The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 777 Kong Buer

Chapter 777 Kong Buer

Zhang Ai was a little curious: "Who else in the world is worthy of the two adults' personal action?" "You don't know even if I tell you." Zuo Shi didn't tell him. Zhang was afraid that he didn't really want to know. His own affairs were already endless, and he had no time to worry about others. He changed the subject and asked: "Sir, what is the effect of the God Pill after taking it?" He wanted to transform into a god. It is also appropriate to learn more about the situation.

"The Heavenly God Pill is good. It has improved my cultivation by at least 20%, but I still can't transform into a god." As he spoke, he looked at Zhang Awei and said, "Do you want to ask the mountain god to show you the way to transform into a god?"

Zhang Ping admitted: "Exactly." Zuo Shi said: "Don't think about it. There are twenty of us. We dare not say that Tianzong's talents are about the same. Each of us is a top-level cultivation level. But Lord Mountain God would rather Seeing us sit down and leave without giving any advice, do you think the Lord will give you advice to a young man who has never been masked before? "The left servant and the right servant plus the Eighteenth Master are the direct subordinates of the mountain god, and their relationship is much closer than Zhang Wen's. , and the mountain god didn’t give any guidance on how to become a god, and Zhang Wen didn’t even think about it.

Zhang Ai lowered his head and thought about it, and told Zuo Shi what Ghost Ancestor told him: "I once had the chance to meet a master in the stage of becoming a god. He said that the road to becoming a god is extremely difficult and dangerous, and you will have to pay a price that ordinary people cannot imagine. , you will experience very heartbreaking things, and once you embark on the road to becoming a god, there will be no turning back.”

"Oh? There is another master of transforming gods? Where is he?" Zuo Shi asked with a moved expression.

"If I tell you where he is, you can't go. I haven't met him, I just heard him talk." Zhang Ai explained.

"Oh." Waiter Zuo responded. Although Zhang was afraid that his tone was evasive, Waiter Zuo believed him. Even though this guy likes to fool around, he didn't tell lies. He paused for a while and whispered: "As for who Senior said that my more than 100 years of time seem to have been wasted, and I have never understood how to transform into a god. It seems that transforming into a god is not as easy as cultivating the Dan Yuanying, but requires some extra work. "

Zhang Ain followed and said: "That person also said that everyone's path to becoming a god is different, and it should not be as simple as just practicing."

Zuo Shi suddenly stopped while walking, pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "We were led astray by the God Pill."

His words came from the bottom of his heart. Zhang Ping thought about it for a moment and understood what was going on.

The Heavenly God Pill is useful for transforming into gods and is a precious pill. Anyone who obtains the pill recipe will think of mixing together the herbs to make it. In order to help Zuo Shi, Zhang Ai not only collected the necessary herbs, but they were all over 10,000 years old, making them unimaginably precious. It is not an exaggeration to say that the elixir made from these herbs is an elixir. It is no exaggeration to say that when anyone sees such a divine pill, their first reaction is to eat it.

Cultivators start with Qi refining, work hard to build the foundation, work hard to form elixirs, and then work hard to form babies. They are used to practicing in this way, and are used to thinking about problems in this way. They believe that hard work will eventually transform the spirit, and they also think that the God Pill is like an advanced pill. If you eat it, you will have the opportunity to advance. This way of thinking is firmly embedded in the cognition of all cultivators. No one has ever thought that the Heavenly God Pill is beneficial to the transformation of gods, but the method may not be the same as the use of advanced pills. In addition to penance, there may be another way to transform gods.

For example, when people eat meat, they used to hunt it in the wild. Later, after many attempts, they learned that it can be kept in captivity and slaughtered when they want to eat it. It is no longer as hard as before, and the benefits are much greater. To put it bluntly, these are the sources of two kinds of meat.

The same goes for transforming into gods. The monks were accustomed to the previous practice methods. Based on the wisdom of Zuo Shi and Zhi Venerable, they did not expect that there would be another possibility. Hundreds and hundreds of years of hard training only increased their cultivation. Transforming the gods together, they did not even step through the door. At this time, Dezhang was afraid of being reminded, and finally understood and lamented that he had been praying for the God Pill, but maybe he had gone astray.

Zhang Ying smiled and said, "You have gone astray and have been diligent in your cultivation. Why don't you let others live?" He interrupted randomly, trying to comfort Zuo Shi. Zuo Shi understood what Zhang Wen was thinking, shook his head and said with a smile: "You are so petty." Since the two of them met, he has received much more than he has given, and he is naturally grateful. She knew that this crazy, silly boy was a good person, so she was willing to get close to him.

Zhang Ain smiled and asked again: "Who are you going to kill?" Zuo Shi did not answer: "Do you want to talk to you about Shiwanda Mountain?"

Zhang was afraid, and then changed the topic back: "Go and shout at the mountain god. Don't hide all day long. What's the point?" Zuo Shi said angrily: "Why are you saying this and that? And, what? Shouting, shouting? That’s Lord Mountain God!”

Zhang Wen disapproved: "I know he is an adult, you can always summon two voices."

Zuo Shi said angrily: "I don't have the same experience as you. Get out of Shiwandashan as soon as possible. I have something to do."

"It's weird to say that it's mysterious. It's just trying to figure out how to become a god. Hmm, despicable." After Zhang Aoi despised Zuo Shi, he ran away and left laughing.

Zuo Shi was a little depressed, and when Zhang was gone and disappeared, he muttered: "You have become familiar with me."

