The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 698 Chengji Wuwu

Chapter 698: Success is the ultimate goal

Jin Da was overjoyed when he heard this. Although his cultivation level was high, he couldn't do anything to deal with ghosts. Now that Zhang was afraid of leaving, he was willing to help him deal with the Ghost Emperor. He was naturally happy and said repeatedly: "Thank you, thank you." Then he went out and arranged for someone to take Fang Jian away.

When bidding farewell, Zhang Pingda didn't say much, only four words: "Go early and come back early." Fang Jian is an intermediate Nascent Soul master. What's the difference between talking too much nonsense and looking down on him?

Fang Jian said: "No matter whether we can find the master or not, we will come back in six days." After that, he and the Jin family disciples left the valley.

Zhang Aing calculated the time. Mangu was in the north, and Wuwu lived on the border between the Song and Man tribes. The distance was not too far away. According to the speed of the middle-grade Feiya, he could fly back and forth in six days, so he should be rich.

After Fang Jian left, Zhang Wen issued an order that from today on, black and white wars would take a collective rest and no longer fight. Although the team members had their own ideas, they still obeyed the orders honestly.

Zhang Ping's idea is that the Jin family can handle the affairs of the Jin family themselves. Even if Hei Zhan wants to train troops, there is no need to go against the Mao people.

However, plans never change quickly. He gave the team a holiday, and Mao Ren seemed to have a holiday too. There was no movement for several days, which made Jin Da very uncomfortable. He sent many subordinates to inquire around, and the news came back that there was no one within a thousand miles. Any findings.

Zhang Wen smiled bitterly after knowing this. What on earth do these Zimao people want to do? There were times when I was in trouble.

On the evening of the sixth day, Fang Jian came back. To his surprise, not only Master Wuwu arrived, but also Monk Chengji. Feeling very strange, he first led the two masters to Jin Da to find a place to live, and then asked Fang Jian what was going on. After hearing what happened, I thought it was luck.

Ever since he found out that Cheng Ji was a disciple of Sky Buddhist, Zhang Ping had let go of all the things he had done before. Anyway, he was killing ghost disciples and evil people should be eliminated. The more things like this, the better. That's why I recommended to Jin Da to find Chengji to kill the Ghost Emperor.

Zhang Wen thought that Cheng Ji had done nothing wrong, but Wu Wang didn't think so. You killed the Ghost Emperor and his disciples to do something evil for the people, but what kind of evil did you do to create a blood pool for your own cultivation? In particular, the evil monk Yuantong's affairs were so bad that he was worried that Chengji would become the next Yuantong, so he seriously injured the ghost queen and searched for Chengji.

Cheng Ji is no less difficult to find than the Ghost Emperor who has been hiding all day long. He is very easy to find. Moon-white monk's robes, bare feet, smooth and smooth, white and tender, indescribably clean, always fresh and fresh as if just after a bath, and handsome, so anyone who sees him in the past will have an impression.

Moreover, Chengji did not conceal his whereabouts. He believed that what he did was not wrong. Promoting good and eliminating evil is what Buddhist disciples should do. Although the method and method are somewhat controversial, it was indeed to eliminate evil, so it was easy to be found by Wuwu.

When Wuwang first met Chengji, the two debated for seven days and seven nights and talked about Buddhism. Knowing that words could not defeat the monk, he took him to the wild to conquer the demonic monk with force.

Cheng Ji was unwilling to fight with him. The two had different styles of behavior and different obsessions. Their understanding of Buddhism was quite different, but there was one concept that would never change, which was to believe in Buddhism and do good deeds. Therefore, Chengji will not take action against Buddhists.

Wuwang was so angry that he asked about the blood pool and why he should use Buddhist techniques to refine people's essence and blood for his own use. Cheng Ji asked: "What can you do with the blood without the human body? Let it be wasted? Spilled? Or be used by ghosts?"

