The Monk

Volume One Chapter 742 Wu Yi

Chapter 742 Wu Yi

The old man waited for him to stop before turning around, looking at Zhang Afraid and said slowly: "Young man, where are you going?"

No, you came all the way to block the road just to ask such nonsense? Zhang was afraid of being so slandered in his heart, so he said: "Go home." The old man said, lowered his head to think about something, and after a while, he said the second sentence: "Do you know how to become a god?"

Zhang Ain replied: "I don't know." When he replied, the old man kept looking at him, as if he was confirming whether his words were true or false. But when he spoke, the old man became silent again, and continued to lower his head to think about things. He thought about it for a long time before asking the third sentence: "The third carriage has a strong spiritual energy. It seems to have four spiritual beasts, a pig, a cat and a fire man. What's the other one? The spirit breath is not weaker than them."

This statement shocked Zhang Wei. The old man could find the secrets in the car from a thousand meters away. He was definitely a master!

In order to ensure the safety of the dolls, the clothes they wore and the carriage they traveled in were all tampered with by Zhang Awei. The magic circle barrier set up with top-level strength could not block the old man's spiritual scanning, which showed that his ability was extraordinary. Fortunately, the grass spirits had similar auras, and the clothes and the several formations on the carriage blocked the auras, so the old man mistook them for a kind of spiritual beast.

The old guy is not easy to fool. A few days ago, thirty experts were so close to the carriage, but they couldn't find anything. However, the old man dared to say that there were four spiritual beasts in the carriage from a thousand meters away. Although he guessed one wrong, he still couldn't find anything. This ability is terrifying enough.

Zhang Wen was convinced that as long as the old man walked close, he would definitely find the grass dolls in the car.

After listening to the old man's question, he replied calmly without any expression: "Are you from Yunlongmen?" There are four kinds of spiritual energy in the car that are easy to guess, but if you have never seen a pig or kitten, how can you know what is in the car? Only the thirty masters of Yunlong Sect have seen piglets and kittens these days. This place is near Yunlong Mountain, and the old man is waiting for him specially. If there is something else, why would he wait for him specially? Adding the three conditions together, it can be determined that the old man is from Yunlongmen and is preparing to cause trouble for him.

The old man did not deny it, nodded and said, "You are indeed smart."

Zhang Awei shook his head: "I'm not smart enough. I couldn't figure out what you're waiting for me after thinking about it for a long time."

The old man was silent for a while and said, "I don't know either."

Zhang Awei smiled softly: "You should think about it slowly, I'll leave first, and come back to me after you think about it." The old man wanted to play tricks, so he pretended not to understand anything.

To his surprise, the old man didn't stop him. Instead, he nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

I'm so depressed. Do you want to play like this? You said earlier that you didn't know how to deal with me, so I just thought you were just talking nonsense, and you're still playing this trick with me? Are you having fun teasing me?

Although I am indeed very capable, you are not sure how to deal with me, so you don’t stop me, but you are still the boss and a top-level monk, and you finally came out just to scare me? Thinking of this, Zhang was afraid that he would not leave, and his footsteps had not moved anywhere anyway. He touched his chin and asked, "Your surname is yours."

"My name is Wu Yi, and the Wu Tong you killed is my descendant." The old man said flatly, without asking why Zhang Aif didn't leave.

"Ah, it turns out we two have a grudge." Zhang Ain suddenly realized: "Then you don't want to kill me for revenge?"

He pretended to be confused, but the old man answered bluntly: "I originally thought about it, but after seeing you, I found that you are difficult to deal with, so I was a little hesitant. Tell me, who is more powerful between us?"

Zhang Tianfang and others were listening to a story in the back. Aren't these two people, one old and one young, normal people? Is it true that only those who are abnormal can reach the top level of cultivation?

In order to show off his demeanor as a master, Zhang was afraid of appearing even more abnormal, so he said boldly: "Well, according to my observation, it seems that I am more powerful. Old man, go home, you can't avenge Wu Tong."

Zhang Tianzhao couldn't bear it any longer and shouted: "Compared with shamelessness and shamelessness, you are indeed the best in the world."

Although his voice was loud, the two people chatting in front of him didn't seem to hear him. They were busy talking to each other. The old man said: "You have to repay even if you can't. Thousands of juniors are looking at me. It's fine if you don't come to Yunlong Mountain. But It's really unreasonable that you are wandering under my nose and I won't go out for a walk. Alas, you are enjoying yourself, but you are making me suffer." There was a lot of helplessness in his words.

"More than a thousand descendants? You are really capable of giving birth." Zhang Ain was impressed.

"I didn't have many children, mainly because I had many sons and grandchildren. There are endless children and grandchildren. No one expected to have so many children. Alas, they gave birth to children, but they tired me, the old man." The old man sighed.

Yes, the two great masters have changed their daily routine again. Zhang was afraid that he would not leave until the old man left, and he could not let the old man get close to the carriage. He must not let him know the secret of the fat baby. Then he continued the old man's topic: "It's a bit troublesome to have too many children." He knew this firsthand. At first, he took care of the girls, and then he took care of the fat baby. Now he has sixty-four more disciples, and he is busy running around every day. Who can understand the hard work?

The old man was not that easy to fool, so he suddenly changed the topic and asked a question that should have been asked long ago: "Why don't you leave?" He stared at me with his small eyes, as if he couldn't see anything clearly.

