The Monk

Volume One Chapter 997 Three Buddhas

Chapter 997 Three Buddhas

The beautiful guardian replied: "Be careful." She couldn't take risks. If something went wrong, the Three Realms would be destroyed.

Zhang was right to think about it. The fat man comforted the beauty guardian: "Although it is boring, it is better than death." The beauty said: "Even if people in the divine world die, they can still keep their souls alive. They can just find any body and be reincarnated. What's so scary? "

Having said that, no one will give up the immortal body easily. Although living for too long is boring, you have to live to be bored. If you live for a few days, you will die. Boredom is also a luxury.

Therefore, in order to prevent boredom from becoming an extravagant hope, Zhang Awei decided to stay away from danger and said to Fatty again: "Let's go."

Before the fat man could reply, a shooting star flashed in the sky, and a thin young man appeared in front of everyone. He was about the same height as Zhang Ai, but one-third thinner. He was wearing a golden robe, which made him appear wide and empty, which further accentuated his thin body. . As soon as the little thin man appeared, he looked up like them and said by the way: "Hit me again, I really want to destroy this world."

At the same time as he raised his head, Zhang Awei and others noticed his arrival. They all made the same movement. Except for Zhang Awei, everyone bowed to the little thin man and said at the same time: "I have seen the God of War."

Is this guy the God of War? He is unattractive in appearance and extremely thin, but he is actually a famous God of War who shows off his power through force? Zhang Wen rushed to greet him with everyone. In order not to appear abrupt and out of place, he said nothing.

The God of War didn't like vulgar etiquette, so he curled his lips and said, "What are you seeing? You are lucky to find the items I sealed so easily." When he said this, he looked at the black box.

As soon as this was said, it was immediately confirmed that the beauty guardian had guessed correctly, and there was indeed a monkey locked in the box. At this time, the box was in her hand, and she hurriedly handed it over: "Please, Lord God of War, take this thing back."

The God of War took the box and said: "I came here just for this box, but you, what are you doing in this world?" His questioning eyes glanced at Thirteenth Lang and others, and when he saw the Seven Beauties, he thought for a moment and said: "You are Seven fairies under the Throne of Nong?" When he mentioned the three words "seven fairies", he frowned, thought for a while and asked in a deep voice, "What are you doing here in this little star?"

The God of War is one of the gods and has the same status as the Farmer King. He asked, how dare the Seven Fairies not reply? At the same time, he bowed and replied: "My subordinates came here accidentally. When I arrived today, I met the Lord God of War."

"Oh, I came here accidentally. What are you doing here accidentally?" God of War asked. Others may come here unintentionally, but how could the Nong King’s men do it unintentionally?

Just when the Seven Fairies didn't know how to answer, a soft light suddenly appeared in the sky, and three bald monks appeared in the light. They all had golden halos floating behind their heads. They stepped on auspicious clouds with their bare feet, clasped their hands together, and looked dignified. Kind and generous.

As soon as the three great monks appeared, the God of War immediately faced them and said loudly: "I haven't seen you for five hundred years, and the style of Victory Buddha is still the same. Have you not asked the names of these two Dharma Masters?"

The great monk standing on the left is Victory Buddha. He introduced the Buddha with the name Noisy Buddha: "This is the Lantern Buddha, and this is the Supernatural Power Buddha."

The God of War came to see him according to the ceremony, and the two Buddhas returned the ceremony. Zhang Ai looked curious, did he see the Buddha? He looked at the three Buddhas with all his attention. The lamp-burning Buddha among them smiled at him and said softly: "This donor has a great destiny with Buddhism, but the earthly destiny is difficult, which is a pity."

The three great monks looked basically the same in appearance. Fortunately, their positions remained the same, making it easy to recognize each other. Zhang Ain returned the greeting and said, "Master, that's a compliment." He really had no experience in dealing with Buddhas, so he had no choice but to say what he thought of.

The Buddha with magical powers on the right stared at Zhang Ao for a while and said, "I'll give you something that can save your life." After saying that, he took out a skeleton frame, shining with golden light and dazzling. But no matter how golden the light was, it still looked like a skeleton. Zhang was afraid that he would be frightened. Who would give this thing as a gift? The great monk's thinking is indeed different from ordinary people.

But looking at the serious expressions of some great monks and looking at the skeleton, I guessed it was a good thing. I quickly bowed and thanked him: "I'm scared. If you have the Tao, you will not be rewarded for your merits..." Before he could finish his words, he was hit by the supernatural Buddha. Duan said: "A kind heart is your contribution." He means that Zhang Aifeng has experienced countless things in the world, seen many dark sides, and experienced countless hatreds personally, but he can still maintain an innocent heart and be dedicated to kindness. It is really rare. , so he would give him a Buddha treasure to protect his life.

It's just that he spoke so simply that no one could understand it. Sheng Buddha smiled and said, "Keep it, this thing is called the Golden Light Arhat. Do you know what an Arhat is? It's the Buddha."

Buddha? Are these Buddha bones? Zhang Ai looked at the shining golden skeleton with wide eyes, feeling a little confused. Would the Buddha die too? But the two great monks persuaded themselves to accept it, and it was better to accept it. Then he bowed deeply, took the skull frame the same size as him with both hands, and then asked: "Isn't it disrespectful to put him in the storage bag?"

The Divine Power Buddha chuckled, raised his finger to the skull frame, and the big skull shrank and got into the center of Zhang Ping's eyebrows. At this time, the lamp-burning Buddha standing in the middle said: "He is not a Buddhist cultivator." The supernatural power Buddha smiled softly: "It doesn't matter if he is."

