The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 975 Emperor Xi of the God Realm

Chapter 975 Emperor Xi of the God Realm

At this time, everyone saw that the Fu Shen Snake had not made a pact with Zhang Ai. The group of demon kings felt very regretful. If they had known this, they would have killed Zhang Ai and slowly influenced the Fu Shen Snake. How could it be like now? , it is possible to get nothing.

Fatty also saw this and let Zhang Aima go, but it was always wrong for people from the Xi royal family to be raised as spiritual pets. He wanted to ask clearly what Zhang Aima had done so that he could decide on the next action.

Zhang Ain replied: "We have a very good relationship."

Hearing this answer, the fat man looked at the group of snakes. Unfortunately, a large number of cold and white snakes did not show any emotion. He could not see anything, so he had to ask again: "How can you walk with them?" This is It’s a very tactful question. To put it bluntly, I’m asking you, where did you get so many snakes? Was it stolen by a trickster?

Not only the fat man wanted to know this question, but everyone in the room wanted to know. Everyone knows how precious the God-Fighting Snake is, but this kid in the human world actually owns more than a hundred of them. Is the human world suitable for the existence of God-Fighting Snakes?

Zhang Ain saw the fat man slapping the big devil's magic weapon with his palm. He knew how powerful they were and didn't want to offend him, so he replied vaguely: "When I met them, they were just eggs. They were hatched by me, so they kissed me."

The fat man's expression changed when he heard this, and he scanned it carefully with his spiritual mind. After a long time, he nodded and said, "No wonder, they smell like you." The fat man also spoke vaguely. The smell was referring to the smell of Zhang's blood on the big snake. And Zhang was afraid that there was also a mother snake spirit in his body, so it would be abnormal for the relationship to be bad.

The reason why he spoke vaguely was because he didn't want the people in the demon world and the heavenly world to know too clearly. But because the two of them spoke vaguely, the masters of the two worlds started thinking wildly. Just find the eggs and hatch them? Is it so easy to get the God-subduing Snake? At that time, a demon king had the idea to go to the human world to search for snake eggs.

The fat man ignored what they were thinking and continued to ask Zhang Afraid: "I want to take them away, is that okay?"

One sentence angered the group of snakes, and more than twenty fierce snakes flew over from the ground, biting the fat man with their big mouths open. The other snakes protected Zhang Ai from being attacked.

The fat man didn't expect that his words would anger the snakes, so he hurriedly flew away and said to Zhang Ain: "Don't let them move."

Seeing that the fat man had no ill intentions towards the Shenfu Snake, Zhang Ain shouted softly: "Come back." The more than 20 big snakes retreated upon hearing the sound, but their expressions were still fierce and cold, full of hostility.

Seeing that Da Snake and Zhang Ai had a very good relationship, Fatty had no choice but to change his original mind and asked softly: "Shall I take you to the God Realm?"

There was finally no movement among the snakes, but the Demon King, Star Emperor and others were very jealous. According to the normal process, demon cultivators have to go through a heavenly tribulation, and those who survive can ascend to the divine realm, and then enter the eternal life pool to be washed and condensed, and the body will be refined into an immortal body.

As for cultivators in the heavenly realm, they do not need to go through thunder tribulation, but after ascending to the divine realm, they have to start practicing all over again. Only when they have reached a certain level of cultivation are they allowed to enter the eternal life pool to condense their bodies. Although it is not difficult to practice again this time, those who can ascend to the divine realm must be smart people, and they can enter the eternal life pool as long as they spend some time. But the problem is that accidents will always happen. What if I am the unlucky guy who ascends to heaven but cannot enter the eternal pool?

As for the common man in front of him, just because he is accompanied by the God-Suppressing Snake, the Guardian God of the Three Realms will take him into the God Realm, making the masters of the two realms envious and greedy.

A group of people were looking at each other, but they didn't want to hear Zhang Ai simply refuse: "No."

This answer made the eighteen demon kings very angry. When the opportunity came, they didn't know how to seize it! What is this idiot still alive for?

The fat man said "Oh" and asked again: "Why is it bad?" Zhang Ai said bluntly: "I have a lot of things to do, to protect Tianlei Mountain, but they." He raised his finger and pointed at the big devil and continued: "But they led the devil soldiers brazenly There must be an explanation for attacking the mountain and killing my disciples."

"The demon soldiers attacked the mountain? It's too late. I didn't see the big scene." The fat man shook his head and said, and then ordered everyone in the heaven and demon world: "From today on, don't embarrass Tianlei Mountain." He only gave a faint instruction, without giving an order. It's not a threat, this is a sign of great strength and confidence. If you have the guts, you won't listen to me.

Zhang Ying sweated when he heard this, how boring must this guy's daily life be? Why do you always want to watch the excitement? He lowered his head to appease the snakes: "It's okay. Come back. We won't block the door this time. You can come out whenever you want."

The big snake knew that Zhang was afraid of telling lies, but he still refused to return to the big walnut and still looked at everyone fiercely.

The fat man said again: "Your problem has been solved, can you go to the God Realm? I will guarantee you to enter the eternal life pool." After saying this, he suddenly smiled and said: "You don't need to enter the eternal life pool, you are already immortal now , to say the least, I am too busy, otherwise even if I am refining my body with spiritual breath, my mind and heart will still be worldly, and I will still have to suffer a lot."

Zhang was afraid that he might not understand, but he always said that he was immortal, so he raised his hands and said, "Thank you, sir." No matter what the reason for helping him, it was always a big favor for him and he must be thanked.

