The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 839 I Hold You

Chapter 839 I hug you

Zhang Wear used his spiritual sense to scan the opponent's cultivation level. Unlike checking other people's cultivation, Zhang Wear's spiritual sense could not enter her again after it was sent to her. This shows that the woman's soul is stronger than Zhang Wear's.

He took back his soul, put the hard iron sword on the ground, took out the Fushen Sword with his backhand, exhaled softly, and asked slowly: "Why didn't you show up earlier?" The woman said softly: "Is there any difference?" Zhang Ain shook his head: "There is no difference." He took out a red pill and placed it in his palm, then raised it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully.

The woman looked at him pretending, thought about it, smiled softly and said, "I don't care about your affairs. Just give me these little snakes and I will let you go."

Zhang Ai laughed loudly when he heard this: "You want them?" As he spoke, his steps flickered, and he appeared in front of the snake group again, then turned around and said: "You guys, go back." He said to Bu Kong: "Take them back. "

The monster did not listen to his words, and did not go back until it was empty. It just chanted Amitabha in a low voice, and a white-light Buddha appeared behind it. It was more than ten meters high. It stood with bare feet and hands hanging down, with a gentle and loving expression on its face.

Zhang Ao glanced at the Buddha and asked, "It's different from that of your master." Fu Kong said nothing, recited Amitabha again, and walked forward, with the Buddha following him towards the woman.

Zhang was afraid of being depressed: "What are you doing? Don't you want to kill people? Just stay here."

At this time, Fukong was extremely disobedient. He put his palms together and bowed gently to the woman. The big Buddha behind him also followed his example and bowed forward. With just this bow, Black Tiger took the woman back a few steps and said, He screamed incessantly, obviously very unconvinced. The woman raised her hand and touched the tiger to calm down its anger, and said to the young monk, "It's a Buddhist skill, so it's not bad."

After talking, he jumped off the tiger's back, moved lightly on his lotus steps, walked a few steps closer, and then said to Zhang Awei: "Give me the snake, and I will let you go, and I will protect you from the destruction of Tianlei Mountain."

Her words angered the snake, and it flew out and bit the woman's head. The four-meter-long snake naturally had a big mouth. If the woman didn't dodge, one bite should be able to bite off her head.

The God-Conquering Snake moves quickly, and the woman moves even faster. With a flick of her fingers, she rolls the big snake over and reaches for it with her other hand. But there was not only one snake that defeated the gods. She flicked one away, and the second one followed. Then the third and fourth snakes all had the same target, biting the woman's head. The big snakes thought that the woman was very dangerous, and as long as they killed her, they would kill her. The danger is gone.

The woman moved very quickly, snapping her fingers with one hand and catching the snake with the other. The four-meter-long snake was much more than twice her height, but the woman only flicked one and one of them flew away. She then stretched out her other hand and gently pinched one.

However, although he caught the God-Destroying Snake, he was unable to restrain it. The big snake coiled and trembled, then wrapped around the woman. There were other God-Destroying Snakes surrounding her and attacking her. The woman didn't care at all and allowed the big snake to wrap around her body. With her free right hand, she used her fingers to flick away the snakes that rushed towards her.

Seeing that she was entangled by the snake, the black tiger roared wildly and jumped forward to fight the snakes alone. However, the snakes did not pay attention to it at all and acted as if they did not see it. The target was only the woman, and they seemed to be piercing the woman with countless spears. The brain is full of endless stream of thoughts.

The black tiger moved quickly, biting the big snake wrapped around its owner. There was another snake on the side and twitched its tail across the tiger, causing the tiger to roll over. However, this guy also had thick skin and thick flesh to resist the tossing. After landing, he rolled twice and then stood up, shook his body and pounced back.

The snakes were too big, one was bigger than a woman. Many snakes attacked women and crowded into a space. The pigs and kittens were unable to intervene. They only had eyes for this woman. As for other top-level monks, they did not pay attention at all. In eyes.

The big snake wrapped around the woman twisted its body vigorously. Although the strength was not small, it could not break away from the woman's slender hand. No matter how fast the group of snakes attacking nearby flew, they were only flicked away with one finger. Although the attacks between them were continuous and continuous, they were not as convenient as the woman's ability to control her body. If it continues like this, there is a high chance that she will catch a snake.

Seeing the Fushen Snake fighting for him, Zhang Ain whispered to the woman: "If you want to leave, you'd better leave as soon as possible."

Hearing this, the woman chuckled: "Are you talking to me? You really don't know how to live or die." A powerful air wall suddenly appeared outside her body, pushing the big snake wrapped around her body away from her. She tapped her toes and flew up like a fairy. She was going to kill Zhang Awei.

Seeing the woman approaching, Zhang Awei did not dodge and stuffed the red elixir into his mouth. At this time, the woman slapped her palm, and there was a loud buzzing sound. The woman's hand was bounced away. Zhang Awei did not move at all, and his cold eyes swept over the woman. The woman asked in a crisp voice: "What pill are you taking?" While she was saying this, many big snakes pounced on her. There is even a giant Buddha standing in front of him, raising his palm to hit him.

Zhang Awei said in a low voice: "You guys step back and let me come." After saying this, the spiritual energy from his whole body spurted out, unimaginably fierce and powerful. The woman said "Oh" and whispered: "It's interesting." She just wanted to knock out the big snake in her hand and catch it again.

Let’s not talk about whether the Fu Shen Snake can be knocked unconscious by him, just talk about Zhang Wei. Can she hurt the big snake? The elixir melts immediately in the mouth, and after this moment of operation, Zhang Ao's strength is instantly increased several times.

