The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 789 Biting the Rabbit

Chapter 789: Biting the Rabbit

"Lucky? It's almost unlucky. The entire family has millions of people. They can only hide in the valley and live on something called star grass. They also have to endure the endless attacks of the ferocious hairy people. They have to fight every day. It’s hard to survive without sacrificing the lives of countless people, so it’s okay not to be lucky enough,” Zhang Ai retorted.

"Star grass? I've been locked up for too long, and I don't know many things. But I feel that the Jin family was collectively poisoned. It should have offended a certain god, and the god did this, so that the poison can be passed down from generation to generation." Ghost Ancestor affirmed said.

"How many gods are there?" Zhang was dissatisfied. How could there be so many gods?

"It doesn't matter whether the gods are gods or not. Let's go back to the Bone Forest." Ghost Ancestor did not argue with him. He chuckled and continued: "The gods formed a maze of formations, and thick fog suddenly appeared in the mountains, which lasted forever; In the Trapped God Formation, the land that reached the sky disappeared and was sealed by a high tower. However, when the fish-headed monsters and cultivators were fighting, several teams were killed by the masters of transforming gods and fled all over the world. The Formation God took pity on them and just took pity on them. Create a divine formation in the maze and collect all the fish-headed monsters outside to protect them. Because no one knows where the fish-headed monsters are hiding in the maze, they cannot kill them. Save your life. As time went by, the fish-headed monster recuperated and grew stronger, forming the current skeleton forest."

"There is a passage in the Bone Forest that connects to the outside world, which is the birth gate of the divine formation. Every time the formation weakens, the formation gate will open wide. The passage openings will randomly appear in the four directions of the divine formation, and there will be fish-headed monsters who are unwilling to give up and take advantage of this opportunity. When they go out to cause trouble, I take advantage of them to sneak in and wander around. It's really not interesting. Have you ever been in there?" Guizu asked by the way.

I just asked a forest of bones. He told me an old fairy tale. Zhang Ain replied: "I went in there and was dragged in by a fish-headed monster." He paused and asked again: "The fish head in the land that reaches the sky." Why are you attacking the Temple of Refining?”

"How do I know? If they want to break in, let them break in. Anyway, it's not me who died." Ghost Ancestor replied.

These fish-headed monsters were originally residents of the mainland, but they were living well, so why were they fighting? Thinking of the fish-headed monster they had seen in the Bone Forest, the elders were determined not to go out. At that time, they didn't know the reason. But now after listening to the story, they realized that they were afraid of being killed. Zhang Awei shook his head and said softly: "This world is really chaotic."

Unexpectedly, Ghost Ancestor also agreed with this sentence and repeated it again: "The world is really chaotic."

Zhang Ao pondered for a while and continued to ask the question: "Sir, do you know the origin of this world? Was it created by God? What is outside the sky? What is under the ground?"

Ghost Ancestor was stunned. After a while, he opened his mouth and cursed: "Are you mentally ill? If you have nothing to do, just pee and play in the mud. Don't entertain me here." Zhang Ao smiled bitterly and said: "I'm really not a recreational person. These questions came to my mind when I was thinking about how to become a god. I couldn’t figure it out, so I came to ask the adults.”

"Don't call me Sir. Once you respect me, I will be in trouble. It's better to scold me. The harder you scold me, the less I have to worry about you being evil-minded." Ghost Ancestor said coldly.

"Sir, are you really sick? No one would scold you." Zhang Wen deliberately caught someone with a bad word and kept it secret.

"Go away, you've finished using me, haven't you?" Ghost Ancestor said angrily.

Zhang Ai shook his head and said no more. He was messing around just to make himself feel more relaxed. According to Ghost Ancestor, the Refining Temple cannot be moved. If you move, the fish-headed monster will run out; but if you don't move, the sea spirit will be trapped in the formation forever. This is an extremely difficult multiple-choice question. He didn't want to think about this unfortunate problem. He originally planned to bicker with Guizu to distract his attention, but as soon as he said a word, he realized that he was still thinking about Hai Ling's affairs, so he stopped talking.

Gui Zuren was an old man. He saw that Zhang was in a bad mood and knew why he was worried. He sighed and whispered: "This is fate. It is my fate to be trapped in the formation. It is also my fate for the little baby to survive in the formation." , can’t be forced.”

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "There are still cultivators who believe in fate? What you seek every day is to prolong your life and defy heaven, and go against God. What kind of things do people who believe in fate do?"

"No matter what you think, maybe it's because I'm getting old and feel that there is an arrangement somewhere. The ending for you and me has already been decided. No matter how hard we try, we can't escape." Ghost Ancestor defended himself.

"I have to run away even if I can't. I don't believe anyone can make the decision for me." Zhang said fiercely.

After standing there for a while, his mind was a little confused. He didn't dare to try to transform into a spirit. He couldn't save Hai Ling. Many days of hard work would be in vain. Zhang was afraid and said: "I'm going out now. I'll come in to talk another day."

Ghost Ancestor said yes, and then said: "Let's get something to eat before we leave." Zhang Ain smiled, threw a large piece of dried meat in that direction, and then retreated.

Hai Ling was lying on the deck in a daze. Seeing him come back, she asked, "What do you think is the best way to pass the time?"

Zhang Ai smiled and said: "There are many ways. Let's go to the exit. I'll go out for a while. You'll know when I get back." Hai Ling blinked his big eyes and asked, "Are you bringing the monster back?" Zhang Ai shook his head: "The monster I can’t talk to you.”

