The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 838 Women

Chapter 838 Women

Zhang Ai was very happy that someone came to die with him in times of crisis. He would be lying if he said he was not moved. Liu Zhu is good, and so is the third senior brother Zhang Zhan. We had never met each other before, and we didn’t talk to each other this time. But just because Liu Zhu came to help, he was able to follow him and work together. He is also a passionate man. I thought to myself that the five of them were really good. They had a deep brotherly love and shared life and death together. It would be wonderful to live like this once.

Walking to the foot of the mountain, Zhan Yun sat in his seat and watched a group of sand bears misbehaving. When he saw him coming back, he casually asked: "Who is here? Are you receiving me like this?" Zhang Ping smiled and said: "My friend."

Seeing him smiling happily, Zhan Yun asked: "Something good happened? Why are you so happy?" Zhang Ain laughed loudly: "Guess."

"I'm guessing." Zhan Yun lay on his back on the snow, his body light, not even a single snowflake was pressed down, as if feathers were floating on the snow, and the snow was still smooth. Zhang Aifan smiled and sat across from him, watching the sand bear tossing in the snow.

The sand bears played lively, and many days passed, but their enthusiasm remained undiminished. They probably mistook the snow for sand, made nests and tunnels in it, and even threatened the big white silkworms to spin silk for them to use as mats.

At this time, Wu Yi and others finally appeared again. However, there were only ninety-seven people, twenty-six top-level Nascent Soul monks plus seventy-one high-level Nascent Soul monks, and the rest did not show up.

There are still big pits under the mountain, covered with snow and mud. They are dilapidated and everywhere is white and slightly deserted. Wu Yi and others floated quietly above the pit, looking at Zhang Afraid coldly.

Being stared at coldly by more than ninety experts, Zhang Wei's beautiful mood was completely ruined, and he rushed outside and said, "I have flowers on my face?"

No one replied to his words, but Zhan Yun smiled and said, "Let me see where the flowers are."

"Waste your head." Zhang was afraid of scolding him, stood up and said coldly to the foot of the mountain: "Do you think you have eaten too much to support yourself? Why do you have to trouble me? Wu Yi, King He, Cai Xiaoxiao, Yao Meier, Fang Buwei..." He called the names one by one: "No matter what you want to do, if you come to attack my sect, you must leave something behind. Let's do this, each sect can leave a few lives for me... ..." He stopped at this point and turned to ask Zhan Yun: "A few lives are enough?" Zhan Yun replied lazily: "Whatever." Zhang Ain then continued: "Give me a few lives of Nascent Soul monks. Tell the world, apologize to Tianleishan, and I will let you go."

What he said was very lively, but unfortunately no one responded. The group of people didn't even move, they just stood there coldly.

Wu Yi and others appeared again. A disciple found out and sent the news back to the main peak. Zhang Tianfang and others soon arrived, and together with the five brothers Yan Gang, they went down the mountain.

Zhang Tianfang saw the five strangers and asked, "Who are you?" Without waiting for the five people to answer, he asked Zhang Awei again: "Do you want to fight him out?" Yan Gang was about to reply when he saw that Zhang Tianfang had ignored him and turned to talk to Zhang Awei. A little embarrassed on the face.

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "If you refuse to practice, who can you beat with a basic level of cultivation?" Zhang Tianfang refused: "Why can't you do it? It's not like you haven't beaten me before." Zhang Awei stopped taking his words and faced outside the mountain. : "You only get this opportunity once, if you don't seize it, you don't have to seize it." As he spoke, he walked out of the magic circle.

Zhan Yun sat up and looked at him, muttering lazily: "Are you pretending to be cool, and you're beating a hundred for each one?"

Of course, Zhang Ping was not pretending to be cool. With the snow falling from the sky, he was sure of annihilating all the enemies. It snowed a few days ago, so he set up a magic circle, or rather a mechanism, in the snow outside the mountain. It had only one purpose: it could instantly burst out a large amount of heat and turn the snow into running water.

Zhang was afraid of coming out of the formation, Wu Yi and others moved at the same time to form a sword formation. Although it was not as powerful as when there were a thousand people, the ninety-seven people were all masters and moved much faster. Attack and defense became more convenient, and they formed a sword formation in an instant. In the sword formation, ninety-seven silver swords pointed at the sky or the ground, forming a cold and solemn battle formation.

Zhang Wei shook his head lightly. If that's the case, let's kill him. His body floated up slightly, and he softly said one word: "Broken." Within a few dozen miles of the mountain, a large amount of heat exploded from the ground. The temperature was frighteningly high, turning the harsh winter into a scorching summer. The ground The snow directly turns into running water. Because the temperature is too high, it evaporates into mist, turning the foot of Tianlei Mountain into the largest bathhouse in the world.

High temperatures suddenly broke out at the foot of the mountain. Some of the masters in the sword array suddenly remembered the past, such as the three elders of the Qing family, such as Yao Meier, and they all remembered the terrifying ice water spell. At that time, some people shouted and retreated.

At this time, the snow turned into water, and everyone hurriedly retreated, but it was only a moment later. At this moment, the snow water mixed with the mist and the trees stood tall, dancing on the ground as if they were alive. The water dragon danced wildly, and as soon as it danced, a 10,000-meter water wall blocked their retreat. Everyone hurriedly flew up and tried to get around, but the water wall continued to grow taller and chased them.

While the water dragon was competing with the monk, a bright light suddenly burst out in the distance. There was no other color in the bright eyes, and the sun was not as bright as it. There was just a flash of light, and it was instantly reflected from far away to the near side, and then there was a crashing sound, and the water dragon made by the ice crystal was smashed into pieces by the bright light.

Wu Yi and others were originally running away, but when the light appeared, they stopped and turned around to look back.

