The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 974 The Fu Shen Snake Appears

Chapter 974: The Fu Shen Snake has come out

The Great Demon King was very concerned about the magic thunder, so he moved lightly in the gray fog, always floating outside the attack range of the magic thunder.

So what everyone saw was a hazy sky and earth, with thunder and lightning in the hazy sky. This scene lasted for a long time, making the fat man who was only interested in watching the fun yawn repeatedly, feeling very boring.

At this moment, the gray fog dispersed, revealing Zhang Pa standing in the middle, and a long, thin spike like a silk thread stuck in the middle of his forehead.

Although Zhang Pa was injured, he was still vigorous, with his arms spread out, and there were bursts of thunder around him. Countless black lightning protected him and dispelled the fog around him. As the black thunder struck farther and farther, the gray fog became thinner and thinner, slowly revealing the figure of the Great Demon King.

The Great Demon King held a black steel fork in his hand, the fork was uneven, and countless small ghost faces appeared, some ferocious, some crying, and some wailing, with different expressions, making this steel fork the most terrifying thing in the world.

Zhang Pa pointed his finger, and a huge lightning bolt struck over. There was only a rumbling sound. Although the lightning struck the Great Demon King, it was only an afterimage. At this time, the Great Demon King was holding a steel fork and stabbing Zhang Pa.

There was no need to get close. Among the ghost faces floating on the strange steel fork, there was one with a horn on his head and a fierce expression. He suddenly opened his mouth, and the air was turbulent. Zhang Pa jumped back and a long thorn like a silk passed in front of him.

Zhang Pa had suffered a loss once, of course he would not suffer a loss again. With a thought, a lightning bolt fell and split the spike into pieces. The spike was destroyed, and the ghost face that spewed out the spike let out a scream and turned into a light smoke and dissipated. After it disappeared, other ghost faces immediately emerged in the blank space left on the steel fork, and then new ghost faces spewed out spikes to attack.

Looking at the strange attack of the strange steel fork, Zhang Pa stopped moving temporarily, spread the magic thunder in his brain, surrounded the spikes in his brain, and then exploded continuously. The spikes on his forehead fell to the ground, and the spikes in his head had been blasted into powder and expelled from his body.

The way the spikes attacked the enemy was strange, and Zhang Pa's method of breaking the spikes was even stranger. In such a big world, he had never seen anyone willing to set thunder on himself.

Until now, the Great Demon King still didn't want to kill Zhang Pa. First, he was thinking about the Fu Shen Snake, and second, he was thinking about Zhang Pa's body. That body was very powerful and could freely control the magic thunder to explode in his body without any damage to his body. Even gods might not have this ability.

Zhang Pa broke the spikes in his brain, and then turned himself into a thunder ball, blazing black lightning from the inside of his body, and pounced on the Great Demon King with the power of thunder.

The big devil would not let him get close to him. He swung the steel fork, and many ghost faces on the fork spit out spikes at the same time, shooting forward together, like a shower of rain from the ground, blocking Zhang Pa's way.

I don't know where the spikes came from, but they can pierce Zhang Pa's hard bones. Even if Zhang Pa is not afraid of this kind of attack, he doesn't want to be stabbed and injured all the time, so he stepped aside and cleared a path with magic thunder.

The gray fog dissipated, and the fat man was able to see the battle situation. He nodded while eating: "It's interesting."

Both of them fought hard, but this guy only said it was interesting. Let the Star Emperor and the demon kings sigh, don't fall into the hands of the fat man, this guy is too scary.

At this time, Zhang Pa dispersed the spikes, and threw out a black thunder ball with his hands. When the big devil saw the thunder ball coming, he dodged it, but he didn't expect Zhang Pa to put his soul into the thunder ball and control the thunder ball to chase him closely behind his butt. The Great Demon King secretly thought that this kid was getting more and more skilled in controlling the magic thunder, and it would become more and more difficult to deal with him.

As he imagined, there was a second thunder ball after the first one. Soon, more than 30 thunder balls were flying in the field, each of which was black, scattering black lightning from time to time, chasing the Great Demon King in various places.

At this point, the Great Demon King had to try his best and shouted: "Get up." His body suddenly grew countless times larger, like a mountain. The steel fork in his hand also grew larger, and he scratched the thunder ball. There were only rumbling sounds, and the thunder ball was detonated, blowing away many ghost faces on the steel fork, but the steel fork was not damaged, and the Great Demon King was not injured.

From the scene, Zhang Pa's lightning was broken by the Great Demon King, and the Great Demon King was fine, which was his advantage; in fact, it was just the opposite. After Zhang Pa absorbed hundreds of thousands of magic thunders, he merged the magic thunders with his body and soul. As long as Zhang Pa was not annihilated, the magic thunders would never disappear. The ghost faces on the Great Demon King's steel fork were condensed from countless souls. Every time a ghost face disappeared, the power of the steel fork weakened. When all the ghost faces disappeared, the steel fork would become a waste.

The Great Demon King knew that if he continued like this, he would only be unlucky, so after he became bigger, he first tried to consume some ghost faces to break the magic thunder, and then grabbed it with one hand and shouted: "Fix."

With this move again, Zhang Pa's movements became sluggish again. In order to avoid being attacked by the Great Demon King, he covered his body with magic thunders. It's interesting to say that Zhang Pa was most afraid of thunder. He would scream and cry when he heard thunder. Now he can control the magic thunder and protect himself with thunder.