The old man became suspicious after just two words. As the old saying goes, the old man who refuses to die is a monster. The old man has lived in vain for so many years and is a very thief. Zhang was afraid of thinking in his mind, but his expression did not change and he said softly: "Because I don't have any Figure out what you will do after I leave."

The old man nodded thoughtfully and said softly, "No wonder you still don't trust me after all." He looked down at Zhang Pa's toes, shook his head and praised, "You are really amazing. You don't even want to take one more step."

Zhang Pa laughed and said, "Do you think I'm an idiot? You see a pit in front of you and you jump in?"

The old man laughed and said, "There is no pit." After saying that, his body suddenly straightened up, and the wrinkles on his face suddenly disappeared. A strong breath broke out of his body, and he was arrogant and domineering. In front of Zhang Pa's feet, dust flew, and mud and tiles broke into the sky. Wu Yi actually made a move without any warning.

In the flying mud, a cold light pointed to Zhang Pa's forehead, and the speed was very fast. When you saw that cold light, Zhang Pa had disappeared. After the cold light stopped, you found that Wu Yi was standing in Zhang Pa's position with a sword in his right hand, and the blade pointed forward. Looking at his body again, where is the old look? His back is straight and his chest is open, his eyes have become bigger, and he is full of heroic spirit.

At this time, the soil was still flying towards the sky. It was a large piece of land. The distance from the tree to here was 30 meters, and the horizontal distance was more than 30 meters. Such a large piece of land was flying towards the sky. There was a palm-sized black cloth-like object in the soil flying towards Wu Yi, and soon fell into the palm of his left hand. At this time, it was a black silk net.

The soil was flying, up to tens of meters high, covering the surrounding 50 meters of space. It was difficult to see if there were people hiding in it, and there was no figure of Zhang Pa around.

Wu Yi stabbed the air with his sword, but he held the sword still, and locked Zhang Pa's position with his spiritual sense. At this time, a sneer was heard in the air: "You want to catch me with just a net?" After speaking, the air was violently turbulent. A section of the sword blade appeared silently and stabbed in front of Wu Yi.

Wu Yi was not in a hurry. The silk net in his left hand suddenly became larger and blocked in front of him vertically. At this time, the Fushen Sword stabbed, but it failed to pierce the silk net. The tip of the sword only penetrated a little bit of an inch, and the silk net sank a little, and then bounced out.

Zhang Pa's sword was still, the wire mesh and the tip of the sword were pressed together, and this rebound was a half-step back without support, but it still blocked Wu Yi.

"This thing is good." Zhang Pa said. After many years of traveling around the world, it is difficult to come across a magic weapon that can compare with the scales of the Fushen Snake. He said it was good, the tip of the sword retracted, and the sword and the man disappeared again.

Wu Yi just stood there, his face became solemn. He knew that Zhang Pa was powerful, but he didn't know that he was so powerful. The two of them fought to the death, and it was still unknown who would win.

After Zhang Pa stabbed out a sword, he compared him with several masters he had seen, and it seemed that he was more difficult than Jin Da. But no matter how difficult it was, he had to fight, and then stabbed out the second sword.

At this time, the air was full of scattered sand, stones and soil. The two moved too fast, and the sand and stones had not fallen yet. Zhang Pa suddenly stabbed out a dazzling light, like a huge ball of light that wrapped Wu Yi in it, with Wu Yi in the center and Wu Yi being the enemy.

I don't know how Zhang Pa's sword was thrust out, but he could thrust countless swords from the outside to the inside to attack Wu Yi, making him surrounded by enemies at the same time, and he couldn't escape. Zhang Pa's sword pierced all the sand and stones near Wu Yi, drawing a half-sphere of silver light world in the sand, and the other half of the sphere was outside the sand. To describe it, it was like a white sun suddenly rising in the middle of a half-black and half-white world.

Wu Yi moved, thrusting his sword with his right hand, and also thrusting a white light in front of him, facing the light ball stabbed by Zhang Pa. The black silk net had stopped behind him at this time to resist the attack of thousands of swords. He attacked and defended at the same time, and he wanted to rush out of the light ball.

Zhang Pa didn't have nothing to do after stabbing out the light ball. He threw away the Fu Shen Sword, swung up the hard iron knife, held it horizontally with both hands, and slashed it with all his strength. Behind the silver light, a dark black line flew up, and the black seemed to be able to swallow all colors and destroy all defenses.

At this time, he was behind Wu Yi. Wu Yi also knew where he was, but he wanted to break the attack of the Fu Shen Sword light ball, so he didn't care where he was. He relied on the silk net magic weapon to protect his body. Ten thousand points of silver light flashed and the silver light ball disappeared. After it disappeared, there were the clinking sounds of sword blades clashing and countless rustling sounds of the silver sword piercing the black net.

The clinking sound was the sound of Wu Yi's sword blocking the attack of the front light ball. The attacks from the back and the side were blocked by the silk net. He rushed forward, and before the light dispersed, he had already rushed out of the light ball. Only then did the light ball disappear, but what followed was a full-strength chop of the hard iron knife.

This knife was extremely powerful and quickly chopped onto the silk net.

Wu Yi's silk net had been damaged after bearing countless attacks from the Fu Shen Sword. The Fu Shen Sword was the best weapon in the world. After countless attacks, no matter how strong the silk net was, it would not be possible to remain intact.

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