The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 776: Ending

Chapter 776 Disbandment

He is different from others. As the pillar of the family, he should put the family first when doing things. If it is a way to fish in troubled waters, it doesn't matter. Everyone grabs it based on their ability. Those who can grab it are considered to be capable, and those who can't grab it can't blame others. But the current situation is clearly a life-and-death battle, a situation of no end, and the enemy is likely to be Shiwan Dashan. He doesn't want to cause trouble for the Fang family.

I knew Zhang Pa before and knew that this guy is a good guy. The Yao family and Tianlei Mountain have a feud of exterminating the family. He only killed a few people, and the matter was covered. So when Venerable Leng attacked Zhang Pa just now, he dared to go after the unicorn beast. But the situation is different now. Who dares to believe that Zuo Shi said he would provide a battlefield? Zuo Shi, You Shi and Venerable Leng, all three of them are very angry. How stupid would you be to offend the three masters when they are angry? So he wanted to leave.

Fang Buwei was about to leave with his men, and Zhang Pa said coldly: "Did I say that? Leave someone behind!"

Fang Buwei was angry, but the situation was unclear at this time. From the conversation between Zhang Pa and Zuo Shi, he learned that they had a good relationship. Fang Buwei did not dare to take risks and ordered his men with a cold face: "You go back to the Fang family first."

He was also a responsible person. Since it was the trouble he caused, he would take it himself and not implicate his disciples.

Zhang Pa was very surprised to hear this. He looked at Fang Buwei again and nodded: "You are not bad." The tone of a senior teaching a junior almost pissed Fang Buwei off. Were you born when I became famous? You actually spoke to me in this tone.

The children of the Fang family were unwilling to leave their ancestors and run away. No one left. They lined up in three neat rows and closely followed Fang Buwei. Fang Buwei said angrily: "I told you to leave, didn't you hear? Those who disobey the order will be subject to the family law."

After saying this, none of the more than 300 children of the Fang family retreated. It was obvious that they would rather be punished by the family law than to die with Fang Buwei. None of the people spoke, but just stood there silently.

Zhang Pa gave a thumbs up and praised: "I admire you! The Fang family is much better than the Yao family." He admired sincerely.

Fang Buwei's eyes flashed with a hint of satisfaction. Anyone who encountered such a thing would be a little proud and touched, but he still ordered with a cold face: "If you don't retreat, you will be expelled from the family." More than 300 Fang family members bowed to him and then stood up and left the mountain.

They were taught from childhood that family is the most important thing and everything is centered on family.

The Fang family disciples left, and the only ones left in the field were Lin Beast, Zhang Pa, Leng Zunzhe, the left and right servants, Fang Buwei, a top-level cultivator, four high-level cultivators, and eight middle-level and beginner cultivators.

Zhang Pa ignored Fang Buwei and asked the top-level cultivator: "Are you still not giving up?"

The top-level cultivator smiled bitterly and said: "For a month and a half, I did nothing but play with the unicorn beast. You want me to leave now? Well, even if I can't get it, let me see who can get it. At least it's not a wasted trip." He didn't believe that Zhang Pa would save the unicorn beast at all. He just found an excuse to drive him away and swallow it all by himself.

Zhang Pa understood what he meant and said casually: "So that's how it is." He grabbed a dozen pills, including life pills and spiritual pills, and threw them to the unicorn beast: "Eat it."

The unicorn beast has been healing its wounds and accumulating strength, waiting for the last moment to fight to the death. Unexpectedly, Zhang Pa surprised him again and gave it pills for the second time to save it from danger. Although it was surprised, it was important to save its life at this time. It opened its mouth and swallowed the pill. After a while, the wounds all over its body healed one by one, and its body recovered, and most of its injuries were healed.

The dozen or so cultivators who had ideas about the unicorn beast were dumbfounded. Isn't this a prodigal? Nowadays, with the increasing number of cultivators on the continent, the number of herbs with years is getting smaller and smaller, and it is always difficult to find a medicine. This is why cultivators all over the world know that the Refining Valley is dangerous, but they rush to die one after another. How can they make pills without herbs outside? How can they improve their cultivation without making pills?

The top cultivator who just spoke couldn't believe it. Is it so wasteful to waste things? Okay, I believe you want to save the unicorn beast and don't mean to kill him, but that is a handful of precious pills. Is it necessary to waste it so much?

The pill that Zhang Pa threw out was at least made of thousand-year-old herbs. After the pill is made, it carries rich spiritual energy. As long as you are a cultivator and as long as you are not dead, you can clearly sense its preciousness.

The unicorn beast ate the pill and knew that it was saved by Zhang Pa again. It bowed its head slightly to Zhang Pa to express its gratitude, and then turned and left. Zhang Pa was very depressed. I spent so much effort to save you, and you just nodded? He said angrily, "Will you die if you leave after your wounds are healed? Are you in a hurry to go out and die?"

The unicorn beast ignored him. The medicinal pill was very effective. During the time when Zhang Pa scolded it, its wounds recovered again. Its scales were hard, and most of its injuries were external injuries. In addition, it had been fighting for days and its spiritual power was exhausted. Now that it was nourished by the life pill and the spiritual energy pill, its body recovered quickly and it left with its head held high. Zhang Pa scolded angrily, "Go to die."

Zhang Pa was defeated, and everyone in the field felt relieved. They called you arrogant again, called you arrogant again, and saved a white-eyed wolf. You feel good, right?

