The Monk

Volume One Chapter 993 Worry

Chapter 993 Worry

At this time, most of the guests in the building were busy people. Some came to take a look at the beautiful women, some wanted to find a chance to return home with the beautiful women, and many others came to watch the fun. But no matter what the purpose, everyone's eyes on the second floor were fixed on the door of Zhang Ain's private room.

At this time, I heard that the evil servant came to the door to ask for customers and take away the beautiful woman by force. Scholars and literati were not angry about such things. What do you mean? Do you have the right to drag beautiful women home? We've been sitting there for more than an hour without even seeing the beauty, so you want to take her away? How can such a thing happen?

Some young and energetic people started to make a fuss, and someone said in a strange voice: "This is the first time I have seen a treat like this." The voice was very loud, and everyone immediately agreed: "Yes, yes, it can be regarded as an eye-opener." Someone even raised their voice and said sarcastically: "Didn't I hear that the prefect is hosting a banquet? As for the prefect, the treat is different. It's really majestic."

Seeing that things were getting bigger and bigger, Zhang Zhan didn't want to stay anymore. The seven beauties have veils covering their faces, so their expressions cannot be seen, but judging by imagination, they have always treated others as ants, and they must be calm and emotionless. Their immobility reminded Zhang Ain of the time when he wandered around the world with Greedy Wolf, one of the Seven Star Lords. That guy had caused a bigger commotion than now. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. Why did he always find someone better looking than himself? To show off your own ugliness? Then he said calmly: "Let's go."

Thirteenth Lang and Seven Beauties were too lazy to argue with a group of ants. They stood up and said, "This is the best."

Zhang was afraid that he was unwilling to show off his skills, so he had to abide by the rules of the three realms when traveling among the three realms. He called the waiter to do the accounting, but he didn't want the waiter to reply through two evil servants: "Master Wang has already settled the accounts for all the guests."

oh? Another surprise. As the waiter spoke loudly, a middle-aged man in brocade clothes stood up in the hall on the second floor. He smiled and saluted with his fists in his hands, and opened his mouth to speak. All I can think of is some nonsense about how we are destined to meet each other and please move the table. Zhang was afraid that he would never get this chance, so he threw out five taels of silver and said, "Everyone eats his own meal, and everyone settles his own account." Then he pushed open the two servants at the door, walked out of the room, and looked at the people upstairs without looking at them. The stairs went straight down.

He didn't give him any face. Both the servants and the prince felt very humiliated and wanted to have a fit at that time.

Zhang was afraid that he really didn't want to meet them in the same way. With a thought, a gust of wind suddenly blew in outside the house, blowing in a light mist. Although it did not affect the vision, the seven beauties were already hiding in the mist, covering all the beauty. Only the figures could be seen shaking. When the smoke dissipated, people had already walked out of the restaurant and walked out of the city.

Of course the two servants refused, and went downstairs to chase after him. The guests upstairs knew that there was more excitement to be seen, so they all settled their scores and chased downstairs. After a while, the excitement shifted from Jiangnanju Restaurant to the street.

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "This can't stop them." He was worried that the Seven Beauties would be impatient and kill people to vent their anger. Looking up at the sky, it was still misty and rainy, and it felt refreshing and cool when it fell on the face. Then he blew into the cumulus clouds in the sky, and suddenly he saw strong winds and heavy raindrops. It rained suddenly in Yangzhou City.

The rain was too heavy, blocking the view, and the wind was strong, causing pedestrians to stagger. Just as everyone was panicking, Zhang was waiting for ten people to disappear. A group of people came to the outskirts and stopped in a deserted place. The fat man shook his head and said: "You are really kind-hearted."

Zhang Wen smiled bitterly and said nothing. His eyes wandered over the seven girls, thinking about how to persuade them to become ugly. He wanted to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan for Hu Ping, but the seven girls were more beautiful, which would definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

At this moment, Thirteenth Lang spoke: "How long do you want to follow me?" As he asked, a burst of female laughter came from the air, which was extremely beautiful and pleasant. When the laughter stopped, a beautiful woman in palace clothes appeared in front of everyone. , depending on her age, she may be in her twenties or thirties, but she is very beautiful.

It's a sunny day here and the sun is shining brightly. As soon as the beautiful lady in palace attire appeared, she took away the sun's brilliance and replied with a smile: "I wonder where your lords come from? What are you doing in this world?"

Seeing this woman, Zhang Wen sighed in his heart. He didn't know how long she had been following her, but he didn't notice anything. Even if he cultivated into a spiritual body, he couldn't be as powerful as the people in the palace.

At this time, the woman asked, and the fat man came forward and replied: "I was just wandering around blindly. I was discovered by you not long after I arrived in this world."

The woman's face was full of smile, her eyes swept over everyone, and finally landed on Zhang Ain and asked softly: "Where are the cultivators? I haven't seen such a high-level cultivator for a long time. Adults and cultivators come to this world together. Is there something to do?"

Women, like fat men, are the guardians of the three realms. Due to their responsibilities, they must always be responsible for what happens in this realm, so they follow everyone and ask this question.

The fat man couldn't say that we came here to escape, so he smiled and replied: "You are the guardian of the three realms, but we are not. We have been in the God Realm for a long time, and we just came down to have some fun." This has two meanings, one is We have made it clear that we have no ill intentions, we are just running around and coming here; secondly, we are telling you that you are just a small official guarding the boundary. We are nobler than you and have more people. As long as you don't cause trouble, you'd better not offend us.

