The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 697 The war resumes

Chapter 697: War breaks out again

A loud drum doesn't need a heavy hammer to hit it, and they talk very easily. Zhang Pa smiled: "Are you urging me to leave now?"

Jin Da knew he was joking, but he still replied seriously: "No!"

After a lot of trouble during the day, it was considered a great victory. The Ghost Emperor was chased into the Mao people's territory, and they should be the ones with a headache. Jin Da rarely relaxed his mood and invited Zhang Pa to have a drink: "Prepare some wine and food in the evening, please ask Zhang Daoyou to bring your men to join."

"Okay." Zhang Pa agreed immediately. Whether Jin Da proposed or not, he wanted to let the two teams relax. He casually said: "There is no grain in the valley. If you need it, I can provide some."

This word aroused Jin Da's curiosity, and he asked: "Two hundred and forty thousand Jin family men are having fun on the front line. Do you have so much food?"

Zhang Pa smiled and took out a storage bag and handed it over. What he never lacked was food. He had all kinds of specialties from the south and the north. It was absolutely no problem to feed a million people. Jin Da was surprised when he saw it: "Why are you carrying so many things?" Foundation-building cultivators can fast, so no one wants to carry a bunch of ordinary food around, not to mention that Zhang Pa brought a lot.

Zhang Pa smiled and replied: "Eat." He thought to himself that I haven't shown you the spiritual wine and spiritual vegetables yet, wouldn't you be more surprised when you see it?

Jin Da laughed: "Then eat it." He returned the storage bag. No matter what the reason, he would not use Zhang Pa's food to entertain Zhang Pa. Then he ordered people to arrange a big banquet so that everyone on the front line could spend a relaxing night together.

It was called a banquet, but in fact everyone ate their own food. The black and white battles were fought together. The disciples of the Jin family stayed in their respective guard areas. Only Jin Da and his nine people and Zhang Pa and his three people sat in a big tent, which was considered a thank-you banquet.

At the banquet, Jin Da expressed his gratitude again, and the other eight people had to say thank you to Zhang Pa. It is an indisputable fact that no one in the Jin family likes Zhang Pa, but it is also an indisputable fact that Zhang Pa came to help them solve the problem. Except for him, no one else in the world can give up many precious battle flags to fire cannons and listen to the sound.

Especially, there is the Dingshenzhu to collect the Yin souls in the valley, which is equivalent to weakening the power of the Ghost Emperor in disguise. In short, we should say thank you.

After drinking a few sips of wine, Jin Da asked Zhang Pa about the details of Zhang Tianfang's battle with the Ghost Emperor. Zhang Pa did not hide it and told the whole process in full. The nine people of the Jin family were shocked. A million corpse soldiers? There are also five thousand top-level Jindan and four mid-level Yuanying guards? This strength is comparable to dozens of Maoren tribes.

The nine people in Jiatang are masters and are not afraid of these five thousand people, but what about the tribesmen? No matter how powerful the nine brothers are, it is impossible to kill more than five thousand people at once. According to the comparison of their strength, nine people can kill a thousand people at the same time. It is already a great means. What's more, there are a million corpse soldiers. Although Zhang Pa said clearly that the corpse soldiers are not much stronger than ordinary people, what if the Ghost Emperor splits his Yuanshen? There will be tens of thousands of Jindan masters immediately. Such a powerful force, how can it be explained by a terrifying one?

Fortunately, Zhang Pa and Zhang Tianfang came. One of them used himself as bait to lure the Ghost Emperor to attack, and the other spent all his money to set up an ambush to eliminate all possible dangers.

Of the nine people in Jiatang, seven had grudges against Zhang Pa. One of them looked at Zhang Pa's peaceful face and wondered if they could become allies if there hadn't been the incident at Tianlei Mountain.

Zhang Pa was peaceful because he didn't want to deal with the Jin family, so he drank a few glasses of wine with Jin Da, told them what happened, and then got up to say goodbye. Jin Da didn't stay for long, sent the three out, and then came back.

There were nine masters of Jiatang left in the big tent, who were the pillars and cornerstones of the Jin family. After Jin Da sat back in his seat, he wanted to say something and ask for opinions, but after thinking about it, he held back and didn't say anything. Well, everyone would relax for the night.

