The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 790: Someone kills someone

Chapter 790: Someone kills someone

Immediately, he moved in a flash and passed through the air. After landing, he saw a red wolf viciously biting a furry biting rabbit. The sharp teeth had already bitten the biting rabbit's head. As soon as the mouth closed, biting the rabbit was ready. Will die.

At this time, Zhang Awei arrived. He held down Red Wolf with one hand and grabbed Biting Rabbit with the other. He separated his hands and heard a click. Red Wolf's bite was empty and Biting Rabbit was rescued. Red Wolf looked at Zhang Ping angrily, his eyes were fierce, and he seemed to realize that the person in front of him was not easy to mess with, so he struggled back.

Zhang Awei smiled and let go of his hand, and said to Red Wolf, "Let's go, they are mine." Red Wolf swished away and stared at Zhang Awei angrily for a while, then turned and ran away.

He rescued a biting rabbit, and the other two swished into the grass. Zhang Weijing grabbed the empty rabbit and said, "Don't run away, stay with your friends." He held the three little guys in his arms. The adult biting rabbits are as tall as an adult's calf. These three are obviously underage, a little shorter than the forearm, with big ears, and they are uneasy in Zhang Weizhi's arms.

Zhang Awei comforted them: "Meeting me will mean that you are lucky and prosperous. From now on, you will follow the uncle to eat well and drink hot food, and you will enjoy endless blessings." Poor Biting Rabbit doesn't understand human language at all, so who knows what he said.

From here, as we walked further into the mountains, all kinds of hunting and killing began to increase. Zhang was afraid that he would be too busy, so he narrowed the coverage of his spiritual consciousness to within a dozen miles. He took out the long-lost big cloth bag, which had previously contained sand bears. Now he put the rabbit in it and carried it around in the forest. Half a day later, there were twenty biting rabbits in the bag, including adults and cubs, and it was quite a crowd.

He doesn't just save biting rabbits, he also saves any unlucky guy who is almost dead. But we can’t just save the little beast’s life and cut off the big beast’s livelihood, right? Every time he rescued a small beast, he would take out the fresh meat bought in the market and feed it to the big beast, exchanging it like a business. In addition, he wanted to take away twenty biting rabbits. He could not send them to Hai Ling to starve, so he did some hard work and went around harvesting fresh grass. I have been looking for biting rabbits for the past half day, and I have learned something about their favorite food. They eat grass and fruits, so I cut several grasses as high as mountains, and randomly picked some wild fruits and put them in a jade box for preservation.

These rabbits are very interesting. As monsters, they always have some abilities. The ability of biting rabbits is very complex. When they are born, they will develop a magic spell according to the external environment, such as rain, drought, wind or moon, or play with water or wind as a means of survival. If a group of biting rabbits can use the spell together, it will be very powerful. Unfortunately, it is not powerful enough. If it hits the cultivator, it is really just a gust of wind or rain, and it will not cause much damage.

Now these guys are messing around in the bag, and the wind, frost, snow and rain are blowing, turning the bag into a small world. Fortunately, Zhang Weifang's bag was relatively strong, so it didn't break.

The most interesting thing is that one bites a rabbit and creates a lot of vines. The rabbit crawls out along the branches and leaves, and uses the branches and leaves as arrows to attack Zhang Wei. Zhang Ping just laughed. Before today, he had never thought that biting rabbits would have this kind of magical power. It was quite interesting. He held them down and shouted: "Don't make trouble." He gently imitated the roar of a tiger to scare them. It finally calmed down.

Twenty rabbits, a lot, it's time to go back, turn around and walk out. Not long after walking, seven people came running behind them, all in extremely embarrassed condition, and two of them were injured.

Zhang Ai looked back and saw that there were still thirteen people half a day ago, why were there six less now? What happened? He stopped and turned around to look, but he was too lazy to scan it with his consciousness.

In just two breaths, seven people hurriedly ran in front of him. In the emergency, they didn't care whether Zhang Awei would hurt them. They turned aside more than ten meters and passed by Zhang Awei. One of them may have been too injured to run, or he may have been clever. When he saw Zhang Afraid, he actually stopped running. He fell to the ground and shouted: "Senior, help me."

Zhang is afraid that he can't even think about whether he is curious or not. If I come to catch a few biting rabbits, will I get into trouble? What was the name of the guy who told me my fortune last time? Ah, Kong Fuji, this guy is talking nonsense, saying that I was born with good luck, and that I am the only person with good luck?

The injured monk fell to the ground, but no one of the six people who had run over stopped to help him. They just ran away for their own lives and ran without a trace after a while.

At this time, a big man ran from behind. He was a little fat and his clothes were full of blood. He was holding a nail rake in his hand. He smiled strangely: "Don't run." The figure jumped a few times and came to Zhang Wei's side. His eyes scanned He passed by and hit Zhang Afraid with a rake.

Zhang Aif flicked his finger at the rake, and the rake made a clanging sound. The rake flew out and knocked down several big trees with thunderbolts.

The big man was stunned. He didn't expect to meet a master in the outer mountains, so he turned around and ran away. Zhang Ai was a little unhappy. No matter how good your temper was, you couldn't say that someone wanted to kill you. You let them leave easily. He waved his backhand and hit the big man with a force from the air. He hit him like the rake before and hit the woods. The boom-boom smashed several tall trees again.

His slap was so hard that the big man fell to the ground unconscious. The injured monk who had fallen down earlier saw the opportunity coming, his eyes showed a fierce look, he stood up with force, walked to the big man, raised his palm and was about to kill.

