Modu University.

"Hey! Brother, look quickly, there are fights over there.

"Second brother, leave them alone, children are like this, they are angry." Hurry back to the dormitory. I won two more games and I went to the diamond.

"Mistress, you're the president of the student council, don't care."

"It's not me who said, second brother, how can I have this mind, I will graduate soon, I want to write a thesis, go back quickly

" "Hey, you guys..." It really is. Forehead..

"Swoosh... Boom.. "

Ouch fuck, what's going on? Second brother! Second brother!! "

It hurts in the back of my head, it hurts. This was Lin Chong's first feeling after waking up. Female horse's. What's the matter, Lao Tzu was beaten by someone?

"Second brother, you can wake up!"

Lin Chong squinted at it, it turned out to be the fourth in the dormitory, Junjie.

"I'll go, second brother, you know, you are really unlucky, let's go well, their stick flew over and smashed you unconscious, and the angry third brother contacted the teaching office and took them all away." Don't worry, second brother. The doctor said, you're fine, you can't die. Junjie grinned and said.

Lin Chong patted his forehead, speechless for a while, this is really a disadvantage, disaster from the sky.

"Fourth, how do you speak? Unlucky. The

voice came from the door of the ward, and Lin Chong looked up. It turned out that the boss Kim came.

"Boss..." Lin Chong shouted, speechless for a while.

"The doctor did say, you have no problem, go back quickly when you wake up, you are really unlucky, several freshman children are having a date because of their girlfriends, and now they have been punished." Kim said.

"Yes. You kid, treat me like your dormitory, don't you, be sent in if you're fine. Hurry up and pack up and go back, it's okay, just go back and have a good rest. Teacher Wang, who came in after Jin Lai, said. Because he is a doctor in the school infirmary, the students are affectionately called Teacher Wang.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, it's not that the taekwondo club of the school next door often comes to kick the gym, I, as a member of our Demon University, must also contribute my part." Lin Chong said awe-inspiringly.

"Okay, you kid wake up and go back quickly, I'm so late, I should go back, it's not you, go home early." I'm not on duty today. Doctor Wang interrupted Lin Chong's words and did not let him continue.

"Yes, second brother, go back and accompany me to the diamond, say yes to the diamond today." Junjie hurriedly walked over and helped Jin Lai pick up Lin Chong.

"Okay, okay. It's really troublesome for you, Mr. Wang. Hey. Lin Chong said, and then left the infirmary with Jin Lai and Junjie.

"Fourth, I can't accompany you to the diamond when I go back to Bacheng, I'm still dizzy, my hands are also shaking, I'll take you when I'm ready." Lin Chong touched the back of his head and said.

Jin Lai was speechless for a while, "What's the time, go back and rest well, play games, and play again you will enter the infirmary tomorrow." Fourth, don't call your second brother to play games. Chatting

all the way back to the dormitory, the third was not there, and it was estimated that he went to accompany his girlfriend again. After the three of them washed up, Lin Chong went to bed.

【Ding! The strongest time throwback system is on.

In a daze, Lin Chong heard a voice ringing in his brain. Instantly sobered him up a lot.

"Fourth, listen to a YY novel, the voice is small." Lin Chong said dissatisfied.

But there was no response. The boss's loud snoring came from the bedroom.

Lin Chong smashed his mouth and said speechlessly. "Dreaming again." Got up, picked up the cup of water at the end of the bed and took a sip of water. Lin Chong thought, if only he could really turn back time. This is a dream since childhood.

"That's it, go to sleep, maybe there will be a sequel." Saying that, Lin Chong lay down and continued to sleep.

[Ding. Hello host. Congratulations on your dream come true.

"I grass!" Lin Chong woke up a lot at once and sat up straight. "Hey! Lao Tzu is an excellent college student in the 21st century, a staunch materialist, who does not believe in ghosts and gods, so that he will not be ...

Lin Chong's thoughts were interrupted by the panel in front of him, so real, but he reached out but did not touch it.

"Beauty? Fairy sister? Monster!..

"Hello host, you can call me Xiaorou."

"I lean. After leaving a big spectrum, Lao Tzu wanted to find those brats to ask for medical expenses. Lao Tzu's head was broken. Lin Chong touched the back of his head and thought to himself.

"Hello host, I detected that your physical condition is generally good, just accompanied by a slight concussion and kidney deficiency, mild mental weakness, less smoking in the future, less staying up late, just need to rest more."

Lin Chong: "... "

I felt the slight pain coming from and completely regained consciousness!

System? Goldfinger? Awesome PLUS?

"Xiaorou?" Lin Chong looked at the panel in front of him again and tried to call out in his heart. Still don't quite believe what happened here.

"Hello host, Xiaorou is here."

