The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 994 The Golden Box

Chapter 994 Golden Box

There are many annoying things, and the more I think about them, the more annoying they become. But the matter has nothing to do with you. You can't put it aside or forget it. It's just a temporary thought.

He was just thinking about it when he suddenly saw dark clouds in the sky covering the sun, and a stream of evil wind and evil spirit drifting high in the sky. Zhang Ai looked at Yile and said, "There are so many things to do. I wonder if there is anyone in the world who is as busy as me?" He turned to look at the fat man, waiting for him to explain what Yin Feng was about.

The fat man took a look and said with a smile: "I thought that there were few cultivators in this world who would be relatively quiet, but I didn't expect that the heaven and demon worlds were not peaceful and were at war." After saying that, he asked again: "Let's take a look?"

Zhang Ain shook his head. He had never been interested in fighting, but in his heart he still wanted to watch Jiangnan for Hu Ping. Turning around and talking to the Seventh Girl: "I'll get a carriage in a moment, and I'll ask all the fairies to get in and have a rest." The Seventh Girl agreed that from the divine world to the mortal world, except for obeying the orders of a few bosses, they didn't care about anything.

The fat man listened to him and asked curiously: "What are you doing with the carriage? Are you going back to Yangzhou?" Zhang Fing said: "Not necessarily back to Yangzhou, just wandering around. Is it possible that I came to this world and didn't see anything? , Just a trip for nothing?" The fat man said disapprovingly: "What's there to see? It's better to watch the fight."

At this time, the beautiful woman who had just left came back, stood quietly in front of everyone, and then looked up to the sky with them. So high up in the sky, outside this human world, there are two groups of people fighting. One group has ghost faces and ghost bodies, and the other group has golden armor and golden bodies. One is a demon soldier, and the other is a heavenly soldier. Each is fighting in a battle formation. together.

They fought fiercely, but they had no impact on the human world. Not to mention ordinary people, even Zhang Wen couldn't see them. The evil wind and ghost energy just now was caused by the ghost soldiers temporarily blocking the red sun due to their excessive force when they left the boundary. Only that moment passed, the clouds dissipated, and the sky became bright again. However, because there are masters like Fatty, he can see things in the world of heaven and demon from the human world, so the war between the two worlds cannot be hidden from everyone.

When the beauty came back, the fat man asked, "Why are they fighting?"

The beauty replied: "Because of a monkey, I have been beaten for five hundred years." The fat man smiled and said: "Your world is quite interesting." The beauty denied: "It's not interesting. If you live in my position for tens of thousands of years, or even count In a hundred thousand years, anything interesting will become boring.”

The beauty was sighing with emotion, but the fat man had found a soulmate. After all, he had also done this boring job. He smiled and said: "Since it's boring, I should find more things to do, such as watching them fight. Isn't it interesting?"

"Interesting? Two swarms of ants are fighting for five hundred years in front of you. Do you think it's interesting?" The beauty replied softly, but judging from her tone, it seemed that she only said half of the words, and there was something else she didn't say.

The fat man raised his eyebrows, thought carefully for a while and replied: "It's not interesting." He continued to scan the battle between the soldiers from the two realms with his spiritual consciousness, and after looking at it for a while, he sighed: "It's really not interesting, where is the monkey?"

However, the beauty stopped replying and looked back at Zhang Afraid. Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I'm not a monkey, what are you looking at me for?" Thirteenth Lang interrupted and asked the beauty: "Are you worried that we will interfere in the fight between the two realms?"

The beauty shook her head: "Don't worry about that. I'm worried that because of your appearance, their fight will have unexpected consequences, but we can't cause chaos in the Three Realms." Only then did Zhang Wein understand that the beauty looked at him, so she didn't trust him. He said casually: "If we don't leave, why don't we wait until they finish fighting and then leave?"

Thirteenth Lang smiled and said: "It probably won't work?" Zhang Ain asked curiously: "Why?" Thirteenth Lang said: "A few scholars were arrested in the place where we were eating just now. We didn't do anything. Those people He was arrested because of us." Zhang Ai was stunned and asked, "Why? Just because he scolded the prefect?" Thirteenth Lang replied, "That's not bad. It's bad luck for them. The robber was in the same room, and he was scolding the magistrate. The magistrate's servants were scolded because they didn't invite us, and they lost their temper and made trouble. They accidentally alerted the robber, and he escaped, and then he was arrested. "

He said it simply. In fact, some extra things happened when the thief was alerted and caught, which was very confusing, but Thirteenth Lang didn't care about ordinary people's affairs at all, so he didn't bother to mention it.

Zhang was afraid but was not happy. In any case, those scholars were unlucky because of him. He muttered: "You noticed it, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Then he said: "Go back." He looked at the Seven Beauties again, took out the carriage and said : "You guys take the car."

The seventh girl didn't care about these things and got into the carriage as she was told. The fat man smiled and said, "Are you pulling the carriage?" The carriage had no horses, so of course it had to be pulled by someone. Zhang Ai said quietly: "It can walk on its own." Using his spiritual power, the carriage moved forward slowly.

Thirteenth Lang smiled and said, "Who is walking when you have a car to sit in?" He jumped onto the shaft of the car. The fat man jumped to the other side, smiled at Zhang Ain and said, "Pull the cart."

It is really strange that there is no one pulling the cart, but the carriage is automatic. To avoid unnecessary trouble, someone must pretend to pull the cart in front.

