xue's boyfriend. ] 【Mission time: 1 week.】 】【Mission Reward: Time travel system time increased to one minute. 【Task Failure Penalty: Reclaim the system.】 【Abandoning a task is considered a mission failure.】 】。

For Lin Chong, the difficulty of the task was as difficult as asking a kindergarten child to do a college advanced math problem. To sum it up, it's three words, it's too difficult. After all, in addition to being handsome, Lin Chong is an obscure existence in school.

Lin Chong, who was born in Sichuan Province, his father mysteriously disappeared when he was three years old, and his mother raised him alone, thanks to the help of neighbors, otherwise Lin Chong's life may have been more difficult since he was a child. Fortunately, I didn't delay my studies and was admitted to Modu University, which didn't disappoint my mother.

Lin Chong felt a little clueless, and he didn't know where to start, it seemed that he would consult the fourth child tomorrow, after all, he was the one who had talked about girlfriends the most among the brothers.

Thinking of this, Lin Chong gradually fell asleep again. When I woke up again, it was already 10 o'clock in the morning, and the boss Jin Lai had already gone to computer class, as the first day of the computer department, he never missed classes in professional courses. The third child is not in the dormitory, so I guess I will be busy with the student union.

Looking at the fourth who was playing a game, 'Sure enough, the life of the rich second generation is so simple. In addition to eating and sleeping, it is to play games. Lin Chong thought.

Oh, yes, and falling in love. "

Junjie, how about it, there are no diamonds." Lin Chong sat up and was about to go to the bathroom to wash, passing by the fourth and seeing him typing frantically on the keyboard, "You won't quarrel with people again, right?" "

Hey, don't talk about the second brother, this person is vegetable and mentally retarded, and his level is poor and his consciousness is also poor, he was killed 4 times in the early stage, and he raised a giant on the road, causing me to fail again in the promotion competition." Junjie complained, while not stopping the hand that was tapping on the keyboard. "How's your head, does it still hurt?"

"It definitely hurts a little, but that's okay." After washing, Lin Chong said, "Don't quarrel with him, go, go out to eat." It just so happens that I have a question for you. When I come back from lunch, I'll accompany you to the diamonds. "

What's the matter, second brother, let's go, let's go to Bang University to eat, I heard that there is a new female college student waitress in that house, it is quite beautiful, and when I dump Xiaoli in the past two days, I will pursue her."


The two talked and laughed all the way to the restaurant in front of Modu University, of course, did not go to the place Junjie said. After all, you want to save time to go back to the dorm room and play games.

After ordering two of his favorite dishes and taking a sip of his drink, Junjie asked, "What do you want to ask me, second brother, let's say, I'm really curious about what I can do to help you."

"I want to pursue Li Xue, and I want you to help me think of a way." Lin Chong didn't hide it and said.

"Poof... Junjie didn't hold back for a while, and squirted out a sip of drink, but fortunately he controlled himself, otherwise he would definitely spray Lin Chong's face. "What are you talking about, second brother? Are you going to pursue Li Xue? Which Li Xue? School flower Li Xue?

"Why, I don't deserve it?" Lin Chong stared at Junjie and said speechlessly, holding a napkin in his hand, wiping some drinks that were still splashed on his body.

"No, no, no! Second brother, how can you not be worthy, you are handsome, tall and powerful. The whole demon is really more handsome than you... Junjie said, also knowing that his reaction was a little big.

"Okay, I'm serious. You help me figure it out, after all, you kid has been in love a lot. Rich experience. Lin Chong said to Junjie seriously.

"No, second brother. It's not that I don't want to help you figure out a way, I chase girls can have a way. The main thing is to be willing to spend money. Junjie reached out and pulled out a few more tissues, handed them to Lin Chong, and continued: "Li Xue, it's really notoriously difficult to chase. You know, since Li Xue came to our school. The position of the school flower has always been her, and she has never been snatched away by others. Whether it is a suitor in school or outside, countless people try their best to pursue her, but in the past 3 years, have you seen which person has succeeded? In the past 3 years, she has never contacted outsiders except for being with her best friend Xia Zhenzhen, and now there are rumors outside that she does not like men. Junjie complained, took a sip of the drink in the cup, paused and continued: "After she came to enter the magic hall, I also tried to pursue her in the past, but I spent tens of thousands of yuan to go out, and I didn't even get her mobile phone number, so I gave up."

