The Monk

Volume One Chapter 743 Senior Help

Chapter 743: Senior, help me

The sword in Wu Yi's hands and the silk screen behind him were both first-rate magic weapons, so he dared to fight against the Fushen Sword. But there was nothing he could do about it. If he didn't fight, he would die. He didn't know how to escape from the ground, so he had to rush forward with all his strength. He finally broke out of the ball of light. He was about to retract the silk screen. At this moment, a hard iron knife struck. A black shadow passed through the silver ball of light and hit the silk screen. The two kinds of black were intertwined, and a small ball of white light burst out, and the screen cracked in half.

Although the silk screen cracked, it once again blocked Zhang Wei's attack and allowed Wu Yi to avoid the deadly weapon. Zhang was afraid that his attack would be blocked, so he quickly retracted the hard iron knife and struck it again. He had an evil thought in his mind. How can something be so strong?

His sword hurt Wu Yixin so much. Many years ago, he relied on a silk screen and a sword to survive in the world. Now that the silk screen was damaged, he didn't even want to fight. He waved and put away the screen, and figures flew through the air. Leave. Before taking off, Zhang was afraid that the hard iron sword would hit him again, so he hurriedly used the sword in his hand to hit the black sword and fly away. Because Zhang was afraid of moving too fast, Wu Yi finally suffered a loss. The powerful force of the hard iron sword caused him some injuries.

Just ran away? Zhang Wen watched Wu Yi disappear and thought that the old guy was really insidious and would pretend to be deceitful. However, because he was worried about the dolls, he did not chase after him. He put away his sword, walked back to the carriage, and ordered: "Let's go."

The convoy set off on the road again, bypassing the battlefield. Zhang Tianfang said with a smile, "That old man is pretty good."

Zhang Xing asked angrily: "Are the people who fight with me good?" Zhang Tianfang said: "You said this, I didn't say it." But looking at his expression, it was clear that he meant that.

Fang Jian said: "That person just now was quite powerful." Zhang Ao nodded and said: "Bi Jin is more powerful. I don't know if he can defeat the left servant and the right servant. His magic weapon is also good. He can fight with the Fushen Sword. He is a master. "He is sure of Wu Yi's strength. Having said that, it is normal for a cultivation sect that has been inherited for countless years and dominates one party to have such a terrifying master.

Fang Jian added: "The spell he used at the beginning was quite interesting. It can change the appearance of the body. It is best used to hide the traces."

Fukong answered: "That spell is not as simple as changing the body. If my estimate is correct, he should have passed his end or is about to reach his end. The function of that spell is to keep the body as young as possible. For the human body, Regardless of whether you practice cultivation or not, your body will age slowly. The difference is that the higher your cultivation level, the slower it will age, and you will be able to live a few more years. The spell Wu Yi used will age your body in advance, making life pass more slowly. A little extra time to live.”

"So magical?" Zhang Tianfang exclaimed.

"Magical? I taught you this spell, do you use it?" Zhang Ain asked. Zhang Tianfang thought for a while and shook his head firmly: "No, I'm sick. How can I turn myself into an old man? That's a waste of time."

"So if you can't reach the top level of cultivation, you're not cruel enough to yourself." Zhang was afraid of taking the opportunity to attack him.

"He looks like that old man, with a wrinkled face and a stooped waist. How can he become a top-level master?" Zhang Tianfang continued to shake his head.

After two fights, Yunlong Gate should not have anyone come to trouble again. Whether it is the joint attack of thirty Nascent Soul masters or Wu Yi's solo attack, the two fights are enough to explain the problem. Judging from the current situation, Yunlong Gate If you want to kill Zhang Awei, even if you have this strength, the price you pay after the war will be immeasurable. To put it mildly, the entire sect will decline from now on. No one in Yunlong Clan is willing to face this outcome. Therefore, no one would dare to harass them for the rest of the journey.

Zhang Tianfang still felt that it was not enough, so he encouraged Zhang Awei to do bad things, and said to him: "They came to ambush you twice, and you tolerated it? Why did you have to kill him once to express your gratitude? The best master in the world is not someone who can be bullied casually." ”

Zhang was afraid of ignoring him, so he leaned against the car door and fell asleep with his eyes closed. Zhang Tianfang cursed in a low voice: "It's boring." He opened the car door and went in to play with the sand bear.

Everyone was quiet for a while, and Fang Jian suddenly said: "Don't you want to become a god? You can ask Wu Yi. With his cultivation and the life-extending spell, it should be helpful."

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Let's talk about it, I want to go to the mountain god to ask, but I guess I won't be able to see him. Several of the eighteen venerables of the Hundred Thousand Mountains have already passed away. They are so close and have not been helped. I’m even more hopeless.”

"Mountain gods really exist?" Fang Jian asked. Zhang Ain replied: "Who knows? Just ask Zuo Shi. If he has never seen the mountain god..." He stopped for a moment, shook his head and said, "The mountain god must exist. One hundred thousand With a foundation as big as a mountain, and such unruly subordinates as the Eighteenth Master, even though Zuo Shi is powerful, he can't command them."

Fu Kong said: "The practice methods of you cultivators are really weird. There is no such trouble in cultivating Buddhism. As long as you have kind thoughts and pray to the Buddha wholeheartedly, you will always be recognized by the Buddha. In the future, you may have the opportunity to escape from the world and reach the bliss of the West. world."

Zhang was afraid to pick a thorn and said: "You can become a Buddhist if you have a kind heart and believe in Buddhism? Can you fight without practicing martial arts?"