“。。。" Lin Chong, who got the response, fell into silence completely, he is a very rational person, Sven on the outside, but his heart is very jumpy, he didn't read much about online novels, but he didn't expect that one day such a thing happened to him.

I looked at the panel in front of me again.

【Strongest Time Back System】

【Function: When the host uses the system, it will implement time regression from the current latest time, and return to the time when time is turned back with everything it has. 【Time

limit: one second.】 【


The three-sentence introduction with the title also made Lin Chong fall silent again.

"What! Turn back a second? What good can this be? System, you're not fooling me! Lin Chong couldn't help it anymore." System sister, everyone is goldfinger, you are afraid of iron finger. "Hey, hey, Sister Xiaorou, you're saying something."

"Hello host, detected your question, about the problem of rewinding time limit, Xiaorou can answer it for you. Your time limit can be increased based on your progress through tasks. In his head, there was a small voice of the system.

Lin Chong was overjoyed, that's good: "Then excuse me, how long is the maximum time limit." Also, if the time limit is one second, then if I use it ten times in a row, wouldn't it be ten seconds?

"Hello host, what is the maximum time limit is currently Xiaorou does not know. But Xiao Rou knows that your next time limit is one minute. In addition, although the system is allowed to be used continuously, the time node that has already gone back is not allowed to be overwritten again. Otherwise, unpredictable dangers will occur.

"I'm leaning, for a minute! You can do a lot in a minute. Hearing the previous words, Lin Chong was completely sleepy, but then he lay down with some disappointment and communicated with the system again. But what do you mean by what you say later, and what are the dangers?

"Hello host, just turn back a second in time as an example. If we compare the present time to 10, then we turn back time by 1 second, which is 9. When we return to 9, as time goes by, when we come to 10 again, we can't use the system skills again, we can only wait until the time reaches 11. After a pause, Xiao Rou spoke again: "For example, it is April 24, 2022, and if you return to April 23, 2022 through the space-time light reverse flow system, then when the time comes to April 24, 2022 again, you cannot use the system again to return to April 23, 2022." The fastest can only wait until April 25, 2022 to use the skill to return to April 24, 2022. The system replied patiently. As for the danger, Xiaorou does not know at present, but it is better for the host not to use it continuously.

"Oh~ yes, I see." Lin Chong nodded subconsciously, regardless of whether the system could see it, "Then what is the next task, release it soon."

"Hello host, let me think."

Xiao Rou's words left Lin Chong speechless for a while.

"Okay, I think about it, the first task for you, please ask if you accept it."

"Accept, accept, quickly say what." Lin Chong said impatiently, "Even if you let me go to the playground and run 3 laps, I will accept it." "

[Ding, host task accepted. 】【Mission content: Pursue the school flower Li Xue and become Li Xue's boyfriend. 【Mission time: 1 week.】 】【Mission Reward: Time travel system time increased to one minute. 【Mission failure penalty: take back the system.】 【Abandoning a task is considered a mission failure.】 Hearing

the task released by the system, Lin Chong was almost numb: "I lean, I left a big spectrum, how can this task be completed." System: Did you drink fake wine.

"Hello host, Xiaorou doesn't drink. You have accepted the task, please complete it as soon as possible. Xiao Rou's voice came from the back of her mind.

"Then please ask Xiaorou, is it okay to complete half of this task, I only need half of the reward." Lin Chong asked tentatively.

Xiao Rou said: "Hello host, the task cannot be divided, but Xiao Rou is still curious about what you mean by half."

"It's to pursue Li Xue, the first half of the task, I can do this, but I definitely can't do it when I pursue her." Lin Chong joked with the system.

【Ding! The system detects that the host has chosen to abandon the task, do you want to give up?

Lin Chong was speechless for a while, "... "Why don't you joke, I'm your master." Lin Chong selected No in the panel. Since he had already obtained the system, how could he possibly take it back.

Now it seems that there is only one step at a time, isn't there still 1 week to go." What should I do with the system first? But it's only for a second, and it doesn't seem like you can do anything. Lin Chong was slandered.

"Xiao Rou, then can I ask you, how can I use the Time Back Skill?"

"Hello host, you just need to silently shout in your heart, you need time to go back in time."

"Oh, so, what does the bottom row of ******** in that panel mean?"

"Hello host, Xiaorou doesn't know."

"Well, can you tell me why you chose me?"

"Hello host, Xiaorou doesn't know."

“。。。 That Xiaorou, you know something, you tell me.

"Hello host, Xiaorou doesn't know. But Xiao Rou will tell the host truthfully

" "Okay, then ask you some personal questions, Xiao Rou, how old are you this year, where is your home, what do your parents do, how many brothers and sisters are there in the family?"


Chong asked several questions in succession, but all of them received no systematic response. Picked up my phone and looked at the time, after 3 o'clock in the morning, listening to the boss's snoring, but I couldn't sleep anymore.

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