The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 897 Xiaolong

Chapter 897 Xiaolong

And the body of the bald bird that it tore into pieces and threw away casually was surrounded by other birds before it fell very far. After a while, the birds dispersed, and the bald bird that was divided into two halves was eaten clean, even the bones were missing. There was nothing left, only some blood beads falling down.

Zhang frowned in fear, what kind of monsters are these? The silver sword in his hand was unfolded, and the man followed the sword, easily piercing through the dozens of bald birds in front of him. He was invincible with one sword, and ten thousand birds were unstoppable, and he created a gap at that time. As for the bald birds he killed, without exception, they quickly became food for other bald birds.

It's just that there are so many bald birds that they can't be killed, and every one of them is a super-level monster, which is very powerful. If a cultivator is surrounded by them, it will be difficult to survive. Zhang Pancai killed the birds with one sword, and was immediately surrounded by the birds. All kinds of gleaming sharp claws and sharp beaks attacked him.

Zhang Ai shouted: "Explode." With himself as the center, a sea of ​​​​fire burned within ten meters outside him, and he used the protective spell "Thousand Walls of Fury" in the sky. However, although the flames were powerful, they could not burn the Bald Bird. A group of guys swayed and quickly flew away from the fire without being injured, then surrounded him and waited for the flames to go out before attacking.

Seeing that the flames could not hurt the bald bird, Zhang Weizhi extinguished it and flew quickly, circling around the ten-meter space where the flames were burning, holding the Divine Sword flat, flying with the figure, and the long sword in his hand lightly passed through the surrounding area. The long neck of the bald bird. The power of this sword killed dozens of vicious birds.

He can attack the bald birds, and the bald birds can also attack him. They swarm in from above and below, quickly filling the space after the flames. Their sharp claws and sharp beaks are like hooks and spears.

Zhang Awei secretly cursed a bastard. He was fast, so he could instantly kill many bald birds around him, but the bald birds' movements were not much slower than him. Before he could stop, several attacks had already hit his body. In a flash of thought, he quickly summoned the hard iron sword to block part of the attack. The other part relies on the newly made robe to resist.

The attack of the bald bird and the appearance of the black knife happened almost at the same time, so many birds were easily chopped by the hard iron knife, but on the other hand, countless sharp claws and sharp beaks came like heavy hammers, hitting Zhang Wei hard, knocking him out of the way. A blow from the sky.

Zhang Ain was busy looking inside, but fortunately, his two robes blocked all attacks, and his body only suffered impacts and was not injured. But there were too many bald birds. After one group of attacks, another group of bald birds pounced.

Zhang was afraid that he had no choice but to release another wall of fierce fire, forcing the vicious bird to temporarily stop attacking.

At this time, Suzaku and Qinglong had just come together after a life-and-death struggle. With support, the two guys actually found time to release their spells. The dragon opened its huge mouth, and a burst of anger burned into the sky. The Suzaku was around it and helped kill the attacking bald birds. The combination of the two is quite clever.

Qinglong set the fire, saw Zhang Ai hundreds of meters below, said hello to Suzaku, and then continued to set the fire until it burned in front of Zhang Ai, clearing a space. At the moment when the fire was extinguished, the two beasts flew over like lightning, guarding Zhang Ai on the left and right, and fought against the enemy together.

Zhang was afraid that he was not in the mood to fight monsters. So what if he killed more monsters to show that he was powerful enough? In his opinion, only people who are idiots and bored enough would do that. As he chanted the spell in his mouth, thousands of walls of anger exploded, stretching in all directions, burning a sea of ​​fire in the sky. The Qinglong and Suzaku beside him were not burned by the fire. The flames bypassed them and merged into one place, which was equal to a The sea of ​​fire enveloped one person and two beasts.

Zhang Ai whispered: "Whereabouts." It hit the ground with flames like a meteorite. Qinglong obviously didn't want to fight with the bald bird, so he hurriedly followed and sank, as did Suzaku. After a while, one person and two beasts had landed on the ground.

They fled, but the bald birds in the sky did not disperse. They pounced down fiercely and divided into three huge battle formations, circling above their heads.

It is much easier to deal with the bald birds on the ground, and you won't have to worry about one thing and lose the other when you are surrounded by enemies like before. Zhang Ai put away the Divine Sword, stuck the hard iron knife on the ground, and checked the two robes on his body. Yes, it took thirty years to refine the outer gray robe, and more than a hundred years to refine the inner silver armor. It was fully worthy of the hard work. It was not a problem at all under the fierce attack of the vicious bird.

Then he picked up the sword and looked at Qinglong, wondering why this guy got into a fight with the vicious bird? Where is its spiritual weapon hairpin? Qinglong looked at Zhang Ping with caution. In its heart, there is no good thing in human beings. It always wants to take advantage of others and seize other people's belongings, especially a powerful spiritual weapon like it, and it will not let it go easily. He secretly guessed how this person would deal with him.

Suzaku is the most indifferent. It only helps Qinglong fight because it has the same problem. In this world, it is too difficult to find two helpless souls, and they are powerful souls. Now that they have met, they cannot be bullied. .

Qinglong's body was large, more than ten or twenty meters long. Zhang Ain glanced at it and asked, "Can it be made smaller?"

Qinglong was stunned and nodded slightly, but did not become smaller. This made Zhang afraid even more confused. What's going on? I just helped you fight, and why are you so defensive about me? Sighing: "You become smaller, I will build a magic circle to protect us, so we don't have to fight with those stupid birds."

Qinglong heard the words and took a closer look at Zhang Ping. At this time, the black bird nodded at him, urging it to become smaller quickly. Qinglong hesitated for a long time, then made up his mind, and his big body disappeared in a whoosh, turning into a small arm. The little dragon hid behind Suzaku.

