The Monk

Volume One Chapter 810 Entering the Valley

Chapter 810: Entering the Valley

This guy Ganqing knows everything. Zhang Ping asked: "How long can you suppress it?" Yijie said: "It doesn't depend on my own cultivation, it depends on the opponent." To put it simply, he will not give up easily. The stronger he is, the stronger his fighting spirit will be.

Zhang Ain scratched his head until it was all gone, and said angrily: "Does it mean you will be unlucky if you have a bald head? What does it have to do with you guarding the cave?"

Yijie still replied in a calm tone: "It has nothing to do with Taoist fellows, it's just about killing. I really don't want to start a war, so I ask the donor to be patient and calm things down for me."

Look at what people say about starting a war indiscriminately. The monk is talking about war, not fighting. This kind of courage is clearly not afraid of big troubles, which shows that he always has great thoughts in his heart. No wonder he only abides by the precept of killing. Zhang Awei stared at him and said angrily: "Why am I so unlucky? You can kill if you like. What does it have to do with me?"

While he was speaking, his consciousness swept away. The cultivators rushing in front were only those who were cultivating pills, not even Nascent Soul cultivators. The masters all hid behind, maintaining their strength and preparing to strike. As for the low-level players, after seeing that the young monk did not kill anyone despite charging into the valley countless times, they became addicted to rushing. They fell one after another, got up after falling, and moved forward indomitably.

It's a pity that with such a good attitude, what he does is depressing.

Wugui said coldly: "It's none of your business at first, but you insist on following me to join in the fun, so it's none of your business. It doesn't matter if you don't want to enter the cave. Just accompany us to kill outside. I'll guard the cave door, and you two kill outside." ”

"Sick!" Zhang Ping cursed angrily. Are you afraid that I don't have enough enemies? After thinking for a while, he asked, "Why don't you just go in and close the door?"

"What if I can't come out? You can stay with me if you go in." Wugui's reply was shameless and fearful.

Dare to treat me like a doll. Zhang is afraid that he will be depressed and hurt. Do you want me to come in? Don't think about it, and said to the young monk: "In urgent matters, you must obey the authority. Your master will definitely not want to see you killing people randomly and entering the cave together." Yijie was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: "My master did not say to let me go in."

"Your master still won't let you kill people! Think about it carefully. If the cave door is closed and you are outside, these guys will definitely take it out on you. What should I do if they start a fight with you? If you don't do anything, they will be beaten. , if you do it, you are disobeying the master, and you will have to figure it out yourself," Zhang Ai said loudly.

"I can run, but with my ability, they won't be able to catch up with me," Yijie said.

"What should I do if you run away? What if I'm locked up in there and can't get out? Buddha said he's not as good as hell, so just go in. Hurry up, everyone is waiting for you." Zhang was afraid of talking.

"That's not what the Buddha said..." Yijie thought about explaining, but was stopped by Zhang Weifang: "Hurry up, hurry up, there are still a bunch of top-level bastards standing outside, if they make a move..." At this point, something suddenly felt wrong. The stone wall cave door was wide open. How could a top-level expert just stay and watch the show? Instead of entering the hole with all your strength? He suddenly turned his head and looked around, and his spiritual consciousness rushed out wildly.

At this moment, eighteen top-level monks suddenly appeared on the top of the cliff behind them. They jumped down and rushed towards the cave on the wall.

After discovering all this, a thought flashed through Zhang Ping's mind. He is too underestimated by the people in the world. Don't think that it will be okay if you reach the top level. There are many masters and many techniques. How many can you see in your lifetime? ?

Those cultivators used special techniques to hide their own auras, sneak around from a distance, and leave behind their fake dead bodies in the mountains and forests. It was really easy to scheme.

He noticed that the top-level cultivator broke into the cave, and the little monk and the big turtle also noticed it. Their expressions changed. These bastards were greedy for the cultivators and they showed no respect for them. The big turtle immediately became angry. He pressed his body against Zhang Wei's waist and said only one word: "Come in." There was no time to say more. After he pushed up against Zhang Wei, after saying that word, his body had already appeared in front of the cave door. .

Speaking of which, the distance from the cliff to the cave door is closer than the distance from Zhang Ao's footing to the cave door. However, because the cave door is narrow, only two monks rushed to enter in a short time. When the third one was about to enter, Wugui He arrived and hit him head-on, knocking a big hole out of the man's body and causing him to fall to the ground.

In an emergency, Wugui didn't have time to kill anyone. The first priority was to protect the door. He shouted to Zhang Ain: "The two people in the cave belong to you."

Zhang Ping was about to refuse, but when he turned his head, he found that the young monk's face turned cold and he was staring at him. Although the big turtle dealt with the attacks of more than a dozen top-level cultivators, it was easy and comfortable. Its shell was hard and could not be hurt. It did not chase and kill people, but only protected the entrance of the cave, so its attention was also focused on Zhang Ai. , just wait until he dares to say a word of rejection, and attack immediately.

Just now he was hit by the turtle, and Zhang Fei flew towards the entrance of the cave. After the turtle protected the entrance, he flew over and stood behind the turtle and inside the entrance of the cave. Looking at the fierce appearance of the little monk and the big turtle, he secretly thought that he was unlucky. He thought for a moment that it would be easier to chase the two top monks than to deal with the terrifying turtle. He said helplessly: "I'll go and make a deal first. You're forcing me to do this." Mine." He ducked into the cave.

There are countless beautiful places in the world. Zhang Ai has traveled all over the world throughout his life. Needless to say, he has seen too many mountains and seas. There are also fairyland-like existences such as the Five Spirits Paradise, which I have seen in twos and threes. But as soon as he entered the cave, Zhang was still shocked.