The fat man waved his hand and said: "It's nothing. If you weren't a Spiritual Breath Refiner, I couldn't help you even if I wanted to. I just did it casually and don't deserve the thanks." Then he added: "Since you want to thank me, why don't you go to God Take a trip around the world, and I will show you what the world is like, and what the other three realms are like.”

Other Three Realms? Zhang Pa already knew that there was a God Realm outside the Three Realms, and there were countless Three Realms like theirs in the God Realm. Each Three Realms was different, and the styles were different. If he could cross the realms to see them, it would be a blessing in life. It was just that it was simple when he left, but he didn't know when he would come back. He didn't want to leave Song Yunyi, Cheng Xier, and the people of Tianlei Mountain, so he replied: "Thank you for your kindness, sir. It's not that I deliberately disobeyed your orders. It's really that I have so many concerns in this world that I dare not leave without permission." Zhang Pa rejected his proposal several times, but the fat man was not unhappy. After thinking about it, he said: "Well, you go back first." As he spoke, he looked at the eighteen demon kings, and then looked at the Star Emperor. Without saying a word, the coldness in his eyes was enough to explain everything. The demon kings and the Star Emperor naturally understood that the fat man was warning them. Although the fat man never revealed his identity, the scene when he broke the big demon king's steel fork with one palm was still vivid in their minds. No one dared to question whether he was the guardian of the three realms. Naturally, they had to accept his warning. Someone spoke to the big demon king: "I have been away from the demon world for a long time. Please take away the barrier and let me go."

It was just a barrier, and the demon kings could break it easily, but he said so because he didn't want to offend the big demon king.

The big demon king sighed in his heart. He spent so much effort to break the precious steel fork, but got nothing. Alas, he could only blame himself for his bad luck. He nodded slightly to the demon king, took away the barrier with a stroke, and everyone returned to Tianlei Mountain together.

At this time, more than a hundred Bai Zhan who were still alive were searching for Zhang Pa's whereabouts, and there were a group of little tyrants such as Hai Ling and Xiaozhu Xiaomao flying around the world. This group of masters suddenly appeared and were immediately discovered by the disciples of Tianlei Mountain. Then they passed the news to each other, and more disciples flew towards this side.

The Great Demon King looked at Tianlei Mountain, sneered at himself, bowed slightly to Fatty, and said nothing, and returned to the Demon Realm with the Night Guards. The other Demon Kings did the same thing, bowed and left. Then Xingdi and others left. In just a moment, all the masters from the two realms left, leaving only Fatty, Zhang Pa, and more than a hundred Fu Shen Snakes.

Fatty looked at the disciples of Tianlei Mountain who flew over one after another, unwilling to pay attention to them, and whispered: "Follow me first." Zhang Pa dared not to listen, and said to the disciples who flew over: "You go back to the mountain first, I will go back later." After speaking, he discussed with Fu Shen Snake: "Go back, don't fight."

However, the snakes were hostile to Fatty, and they persisted to the end. Two Fu Shen Snakes protected Chang Pa outside, and the other snakes went into the big walnut to rest, and then the two men and two snakes flew to an uninhabited wilderness and landed. The fat man said, "You can go back, but they have to go to the God Realm. They are descendants of Queen Xi and cannot be trapped in one of the three realms. If you want to do good for them, you should listen to me." This guy was trying to persuade Zhang Pa to separate from them, and the two Fu Shen snakes immediately became angry. The fat man's cultivation was not weak, but he refused to fight with the Fu Shen snakes. He waved his hands and said, "I didn't ask you to separate. I said let him take you to the God Realm. The God Realm is your home. You are descendants of Queen Xi and you have to go back to the God Realm." The two snakes calmed down and lay lazily on Zhang Pa's side, but there was still vigilance in their eyes. Seeing that the two guys have always been hostile to him, the fat man was very helpless. He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and then said: "The upper body of the Emperor Xi is a human, and the lower body is a snake. He is extremely powerful and has boundless magic power. He created the prosperity of the God Realm with his own strength and naturally became the master of the God Realm." When he said this, he looked at the two Fu Shen snakes and continued: "In the God Realm, the descendants of the Queen Xi will become the same body as the Emperor Xi and will be cultivated into a human form. Don't you hope that they can speak and have hands?" This is a qualified lobbyist. His words hit Zhang Pa's psychology. No matter how good the Fu Shen snake is, it is just a snake. If it goes to the God Realm, if it is by chance, it can be cultivated into a human form and become a true descendant of the Queen Xi. Zhang Pa likes the Fu Shen snakes, and of course hopes that they will get better and stronger. So after listening to what the fat man said, his eyes turned around the two snakes, and he had the idea of ​​sending them to the God Realm. But the two snakes did not react, and they still looked at the fat man vigilantly, ignoring what he said. Cultivating into a human form, such a great temptation, the Fu Shen snake was not tempted at all. Zhang Pa secretly said: Much better than me. He turned his gaze back to the fat man and asked: "How can I cultivate into a human form?"

The fat man was delighted when he heard this. He was not afraid that you would ask questions, but that you had no questions. He smiled and explained: "It will be very troublesome, but entering the God Realm is the first step. Only by going to the God Realm can the consciousness of the descendants of Queen Xi awaken and understand who they are. After they understand who they are, there will be priests to guide them to cultivate and grow."

Well, the more it is involved, the more it is involved. That wonderful and great God Realm, where are you?

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