Zhang Ai laughed and threw out several formation flags at will, quickly inserting them into the soil. Then he activated the magic formula, and suddenly fog surrounded him, covering this place. The bald bird in the sky has lost its attack target. Although it knows that the enemy is hiding in the fog, how can it attack? Several large birds dropped to test them, and disappeared as soon as they fell into the mist, never to be seen again. Then all the birds in the sky knew that this fight could not be fought, so they howled wildly for a while, divided into three teams according to the color of their tribe, and each chose a direction to fly away.

The evil bird outside the fog couldn't see clearly what was going on inside, but Zhang Ai and the two beasts inside could clearly see the outside scene. Zhang Ai was watching the big birds flying in the sky above his head, and asked Xiaolong: "Do you become more powerful as you get bigger? Do you have no abilities when you become smaller?"

When Xiaolong heard this, he immediately became nervous and stared at Zhang Awei cautiously. It believes that Suzaku is a weapon spirit and feels close to it. In addition, Suzaku sacrificed his life to save it. It knows that it will not harm itself, so it shrinks its body. But Zhang Ai is different. He looks like a sinister villain no matter how he looks. He knows what bad ideas he has.

Zhang Aifeng glanced at it, shook his head and said: "I just saved you, and you treat your savior like this?" Listening to his words, Xiaolong became more and more sure that this was a villain, showing kindness in return, waiting to trick himself into taking the bait and beating him. Make up your mind to ignore him.

Seeing Xiaolong's expression, Zhang was afraid that he had no interest in asking questions. He sat in the formation for more than an hour. It wasn't until the ominous birds flew away and he was sure they wouldn't come back that he broke the fog and released the dozen or so trapped bald birds. As soon as these birds were freed, they immediately fluttered their wings and fled back to their homes.

Seeing that all the bald birds were gone, Zhang Ain put away the magic circle and spoke to Suzaku: "Ask it what's wrong."

It is impossible for the weapon spirit to be too far away from the spiritual weapon. According to Qinglong's strength, leaving dozens of miles away is already the limit, which means that the hairpin of the spiritual weapon must be within these dozens of miles. But the question is, who controls the spiritual weapon to release the blue dragon to fight with the bald bird in the sky? Where has the master gone? Zhang Wen repeatedly let go of his spiritual search, and found that he was the only one within a ten-mile radius, and there was no one else. Further east, there is a village where more than a thousand ordinary people live, and they are not the masters of spiritual weapons.

Just when he felt strange, eight monks flew quickly towards the ground from the west.

This made him even more surprised. All eight of them were Nascent Soul mid-level monks. Judging from their breathing and movements, they cooperated skillfully and tacitly. They were obviously disciples of the same sect. It was just that which sect had such a big hand. There were actually eight Nascent Soul mid-level monks. Master.

While he was thinking about it, the eight masters discovered that Suzaku's powerful spiritual energy was flying towards this direction. Zhang Ai sighed and said: "You can't imitate Xiaolong and become smaller, otherwise your aura will be gone?" Black Bird Suzaku was very reluctant, but after all, the body became very small after shaking, even smaller than the house sparrow, so accompanying Xiaolong complemented each other perfectly. , the spiritual energy fluctuations are also much smaller. This is the ability and shortcoming of the Yuanshen Beast.

Suzaku became smaller, making it easier to stand on Zhang Wei's shoulders, and gestured to Xiaolong, meaning that he could lie down on him and rest. Xiaolong was hesitating, and suddenly his expression became nervous. Because he had shrunk his body and lowered his cultivation level, he realized that when eight monks arrived, he was about to enlarge his body. Zhang Awei grabbed him in his hand and said softly: "It's okay." Xiaolong didn't believe him at all, but his body was caught and he couldn't use all his strength to escape, so he struggled endlessly.

At this time, the eight people flew over and were all shocked when they saw Zhang Ai. How could they encounter this evil star in the mountains of 100,000 mountains? They looked at each other, clasped their fists and said, "Disciples of the Yunlong Clan during the Warring States Period have met our seniors."

During the Warring States Period, Yunlongmen and Qi State's Longhu Mountain besieged Tianlei Mountain and suffered a disastrous defeat. In order to protect Yunlong Sect's thousands of years of inheritance, Wu Yi, the boss of the sect, took a dozen Nascent Soul masters to kill Zhang Ping, which meant he understood this grudge. And this was indeed the case. In the following years, Zhang Pingli, who killed Wu Yi, ignored them and completely forgot about this hatred.

In addition, Yunlong Sect supported many sects during the Warring States Period and had many allies. Therefore, Yunlong Sect, which lost masters such as Wu Yi, quickly regained its reputation as a sect, and its disciples could wander around boldly. From this point of view, it is much stronger than Longhu Mountain of Qi State. Longhu Mountain is too independent and has too many enemies, which is why it is in today's critical situation.

Zhang was afraid of seeing them saluting him, so he smiled and said, "No wonder they look familiar, it turns out it's you."

After the eight people saluted, they straightened up and looked at the little black bird on their shoulders. Without asking, they knew that it was this little guy who sent out powerful spiritual energy that attracted them here. After checking with their spiritual consciousness, they knew it was a spirit body, and they thought to themselves: This evil spirit How come there is always something good.

At the same time, they also found another small spiritual power, which was vaguely familiar, but no one dared to ask Zhang Afraid. They only stood for a while, feeling very uncomfortable, and hurriedly said goodbye.

Of course Zhang Ain would not keep them. When the eight people disappeared in the east, Zhang Ain stretched out his hand from his sleeves, opened his palm and asked: "Are they the ones you are hiding from?"

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