This question is really difficult to answer. Hundreds of meters of grass are covered with blood. If it is not refined, it will really be wasted. Wuwu argued with him: "You who eat human blood are no different from ghosts. You are not my disciple of Buddhism."

Cheng Ji said: "Human essence and blood are received from parents and nurtured by nature. You can't just watch it go to waste. After I refine it, I can improve my cultivation and better eliminate evil and promote good. What's wrong with that?"

This sentence is a mistake. Buddhist disciples refine blood? Wuwang said angrily: "You evil-hearted ghost, you deceived me a few days ago, and you actually thought it was the true biography of the Three Treasures. Who knew it was a devil's heart and a wolf's method." The poor monk was really not good at cursing, so it took him a long time to say it. What a demon jackal.

Cheng Ji said calmly: "I know that such behavior is difficult for you to understand, but as long as you have Buddha in your heart and devote yourself to doing good, this poor monk will have no shame or hindrance."

"What kind of poor monk is that? How can you be called a disciple of the Three Treasures by doing this? Today, I want to stand up for the Buddha and take you back to the temple, so that all the Buddhists in the world will refute you." The old monk was really pitiful. After talking for a long time, he still couldn't You can't kill Chengji.

Fortunately, Chengji was unwilling to fight with him and replied: "If I want to go back to the temple with you, senior brother, just tell me. This young monk should be willing to argue with the great sages in the world about the enlightenment of the Buddha's teachings. Who is who and who is not should be decided by thousands of monks in the world." "

So the two of them went back to the old monk's temple to stay. The old monk was also troubled, and he suddenly thought of a question while walking and asked: "Why do all the ghost disciples you kill lack Nascent Soul?"

Cheng Ji has a paranoid understanding of Buddhism and believes that as long as he eliminates evil, any method can be used, so he will refine blood and ghost disciples Nascent Soul to improve his cultivation. Because he can quickly improve his cultivation, he will continue to pursue him crazily. Ghost disciple, he thought he was right.

However, he also knows that this approach is not recognized by others, so he always acts cautiously and does not want to be discovered and cause trouble with words. If Wuwu hadn't discovered the Buddha Lotus mark after refining the blood this time, probably no one would have known that his methods were so cruel.

Buddhist disciples do not lie. Chengji had the pride and dignity of being a Buddhist. In response to Wuwu's question, he answered honestly: "I used it." Wuwu was so angry that he couldn't hold it back and chased Chengji.

Chengji didn't resist. As long as he wasn't a bad person, he wouldn't fight back or scold him, he would just run away. But what he did was even more irritating. He almost lost his temper. He pointed at Chengji and cursed: "How could you be so shameless? How could you?" This was the most cruel words he ever cursed.

Cheng Ji replied calmly: "I'm not shameless."

Youdao cares and chaos leads to chaos. Wuwu had a good impression of Chengji, so he knew that he would lose his temper after refining Yuan Ying and refining essence and blood. He also took into account the image of Buddhism, so Wuwu said: "Come on, you are not going anywhere." , follow me back to the temple.”

This was equivalent to putting Chengji under house arrest in disguise. Chengji had a very good attitude and cooperated honestly to return to the temple. His evil is evil to evil people, and good to good people. So it was a blessing that Fang Jian found the two of them as soon as he went there.

Based on what he had seen and heard before, Zhang Wan had a general understanding of Cheng Ji's actions, so he was not too surprised when he heard it. He smiled and said, "I don't know where this monk got the technique from." There are techniques for refining the essence and blood of the Nascent Soul.

Fang Jian agreed: "Even if he is as cruel as Buddha killing Tianfang, he still doesn't do it like Cheng Ji. His actions are a bit biased."

Zhang Jing said: "It's also good. As soon as you look for it, they will be there. Find one, and one more will come back. The Ghost King is dead." He secretly sighed. The two great Buddhists, plus himself and Zhang Tianfang, the four of them joined forces. , a seriously injured Ghost Emperor should be easily dealt with.

