The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 999 Zhang Ping’s Luck

Chapter 999: Zhang Ping’s Luck

The God of War chases and swallows the power of the fierce monkey, and only the three Buddhas have the strength to resist it. At this time, the lamp-burning Buddha was injured, and the supernatural Buddha controlled the Buddha treasure to kill the evil monkey spirit. The only winner left was the victorious Buddha, but he did not dare to block the God of War's actions at will.

He is confident that he can stop the God of War and prevent him from swallowing the power of the fierce monkey. But what should he do if the fierce monkey takes the opportunity to run away when he intercepts the God of War? After weighing the two, it was better to be swallowed by the God of War than to let the vicious monkey run away, so he controlled the Zen staff to calm the vicious monkey, and ignored the actions of the God of War.

The fierce monkey had just used two damage spells to attack Ran Deng, but it left a little leeway for himself. Everyone is like this. No one is willing to seek death unless they have to. The fierce monkey leaves a way for himself to survive, splits the soul, and explodes most of them. As long as the three Buddhas are a little careless, a small number of souls can be brought back. Taking advantage of the original power, he took the opportunity to run away.

It's a pity that the God of War is causing trouble. He is not only causing trouble to the three Buddhas, but also to the monkeys. The God of War has a high level of cultivation and is bent on devouring the power of the monkey. He will not be as kind as the three Buddhas. The monkey was blocked by him and fell back into the Buddha. The God of War rushed towards him desperately. Even if the lamp-burning Buddha was injured, the monkey had no chance to escape. At this time, outside the Buddha, there were ten masters from the God Realm surrounding this area with eager eyes. There was only a weak and idle spirit body standing in the distance.

When the monkey saw Zhang Ping, he started to worry about it. It is an original power that is separated from the body. Because it is attached to part of the soul, it can freely control and move freely. However, some of this part of the soul was refined by the three Buddhas, and some of it was destroyed by itself. The remaining part of the soul could not escape the pursuit of the three Buddhas and the God of War. Seeing that the God of War was chasing after him, he was injured several times in a row while fleeing hastily. , and the Zen staff and cassock Buddha treasures tightly lock him and prevent him from escaping. If this continues, as long as he takes more time, he will definitely be refined.

The vicious monkey persisted for a while, but still could not escape the restraints of the two Buddhas and the pursuit of the God of War. Seeing that the soul was getting weaker and weaker, he became cruel and wanted my power? Then give it to you!

This time the monkey really committed suicide. The part of the soul that was separated from the main body and remained in the original power committed suicide. With a bang, it exploded towards the gods chasing the God of War. This power was huge, not only The God of War was forced to retreat and injured him. The god was blasted back into the God of War's body. His golden robe was shattered, revealing a thin and fair body with strong muscles.

The huge power of the monkey's self-destruction injured the God of War and at the same time tore away the restraints of the Buddha. The clear sky suddenly darkened, and the monkey's original power surged out. In an instant, Zhang Wen suddenly felt his heart stagnant, and then, fainted.

In just one moment, everything changed. The Three Buddhas watched the monkey soul explode again, and the God of War watched the monkey's original power escape from its restraints and rush into Zhang Ain's body. Fatty and the other ten people watched helplessly as the three Buddhas and one god were fighting with the air. Then the sky darkened. Zhang was afraid of fainting. They didn't even understand what was happening. It was over.

At this time, the spirit of the monkey exploded, and the original power was sent into Zhang Ping's body. There was nothing under the Buddha's cassock. The Buddha's consciousness swept away and knew that this part of the monkey had been destroyed. The three Buddhas put away the Buddha's treasure and surrounded him. Live Zhang to be afraid of seeing.

The God of War was very depressed. In the past few moments, he rushed forward with all his strength, entangled with the monkey, and even got injured. He finally managed to defeat the evil monkey soul, but he knew the benefits but was beaten by a lower realm. The boy got them all, so he was angry, and regardless of the injuries on his body, he wanted to fly over and kill him. He wanted to try whether if he killed Zhang Ai, that powerful force would come out of his body again.

The God of War showed murderous intent on his face, and the Divine Power Buddha turned around to see, this guy wants to kill someone? Just as he was about to take action, Sheng Buddha had already raised his golden Zen staff in advance, planted a tree in front of Zhang Ain, and said to the God of War: "Amitabha, God of War, please stop."

The emperor's Buddha treasure does not need to be moved, but the boundless Buddha's intention spreads out. A soft atmosphere supports the fierce murderous intention. The God of War's eyes are focused, and he is about to explode. At this time, the Divine Power Buddha stood next to Sheng Buddha and said, "God of War, please stay."

The God of War chuckled: "Buddha wants to stop me from killing someone?" The two Buddhas didn't reply, but looked at him indifferently. The God of War hesitated for a moment. It was not wise to fight one against two. He stopped moving forward and took a few steps back to ask the Seven Fairies: "The King of Farmers asked you to come? What are you doing here?"

This was the second time he asked this question. When he asked it the first time, Shengfo and others happened to arrive, so he temporarily ignored the Seven Fairies and concentrated on thinking about the monkey. At this time, the two Buddhas did not let him kill Zhang Wen. The God of War always wanted to ask clearly why these people came to this world.

The Divine Power Buddha looked at the God of War, then turned back to Zhang Afraid. Zhang Awei is kind and a good person in the strict sense. The Three Buddhas did not want him to be killed by the God of War. What's more, the three Buddhas successively presented Buddhist treasures to Zhang Awei. If he died immediately, what would be the use of the heavy treasures they gave him?

