The Monk

Volume One Chapter 896 Green Dragon

Chapter 896 Qinglong

It was a coincidence that he came. The old man was being roasted by thunder and fire in the cave, and there were black monsters and Meng women standing outside the cave.

When the two of them saw that he didn't speak, they only looked at him coldly and then looked away. After waiting for a while, more than a dozen red light spots flew out of the hole and flew straight into the lava pool in the distance. After waiting for a while, a voice came from the cave: "Come in."

Zhang Wen went into the cave with the black monster and the Mengnu. The mountain god's face was still dark, and he looked at him and said calmly: "Here we come."

Zhang Ain stepped forward to pay his respects, and then asked, "Why did you call me here, sir?"

The mountain god said: "It's still a matter of elixirs. If you don't heal the injury, it'll be fine. One elixir can always last for a while, but if you want to fully recover from the injury, you must take more elixirs. I have already taken the elixirs you gave me and the ones I made myself." End, I asked you to come here because I want to ask you, do you still have the medicinal herbs of Changchun?"

Zhang Ping said: "There are plenty of them in the Valley of Refining Gods. When will you need them?" The implication is that you can get them at any time. The mountain god said: "Let's go later. I have something else to tell you. Meng Nu doesn't want you to target Longhu Mountain anymore. Accordingly, she won't make things difficult for you anymore."

Zhang Ain asked curiously: "I didn't target Longhu Mountain?" After thinking about it, he asked Meng Nu: "You went to Tianlei Mountain to find me this time. You must have heard about He Feng?" Meng Nu nodded and said she knew. The mountain god interjected: "I'll let the left servant handle that matter, so you don't have to worry about it. I'm talking about another matter."

Zhang Ai smiled and said: "How can there be so many things?" The mountain god asked: "Do you know that there is a Tianlei Hall in Qi State?" Zhang Ai replied angrily: "I know what that thing is for? A Tianlei Mountain? Isn’t it enough for me?” Shanshen said: “Tianleitang is one of the six major forces in Qi State, and it is coming fiercely. There are three thousand counties in Qi State, and Tianleitang occupies 500 counties. Its name is Tianlei. If How dare they name it without your permission?"

Zhang Ai was very depressed: "I don't care what kind of hall it is, it has nothing to do with me. If you want to destroy it, go ahead and destroy it. I don't care about it." The mountain god smiled and said: "It's easy to destroy them, but they will kill more animals, and the Tianlei Hall will be destroyed." , People who don’t know the truth will think that Tianlei Mountain’s branch in Qi has been destroyed, which will have an impact on Tianlei Mountain’s reputation. You don’t want this, right?”

Zhang Awe curled his lips and said: "If you kill, it is killing, but what I kill is not killing? I don't care about this matter. What do you like, don't ask me." Then he asked in a questioning tone: "Isn't the cultivator of the Transformation God detached?" Isn’t it worth talking about this trivial matter?”

The mountain god explained: "It's a joke. The current six major forces in Qi State do not include Longhu Mountain. It can be seen that their power is weak. Meng Nu is worried about the sect and cannot concentrate on cultivation." The implication is that Meng Nu does not practice. You can't transform into a god. If you don't transform into a god, you can't help fight the gods. You have to help us solve this matter.

Zhang Ai scoffed and said: "You said it was a joke, why are you worried? It has only been a few years? Has it been four years since there were so many grasshoppers in Qi? I am really not afraid of death, and my practice is not Just find a piece of wood and chop it. Any sect has not struggled for hundreds of years. Thinking about becoming famous all over the world is just a dream. You old man can't think of it. "This is also the case. The six major sects in Qi, except Hong Apart from the Guang Inn, the other five are all rabble, with few masters.

The mountain god smiled and said: "Dream? Didn't Tianlei Mountain soar to the sky and become famous all over the world under your leadership?" Zhang Ai smiled bitterly and said: "Don't just look at me blindly, I don't know how hard it is behind the scenes, leading the disciples Dong Zang has been cultivating secretly for more than a hundred years to achieve his current reputation." He stopped for a moment and turned to talk to Meng Nu: "You can do whatever you want with Tian Lei Hall, I don't care about its reputation."

Meng Nu glared and said: "Nonsense, how can you do it? Now the whole mountain of Longhu Mountain is on guard, and no one comes down the mountain. In the past few years, some experts were sent out to search for spiritual weapons, but they were all killed. I said it was all your fault. I wish I could eat you alive." She really hated Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ai stared and said: "Why are you pretending to be pitiful? I don't believe it. Apart from Lao Niu and King He, there are not many high-level Nascent Soul monks in the huge Longhu Mountain?" Meng Nu became even more angry when she heard this, and said angrily: "Hong There are top-level monks in the Guang Inn who have been thinking about going up the mountain to take revenge. Why do you want to let the high-level monks go down the mountain to die? "

The two of them were arguing more and more fiercely, and the mountain god stopped him: "Anyway, Tianlei Hall is left to you. It is doing things under the banner of Tianlei Mountain, making people suspicious, which is not a good thing for anyone. "

Zhang Ai simply refused and said: "I don't care about this matter. You can ask Lord Chi to do it. You can do whatever you want. There is no need to consider the reputation of Tianlei Mountain. It would be better to kill them and bleed them like rivers. But you want me to do it just for an important matter." It’s absolutely impossible to kill someone for a reason.”

The big black monster was watching the conversation of several people with great interest. Then he suddenly interjected and said, "Next time you see Ghost Ancestor, please give me a message and ask him if he wants to come out?"