Zhang Ai frowned, everyone was not high in cultivation, but he was cruel, and asked in a low voice: "What are you doing?"

The injured monk was startled and hurriedly closed his palms and saluted respectfully to Zhang Ping: "Thank you, senior, for saving your life. I was waiting for more than ten people to hunt animals in the forest, and he suddenly came to kill people. Fortunately, six of my companions fought to the death and waited for me. A chance to escape..."

"Okay, whoever has time to listen to your nagging, I would like to ask you, do you have any grudges with him?" Zhang asked directly without interrupting him.

"I don't know him. I've never seen this person before." The injured disciple managed to reply as he held on to his body.

Zhang Awei waved his sleeves and woke up the big man. The guy woke up in a daze, shook his head, and immediately realized what he was doing. He jumped up and looked at Zhang Awei carefully, and held the nail rake again in his hand.

Zhang Ain asked coldly: "You want to kill me?" The big man shook his head quickly: "Junior is going to kill him. I am so rude to senior, please spare my life." This guy is much smarter than the injured monk, and calls himself a junior instead of a disciple.

Zhang Ain sighed: "Is it interesting to lie to me? Why did you kill him?" He raised his hand and pointed at the injured monk.

"This junior has a blood feud with him..." There was no chance to say the next words. Zhang Weijing turned his fingers and slapped him horizontally, smashing the big man into a pulp. He said coldly: "You want to kill me first, but you continue to lie behind. I really deserve it." I'm so easy to deceive. There's no need for someone with such blind eyes to live."

He killed someone neatly and shocked the injured monk. This guy was ruthless and must not be offended. He quickly propped himself up and saluted: "Thank you, senior, for your generous help and avenged this junior."

Zhang was afraid that he was unwilling to pay attention to him, and said with a cold face: "Why should I avenge you? You caught the monsters and sold them to the Yao family, right? Go back and tell Yao Mei'er, don't torture low-level monsters for nothing, and go into the inner mountain if you have the ability. A fight with Xunlin Beast’s strength.”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the injured monk's reply, he walked out of the forest with his big bag on his back.

He did not wait for others to react. The injured monk did not dare not to react. He bowed and said, "Thank you, senior, for saving your life. I will definitely bring what my senior said to the Medicine family." It was very hard for him to speak, his whole body was in pain, and his voice was trembling. Because he had been running for his life and had no chance to heal, his injuries were aggravated. If he continued like this, if he didn't recover from his injuries in time, Daoji would probably lose his life.

Zhang was afraid to see that this guy had an unusually correct attitude, and even though his Daoji was damaged, he still wanted to be polite to him. His feelings for him increased greatly, and without turning around, he threw out a few pills and said, "One life pill, five spiritual energy pills." , go and recuperate."

The injured disciple was overjoyed and quickly took the elixir and said loudly: "Thank you, senior, for your great kindness in giving me the elixir. I also ask senior to give me a name so that I can repay you in the future."

Zhang was afraid that there would be no need for him in return, so he stopped talking, walked into the forest and disappeared.

Monster Mountain is located in the south of the Lu State, about the same distance from the Yue State Tianlei Mountain and the Warring States Period Refining Temple. As Zhang Ain walked out, he was wondering whether he should go back to the Tianlei Mountain to have a look. He was about to leave the mountain when a man ran in from outside the mountain. , one of the six people who had just escaped, panicked, ran around with his head covered, and came face to face with Zhang Awei. Behind him, there were two people chasing him, top-level foundation-building monks.

Judging from the clothes and expressions of the three people, they should not be the same. The two people behind are chasing the monk in front.

The man who escaped may have learned from a brother before him. When he saw Zhang Afraid, he quickly shouted: "Senior, help me."

Zhang Awei came out of the forest, and the two foundation-building monks behind him also saw him. They heard the fleeing monks shouting for help at him, thinking they were helpers. The two looked at each other, and at the same time drew their swords and stabbed Zhang Awei.

Zhang is afraid of being very angry. What do you mean? Do I look easy to bully? You all want to kill me? He directly kicked the two of them away, flying directly from the sky to the outside of the mountain. Then he looked at the fleeing monks coldly and said in a cold voice: "Your affairs have nothing to do with me." He carried Biting Rabbit on his back and continued walking out.

There is a distance of more than a thousand meters from here to the outside of the mountain. Zhang is afraid that his spiritual consciousness will be released, and he knows that there are more than a dozen monks standing outside the mountain, most of whom are foundation-building practitioners. There are also two alchemy-forming monks, who must be the accomplices of the pursuers. . Zhang Ai smiled coldly, pretending they didn't exist, and walked out as usual. How could a top-level master change the route for a group of low-level monks? What's more, this group of people had caused trouble for him.

Everyone outside knew that his companion had been beaten and that Zhang was afraid of going out. A dozen monks spread out in a fan shape and surrounded the exit. Not far behind were two foundation-building monks who had been kicked out and fell to the ground unknown. Seeing Zhang Wei coming out, everyone moved at the same time and rushed forward.

Zhang was afraid and didn't say anything. He stopped, put one hand on the big bag on his body, and looked at them coldly.

A Dan-Jie monk said loudly: "Fellow Taoist injured our companions, so we should give an explanation."

"You want me to give you an explanation?" Zhang Yin wanted to laugh. These people were so clueless about life and death.

Hearing Zhang Wei's arrogant words, the Danjie cultivator was a little unsure. He could knock out two top-level Foundation Establishment cultivators with one move, and treat a dozen of his own people as if they were nothing. Was he really a master? He asked in a deep voice: "Where is my friend from?"

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