This monk was so irritating that he always said things he didn't understand. Zhang was just thinking about it when his mind suddenly exploded. The concentration beads in his mind suddenly embedded themselves into the head of the skull frame, and then spun gently, and he saw the skull frame. Sitting cross-legged and meditating in his mind, he seemed to be alive and could recite sutras and mantras.

This change happened in Zhang Pa's body, but everyone in the field could see it clearly, especially the three big Buddhas, who stared at the Dingshen Pearl. After looking at it for a while, they seemed very dissatisfied with it. Sheng Buddha said: "With the Golden Light Arhat in my body, I will give you a supreme Buddha consciousness." As he spoke, he pointed his finger, and a soft light shot directly into Zhang Pa's mind. Zhang Pa immediately felt his whole body lighten, and he felt powerless. In the midst of the floating and sinking, many things were imprinted in his mind, making him feel complete and free, as if he had nothing to ask for.

Unfortunately, this feeling was only for a moment. After a moment, he reacted and looked inward, only to find that he was happy for nothing. The supreme consciousness was not given to him at all, but to the Dingshen Pearl in the skull. The white bead turned into red gold, spinning brightly in the golden skull, as if it were one body. What's more magical is that behind the skull, there was the golden halo behind the three big Buddhas' heads, which means that the Dingshen Pearl has become more powerful and has the power of Buddha.

Although these treasures were not given directly to Zhang Pa, the Buddha loved him anyway. Zhang Pa bowed respectfully to thank him. The Buddha said with a smile: "My two senior brothers gave me great gifts. If I don't give them to you, wouldn't it be stingy?" He looked at Zhang Pa again and said slowly: "I can see that you have hatred in your heart and have murderous intentions. I can't give you a powerful magic weapon to help you kill people. Let me give you a lotus throne. When you want to kill someone, you can sit on it to clear your mind. It's always a good thing to kill less." After the Buddha finished speaking, a small lotus appeared under Zhang Pa's feet. It was bright and white, and very beautiful. Zhang Pa wanted to ask: Give me the Buddha treasure, and tell me how to use the magic formula. But then he thought again that although the three Buddhas gave him three treasures, they had the same purpose, which was to make him do more good deeds and kill less. He felt a little sad. After hesitating for a while, he was about to ask a question when the Buddha Dipankara said in a deep voice: "If the opportunity comes, they will help you. If the opportunity does not come, even if you can use them, it will be useless. Why ask again?"

This sentence blocked his mouth, and Zhang Pa said respectfully: "Thank you for your teachings, Master." After speaking, the lotus under his feet shrank silently and shrunk into his feet.

Although he got three Buddhist treasures, Zhang Pa was not particularly happy. The deepest hatred hidden in his heart was seen through by the three Buddhas at a glance. Tianlei Mountain suffered disasters twice, but both were great revenges that were difficult to avenge. The first time was the Mangu Jin family. The main culprit Jiatang had ten people. He killed a few of them. If it were not for the millions of lives to be protected, Zhang Pa would have killed them all.

The second time was the Great Demon King of the Demon Realm and his eight night guards. Zhang Pa's cultivation at this time might be able to fight the Great Demon King alone, but it was impossible to kill the Great Demon King. Zhang Pa did not dare to take revenge casually, otherwise the great revenge would not be avenged and would bring a third disaster to Tianlei Mountain.

It was because of various reasons that it was difficult to avenge his great hatred that Zhang Pa was filled with resentment, but he had to suppress it and suppress his hatred in his heart, never telling anyone and never showing it. But today, the Buddha of Burning Lamp revealed the secret in his heart with one word.

Seeing his respectful attitude, Burning Lamp thought about it and smiled slightly, then turned to talk to the God of War: "Before refining the stubborn monkey, I want to ask him a few words." No matter what Zhang Pa thinks now or what he will do in the future, it is not important to him. The purpose of the three Buddhas of Burning Lamp to come to this world is the fierce monkey.

After the God of War and the Victory Buddha sealed the fierce monkey that day, the two discussed going back to recuperate, abandoning the box in this world, and coming back to this world five hundred years later to kill the fierce monkey, so the God of War and the Victory Buddha came to this world at the same time.

The Victory Buddha knew that the fierce monkey was powerful and could not be killed by his own strength, so he invited the two brothers to refine and destroy it together, and he had to remove the hidden dangers for the people of this world.

At this time, Ran Deng suddenly said that he wanted to talk to the monkey. The God of War hurriedly shook his head: "The fierce monkey is difficult to train. It is born with powerful abilities. Don't take risks." Sheng Buddha was also reluctant. He turned to look at Ran Deng, hoping that he would change his mind.

Ran Deng smiled and said: "You and I, the four of us, can't take a monkey?" The God of War said: "Nothing is absolute. Don't take risks." He was determined not to take risks.

Ran Deng did not force it. He said to Zhang Pa and others: "Please step back for a while." Zhang Pa and the fat man and his group retreated a hundred meters away. Ran Deng said to the God of War again: "Give me the box."

The God of War looked at Ran Deng, threw his hand, and the box flew in front of Ran Deng. Ran Deng exhaled lightly, and the box stopped flat in the air. Ran Deng raised his legs and crossed his knees, sitting flat in the air with the box. The Buddha pointed at the black box and whispered: "Open." The black box opened in response. Ran Deng waved to the golden box inside and said: "Start." The golden box slowly flew to his palm and stopped.

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