The beautiful guardian who had just returned was a little surprised when she saw all this. She never thought that these people would take the initiative to save a group of ant-like little beings. She looked at Zhang Ai with curiosity, guessing where they came from and what kind of person they were. , thought for a moment, then dispersed into smoke to follow.

Zhang Ain walked ahead with the carriage for a while, and Thirteenth Lang said: "There is no fighting in the sky." The fat man curled his lips and said: "Fighting back and forth until we are even, what is there to fight for?"

For ordinary people, they completely ignore the masters of the heaven and demon world who are superior to others.

With something on their mind, Zhang Pa and his companions quickly returned to Yangzhou and found that the matter was not as serious as they had imagined. The thief had extraordinary skills and managed to escape. The prefect was not so foolish as to embarrass the scholars, but only ordered the yamen runners to inquire about the situation when the incident happened and the appearance of the thief.

However, there is a saying that a dog relies on the power of others. The two evil servants were humiliated after being beaten up in the restaurant. They bribed the yamen runners with silver and money, and put the scholars who scolded them the most fiercely into jail under the name of the prefect during the interrogation.

They did not dare to kill anyone, but just wanted to lock those people up for one night to vent their anger and let them go the next day. The yamen runners were unwilling to quarrel with the prefect's servants, thinking that it was nothing more than locking them up for one night, which was not a big deal, so they did as they were told.

Zhang Pa went directly to the yamen, found the yamen runners to ask about the matter, and asked them to release the people. With the support of strong military force, how dare the yamen runners disobey? They also understood the matter.

After dealing with the matter, Zhang Pa wanted to buy a donkey to pull his cart. Just as he was about to go to the market, Shisanlang stood tall and looked into the government office. Zhang Pa asked, "What are you looking at?" Shisanlang didn't say anything. He entered like a light smoke and left like a light smoke. When he appeared in front of Zhang Pa again, he was holding a black box one foot square in his hand. The box was carved with patterns and had seven locks. I don't know what it contained.

Zhang Pa asked again, "What is this?" Shisanlang shook his head, "I don't know."

You took it even if you didn't know? Zhang Pa was a little speechless. When did a person in the Red Pavilion of the God Realm care about the sundries in the human world?

Shisanlang took out a box from the government office. The guardian of this world appeared again and whispered, "You are moving things in this world again."

Shisanlang said unhappily, "It's just moving one thing. Even if it destroys this world, what can it do?" This anger fully demonstrated the majesty of the God, and the breath was released. The beautiful guardian was forced to retreat far away.

Because Zhang Pa had always been kind, and because these people had always been low-key, the beautiful guardian temporarily forgot that they were a group of cold-blooded people from the God Realm. Suddenly frightened by this, she did not dare to interrupt for a while.

Zhang Pa smiled bitterly and persuaded: "Don't destroy it, I'm still here. If you destroy the three realms, how can I live?" Looking at the side, they were standing on the street in front of the government office at this time. Shisanlang's divine anger only frightened the beautiful guardian. Ordinary people didn't feel it at all, but occasionally passers-by looked over curiously.

Zhang Pa didn't want to be the focus again, so he pulled up the carriage and said: "Let's go out of the city first."

So he went out of the city again and stopped in a deserted place in the wild. Zhang Pa asked Shisanlang: "What is this?" Shisanlang held the black box and looked at it carefully. The seven locks on the outside of the box were chain locks, one after another, and the locks were connected. If one lock was missing, the box could not be opened.

But for Shisanlang, it was not a difficult task at all. He answered Zhang Pa's question: "This is a box." At the same time, he sent his mind into the seven lock cores, and then exerted force at the same time. With a click, the box popped up, revealing a golden palm-sized box inside.

Zhang Pa asked the question, and when he heard Shisanlang's reply that it was a box, he felt depressed. Who is this person? Just when he was about to ask again, he heard Shisanlang say: "I know this box." He was talking about the golden box in the black box. He took it out and placed it flat in his palm. It was this box that attracted his attention just now, so he went to the government office to take it out.

The beautiful guardian felt a little embarrassed and aggrieved, but she really didn't dare to offend this group of people. She had no choice but to stay with everyone at this moment, looking at the golden box and asking, "What is this? Why is there another box inside a box?"

The golden box was flat, and the four sides fit together perfectly without any gaps, as if it were a whole piece of gold. There were many patterns engraved on the front. Shisanlang looked at these patterns and whispered, "These patterns are the Red Pavilion Talisman Array, which has powerful divine power and can suppress all the power sealed inside." After saying that, he turned the box over, and another pattern appeared in front of him. Everyone saw it, and even Zhang Pa recognized it as a Buddhist mark. A big golden swastika protruded from the surface.

Zhang Pa was curious. It is said that such a thing, with the Red Pavilion mark of the God Realm and the Buddhist mark, should be full of spiritual power. Even if it is not overflowing, at least there should be spiritual energy gathering, which is worthy of the two patterns on the front and back of the box representing powerful forces. But why did he see nothing when he scanned it with his divine sense when he saw the box in front of him?

Seeing the Buddhist mark, the beautiful guardian suddenly remembered something and shouted, "Don't open the box!" She wanted to rush over to grab it, but knowing that she was no match for Shisanlang, she did not bother and just stood aside and shouted anxiously.

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