Zhang Afraid that the main purpose of going down the mountain this time was to find the mountain god and ask how to transform into a god. Little did he know that the old guy liked to disappear. He failed to see the mountain god, so he wondered as he walked along the mountain road: If he couldn't find the mountain god, should he go back and ask the ghost ancestor? How to solve the problem of refining the temple? There is no easy solution to any of these matters.

I had something on my mind, so I couldn't walk very fast. I didn't go out of Shiwandashan even after dark, so I looked for a flat place to sit down and rest. There is wind in the forest, bringing the chirping of insects and birds and the fragrance of grass and leaves to you. It is a quiet night scene. It's a pity that Zhang Zhi spent these days in the mountains and forests and turned a blind eye to such beautiful scenery. Just leaning against a big tree and thinking in a daze.

This place is about 800 miles away from the exit of Shiwanda Mountain. For him, this distance is almost nothing. Because I didn't know what to do after leaving the mountain, I stayed in the mountain to rest that night.

After sitting for a while, I felt a little tired, so I took out the bed blanket and laid it on the floor. I lay there until late at night, when suddenly there was a noise not far away, as if a wild animal was hunting.

While resting, in order to avoid being disturbed by the beasts in the forest, he kept his spiritual consciousness close to him. If he didn't want to be surprised by the wild beasts, he put his spiritual consciousness to check. As soon as his spiritual consciousness was released, Zhang Ai stood up and hurried over. In the dense woods, there were five gray wolves chasing a young scholar. The scholar was about thirty years old and was wearing a blue gown. He ran away in a panic, holding a short sword with a handle of about two feet in his right hand. He occasionally used big trees to dodge the attacks of the wolves. , and stabbed him once or twice with his dagger.

Naoguai made such a big noise, five hungry wolves were hunting for prey, so he was careful not to affect him earlier.

The young scholar is physically strong and obviously has some strength, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to do it for so long. After Zhang Weijing appeared, he picked up a piece of dead branch and whipped it on the five wolves quickly like a whip, driving them away easily.

When the scholar saw Zhang Awei appear, he first shouted for help, and then shouted to run. It was not until Zhang Awei beat the wolves away that he realized that a master was coming. He hurriedly ran over and held his hands in his hands, saying, "Thank you, hero, for saving my life."

Zhang was afraid that when his consciousness dispersed, he would know that he was an ordinary person, so he hurriedly came to rescue him, lest Wei waste any time and lose his life. Seeing the scholar thanking him, he threw away the dead branch in his hand and replied: "It takes a little effort."

But the scholar solemnly said: "Young man Kong Buer, I have met my benefactor, and I would like to thank my benefactor for saving my life." As he spoke, he could not bow.

Zhang Ying smiled and said, "Don't thank me. It's so late at night. Let's go. I'll take you to rest."

When Kong Buer heard this, he stood up and asked, "My benefactor lives here?" Zhang Ping said, "No, I passed by this place and was too lazy to walk, so I rested here." Kong Buer expressed his kindness and said: "It's a pity that I threw away my baggage. I brought some old wine and dried meat in it, but I can drink it all night long." At this point, he stopped and said, "My benefactor, wait a moment, and I will go find the baggage."

Zhang Weijing wanted to stop him, but then he thought, just do whatever he wants, why should he influence others, so he said: "Be careful, I'll wait for you here." Kong Buer shook his hand and held a sword flower and said : "The boy is not a weak scholar with no strength. He has also practiced some kung fu. Just now he was surrounded by wolves, and he ran away in a hurry as a last resort." As he spoke, he ran into the forest.

Zhang was afraid that his consciousness would be scattered. Doesn't this reckless guy know that Shiwandashan is dangerous? He was so brave to go there alone, so he had no choice but to suffer a little and take care of her.

A quarter of an hour later, Kong Buer came back, carrying a rattan basket on his back, and a curtain extended above the rattan basket to block the sun. There was a small baggage on his left shoulder, and a scabbard on his waist. The dagger was still held in his right hand. Only when he saw Zhang was afraid did he return the sword to its sheath.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "You really brought everything." Kong Buer said: "When you go out alone, you should always prepare more items."

Zhang Ping said: "Let's go." He led him back to the place where he had just rested.

The total distance was not very long, less than a thousand meters, and the two of them were back soon. Seeing that there was only a blanket on the ground, Kong Buer was surprised and asked, "How dare you sleep in the forest with only one blanket?" Zhang Ain smiled and said, "What else?"

Kong Buer took down the small bundle, put down the rattan basket, rummaged through things and said: "At least there must be flint, medicine for cuts and sores, and wine. Don't think it's because I'm greedy. Bringing wine can keep out the cold. It can also help with injuries. Compared with these, bedding is not very important." After saying this, he looked up at Zhang Weijing and said clearly: "You are a master, of course you are not afraid of this. I am the one who said more." He took it out of the basket. The things are just a gourd of wine, a piece of oilcloth, a bag of dried meat, and a few pieces of dry food.

After setting out wine and food on the ground, he apologized and said: "In the wild forest, you can only treat your benefactor with light wine. When he comes out of the mountains and forests when he goes to the city, he will definitely invite his benefactor to a big restaurant to have a good meal."

Zhang Ping said: "It doesn't matter, the mind is the best appetizer in the world." Kong Buer's words touched his heart, and he said with his palms: "That's right, these words are worth a big cup." After that, he pulled out the stopper of the gourd, He raised his neck and drank a big sip of wine, handed the gourd to Zhang Ao and said, "Please." Then he tore off the dried meat, first pushed a piece in front of Zhang Ao, and then picked up his own piece and took a big bite.

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