The Monk

Volume 1, Chapter 1,000: The Conversion of the Spirit Monkey

Chapter 1000: The Conversion of the Monkey

Thinking of this, I suddenly realized that something was wrong. There must be a problem. Many people asked many people to protect him, which meant that many people cared about him. So the question arose, why do so many people care about this stupid boy?

Scanning Zhang Weir carefully, he sighed secretly in his heart. It's a pity that the extremely powerful monkey power was obtained by a waste.

Seeing that the God of War was looking at him intently, Zhang was afraid that he would know something bad. He didn't know what this guy was thinking about. He ducked to the lamp-burning Buddha and asked in a low voice: "Is the Buddha's injury serious?"

This is a nonsense of nonsense. No matter how injured Ran Deng is, Zhang Ai can't help him even if he wants to. Ren Deng is a Buddha, and Zhang Ai's so-called elixir is completely useless to Ran Deng Buddha. After listening to Zhang Ain's question, Ran Deng Buddha smiled and replied, "It's okay, just go back and rest for a while."

Zhang was afraid to come over and talk, mainly because he wanted to distract the God of War from staring at him. Although he had clothes made of his own bones to cover the big walnut, what if the God of War discovered the secret?

The God of War was distracted by his actions, and when his consciousness swept across it, he did not find Zhang Ping's big walnut. He didn't give up, and his consciousness circled Zhang Ai's body several times, but he still didn't find it. He finally gave up and wondered, could this kid have a special identity? Will there be seven fairy bodyguards? However, there are only a few masters in the entire God Realm, and no one is worthy of the respect given by the Nong King and Hong Ge.

After some thinking, the God of War thought of a person, Emperor Xi. Only Emperor Xi could easily command the Red Pavilion of the Shrine and King Nong. Could it be that Emperor Xi was back? As soon as this idea appeared, he himself felt ridiculous. How could Emperor Xi suddenly come back after disappearing for many years. It's just that I'm worried about what might happen. What if Emperor Xi really comes back? Some ideas inevitably arise.

After the evil monkey was eliminated, the original power belonged to Zhang Wen. Sheng Buddha asked: "Now go to the heaven?" When Zhang Wen heard this, it was not enough to destroy part of the soul, but also to destroy the main body. This is a deadly move to resolutely kill the monkeys. The God of War agreed: "The task of eradicating evil is over, let's go." After saying this, he took one more look at Zhang Awei, then took off and flew away.

The Three Buddhas smiled at everyone, and then they saw a rain of colorful flowers falling down. The Three Buddhas disappeared, and they disappeared along with the rain of flowers.

They went to kill the monkey body. Zhang Ain asked the fat man: "Would you like to go and have a look?" The fat man shook his head: "I don't like to be with people who are stronger than me." Then asked: "Where are we going now?"

Where to go? Of course, the most important thing is to consolidate his cultivation first. The power of the fierce monkey is owned by him and cannot be wasted. Zhang Ain said: "I want to stay in seclusion for some time." Thirteenth Lang, the fat man, the beautiful guardian and others looked at him They are all envious. It is just such a great opportunity. After gaining powerful power in a short period of time, they can dominate the God Realm. It's just that the power that can fight against the God of War was absorbed by a spirit body from the lower world. A group of gods and men were unbalanced. Because they each had their own responsibilities, they all agreed: "That's fine."

The beautiful guardian envoy introduced Zhang to a quiet place and asked him to retreat. A bunch of gods gathered outside to protect him.

But not long after we sat down, the Three Buddhas and the God of War came back, and with them was a furry monkey, who looked downcast and lacked energy.

When they came back, Fatty and the others certainly didn't dare to stop them, so Zhang Weizhi had no choice but to stop and stand up to see everyone. Although the monkey had no energy, his bright eyes were fixed on Zhang Afraid. He looked at him for a while and said, "Use that power well." He looked up while speaking.

Monkey wears a long green cedar dress loosely, which does not fit well and is very wide. If others see it, they may think that Monkey is performing tricks, which looks ridiculous. But when Zhang was afraid of seeing it, not only did he not want to laugh, but he became even more serious. This monkey, whose power had been deprived of his strength and whose soul had been damaged, looked very lethargic, but it gave him a feeling of looking up at a mountain. It feels very powerful, majestic, and powerful.

Hearing the monkey speak, Zhang Ain clasped his fists and said yes respectfully. He didn't know what else to say except "yes". Could it be that he was taking advantage and still behaved? Saying that I took possession of your power was unintentional? Was it chosen by the Monkey Soul itself?

His crisp answer satisfied the monkey. The monkey nodded lightly, looked up again and said, "Take care of yourself." Then he said to the Deng Deng Buddha, "Let's go." The Deng Deng Buddha clasped his hands in front of Zhang Fang and didn't say anything. , disappeared on the same spot with the monkey, Shen Tong Buddha and Sheng Buddha also clasped their hands together in fear and walked away without saying a word. The angry God of War was left, staring fiercely at Zhang Afraid, and said coldly: "If you let me know what good things you did, huh." He didn't even talk to Fatty and the others, and returned directly to the God Realm.

A group of experts came and left immediately, making the fat man and others standing outside very curious. After the three Buddhas, one god and one monkey all left, they came over and asked Zhang Ai: "What did they say to you?"

Zhang Ain smiled helplessly: "The monkey asked me to make good use of his power, and the god of war threatened me by the way."

The fat man smiled and said: "I guess the monkey is determined to see who will take away his power. From now on, you have to be careful. If the monkey is not dead, he will come to you one day to get his power back."