The immobilization technique could not last long, and the Great Demon King raised the steel fork and stabbed Zhang Pa. Thunder roared, and light smoke rose from the steel fork. But then the Great Demon King stabbed Zhang Pa to the ground. Because the fork had become too big, the sharp tip had become as big as a guillotine. With just one fork, Zhang Pa was cut in half, and the blood in his organs flowed freely. Zhang Pa secretly said that he was unlucky. He didn't expect that after cultivating to such a level, he still couldn't beat the Great Demon King. The guy moved too fast, and he couldn't dodge.

Of course he had to recuperate after being injured. Zhang was afraid of connecting his body together, but how could the Big Devil give him time to recuperate? When he was seriously injured and unable to move, he kept stabbing with the steel fork in his hand, as fast as cutting meat and stuffing. , he wanted to chop Zhang Ao into minced meat.

He knew that Zhang was afraid of being difficult to kill, so he tried to kill him even if he was injured, and was determined not to leave any chance of survival. Because Zhang was afraid of the magic thunder in his body, every time the steel fork stabbed, many ghost faces were refined, but even so, the big devil did not stop, and continued to attack even if he was damaged. Look at that, Zhang He will not stop because he is too afraid to die.

Zhang Ai is very frustrated. He has become a spirit body. Although he can remain immortal, who knows how long he can live with his body torn apart? If you only live for a quarter of an hour, but you still can't return to your human form, wouldn't you be dead? At the same time, I was worried about the big walnut and the two spiritual weapons. What if they were smashed by a fork?

This was because he was worrying too much. When Zhang was afraid of being broken into two pieces, his Yuan Shen was tenacious and still sealed the big walnut to prevent the God-Snake from getting out. But when he was chopped into pieces, his Yuan Shen was fiercely attacked. It was damaged and only remained indestructible. Naturally, it was unable to seal the big walnut, so the one hundred and twenty-eight God-destroying snakes in the walnut came out.

The snakes moved out, and the big devil's steel fork was falling down. He was about to stab the snake. At this time, the fat man moved. His eyes were filled with surprise. He clapped his greasy hand forward and snapped the big devil's strange steel fork. Clap it in half, then stand still and watch the hundreds of snakes remain motionless.

Knowing that the big devil was afraid of his enemy, the God-Destroying Snake flew up and wrapped around the big walnut. Although the Big Devil became as high as a mountain, the God-Fighting Snake didn't care about it and flew up high into the sky to bite the big devil's neck. and eyes.

Zhang was afraid that he would find the Snake coming out, and he sighed secretly in his heart, but he couldn't stop them after all. I have tried my best to protect him for so long, but I have failed. I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated and worried, so I struggled to say: "Come back."

The God-Destroying Snake listened to Zhang Awei's words. After all, it was hatched from his blood. A group of snakes hesitated slightly in the air, then turned back to Zhang Awei to surround them. They all looked up with angry eyes and heads, and more than a hundred snake heads stared fiercely at the field. Everyone, including fat people.

The fat man saw that the Snake was full of hostility towards him, so he chuckled helplessly and said to the big devil: "Don't fight." After saying this, he took a few steps back and tried to be as kind as possible.

Just pretend you haven't seen the God-Suppressing Snake. Are you being kind now? What were you doing just now?

The fat man backed away after saying something. He didn't care whether the big devil listened to him. He probably wished that the big devil wouldn't listen to him, so that he could have an excuse to deal with the big devil and make friends with the Snake.

But the fact is that the magical steel fork was chopped off with one hand. The big devil did not dare to provoke the fat man. He honestly shrank his body, retrieved the two steel forks, and stood quietly, waiting for the fat man to surrender.

This gave Zhang Awei a chance. His torn body instantly dispersed into spirit spirits, and then swarmed together. After a moment, he re-consolidated into human form. He slowly stood up with a pale face, picked up the storage bag and two spiritual weapons, Finally he picked up the big walnut and stood speechless.

As a result, no one spoke, let alone fought, and the place became silent. The Star Emperor and the seventeen demon kings in the distance all stared at the Snake. Such a terrifying existence, such a fierce guy, he actually There are as many as one hundred and twenty-eight?

At this thought, everyone was filled with resentment. This bastard Zhang Ping had so many snakes, so what if he just gave us one or two? We can give you the best things in the three realms and the greatest rights, let you have whatever you want, and become the number one person in the three realms. Why does this bastard refuse?

Zhang Ain stood for a while, hung the walnut around his neck, squatted down and stroked the big snake around him, and said softly: "Go back." He meant to persuade them to go back to the big walnut.

Hearing these three words, a bunch of snakes shook their heads, and when their cold eyes looked at Zhang Afraid, they felt a little warm.

Fatty looked at all this and felt a little confused. Asked the big devil: "Are you fighting him for them?"

The Demon King sensed something was wrong in his tone and replied in a deep voice: "Yes."

The fat man nodded, sighed and said, "It would be the same if I were you." He didn't mean to blame.

Since he started to speak, he had to speak completely. At this time, the fat man forgot to put down the comfortable lounge chair and the food in the bag. He only saw the snakes in his eyes. He looked at each snake carefully and turned sideways and asked Zhang Ping: "You and them?" What's the relationship?"

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