Fu Kong paused for a moment, shook his head and said: "That's not possible, but all Buddhists are kind-hearted people." When he said this, he suddenly remembered the bad monk who injured him, a very powerful Buddhist master who killed people for selfish reasons. , why can you become a Buddhist?

Thinking of this, I suddenly shuddered in my heart, and thoughts that I had never thought of before appeared in my mind at this moment. Could it be said that whether one can become a Buddhist has nothing to do with whether one's nature is kind?

Seeing Bu Kong's serious expression, Zhang was afraid that he knew he was thinking of something bad, so he asked with a smile: "How long can a Buddhist live?"

Fu Kong was interrupted by Zhang Wei, stopped thinking, and replied: "Monks don't care how long they live, as long as the Buddha calls, we can leave our skins and go to serve him at any time."

"That is to say, after you become Buddhists, you are waiting to die at any time?" Zhang Ain doesn't care about ghosts and gods. Most cultivators are like this. They are acting against nature. They are not even afraid of heaven, so how can they care about ghosts and gods?

Fukong shook his head: "Zhang Tianfang's unpleasant words are influenced by you, right?" The young monk also mocked him once.

Of course Zhang Ping would not admit it: "I was influenced by Zhang Tianfang. That bastard talked nonsense all day long and led me astray."

Fang Jian couldn't stand listening anymore on the roof of the car, and said leisurely: "Your shameless skills are as good as Zhang Tianfang's."

The three of them chattered into the dark night and set up camp to rest as usual.

I don’t know what Zhang Tianfang did, but he was attacked by nineteen sand bears. As soon as he parked the car and let out the tent, Zhang Tianfang had already jumped out of the car and chased a group of white fluffy balls behind him. . After they rushed down, Fat Baby got out of the carriage, held his little fist to encourage the sand bear, and shouted: "Come on, catch him."

Zhang was afraid to wonder, what did this jealous and angry guy do again? Lin Sen came out and said with a smile: "He grabbed the wine."

When Zhang Tianfang was not in the carriage, Sha Xiong drank with Lin Sen. These guys relied on their cute looks and drank a lot of spiritual wine every day. As soon as Zhang Tianfang entered the car, he snatched away all the wine given to them and teased the sand bears with spiritual wine all afternoon, but did not let them drink a drop. The sand bears finally became angry and attacked in groups. In such a fight, Zhang Tianfang could only run away.

Zhang was afraid to understand the reason and said with a smile: "You deserve it." Didn't he deserve it? When they were in the car, the little pig and kitten could only watch and could not help, allowing Zhang Tianfang to escape the attack of the sand bear; now that he was out of the carriage, this In the field, the piglets and kittens created a wall of fire on the left and a wall of water on the right, easily trapping Zhang Tianfang, causing him to be overtaken by the sand bear. Then he saw a group of sand bears taking turns sitting on Zhang Tianfang, making a loud roar. lively.

Seeing the excitement of the sand bears, Zhang Weing casually drew a barrier and said to Bu Kong, "Little snake." Bu Kong handed back the robe, and Zhang Weing took it and found an open space, released the little snake, and then the dragon spirit, so that they could be a family. The children are reunited.

A member of the Bai Zhan team came to Zhang Ain and said that eight thousand miles to the northeast was the Foggy Valley, and asked Zhang Ain if he wanted to go and have a look. They were rescued by Zhang Ai after Wugu Valley was closed, knowing that he could enter and exit Wugu Valley at will.

Zhang Ping said: "I'm not going, just go back to the mountain." He really wanted to visit Hai Ling, but there were too many people and it was inconvenient. He would wait until the next time he was alone.

The team member said something else: "Master can go into the Valley of Refining Gods and search carefully. Maybe there is a Nascent Soul that can be escaped." After staying with Zhang Ai for a few years, he was inspired to have a kind heart. I think I can save one by one.

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "Next time, the Foggy Valley has been closed for so long. It is estimated that no Nascent Soul can escape the attack of the monster beasts in the valley."

The team members knew that what Zhang Wen said was right, so they stopped talking and left.

Zhang was afraid that there were still twenty-five Nascent Souls imprisoned in the walnuts. He had been imprisoned for a while, and he had never met a bastard who was so evil and evil recently, so he continued to imprison them and refused to let their bodies be taken away.

The sand bears used Zhang Tianfang as a bench, and sat on it one by one with their big buttocks. They struggled for most of an hour before they calmed down. They looked around and saw Zhang Aifang who had saved them from suffering. They crowded around and squeezed him to please him. Revealed.

Zhang Tianfang sat up and cursed: "A bunch of bastards, look at me being bullied and not helping." Fu Kong said: "You convert, I will help." "Get out, you are taking advantage of the situation." Zhang Tianfang has no respect for Buddhism at all.

After the excitement, everyone returned to calm. This night was supposed to be a peaceful night. The boss of Yunlong Sect had been beaten away. Who else dared to cause trouble? But things always happened one after another. In the middle of the night, after the dolls and children went to bed, the breath of five cultivators came from the north. Three people were running in front, and two people were chasing behind. Among the three people who escaped, there were One person's breath was messy and he was seriously injured.

Before going to bed, the dolls and children played with each other and lit a bonfire. When they went to sleep, there was no need for Zhang to put it out. In the dark, the bonfire became a guiding light. The three people who were escaping scanned the space with their spiritual consciousness and found several high-level monks. They ran over in a panic, shouting from a distance: "Senior, help me."

Zhang was afraid of discovering them early and hesitated whether to meddle in their own business and stop them, then he heard the man shouting for help. He looked at Zhang Tianfang and said, "You go."

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