This statement aroused Hai Ling's curiosity: "Then what did you bring back?"

Not only can the monster be unable to speak, but it is also separated from the sea spirit and cannot get close to it. It is just another breathing object, no different from a big fish in the sea. It is really difficult to make them as cute and cute as sand bears, and I don’t know how much time it will take. After thinking about it like this, I suddenly remembered a kind of monster, which might be a good choice.

But before that, I have to buy books and musical instruments. I can read books to pass the time, play musical instruments to pass the time, and then buy some game chess. In short, I want to keep the little fat man busy.

Zhang Fei pretended to be mysterious and said: "You will know soon." He led the boat to the other exit.

Ten days later, Zhang was afraid of leaving the foggy valley and went to the major cities in the Warring States period to raid, buying countless books, pens, inks and papers. He also bought back many musical instruments and various chess games, as well as some knives, saws, axes, chisels and a large amount of wood. He wanted the little fat man to make toys for himself.

Of course, he also bought all kinds of food. He walked through several cities and replenished his storage bag. After purchasing these items, he flew north. He was going to visit the Demonic Beast Mountain of Lu State.

There are a large number of low-level monsters living outside Monster Mountain, mostly first- and second-grade monsters. There is a monster called Biting Rabbit. It is very cute, furry, lives on grass, and has a kind nature. What Zhang Wen suddenly remembered was This kind of monster should be able to get along well with sea spirits, and I plan to rescue a few of them. He made a good excuse for himself, not to rob them by force, but to wait for the ferocious monsters to hunt them and rescue them. In this way, biting the rabbits was equivalent to dying once, and he gave them a second life. , is a kind act.

The distance from the Warring States Period to the State of Lu was a bit far, so Zhang Wen flew at his fastest speed for a whole day to get there. As soon as they landed outside Monster Mountain, they saw thirteen low-level monks driving two empty carriages on the road in the distance.

Zhang was afraid to take a look and realized that this business had not been cancelled? A long time ago, when he first entered the world, he rescued a bunch of low-level monsters. Dozens of first- and second-grade monsters were packed in such carriages and sent to medicine houses to be used as medicine or as experimental products. Used for refining and testing poisons. In order to develop and grow, the Yao family sacrifices the lives of countless monsters every year.

Seeing their pitiful appearance, Zhang Wen felt pity and wanted to buy all the monsters. However, the Yao family disciples became interested in wealth and saw that others had many small spiritual stones, so they had murderous intentions, but Zhang Wen killed them instead. Because of this incident, Zhang was afraid of becoming enemies with the Yao family.

Seeing the same carriage at this time, I felt that time passed so fast, more than three hundred years passed in the blink of an eye. I remember myself at that time, silly, impulsive, and felt very warm. After thinking about it for a while, it should be the happiest thing for people to have memories.

Looking back, I saw that the monks were quite far away, and I didn't bother to deal with them. I wandered into Monster Mountain alone.

The outer mountain of the Monster Forest is a low hillside, covered with trees and vegetation. The further you go in, the higher the hillside becomes and the denser the forest becomes. Zhang Ai was slowly climbing uphill in the forest. Not far out, his body suddenly shook. The spiritual power in his body was suppressed by a huge force. It moved slowly and his cultivation level suddenly dropped a lot. This is the dividing line of the monster forest. , after passing this place, you enter the outer mountain.

There are no monsters living outside the outer mountains. The monsters are hidden in the mountains and forests hundreds of miles away. They have been dealing with humans for a long time, and no matter how stupid the monsters are, they have already learned how to save their lives.

There are no roads in the mountain, and everything he goes through is through the forest. Zhang Wen slowly wandered in. As he was walking, there was a noise from behind, and the thirteen low-level monks he had just seen rushed in. They are not as leisurely as Zhang Wen. They have clear goals and move quickly with their magic weapons. The carriage was abandoned outside the mountain.

They were stunned when they saw Zhang Ping, who is this person? Why couldn't I find out when I put my spiritual consciousness aside to investigate? The group of people immediately slowed down, carefully walked diagonally for a distance to avoid him, and then accelerated forward again.

Zhang Ain shook his head, how many spiritual stones can be exchanged for catching some first- and second-grade monsters? These thirteen monks are generally of high-level foundation building cultivation, and only one of them is a top-level cultivation. Think about the disciples of Tianlei Mountain, there are more than a thousand people in the three major groups, who has ever worried about elixirs and equipment.

He was not in a hurry to move forward because his consciousness had already been released, waiting for an unlucky biting rabbit to appear and save him. So it seems relaxed. But the thirteen foundation-building monks failed. They dispersed their fighting formations, quickly and carefully marched into the mountain, and stopped five hundred miles deep. Instead of going further in, they scanned left and right.

Generally speaking, the average value of first- and second-grade monsters is around two thousand spirit stones. In other words, as long as a person catches two live monsters, he will get four thousand spirit stones, which is a huge profit for ordinary cultivators, so Only thirteen monks would venture into Monster Mountain. Their purpose is clear, they catch monsters and run away, they are never greedy, and they do not provoke high-level monsters.

Because Zhang was afraid of being behind, and to avoid getting into trouble, the thirteen people quickly circled to the left, as far away from him as possible.

Zhang was afraid that he would not have time to figure out what they were doing, so he was strolling when he suddenly noticed three small beasts eighty miles away on his left, with anxious and panicky auras, and a big vicious beast biting them.

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