The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 809 Cultivators break into the valley

Chapter 809 A cultivator breaks into the valley

Zhang Ai doesn’t know what Buddha is? But I know that the little monk is very powerful. Just this kind of peace and tranquility is the most difficult thing to find in the world. There is no need to use strong force to suppress and force. Just rely on your own heart and use your own body as a tool to send your heart to all things. In your heart, if you are willing to open your heart, you will find that the little monk's heart beats only next to your heart, eliminating evil and delusion, leading to good and good, allowing you to relax and calm your mind, as if there is no more suffering and no injustice in the world. I have already asked for everything, or I have thought that it is not important and there is no need to ask for it anymore. At this moment, all you have left is tranquility, contentment, and happiness.

One ring and one kneeling lasted three days and three nights. During these three days and three nights, thousands of creatures were worshiped within ten kilometers of him, including herbivorous rabbit-biting elk, ferocious wolves, leopards, tigers, and lions, and more. There are countless insects.

All sentient beings came to worship, but those who were worshiped had no words to say and could only recite in a low voice. At midnight on the third day of worship, drizzle began to fall from the sky, falling into the forest and falling on thousands of living beings.

It was just an ordinary raindrop, but when it fell in this piece of Buddha consciousness, it was also stained with the Buddha's light and energy. When it fell on my body, I felt indescribably comfortable and refreshed, as if I had only wanted this rain to touch my body. .

The drizzle was falling, and there was no moon in the sky. But at the middle of midnight, a full moon suddenly appeared in the sky, bright and brilliant, sending out a golden light, making the raindrops transparent and shining. In this beautiful midnight, what was originally an uninhabited mountain wilderness, desolate forests and high rocks, with nothing out of the ordinary, has now turned into a celestial landscape, a place where all spirits live. Needless to say, it is beautiful, and the legendary fairyland is nothing more than this.

Seeing the changes before his eyes, Zhang Ping sighed with emotion. The stone wall opposite shook a little, and he quickly raised his eyes to take a closer look. Could it be that he was mistaken? Upon seeing this, I was immediately shocked. The black stone wall in the middle of the opposite stone wall disappeared and turned into a black doorway extending into the stone wall. I don't know where it leads.

When the entrance to the stone wall first appeared, the young monk's expression remained unchanged and he continued to chant in a low voice. His body did not move at all, but if he didn't move, someone would.

Three days ago, Zhang was afraid that he and the young monk would be noticed by someone who wanted to follow him in the forest. As a result, I saw the young monk displaying his Buddha's majesty, and a Buddha's light shone all over the place, attracting all kinds of wild animals to worship him. Although these people were surprised by the power of the young monk, they themselves were highly cultivated and wanted to defy nature in this life. Of course, they would not be easily infected by Buddha consciousness like ordinary beasts and low-level monsters. Outside, monitor the situation ahead at all times.

The young monk came to worship the black stone wall, which means that there is indeed a treasure here, and everyone is even more worried about it. Because they had seen the terror of the giant turtle, only a few people followed at the beginning of the trip. If there were only a dozen of them, this trip would be a waste. However, there are always smart people who come up with some tricks and go out to explain the changes in the mountain to the cultivators outside the mountain one by one. They can exaggerate as much as they want, and they are sure that there are treasures in the stone walls. They say that everyone goes into the mountain together. After there are many people, Even if someone is unlucky enough to be killed by a turtle, someone will always have a chance to get the treasure.

This kind of news always spreads quickly, and it spreads quickly to everyone. There are more than 4,000 cultivators of all levels within a hundred miles outside the mountain. After hearing this, they felt that it made sense, and they prepared to rush into the Monster Mountain.

They thought that the immortal's mansion must be spacious, and they could get whatever they wanted and run away. There are more than 4,000 people. Even if the big turtle is powerful and can kill a thousand people, there is still nearly 80% chance of escape. They don't believe that they will be among the few unlucky ones.

Because some experts described the changes in the mountains in detail, the news spread widely. At this time, everyone knew that the scary guy in the forest was a giant turtle, much more powerful than the Lin beast.

So when the entrance to the stone wall appeared, more than 4,000 people moved at the same time, rushing in like crazy. No one wanted to be left to be killed by the turtle. They didn't care whether the people around them had vengeance or whether there were scary monsters ahead, they just went in. In the cave, grab a treasure and run away.

As soon as they moved, the big turtle also moved, and coldly roared one word: "Death." It was about to start a killing spree. At this time, the young monk spoke, stopped chanting, stood up and faced outside, and whispered: "It is a young man who made a wish and caused trouble to the peaceful mountains and forests. It is a sin." After speaking, he stretched out his hands and the air in the valley shook violently. It beats non-stop like a substance. To put it simply, it looks like it does when the sun is scorching under intense heat, but it is much more intense.

The air trembled, and a stream of fire surged outward. Just enough to surround the entire stone wall. At this time, the cultivators rushed in, and those in front were the low-level cultivators. The masters were cunning and hiding behind, fearing that they would be killed by the turtle.

Wealth and wealth are in danger, and these top-level monks have no choice but to take risks in order to have a chance of becoming gods.

If the cave door had not been opened, they would not have been willing to work so hard. Speaking of which, it was the young monk who gave everyone hope. But no matter how hopeful they are, they are not willing to take risks easily, and are happy to have a group of fools to charge for them.

Zhang Ain stood at the edge of the valley. Next to him was the turtle, and a hundred meters behind him was the little monk. The young monk took action, and the trembling ripples rushed towards his body. He only felt a cool breath of Buddha's breath passing through his body without feeling its power. He thought to himself, can this be used to defend against the enemy?

