The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 996 One God and One Buddha

Chapter 996: One God and One Buddha

"Spirit monkeys are good-natured and don't like to kill. However, seeing their companions die tragically in front of them, the monkey went crazy. With the power of moving mountains and seas, the monkey mountains were dyed red. Not only the blood of monkeys, but also the blood of many cultivators. After this battle, the cultivator realized that what he wanted to catch all day long was not a treasure, but a murderer, and they ran away. However, the monkeys had lost their nature and left the monkey mountain alone, killing all the cultivators. Cultivators, no matter what their nature, deserve to die."

"The cultivators who went to Monkey Mountain at the beginning were less than one thousandth, or even one ten thousandth, of the cultivators in the world. However, because they were good at killing, they brought disaster to all the cultivators in the world. The vicious monkeys killed all the way. , there was never a single general under his command, and it didn’t take long for him to kill and cause chaos in the world. He killed like this, and finally alarmed the two realms of heaven and demon. Those two realms thought that only a spiritual creature was born. Even if the movement was bigger, it was not a big deal. Wait. They know that after the wise monkey turns into a fierce monkey, seven out of ten cultivators in the world will die."

"The three realms are born with the same breath, and one is indispensable. Seeing the chaos in the human world, the two realms of heaven and demons couldn't sit still, and sent troops to encircle and suppress them. However, I didn't expect that the monkey was too powerful. While killing people, he learned the magic of being killed. After countless battles , He grew up rapidly, and actually mastered many spells and transformed himself into a spiritual body." When he said this, he looked at him and said, "It's a spiritual body like you."

Then he went on to say: "He has a spiritual body, even if he has eternal life, and his cultivation is even more terrifying. The armored soldiers of the two realms encircled and suppressed him, but he was defeated by one of them. After that, the two realms sent armies to encircle and suppress seven times, but the result was Suffering seven consecutive defeats, all the generals were killed, and the two realms of heaven and demon did not dare to make any changes. Except for a boss and some generals who did not have time to die in the lower world, the only ones left were servants and soldiers. , the two worlds united for seven rounds of encirclement and suppression, and they actually reached this point. "

"If you see that you can't fight, then don't fight. But I didn't expect the monkey to break into the two realms in anger, killing the master of the heaven during the day and all the demon kings at night. From then on, the two realms were without a master and only a group of minions were left. The monkey was finally satisfied and returned to the human world to continue torturing the cultivators. In those years, all the cultivators were forced to use all their energy to enter the world, which finally extinguished the monkey's anger. "

"The monkey is very strong and a freak. The more fights he fights and the more people he kills, the more powerful he becomes. After killing all the three realms, no one in the three realms can compete with him. He only listens to his orders in the three realms. Although he doesn't care about power. , staying in the Monkey Mountain all day and seldom going out, but the remaining heavenly soldiers and ghost soldiers do not think so. After countless battles, they finally understand that the only way to be safe is to be a soldier, so even if the two realms are without a master for a long time, No one dares to say that he is the boss and would rather hang around as a soldier. "

At this point in the story, Zhang was immediately shocked. This guy is so awesome! A person who has not been taught by anyone, has not learned any magic, just dares to risk his life, and actually fights two worlds without a master, and no one in the world can control him. This kind of talent is really too awesome! He is a spirit body, and I am also a spirit body, so I should be as good as him.

Then he thought of piglets and kittens. They were also born as spiritual beings. Is it because he pampered them too much and gave them no chance to fight that they didn't become as powerful as monkeys?

He was thinking wildly boldly, and the beautiful guardian continued: "Monkeys are murderous and have brought peace to the three realms. For me, it is a good thing. Without cultivators with great supernatural powers, no one will mess with me. He was too lazy to care what happened to the monkeys, but things turned out unexpectedly. Monkey Mountain was filled with hundreds of thousands of monkey corpses. Everything in the world has souls, and monkeys are no exception. When monkeys die, their souls linger in Monkey Mountain. , and the spirit monkey blocks the sun with its great supernatural power, keeping Monkey Mountain in darkness. But the problem is that the soul cannot exist alone for a long time, and will dissipate quickly without a body. "

"Spirit Monkey killed many generals of the demon world and learned a variety of spells by the way, so he came up with an idea to lure the soul of Monkey Mountain to the demon world and condense it into a human form there. The monkey has always been lawless and will do whatever comes to mind, so he took it with him The monkey souls went to the demon world, and from then on there were hundreds of thousands of monkey soldiers in the demon world. These monkeys were originally ordinary creatures with no abilities. After becoming monkey soldiers, they became countless times stronger and were cared for by the monkeys, and they became even more arrogant and lawless. It was extremely miserable to torment the demon world. When things got to this point, I couldn't let them go any further, so I went to kill the monkey. However, the monkey was too powerful. He couldn't beat me the first few times, but he always found an opportunity to escape. The more times he played, the more powerful he became. Until the last time, we were tied. I knew the problem was serious and I could no longer fight blindly with him, so I hurriedly reported the news to God."