Zhang Ai replied: "I think." The too short answer made the black monster slightly stunned, and then asked: "Have you asked him?" Zhang Ai continued to answer briefly: "Yes." The black monster said with satisfaction: "This That’ll be easy.” Then he said nothing.

Zhang was afraid to look at him. This guy was always trying to destroy the Temple of Refining. He was indeed a trouble. He turned to the mountain god and said, "I'm going to find medicine for you. It can take as little as three or two months, or as long as a year. It's no problem to find hundreds of thousand-year-old herbs."

He praised Haikou, and the mountain god looked at him intently for a while and said softly: "Servant Zuo said that you know the art of earth walking, but I just can't figure out where you learned it from."

Zhang is afraid to know that the mountain god is suspicious of him. There are endless precious medicinal herbs. It would be strange not to doubt you. He immediately replied: "Secret." The black monster smiled coldly: "There are no secrets to hide here."

At this time, they had their own needs and didn't have to worry about safety issues. Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Even if you have any thoughts about me, you have to deal with the divine envoy first." After speaking, he bowed slightly to the mountain god and retreated. out.

The black monster was not angry after hearing this. Instead, he watched him leave with a smile on his face, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhang was afraid of going back out of the cave, and felt a little depressed. Why did he go all the way just to break the herb? I felt unbalanced in my heart, so I didn't go out of the mountain and went to the Mountain God Platform instead. After arriving, he told Xue Sha that he wanted to see the left servant. Unfortunately, he was unlucky and the left servant was not there, so he and the right servant ran to nowhere. He left a message and asked Xue Sha to tell Zuo Shi that in three months he would send someone to Tianlei Mountain to get the medicinal materials for refining the Changchun Pill.

The blood killer should come down, but Zhang was afraid to go out of the mountain again. For him, the most difficult thing at the moment was the matter of refining the temple. Regardless of whether it was ghost ancestors, sea spirits, or the billions of creatures in the valley, it was troublesome. He tried hard to think of a good solution, so he took a break when he reached a hillside. Next, I sat on the roadside in a daze. He was hesitating whether to show Hai Ling the formation diagram of the Temple of Refining.

After looking around for a while, my mind was still confused, and I released the black bird as a companion. At this time, I thought of He Feng, and I had the idea of ​​going over to take a look. I hesitated slightly, but gave up. It has been too long since the murder occurred. What happened three years ago? What can we see now? There are countless experts who have been there before, but found nothing in every one of them. Could it be that I can find clues by going there myself? Do you really think you are a god?

After thinking about it for a while, I got up and walked again. The strange thing was that after walking for a long time, I was about to walk out of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. The black bird Suzaku suddenly flew into the air to guide him. Zhang was afraid of being curious, so he sent his soul to search, but found nothing. Unconsciously doubt: What is going on?

The black bird leads the way, gradually deviating from the mountain road and leading to the southern jungle. Zhang Ai has been using all his spiritual consciousness but still hasn't discovered that his mind is evil. Even if my soul is no longer comparable to the cultivator of transformation, can I still be no better than a big bird?

After traveling for about ten miles, the black bird suddenly became crazy, looked up to the sky and screamed, soared into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Zhang Ai took a look, in the sky? He immediately soared into the air and followed the black bird. His consciousness shifted from being flat to stretching high into the sky. After a moment, he discovered the situation. There were countless monsters fighting fiercely in the sky. Sadly, only one of the countless monsters was bullying one. The bullied one ran away, but there were enemies everywhere, making it impossible to escape in an emergency.

Coincidentally, Zhang Weijing had seen the guy who was bullied before. The lost hairpin spiritual weapon in Longhu Mountain is what is contained in it, a spiritual weapon spirit, Qinglong.

No wonder Suzaku had discovered it early. It seemed that the two brothers had a good understanding. Zhang Ping showed his Fu Shen Sword and pointed it straight to the sky. With a swish, he was suddenly behind him from a distance of tens of thousands of meters. Zhang Ping had already arrived on the battlefield.

When I got here, I completely understood why Shiwandashan was banned from flying, and why, with Zuo Shi's cultivation, he had to walk on his legs every time he entered and left the mountain. The sky is full of terrifying beasts. At a glance, there are three kinds of birds. They are all large, bald birds with no hair or scales. Their wingspan is about three meters, and the larger ones can reach five meters. The claws are like hooks, and the beak is full of sharp teeth. Some are black, some are red, and there is a golden one. The three colors are like three legions, each forming a team and fiercely attacking the Yuan Shen Qinglong in the middle. . There are at least over 10,000 of them, densely covering the entire sky.

There are injuries on Qinglong's body. Although it is the body of the soul and does not care about external injuries, once it is attacked, the soul will be weakened by one point, and the enemies seem to be endless. No matter how powerful it is, it cannot withstand this kind of damage, so it will Want to escape.

The black bird Suzaku took the lead and plunged into the group of bald birds. Its wings flapped horizontally, and the fierce birds that were much larger than it were knocked straight down. However, these birds are really resistant to beatings. After being beaten, they flap their wings casually a few times, relax for a while, and then surround them fiercely.

Qinglong had been trying to escape, but couldn't. When he saw help coming, he suddenly raised his head and moved closer to Suzaku. At the same time, he opened his huge claws and tore the big bald bird into two halves on the spot. However, there were too many bald birds, and its body was too big. In the time it took to tear one bald bird apart, it was grabbed or bitten by dozens of bald birds, causing multiple injuries. Being strong prevented him from being seriously injured.

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