At the moment when he blocked the God of War, Zhang Aixing turned around, stood up, looked up and down, and touched his body. It seemed that everything was the same as before, no change. But he knew in his heart that he was no longer the same as before, and he had become stronger again inexplicably.

The original power became ownerless after the monkey soul exploded, and this power happened to enter Zhang Ai's body. There are a lot of various things in his body, and they all cooperate with each other to retain their original power.

Because the power was too great, Zhang was knocked unconscious in an instant. After Zhang Ai was in coma, his body had an instinctive reaction, including the ice crystals and natal bones in his body. They all rescued the savior and introduced this powerful force into Zhang Ai's soul, into the meridians of his body, and into the bones. In short, the power was completely dispersed. Hidden throughout the body. But even so, it cannot consume one thousandth of this power.

The reason why the original power is called the original is because it has the ability to repair itself. This is also the main reason why the monkey has been defeated and survived several times. Now this power is stored in Zhang Ai's body, and it is all owned by Zhang Ai, so the repair begins. , not long after Zhang Ai turned into a powerful spirit body, because of his extreme luck, his body became stronger again.

This power dispersed the spirit spirit all over Zhang Ai's body, and then rebuilt it with the original power. It was perfectly integrated with the original spirit spirit, making the spirit body even more powerful. The whole process didn't take long, and Zhang was afraid of becoming a strongman in his coma.

After he woke up, he saw the two Buddhas blocking the God of War, but the God of War's body was facing him. He immediately understood in his heart that this guy was planning to cause trouble with him. So I ignored him and asked the Randen Buddha: "The power of the monkey has entered my body. How does the Buddha want to deal with it?"

The Lantern Buddha looked at him and smiled softly: "The spirit of the monkey has been destroyed and its power has been taken away. Even if the monkey's body is released from the seal, it can only toss around in the heaven. It is harmless to the human world, so why should I go there?" deal with?"

What Zhang Awei asked was how he planned to deal with himself, but the Randen Buddha deliberately directed the question to the body of the monkey in the sealing formation in the heaven, so as to prevent Zhang Awei from thinking wildly.

Zhang was afraid that now that he was awake and protected by the two Buddhas, the God of War knew that he could not be killed today, so he gave up his fierce murderous intention and concentrated on asking questions. He always suspected that something must have happened to the King of Nong's men when they left the temple.

Although the Seven Beauties were cold and indifferent, they couldn't pretend they didn't hear the God of War's questions. A woman pointed at Zhang Afraid and said, "We came with him."

oh? The God of War returned his attention to Zhang Ai and asked softly: "You are a spirit body. Although you can gain eternal life, you do not have the ability to freely enter and exit the three realms. What are you doing here? How do you know this realm?" of?"

The God of War asked, staring at Zhang Ai with all his attention, waiting for his answer, hoping to find an excuse to deal with him.

Zhang Ai replied: "I don't know this world, and I don't want to do anything here. I just broke in by accident."

After hearing the answer, the God of War knew that he was not telling lies, and then asked the next question: "How do you get in with them?"

Why are they all in the same place? Obviously being forced, Zhang Ain curled his lips and said, "If I can't get in here, I have to find a bodyguard. They are all my bodyguards." Although he doesn't tell lies, he has been questioned many times over the years and has learned a skill. , the truth can be omitted, or it can be very confusing.

The God of War was a little disbelieving after hearing this, and looked at Thirteenth Lang and others, intending to ask, but those people nodded and admitted one by one: "We are protecting him."

This is the real thing. Telling the facts bluntly will confuse people.

The God of War chuckled and continued to ask: "If you can't leave the three realms, you can't enter the divine palace. How can you find the Nong King's men to be your bodyguards? Unless you have been to the divine palace."

This guy is really smart, but Zhang Weijing is better at avoiding questions and said with a smile: "Just because I want to find a bodyguard doesn't mean I need to look for it myself. Someone will naturally arrange it for me." Obviously, this is another fact. Seven Fairies and Thirteenth Lang Still no denial.

This sentence confused the God of War, and he thought for a moment and asked: "Who are you?"

Thirteenth Lang is a master of the Red Pavilion, and the Seventh Fairy is the most caring guard of the Farm King. Although the fat man is average in strength, he is respectful and distant from Thirteenth Lang and the Seventh Fairy, which shows that they are a third-party force. Let me ask you, who in the entire God Realm has such a big face that he can order people from three parties to protect a spirit body from the lower world at the same time?

The God of War regarded Zhang Ai as the new disciple of a certain god-man. Because he was overly doting on him, he invited many forces to protect this disciple when he traveled to the divine world. Especially the two major forces, Hongge and Nongwang, join forces to protect it, which is really amazing. That’s why I asked who Zhang Ping was, which meant asking whose disciple you were.

Zhang Ai simply replied: "My name is Zhang Ai." Those four words made the God of War angry. What do I care about your name? If the Three Buddhas hadn't protected you, I would have killed you alive right now. Besides, what kind of bullshit name is this? Zhang is afraid? Are you afraid when you see me? He glared and asked, "I mean, who hired the bodyguard for you."

Zhang Ain continued to tell the truth: "There are many people."

The God of War is going crazy. This bastard tells the truth in every sentence, but every truth confuses him. So many people ask many people to protect him? Does that mean that many people value this bastard and idiot? Are all the masters in the God Realm crazy and stupid? Putting so much effort into protecting an idiot spirit?

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