When the beautiful guardian said this, he added another sentence: "There is something I didn't mention just now. Buddhism is prevalent in this world. There are hundreds of thousands of Buddhists in the world, and many of them have great supernatural powers. Monkeys kill cultivators indiscriminately. At that time, someone came to the sect of the Buddhist cultivator. The Buddhist cultivator sought kindness and refrained from killing. Seeing that the cultivators were killing less and less, they came forward to persuade the monkeys to stop killing. Of course the monkeys did not listen, and the two sides started to fight, so the Buddhist cultivators became the monkeys' enemies. All those with supernatural powers were killed, and most of the low-level Buddhist cultivators were forced to grow their hair and return to secular life. Such a thing happened to the Buddha, and the Buddha was alarmed. In a certain void, there existed a group of powerful beings from ancient times, where the sun shines all day long, and the four seasons are beautiful. , known as the Paradise, and the Buddha is the master of that realm. The monkey killed all the Buddhist cultivators in this realm. When a Buddha in the Paradise found out about it, he immediately became furious and crossed over to this three realms. "

"At this time, the God of War received the news I sent back. He heard that a spirit creature from the lower world not only ran rampant in the three realms, but also defeated the guardians of the three realms. He was furious and wanted to teach the monkey a lesson. So he came to this world one after another with the Buddha. Both of them came with anger and wanted to kill the monkey. At this time, the monkey was extremely powerful. He had discovered the arrival of the two and came out to fight immediately. The two masters from the God Realm and the Buddha Realm were proud of their status and were unwilling to fight two against one. The monkey didn't care about this. Anyway, it was a fight. There was no difference between one and a hundred. He dragged a god and a Buddha into the battle with just two moves."

"The god is the god of war, and the Buddha is the victorious Buddha. The two masters were originally fond of fighting. Now they got the opportunity and fought to their heart's content. This fight lasted for 9981 days. The god of war, one of the gods, and the victorious Buddha of the paradise, the two great masters took 81 days to control the monkey. At the beginning of the fight, the monkey was at a disadvantage. , but no matter what kind of attack it encountered, the monkey would not die. As the fight lasted longer, the monkey became more powerful, forcing the two masters to work together to cast a spell, extracting the power of the spirit monkey and sealing it, and then suppressing the monkey's body with magic, which was considered to quell the monkey's chaos. "At this point, the beauty looked at the black box and smiled bitterly and continued: "If I'm not mistaken, the golden box must contain the source of the power of the spirit monkey." At this point in the story, Shisanlang no longer dared to say that with the power of our ten gods, we couldn't fight a monster. He stared at the black box, thought about it, threw it to the beauty and said: "Here you go, whether there is a monkey in it or not, it has nothing to do with me." Although he knew that the beautiful guardian was just guessing and could not be sure that the box contained the power of the spirit monkey, Shisanlang would not take the risk even if there was only a one-tenth chance. The guardians of the three realms, plus the box that ten of them couldn't understand, just this strangeness was enough to scare people. Zhang Pa thought he was lucky and fortunately he didn't open the box. Asked the beautiful guardian: "The God of War and the Victory Buddha, the two of them can't kill him together, can only seal him temporarily? If he escapes in the future, won't he become more powerful?" Paused and asked: "Why don't you take the box away? Why stay in this world to harm people?"

The fat man helped explain: "Maybe there are few cultivators in this world, and no one can open the box, so it is sealed in this world." Then asked the beautiful guardian: "The war between the demon world and the heaven is because of the monkey soldiers?"

The beautiful guardian said yes, and then said: "The spirit monkey was captured, and the monkey soldiers wanted to save people. The God of War and the Victory Buddha were seriously injured in sealing the spirit monkey, and they didn't care about the monkey soldiers. They sealed the spirit monkey in the heaven and left. The heavenly soldiers knew that the spirit monkey The two worlds fought for five hundred years. "Zhang Pa was a little unhappy and whispered: "The monkey was sealed in the heaven, and his original power was sealed in the human world. The two gods had a good idea." The beautiful guardian said: "On that day, I only knew that the power of the monkey was sealed in the box, and I didn't know where the box was. If I hadn't found it by chance today, I'm afraid I still wouldn't know." This is a coincidence, but this coincidence is a bit scary. Zhang Pa talked to the fat man: "Let's go." He didn't think he had the ability to face the monkey that even the God of War and Sheng Buddha couldn't kill, so it was better to leave this dangerous area as soon as possible. The fat man smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? Just this box, throw it to the monkey soldiers for ten thousand years, they can't open it. Besides, how can a group of idiots in the demon world find out what's in the box?" Zhang Pa shook his head lightly, because the horrible object he suddenly got made him stop wandering around Jiangnan. He was so busy that he didn't dare to die casually. Ask the beautiful guardian: "How to deal with the box?"

The beautiful guardian sighed and replied: "I don't know." She really didn't know. Even the God of War just threw it away casually, so how could she deal with it? At this time, all she could think of was to find a deserted place to bury it deeply, preferably in the Arctic snowfield, and seal the box in a thousand feet of thick ice. Even if someone accidentally went to the snowfield, they would not be bored to dig a thousand feet of thick ice for fun.

At this time, Shisanlang said: "Fighting again." He was talking about the battle between the monkey soldiers and the heavenly soldiers.

Zhang Pa looked up for a moment and couldn't see anything. He asked the beautiful guardian: "Do you watch them fight every day?" The beauty sighed: "Yes, I watch it every time, for fear that the monkey soldiers would attack the heaven and release the spirit monkey. Alas, when will this day end?"

Zhang Pa asked: "The spirit monkey has no power, so what can it do even if it is released?"

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