The cave door is just a door. Maybe there was no door before. In order to cover up the beautiful scenery of this place, a portal was specially built to block outside disturbances. When he stepped into it, he fell into a sea of ​​flowers. There is a path behind him that leads to the mountains, but Zhang is afraid to know that the path is just an illusion.

The flowers are purple, and they reach from high to the ground. I don’t know how high they are. There are endless purple flowers from the sky to the ground where you enter. They are arranged in a string and swaying gently. This is a sea of ​​wisteria flowers. There are countless tall wisteria trees, and every two trees are more than a hundred meters apart. The hanging wisteria flowers fill this space, from high to low, from far to near, as far as the eye can see. It is the beauty of purple. There are countless petals even on the ground, covering the ground in purple, stretching into the distance.

It's just that although the scenery is beautiful, Zhang is afraid that he has no time and no intention to appreciate the beauty. He taps his toes and flies forward, letting his consciousness search for the traces of the two people. But here, the spiritual consciousness is no more than three feet away from the body, and it cannot be farther away. He secretly cursed you asshole, how can you find this?

He looked far into the distance, looking for traces in the sea of ​​flowers. His eyes were like lightning, but they were blocked by countless wisteria trees, so he changed his target to a larger pavilion house. Zhang Awei estimated that even gods would not let treasures be placed in the courtyard. The two monks who came in should have thought the same as him. They had a short time and would always look for items that were easy to find in the pavilion first.

Thinking in his mind, searching in his eyes, he ran straight forward, shuttling between the flowers. In this space, one cannot let his consciousness go out. There is a sea of ​​wisteria flowers in front of him, blocking his sight, and the fragrance of the flowers is lingering, and even the smell cannot be discerned.

With no other option, Zhang was afraid that he could only get lucky and dive in in one direction. After walking for more than ten miles, the purple in front of me faded and turned into a clear blue sky, and I had already emerged from the sea of ​​wisteria flowers. At the end of the sea of ​​​​flowers is a piece of white sand, which is spread out over a dozen miles of lake shore. Beyond that is a clearer blue lake, clear and far away, stretching to the sky. It looks at least a dozen miles away, otherwise how can we be with it? Connected to one place?

Seeing all this, Zhang Wen couldn't help but whistle, "Beautiful!" I plan to do the same thing when I go back to Tianlei Mountain. This place is even more beautiful than the Five Spirits Blessed Land. In comparison, the Five Spirits Blessed Land seems to be as delicate as a garden, but here is the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

Looking back, I saw purple petals paving the way below the sea of ​​wisteria flowers. I couldn’t see the ground, but I thought it was just dirt. And beyond the soil, there is white sand and water. The three colors of purple, white and green coexist in one place and are clearly distinct. It is indeed the residence of gods and men, which is extraordinary.

A thousand meters to the left of the white sand, there is a winding corridor that leads to the lake. The most surprising thing is that the corridor has no columns and floats flat on the lake. There are also several halls and pavilions of different styles in the lake, or there are corridors. Bridge to the shore, or float alone in the lake.

The beautiful scenery is endless, but it is a pity that I have no time to enjoy it. Zhang was afraid that it would be swept away by him, so he ran to the left. Wondering where those two unfortunate bastards are?

Wugui must have been angry when such a big incident occurred, but he didn't know if the little monk went on a killing spree.

Walking 10,000 meters to the left, you will see a courtyard on the shore of the lake. In such a fairyland-like place, there is a small farmhouse with three thatched huts standing side by side. There is a fence made of naturally grown thin bamboo. I don’t know what kind it is. It is full of aura and full of vitality. However, it does not grow very high. waist. The yard is not big, and there are several vegetable fields separated to grow some fruits and vegetables. No one has taken care of them for an unknown period of time, but the vegetables in the vegetable fields have not withered and are growing stubbornly.

Seeing these crops, Zhang Ping sighed secretly. They were better than those grown by Uncle Lin in Wuling Blessed Land. He really didn't know where they came from. Behind the vegetable field, there is an open space measuring one foot square, with a table, two chairs, and three wooden utensils standing there. Apart from these, there is nothing else in the courtyard.

We walked straight to the front of the courtyard. At this time, the courtyard door was wide open, and there were some slight noises coming from the house, as if someone was rummaging for something. Zhang Awei whispered: "Stop turning around and come out."

The noise in the house suddenly stopped. After a while, a figure slowly walked out of the door and said in a stiff voice: "Friend Taoist, why do you have to embarrass me? This place is quite big, and the house is not just here. You should look for treasures and leave quickly." "

Zhang Awei shook his head: "I don't want to kill you, so don't embarrass me." As he spoke, his figure flashed, and he pointed a finger at the opponent's forehead. The spiritual power in his body surged into the opponent's body, easily locking the opponent's Yuan Qiao and sealing the spiritual breath. , and then said softly: "I'll take you out in a moment." After that, he walked away and chased the next person.

In terms of the completeness of this spiritual field, the person should have gone in the other direction, otherwise there is not much time. The two of them should go into the house to hunt for treasure together. There is no need to waste time looking elsewhere. Then he went back the same way and ran to the other side of the long lake.

On this side of the bank is a farmyard, and on that side of the bank is a courtyard. Perhaps because there were few people living there, there were no houses with two or three entrances, just a circle of houses surrounding it. But there are a lot of various furnishings, such as steps, opposite doors, screen walls, and even door knockers. I just don’t know who will knock on the door if I live here.

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