Just when I thought like this, I saw many golden swastikas appearing in front of me. The golden swastikas dispelled the darkness in front of my eyes. The soft raindrops were still falling, shining brightly under the light, jumping towards the earth. There were many cultivators who accompanied Yusi towards the ground, but they fell backward. Every time a person rushes into the valley, a golden swastika flashes in the air. No matter how the opponent dodges, it hits the chest and is directly knocked away by Foli.

Zhang Ping sighed, "Niu, look at this posture, it's much more powerful than Bu Kong."

Seeing that the little monk took the initiative to help him defend against the enemy, the big turtle was temporarily relieved. His cold eyes glanced at Zhang Awei, wondering whether he should kill him first. Zhang Ai said depressedly: "Why are you looking at me? If I wanted to get into that hole, I would have gone in long ago. Are you still waiting for you to kill me?"

Yijie seemed unwilling to fight. After spreading his arms, a peaceful voice slowly sounded out, flowing gently into everyone's heart like water: "Buddha said don't kill. This is a great Buddhist precept. But Buddha also knew that people have three gods." The six consciousnesses and various thoughts can never control a peaceful and exquisite heart. Today, I am destined to have a young monk talk to everyone about what it means to be non-greedy. The Buddha said that abstaining from greed leads to freedom and insatiability. This is called greed. Freedom and greed are poisonous. Choosing between them is what the donors are doing now. It is important to know that the perfection of yin and yang is a fixed number, and our practice is also a fixed number. Borrowing external things is just the clear dew in the morning. We can only strengthen our Taoist mind and stay away from delusions. This is the right way to seek the supreme road. What the donors seek is liberation, so why bother to kill for a small cave? This is the empty place of attachment. What you do is wrong, so how can you expect positive results? All donors can unite their own minds, observe internally and externally, calm their breaths, give up the thoughts of vain pursuits, and purify their minds of pursuits, so as to restore a pure world to the world and a pure path to themselves."

It was a long talk, but it was calm and calm from beginning to end, and the tone remained unchanged. However, a group of cultivators did not listen at all and continued to charge forward with all their strength. However, no matter how high or low their cultivation level was, they were all knocked down and sent flying by the little swastika. Fortunately, the young monk was kind-hearted and did not strike hard, knocking down the cultivator. But Zhang Ai saw something was wrong.

The first sentence of the first precept is about abstaining from killing, which has nothing to do with the following abstention from greed. It shows that the young monk has murderous intentions. His first sentence directly pointed out that when I speak, it is best for you to listen. If you don't give up greed, I will help you give up your life. Zhang Weixin said: What a great guy. He has the intention to kill at the slightest displeasure. This is after he has succeeded in meditating. If he didn't meditate, wouldn't it be more terrifying and murderous than Zhang Tianfang's Buddha Killing?

The big turtle was also stunned when he heard it. It is a spiritual creature, and its owner was a man of God at that time. What he did and said had his own character. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, the turtle was also extremely knowledgeable. He also heard the meaning of Yijie's peaceful language. With murderous intent, I couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. Why is this monk more impulsive than me?

After the young monk finished talking about this long story, and seeing that the cultivators were unmoved, he swept his eyes over each person's face, as if hesitating on what to do. When Zhang was afraid to take a look, he stopped hesitating and hurriedly asked Wu Gui: "Can it be closed?"

The big turtle said: "I only know how to close it from the inside, but I don't know how to close it from the outside."

"What are you still hesitating about? You brought the little monk in and closed the door. Do you want to see if he can kill someone?" Zhang Ping said anxiously.

On the surface, Yijie is calm, neither happy nor angry. But Zhang Awei and the big turtle were quite close to him, and he could clearly feel the peaceful murderous intention. To be precise, it was a kind of fighting intention. The fighting intention that wanted to fight and vent was suppressed by Buddhism, so The meeting was indifferent.

The first precept to observe is the first major precept in Buddhism, the precept to kill. He only keeps one precept in his life and still keeps it like this. If he hadn't turned to Buddhism, I really don't know what he would have done. Zhang Ai was very emotional.

After hearing this, the turtle asked Zhang Ping: "I have no hands, how do you want me to get him in?"

Zhang is afraid that he won't want to go in. It's easy to go in. What if he can't get out? One more question: "Do you know how to get out?" The big turtle shook his head seriously and said, "I don't know."

Zhang was so angry that he really wanted to scold him, but what do you know? I made up my mind not to go in, no matter what was inside. What I cared about were living people like Song Yunying, Xi'er, Lin Shufu'er and Hai Ling. As for the treasures? Don't let me take risks if I love so and so.

He didn't say anything. Oogway was a little anxious. The main reason was that there were too many people. There were more than 4,000 people. It would be okay if he could kill them all at once, but if a few escaped and were sneaked into the cave by them... Oogway would definitely not allow such a thing. happened, he threatened Zhang Ping and said: "You go and carry the master into the cave, and I will stand behind you, or I will kill you now."

I'm so depressed. Is this threatening? Zhang Weijing looked at Wu Gui in disbelief and said, "Those people want to come in, but you don't let them in. I don't want to come in, so you force me to come in? What are you doing? I don't care about you."

He refused the turtle proposal, not wanting to turn around and say to them: "Don't worry about me, I won't go into the hole. Master just asked me to worship Jieyou for him. He didn't say that I can go into it." , so what you two are thinking is that I, the young monk, cannot do what I want, and please forgive me. However, the Taoist friend’s suggestion is feasible. The cave door is opened because of me. If outsiders enter without permission, it will scare the people in front of me to rest, so I ask the Taoist friend to go inside and close it. The cave door saves you these troubles, and the young monk doesn't have to suppress his fighting spirit."

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