The right attendant uttered two words clearly: "You deserve it." Zhang Pa asked depressedly, "Are you comforting me?"

The unicorn beast left after its wounds were healed. The dozen monks had no target, so there was no need to offend Zhang Pa anymore. They left one after another, and in the end there were only five people and a bird left.

Zuo Shi looked at the black bird circling in the sky and asked, "Yours? Did you make it?" Zhang Pa knew what he was asking about, so he replied, "It's mine, yes, but I didn't make it." He raised his hand to call back the black bird and put it away.

Zuo Shi said: "I don't think you are so cruel." Forcibly extracting the soul of a demon beast to refine the weapon, this method is not ordinary cruelty.

Fang Buwei said coldly: "What do you want to ask? Ask quickly, I have something else to do."

Zhang Ai sighed: "I have something to do too. Let me tell you what happened between you and the Lin beast." Others chased the Lin beast, all in groups of small and five, recruiting friends, but the Fang family was different. More than three hundred disciples were chasing him crazily, and they couldn't even doubt him.

Now that things have come to this, seeing that many years of hard work have been in vain, I feel that this is what my destiny is, and I can’t blame others, and I don’t hate Zhang Ai that much, so I figure out how to get the cubs of the Lin Beast, and then kill the people who used them as bait to ambush the Lin Beast. Let’s talk about it again.

Zhang Weijing was amazed when he heard this: "You are really talented. You can think of such a method?" Coming up with an idea and having the patience to prepare a little bit is really extraordinary.

After Fang Buwei finished telling what happened, he said softly: "No matter how well prepared it is, what's the use, it's still all in vain?" His voice was a little cold.

No matter who it is, they have worked hard for many years to do only one thing, and when they are about to succeed, an accident occurs, and they end up with nothing. Needless to say, the loneliness in their hearts is difficult to describe.

Zhang Ping said: "Fellow Taoist Xie Fang, tell me frankly that it's okay. Please forgive me for disturbing you."

Fang Buwei really wanted to beat him up, why did you spend so long just to hear a story that has nothing to do with you? Are you sick? He stared at Zhang Wei angrily and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Zhang Ain was a little confused when he saw his expression: "I asked you to leave, why are you still angry? Don't you want to leave?"

Fang Buwei couldn't hold it back in the end, he must die, he must say this, a magic sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and it stabbed Zhang Wen directly. Zhang Awei yelled: "Ah." He stepped away far away, and when he was safe, he shouted: "What are you doing?"

At this time, something annoying happened. Fang Buwei didn't hit him, so he turned around and ran away. Zhang Ai was already dozens of meters away at this time, and it would take a lot of trouble to chase him. He just finished shouting "What are you doing?" Fang Buwei had already disappeared. Zhang was afraid that he was very depressed, so he shouted in the direction of Fang Buwei's disappearance: "I can't bear it."

Zuo Shi said with a smile: "Just bear with it, why are you talking so loudly?" Zhang Ai was very angry: "Isn't this something that a top master would do? It's very embarrassing." Zuo Shi said seriously: "You have done this kind of thing all the time. "Impossible!" Zhang Ping flatly denied that his glorious image must not be smeared.

Denying what Zuo Shi said, he came to argue with Master Leng again: "It's none of your business, why don't you leave?"

Before Lord Leng could say anything, his right servant was furious: "You deserve a beating, don't you?"

Zhang Awei pretended to be aggrieved: "Okay, I'll endure it one more time." "You can't bear it." The right attendant rolled up his arms and sleeves to educate him. Zhang Ai put on a more aggrieved expression and said: "You bullied me, I can't bear it." The right servant didn't care what he said, he raised his fist and hit him. Zhang Ai was clever and jumped far away, shouting: "He's a murderer. Please help me. Your servant is bullying me."

Zhang was having a great time, so Zuo Shi said angrily: "Stop making trouble! Why are you here?"

After this wonderful performance, Lord Leng finally knew who this person was, a very shameless person! There is really no need to be serious with him. The most depressing thing is that this guy is actually a top-level expert. Lord Leng was extremely unbalanced in his heart. God was blind and allowed this virtuous man to become a top-level monk and then ignored this lunatic.

Seeing Zuo Shi's question, Zhang Weifan finally calmed down and said, "I have something to ask you two adults."

Zuo Shi was very smart and replied directly: "If you can't do something with your cultivation level, it would be in vain to ask us."

Zhang Ain said frankly: "I would like to ask you to pass on a message, saying that I want to see the mountain god. Is that okay?"

"No, we don't know where the mountain god is." Zuo Shi refused directly.

"You don't know where the mountain god is?" Zhang Ai was very surprised.

"Is there anything strange? I don't know where Yun Shen is, it's only in this mountain. If you're diligent, you can find it slowly." The right servant rarely had the chance to make this bastard embarrassed, so he said it happily, turned around and left.

Lord Leng glared at Zhang Awei angrily and left a message: "Boy, I'll spare you today, but don't get into my hands next time." Then he left.

Zhang was afraid of being wronged and muttered: "What did I do? You don't want to deal with me?"

Zuo Shi asked: "Is there anything else?" Zhang Ping said: "This time I went into the mountain just to meet the mountain god, and there is nothing else."

"Oh, then I'm leaving too." Waiter Zuo said and left. Is Zhang afraid that it’s just me? Am I so unpopular? He hurriedly took two steps to catch up and asked: "What are you two adults doing out of the mountain?" Zuo Shi said lightly: "Killing people."

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