Fang Jian said: "How can it be so easy? Master Wuwu didn't agree with Cheng Ji's coming at first. Cheng Ji said: 'It's easy to imprison me alone, but because of imprisoning me alone, thousands of people died. You are worried about this." Go? Is this the true meaning of what the Buddha taught you? 'The master had no choice but to bring him along, but he was forced to stop doing evil things!' It can be seen from the words of Chengji Dharma. Fang Jian didn't have a good impression of him.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Chengji agreed?"

"No, Cheng Ji just didn't agree. Master asked many times, but Cheng Ji either didn't answer or changed the subject to talk about something else. This must have got him thinking about refining the Ghost King." Fang Jian asserted.

"It doesn't matter, we have to kill the Ghost Emperor anyway. Who can refine and not refine?" Zhang Ai said. It is instinct for the Ghost King to suck ghosts. He can only survive by constantly devouring fresh souls. People in the world cannot bear his torment like this.

Fang Jian smiled bitterly: "It's not as easy as you said. Master Wuwu was worried that he would not have time to watch Cheng Ji's actions when he killed the Ghost Emperor. He asked me to watch him and never let him succeed."

Zhang Ping laughed and said, "Call Zhang Tianfang, you two together."

It was getting late when we came back. After talking for a while, it became completely dark. Fang Jian didn't see Zhang Tianfang, so he asked, "Where is Tianfang?" Zhang Aif smiled and said, "That guy keeps bothering me. I said it's dark." I mean, he can drink better than you. If Tian Fang doesn’t accept it, he goes to Hei Yi to have a drink. Today is the fifth day. Are the two of them very capable of fighting? "

"Bijiu? Spiritual wine?" Ordinary wine can be refined casually after entering the stomach. No matter how strong the wine is, it is just a glass of water, so Zhang Tianfang can only use spiritual wine.

Zhang Fing said: "I have spent a lot of money. Five kinds of spiritual wine, each weighing a thousand catties. If you can't drink it, this idiot is not finished." Fang Jian shook his head when he heard this: "You are cheating." "Use the spiritual wine to cheat." People? Why don't you find someone to trick me like this?" Zhang Ai retorted.

"Pull him down, do you dare to say you didn't trick anyone?" Fang Jian's eyes were as bright as a torch.

Zhang Ai chuckled: "You are still smart. Tian Fang has successfully gotten drunk three times, each time for more than a day. I didn't expect that Hei Yi could drink. I don't know how to refine and absorb such strong spiritual power."

Zhang Awei really tricked Heiyi. Heiyi didn't like to talk, he was very cold and cold, and would not come to see Zhang Awei unless he had something to do. Zhang Tianfang, on the other hand, was just the opposite. He put the two of them together and openly bullied Heiyi. Zhang Tianfang has a special status, and Hei Yi has no choice but to give him face, so he has no choice but to accompany him to drink. Fortunately, he has wine, and if he works hard to get Zhang Tianfang drunk, he will find peace for a day. But that guy was too ink-stained when he was sober. If it weren't for the spiritual wine he drank, which could improve his cultivation, he might have been able to rebel against Zhang Afraid.

Fang Jian went to find Hei Yi. The barrier on the outside of the big tent blocked the leakage of spiritual power. He didn't want to force his way in, so he said something outside the tent and left: "Tell Tian Fang to kill the Ghost Emperor tomorrow. If he wants to kill him, he can go. If he doesn't want to kill him, he can continue drinking."

"Yes." Someone in the room replied, Hei Yiguo can really drink, and Zhang Tianfang is still asleep.

Spiritual wine is neither spiritual energy pill nor wine. It is brewed from spiritual materials. It contains powerful spiritual power and has a strong alcoholic strength. Those who are good drinkers must have the ability to refine the spiritual power in the wine, and also have the ability to withstand the alcoholic power. Only then can you have a good drink, both of which are indispensable. Lin Sen was too drunk, and so was Zhang Tianfang. And Zhang Wen mostly drank spiritual wine diluted with honey and other substances.

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