"Ah?" Zhang Ai was stunned for a moment, why do you want this? That power has been integrated with all the spirit essence in his body, and now it is just a little short of a fire. As long as he seizes the time and practices for a few days, he can perfectly use that powerful power.

The fat man said something and felt very boring. He had been busy for a long time, but the benefits were for others. He said casually: "Practice quickly." Then he walked to the outside. Thirteenth Lang and others didn't speak at all. They came back with Fatty and went out with Fatty again, completely acting as spectators.

So Zhang Ai took the time to practice. In just three days, the power of the monkey was completely his. It was a pity. If this original power belonged to the monkey, it could make the monkey stronger and stronger, and the power of the monkey would also become stronger. Become stronger. When this kind of power is possessed by Zhang Weijing, the original power will still be the same in the future. If you want to increase your cultivation, you must practice diligently, and you cannot be like a monkey, who only needs to fight, and the original power can learn on its own. growing up.

Three days later, Zhang was afraid to get up. Fatty and others knew that he had finished practicing, so they came over and asked, "Where are you going now?"

Zhang Ping said: "I want to go back to Tianlei Mountain to have a look." Except for the fat man, no one knew where Tianlei Mountain was. After looking over with questions, the fat man sighed and explained: "In his original world."

Only then did Thirteenth Lang and others understand that they did not want to go back because they were worried about the King of Soldiers and others chasing the God-Suppressing Snake, so they advised: "There are many beautiful places in this world, why not stay a few more days?"

Zhang Ping knows that this place is very beautiful, especially Jiangnan. It has a kind of graceful and gentle beauty. Sometimes it can even be sad or sentimental, but it is also the beauty of Jiangnan. I should take a good look at it, but after the incident of the monkey , he has no intention of staying in this world. It was just Thirteenth Lang’s suggestion and he was too embarrassed to refuse, so he asked the fat man, “What do you think?”

Fatty knew what Thirteenth Lang was thinking. He was also worried about something happening to the God-Snake. Although Zhang was afraid of becoming stronger, he didn't know how strong he was. What if he couldn't beat the King of Soldiers? So he replied: "It's okay to stay a few more days and see the scenery in this world. Maybe I won't come back again in the future."

The two of them had this opinion, so Zhang Wen agreed. Seeing that these guys wouldn't leave, the beauty guardian had no choice but to risk his life to accompany the gentleman, so he followed you to see what you want to do. So the group of people walked slowly along the road.

On the way, the fat man had nothing to say and asked: "Why didn't they kill the monkey?" Thirteenth Lang replied: "Nonsense, didn't you see the monkey went away with the Lantern Buddha? I have taken refuge."

The truth is as he said, part of the soul of the monkey imprisoned in the human world self-destructed, making the monkey itself furious. However, under the rage, there is still a lot of helplessness. The powerful original power will no longer be owned by him, and he can no longer fight like before. All invincible and majestic. Just when he was angry and helpless, three Buddhas and one god arrived.

The monkey had fought against the God of War and the Victorious Buddha before. Seeing them coming again and knowing that he could not escape death, he gathered all his energy and prepared to fight desperately. If he could not kill anyone, it would be good to cause them some trouble.

Unexpectedly, the three Buddhas were kind-hearted, and the first thing they asked him when they met was: "If I spare your life, will you be willing to take refuge in my Buddha and do good deeds wholeheartedly?" The monkey knew that he could not defeat the three Buddhas and one god no matter what, so he was blessed in his soul. , suddenly wanted to live, and responded loudly: "Disciple is willing." So the fierce and stubborn monkey became a Buddhist disciple, and he was a genuine Buddhist disciple, and the master was the Buddha.

However, the monkey had a request, to see the person who inherited his power, so the three Buddhas brought him here. The monkey saw that Zhang was afraid that he was a spirit and that good things were not wasted on outsiders, and his grief and anger finally eased a little.

Hearing Thirteenth Lang talk about the spiritual monkey's conversion, Zhang Ain thought about it and thought, "He slapped his butt and left, but he suffered a lot from the monkey soldiers in the demon world and the heavenly soldiers in the heaven. Every day there was endless killing."

Everyone walked along the road and met a small village. The fat man ran to buy back an old horse and pulled the carriage forward slowly. The seven fairies and the beautiful guardian envoys of this world entered the carriage to rest. The fat man and Thirteenth Lang sat on the shaft of the carriage and looked at each other. Afraid of staying on the roof of the car. Such a line reminded him of the time when he and Fu Kong, Zhang Tianfang and others were traveling around the world. A warmth filled his heart and a smile appeared on his face.

Unfortunately, God was not kind, and it suddenly started pouring rain at that moment. Thirteenth Lang put up an awning on the shaft of the car to cover him and the fat man, and then said to Zhang Awei on the roof of the car: "Is it cool?"

Zhang was speechless. This guy had only been in the lower world for a few days. How could he become so virtuous? With a thought, the air shield protected the body from the rain. However, at the same moment when his spiritual thoughts moved, Zhang Ai suddenly realized that something was wrong, and urged the spiritual power in his body to come out, wrapping himself up layer by layer, isolating himself like a cocoon.

Then he used his spiritual consciousness to scan Fatty and Thirteenth Lang, and found that they were unaware of anything and were still enjoying the rain happily. From this point, it can be seen that his strength has surpassed the two of them by a lot.

Thinking about what happened in the past few days, it was just like a dream. I suddenly became amazing as soon as I said I was amazing, and I became very powerful even before I started practicing hard. How embarrassing. It can be seen that in worldly affairs, hard work is very important, but opportunity is even more important.

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