The beautiful woman in palace dress understood the meaning of the words. The guardians of the three realms have always been concerned with their own affairs. They report when there is something to do and pretend to be dead when there is nothing to do. They rarely interact with the Palace of God. At this time, after hearing what the fat man said, she also wanted to let it go, but she felt something was wrong in her heart. She bravely scanned everyone's cultivation carefully and found that only Zhang Pa was weaker. The others were at least as good as hers, especially the seven women, who were simply unfathomable. It was not easy to say stiff at the moment, so she smiled and said: "Since you are talking about playing, I have been on duty in this world for many years, and I know a few beautiful places. If you don't mind, I will lead you to travel." The seven women did not speak, and the fat man retreated behind Zhang Pa. Shisanlang turned his head and looked at Zhang Pa, obviously waiting for him to make a decision. The woman in palace dress was shocked. Why did someone from the Palace of God listen to the decision of a secular cultivator? She couldn't help but look at Zhang Pa a few more times. Zhang Pa was not interested in the scenery. He wanted to travel to the south of the Yangtze River, but he just wanted to fulfill the unfulfilled wish for the big tiger. In addition, since they were on the run, they didn't want to have too much contact with others, so they shook their heads and said, "We'll only stay here for a few days, and then we'll leave."

The palace-dressed woman wanted to follow them and see what they wanted to do, but after all, they were of different status, so she didn't dare to do anything excessive, so she simply bowed and left.

After the woman left, Shisanlang smiled at Fatty and said, "Congratulations, Brother Nong, on your promotion." Fatty smiled and said, "Isn't it the same for you?" Fatty was rewarded for discovering the Fushen Snake and bringing it back to the Divine Palace, and he no longer had to guard the Three Realms, so Shisanlang was also rewarded for this.

As the person involved, Zhang Pa naturally knew what was going on, and said helplessly, "Can you say these things behind my back? Why do I feel like I'm being used?" Fatty and Shisanlang laughed at the same time.

Zhang Pa asked again: "If someone comes to chase us away, what should we do?"

The fat man said: "She doesn't have the courage, and she may not know what happened in the Palace of Gods. Let me do it, first find a deserted place to live, and slowly think about the future."

The so-called future is how to escape from being hunted down. Zhang Pa asked the fat man: "You told me that Fu Shen Snake will have a great opportunity when it returns to the Palace of Gods, and will grow up quickly and become powerful. What is this opportunity?"

The fat man replied: "For others, being able to enter the Palace of Gods is a great opportunity, but for Fu Shen Snake, they are descendants of Queen Xi, and they have the opportunity to be selected when they are born. Those who pass the selection will have an additional trial, and this trial is a great opportunity." Having said this, he paused and said: "That's all I know."

Zhang Pa shook his head and said: "Selection? Isn't it that life and death training? No." He absolutely didn't want Fu Shen Snake to be in danger.

Shisanlang smiled and interrupted, "How do you understand the word selection?" Zhang Pa was stunned. Yes, hard training is hard training. Even life-and-death training does not need to be called selection. He asked Shisanlang, "Are you saying that hard training is just a preparation for selection?" Shisanlang nodded and said, "Surviving the hard training is the opportunity to be selected. This opportunity is only once for each member of the Xihuang clan. The selected one will become the next Xihuang. This is the great opportunity that Nongda said." Zhang Pa was shocked. Becoming Xihuang? In other words, the entire starry sky is under his control, becoming the strongest? He was a little uncertain and asked, "Even if you are chosen, you can't just become the Xi Emperor if you want to. Without strong strength, you can't even deal with a soldier king. How can you be the emperor? Not to mention that there are many powerful gods. How can they be willing to obey orders?" Shisanlang thought about it and said, "I don't know how to do it, but I can be sure that as long as the next Xi Emperor is selected, he will have supreme power and can easily defeat the gods. That's why the elder is anxious to let you take the snakes to train hard, so the soldier king wants to kill you and the snakes." He made the prospect very beautiful, but Zhang Pa thought for a moment and said firmly, "No matter what, I don't want them to take risks." Shisanlang said lightly, "You can think so, but your more than a hundred snakes may not think so." Zhang Pa was a little discouraged by what he said. Yes, it's hard to understand human hearts, and it's also hard to understand snake hearts. I have lived my whole life and have never heard these snakes say a word, and of course I don't understand what they are thinking. If they knew that they had the opportunity to become the first person in the infinite starry sky and could have boundless power and supreme power, what would they think? After thinking for a while, he became more and more confused, and quickly put these questions behind him. Shisanlang saw that he looked unhappy, and smiled and advised: "Don't worry, even if you want them to go for the selection now, there is no chance." Then he explained: "There are eight gods who have cultivated into human form in the Palace of Gods. Among them, the King of Soldiers is very powerful and will certainly not allow others to challenge his authority; and outside the Palace of Gods, the gods are eyeing the selection site covetously. If no one goes to take the exam, it's fine. If someone goes for the selection after enduring the hard training, I dare say that they must first survive the ambush of the gods." The gods are used to being free, and of course they don't want another Xihuang to appear and bully them. After hearing Shisanlang's explanation, Zhang Pa was temporarily relieved of his worries about the hard training, but the gods would definitely not let Fu Shenshe go, which was another bigger worry.

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