Zhang Ai has the power of the tiger soul, and in cooperation with his own soul, he is already very powerful. When he was in Monster Mountain, he also went through the weird magic circle training, and his strength increased several times. At this time, he took the Qiankun Pill to stimulate all the power in his body, and his strength doubled several times, becoming extremely powerful.

Using Qiankun Dan will cause harm, and the body will be seriously injured after the effect of the medicine wears off. But Zhang was afraid that he couldn't take care of this. The woman was very powerful and he was not sure of winning. In addition, a big snake fell into her hands. In order to save the big snake, not to mention that taking the Qiankun Pill would hurt him, even if he lost a few years of life, he would definitely do it. .

So, when the woman wanted to clean up the big snake, Zhang Ain suddenly appeared in front of her and imitated her and pinched it with one hand. However, the woman was squeezing a snake, while Zhang Ain was squeezing a woman.

The woman's expression changed, Zhang Zhen was so powerful? With one move with one hand, a long sword stabbed out. Zhang Ai's backhand flicked, and there was a soft clang sound, and the sword was bounced away, but Zhang Ai's fingers were bleeding. Zhang Ping didn't care about the injury on his hand. He took a step forward, bullied her and raised his hand to grab her again. At the same time, Fu Shen Sword slashes across to see which one you can avoid.

The woman reacted quickly, turned her body slightly, and let the God-destroying snake wrapped around her body resist Zhang Awei's sharp blade. She swung out with one hand and struck Zhang Awei with one hand. Her delicate jade-like hand met Zhang Awei's right hand. The spiritual energy in his body surged wildly, and he wanted to shock him to death with a palm.

Zhang Weijing had an evil smile on his face, didn't he want to take a picture of me? Just take pictures for you! He grasped the woman's small hand with his right hand. At the same time, he put aside the long sword in his other hand and hugged the woman with one hand. In front of the public, there are also your disciples and grandsons present to see how you respond.

At this time, the spiritual power in the woman's body rushed into Zhang Wen's body. The power was indeed huge, and it felt like a sea tide rushing into a small river. But there was another, larger ocean behind this small river. As soon as the woman's spiritual power entered Zhang's body, all of it was taken away by the Divine Tears. This situation shocked the woman. At this time, Zhang Awei abandoned his sword and reached out to hug him. The woman was startled again. She subconsciously shook off the snake in her hand and slapped Zhang Awei horizontally.

Zhang Awei raised his hand to block the woman's arm, used his power to draw under the woman's ribs, and actually held her in his arms.

Everyone was stunned at this moment, including the woman. The scene in the field was like this. Zhang Bao's right hand was holding the woman's left hand. The woman raised her right hand to slap Zhang Bao. After being blocked, Zhang Bao's left hand was inserted under the woman's ribs because there was a strip between them and the woman was entangled. There was a big snake on his body, so the hug was not real, but even so, it was scary enough.

The woman was stunned, and the big snake she let go opened its mouth and bit her. Several more big snakes pounced from the air. One of them was already close at hand, biting the woman's head.

The woman was in a daze because of two things. One was that she was held in Zhang Awei's arms, and the other was that she found that her spiritual power entered Zhang Awei's body and then disappeared. She was so frightened that she quickly took back her spiritual power. But at this stunned moment, two big snakes bit her, one wrapped around her body and bit her on the shoulder, and the other flew from the air and bit her forehead.

She also reacted very quickly. When she retracted her spiritual power, she found two big snakes biting her. She hurriedly turned her head to dodge. With her superb skills, she avoided the fatal attack as a trauma.

Due to this injury, blood oozed from the woman's shoulders and forehead, and the veil on her head and clothes on her shoulders were damaged. However, because she moved too fast, before the blood could even flow out, the woman had already thrown away Zhang Wei's right hand, stepped away from his arms, and even shook off the big snake on her body. She used her hands to block the attacks of several big snakes.

The woman stepped back, with a smile on her face. With a move of her right hand, the Fu Shen Sword returned to her palm and stabbed the woman quickly. He had just taken the Qiankun Pill and had to get rid of the trouble before the medicine ran out.

Zhang Weijing moved so fast, not only the woman was surprised, but the ninety-seven high-level top monks next to her were even more surprised. They each thought: Why is this guy getting more and more powerful, and he is so powerful that he doesn't look like a normal person.

The woman thought that it would be easy to just kill Zhang Wei, but she didn't expect that after struggling for a long time, not only did she not kill him, but she was also injured and bleeding, and she couldn't help but feel a little angry. With a single palm clap, a burst of energy hit the Fushen Sword in the air, causing the blade to tilt. Then he bullied Zhang Awei and slapped him again with one palm, this time on his chest.

As for the God-subduing snake that had been chasing and attacking her, the woman just dodged and ignored it for the time being.

Seeing the woman attacking with one palm, I thought to myself that she was really confident. Zhang was afraid of getting angry. If you dare to fight, I dare to fight. He also faced each other with one palm. There was a bang, and the two palms struck together. The strong energy drove strong winds, causing the snow and water under his feet to splash everywhere. Zhang was afraid that he would finally catch a chance, so with a thought, the woman was surrounded by flying snow, which instantly turned into ice.

Unfortunately, it takes time for the splashing snow and water to come together, and it still takes time for water to turn into ice. When the ice wall appeared, the woman had already moved away. She backed away, and the God-Lord Snake wanted to chase after her, but Zhang was afraid to stop. However, Xiaozhu had a chance to show off, and opened his mouth to burn the woman with a fire dragon.

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