The bright light is a sword, no more than three feet long, with no spiritual power fluctuations. It is just a very ordinary sword. It is not a magic sword, nor a magic weapon. Swords like this can be easily found in hundreds and thousands in any city. .

The bright light pierced the water dragon, and it hung motionless in the air. The light quickly dissipated, revealing the long sword itself.

Seeing that the water dragon was broken, the ice crystal was very angry. He controlled the water waves to dance, and another wave formed, surrounding the long sword and brushing the ground to form ice, and the long sword was frozen in it.

As the ice shattered, according to previous experience thousands of times, this ordinary long sword should be broken into powder. But this time, the ice crystal failed, the ice shattered, but the sword did not change at all.

Zhang Ai's face turned solemn. Is this the last move of Wu Yi and others? He stared at the sword, but couldn't see any clues. His eyes glanced at Wu Yi and others, but they still had cold faces and said nothing.

I couldn't help but wonder: Where did this master come from? An ordinary long sword can exert such power. Compared with him, I, the so-called best master in the world, can only be a joke.

Since the invincible ice cannot defeat the opponent, there is no need to try again. Zhang Wen dropped his body gently and stepped into a pool of clear water. With ice crystals controlling the water flow, the snow water will not mix with the soil and become sewage, nor will it flow away, just like ice cubes standing in a pit.

He watched the long sword remain motionless outside the formation, and suddenly the formation in the mountain became turbulent. One hundred and twenty-eight God-destroying snakes flew up from the snow and rushed out of the formation. Because they didn't know how to get in and out of the magic circle, one hundred and twenty eight scary guys rushed into the magic circle like crazy. Looking at their appearance, they would rather destroy Tianlei Mountain than rush out.

The piglet, kitten Huo'er, the weapon spirit Suzaku, and the little monk Fu Kong reacted just as fiercely as they did. Some people or animals jumped nervously into the air, looking far south. Bu Kong said: "Open the formation."

Fang Jian was stunned for a moment, and then opened the entrance and exit door of the mountain guarding array. Fu Kong guided the God-Lord Snakes out, and the piglet and kitten Huo'er also followed. The five Yan Gang brothers and Zhang Tianfang also came up with it. Monk Fukong waved his robes to block them in the formation, and the other party gradually said: "Close the formation." Fang Jian did as he was told and stopped Zhang Tianfang and others.

As soon as more than a hundred volts of divine snakes came out, they rushed in front of Zhang Ai and formed a snake wall to protect him tightly. Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said, "What are you doing out here?" He gently patted a snake beside him.

The big snake has now grown to almost four meters long, with a thick mouth and a cold light in its eyes. No matter how you look at it, it looks cold, ferocious and cruel. Even these cruel guys must protect Zhang for fear of his safety. Zhang was afraid that he was unwilling to let them protect him. In the past years, he had never allowed the snakes to be in danger, and it was the same now. After speaking, he stepped into the water lightly, jumped over the big snakes, and stood in front of them. But the Fushen Snake refused to obey, and circled around to protect Zhang Ai again.

The piglet and the kitten were also very nervous. The piggy's body was ignited with manic flames, and the kitten had already appeared in the original form of the white tiger, looking like it was facing a powerful enemy. Huo'er and Suzaku also changed. They were both nervous and cautious that they had never seen before, and they were even a little excited and excited.

Who is coming? Seeing the beasts behaving like this, Zhang Weijing felt fierce in his heart, who cares are you, you want to kill me? Go and queue first. He summoned the hard iron sword, held it with both hands, and with a low shout, the person rushed out like an arrow, dragging the big sword behind him. With the force of forward thrust, he exerted force on his waist, and a black line slashed from the back to the front, but when he heard There was a loud clang, and the hard iron knife struck the ordinary long sword.

After this chop, there was a loud clang, followed by a distant dragon's roar. The tip of the long sword trembled slightly and shook a few times. Before the dragon's roar stopped, there was another snap, and the long sword broke into two halves. Fall to the ground. Zhang was afraid of cutting off the long sword that could not be broken by ice crystals with one strike.

The sword broke, Zhang Tianfang, Yan Gang and others cheered loudly. Wu Yi and others were expressionless.

After breaking the sword, Zhang Wen stood up with his sword closed, looking into the distance with a solemn expression. A tiger roar suddenly came from that direction. It sounded far away, but in a blink of an eye, a black tiger appeared not far ahead. It looked very similar in size to Zhang Tianfang's four black tigers, but it held its head high and roared proudly, looking down at the world. But the momentum was nothing like those four idiots. After Black Tiger appeared, he walked leisurely, but his speed was extremely fast. He had already reached Zhang Ain in a few steps.

There was a woman sitting on the tiger's back. She was dressed in white and had a veil on her head. She had a graceful figure. She looked at the two broken swords on the ground and asked softly: "Did you break my sword?"

Who is this woman? Just when the thought of fear came to Zhang's mind, more than a hundred volts of divine snakes swooped in front of him, raising their heads and glaring at the woman, ready to pounce on her at any moment.

The woman appeared, and nine people immediately walked out of the sword formation, walked quickly behind the woman, bowed and saluted, and said, "I have met the master."

Master? He knew at least three of those nine people, King He, Lao Niu, and Cai Xiaoxiao. This woman actually came from Longhu Mountain?

Everyone in Longhu Mountain bowed to pay homage, and the more than ninety people in the sword formation also clasped their fists and shouted, "I've seen you, senior."

The woman raised her arms and shook them, ignoring them. She looked at the God-Conquering Snake and said, "It's such a good thing. No wonder it caused such a big battle." She had a veil covering her face, so her face and expression could not be seen, and she could only hear the soft voice. The sound gives people a young and elegant feeling.

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