Lin Chong listened to Junjie's words and fell into deep thought. What Junjie said is not a secret, it can be said that everyone in the school knows it. However, Junjie did not know what the reason why Lin Chong decided to pursue Li Xue was. Of course, Lin Chong would not tell him all this.

"Alas." Sighing, Lin Chong took a bite of the dish in front of him, knowing that Junjie couldn't help him with this. But it is impossible for him to give up. I can only think of other ways.

Hearing Lin Chong's sigh, Junjie smiled, "What's the matter, second brother, I've been single for 2 years, and I want to find me a second sister-in-law?" It's okay, I'll turn around and ask Xiaoli to introduce you, your appearance, there are many people chasing you in school. Ha ha.

Lin Chong glanced at Junjie, took another bite of the dish in front of him, and didn't say anything. At this time, a discordant voice came from the side.

"Yo, isn't this a handsome guy from the magic university, yo, the swelling on this face has disappeared, not bad, good recovery ability. Hahaha". "Hahaha." "Hahaha."

Lin Chong and Junjie turned their heads to look, and three people walked in at the door, which turned out to be Wang Hao, the president of the Bangda Fight Club next door, followed by Park Minjun and Zhang Shun. The Bangda Fight Club and the Magic Fight Club have always been at odds with each other, but the Bang Fight Club has always been pressed by the Magic Fight Club. Who knew that last year, the Bangda Fight Club came to a fighting master who studied abroad from country H, that is, Park Minjun, since then Wang Hao has often taken Park Minjun to the Magic University Kicking Hall, Lin Chong, as the vice president and the first master of the Magic Fight Club, has fought with each other a lot, but it has always been more losses and fewer wins. A few times even injured. Didn't expect to meet them here today.

"I just said why is our magic big smell here today, it turns out that there are three smelly sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs on the street." Although Junjie is not from the taekwondo club, he knows everything about Lin Chong and their grudges. So he said sarcastically. "Maybe I ate too much kimchi and pickled it."

"You!!" Park Minjun was furious, and he was about to rush over.

"Hmph", Lin Chong snorted coldly and stood in front of Junjie. His good brother was helping him speak, but his skills were not good, Lin Chong still knew.

Park Minjun stood still, looked at Lin Chong in front of him, and said with a smile, "Why, Lin Chong, this time I want to have a swollen face." Could it be that you think you can beat me?

Lin Chong said expressionlessly, "You don't know until you fight

" "Hahahaha, haven't you fought before." Wang Hao and Zhang Shun behind him laughed presumptuously. "I'm afraid I can't beat it more than once. However, depending on the meaning of the other party, it seems that it is not very convinced. "Hahaha."

"Wang Hao, what do you have to be arrogant about, using foreigners against your own countrymen. How, did you play a sense of superiority? Otherwise, you personally fight with my second brother." Junjie taunted. He knew that Wang Hao had never been Lin Chong's opponent.

"Hmph." Wang Hao snorted coldly. Ignoring the mockery from Junjie. Standing beside Park Minjun, he looked at Lin Chong in front of him and said, "I'm worried that there is no reason to go to the Demon University to beat you again, lest I be laughed at and said that we always bully the weak." Hahahaha, but it seems that you are not convinced. How about we have another competition? "

Than? That's Brother Biahao. If you promise you, isn't it another unilateral humiliation, they will definitely not agree. Zhang Shun said in the back.

Lin Chong knew that if he promised the other party, it was estimated that it would be another loss, but if he didn't agree, he would lose his face with a big devil. At this time, it was at the gate of the magic university again, and there were already many students around, so I couldn't refuse this competition if I said anything.

"Compare and compare, then as you wish. Old rules. See you at the Magic University Gymnasium on Saturday afternoon. Lin Chong raised his head and said. Although he has lost to Park Minjun many times, he has not won once, and this time he worked hard, maybe he can win this competition again. In short, you can't weaken the momentum of the devil.

"Yo huh! Ha ha! Wang Hao and Zhang Shun looked at each other, looking like they had succeeded in their scheme. Good, good, good, the demon big leopard head, really brave, admired, admired. Hahaha, then that's settled. Don't regret it then. "

Lin Chong because he has the same name as the leopard head Lin Chong in the Water Margin, and his fighting style is more fierce, so he was nicknamed Leopard Head by the members of the fighting club. There is also a certain fame in the nearby fighting circle.

"Hmph." Lin Chong glanced at the 3 people in front of him, ignored them, and left the restaurant with Junjie.

"Slow down!"

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