Zhang Pa and the other two returned to their own tents and chose a place to sit down. Zhang Pa really wanted to kill the Ghost Emperor. This bastard brought him endless troubles and was restless wherever he went. But the more he wanted to kill, the more he couldn't kill, and he felt depressed and resentful.

Zhang Tianfang, like him, tried very hard to kill the Ghost Emperor, but he didn't expect that when he came out from underground, the Ghost Emperor had already run away. Zhang Pa told him that every one of the more than 10,000 corpse soldiers who escaped was the Ghost Emperor, and it was impossible to kill them all, so there was no need to waste that effort. At this moment, he sighed to Fang Jian: "That guy is so lucky, alas." Fang Jian said: "You have said it eight hundred times." Tonight should have been a festive night, but unfortunately, the sky is not always what people want. The reason why Jin Da arranged a banquet in the evening was because he felt that the Mao people were also worried about the Ghost Emperor and had no time to take care of the Jin family, and there would be no more wars in the short term. But the fact is that after more than a dozen top masters of the Mao people noticed the actions of the Jin family during the day and knew that the Ghost Emperor was seriously injured, these guys turned their attention back to the Jin family. For them, the Jin family is the top enemy. As for the Ghost Emperor, although he has some strange methods, there are many strange things in the Savage Valley. The strange place in the northernmost part is not less dangerous and evil than the Ghost Emperor. So when they were dealing with the Ghost King, they would also divide their troops to monitor the Jin family, always thinking of killing some of the Jin family's disciples to take advantage. From the beginning to now, the Mao people have never stopped their hostility.

So, the border war that had stopped for half a year was rekindled, and the Mao people sent eight teams to seize the pass, rushing through the mountains and killing into the heartland of the Jin family.

The eight teams joined forces to attack one place, and the attack location was only more than 2,000 meters away from Zhang Pa's tent. After hearing the news, Zhang Pa sighed: "Why can't you be quiet for a few days?"

Hei Yi also learned the news and rushed to ask Zhang Pa: "The disciple wants to go to practice." These six words made it clear what he was thinking. Zhang Pa thought about it and thought that he would not have many opportunities to fight when he returned to Tianlei Mountain in the future, so he would practice and reminded him: "Be careful."

Hei Yi took the order and left. Zhang Tianfang looked at him with envy and said, "I want to go too. I can fight with the ghost sword and lure the ghost king out..." Zhang Pa interrupted him with the following words: "Go ahead." Zhang Tianfang ran out happily. Fang Jian said, "I'll go and take a look." Zhang Pa shook his head: "No, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Fang Jian asked.

"Tianfang's matter, this guy is wandering around all day and not doing his job. I'm thinking of tricking him to the old monk, and then he will come out after he becomes a Buddhist. It will be very convenient to fight, kill people or kill ghosts." Zhang Pa said.

Fang Jian laughed: "Aren't you afraid that he will turn against you if he finds out?"

"When will he not turn against you?" Zhang Pa replied helplessly. Fang Jian smiled and shook his head: "You should do this. I'm not good at this." "Who should I do? I'm not good at it either." Zhang Pa said. Persuading Zhang Tianfang to change his mind is probably one of the most difficult things in the world.

They talked for a while, and in less than a quarter of an hour, Zhang Tianfang came back. Zhang Pa asked curiously, "So it's over so quickly?" Zhang Tianfang said, "It's because of your 200-plus monsters that you broke through eight teams of hairy people in one go, forcing them to flee like crazy. Black War was closest to White War, but he didn't have the chance to kill a few people. I just chased him and chopped him a few times, which was boring."

It's impossible for a team of Yuanying masters to defeat the hairy people who had just formed a pill. In theory, the eight teams of hairy people are also elites, but unfortunately they were unlucky to run into White War, and lost nearly half of their men, so they had to flee in a hurry.

Zhang Pa laughed, "Let's not get involved in other people's affairs, just stay for a few days and come back." He said this a little bit against his will.

"Not killing the Ghost King?" Zhang Tianfang asked. "Can you find him?" Zhang Pa asked back. Zhang Tianfang shook his head, "Who knows where that ghost thing is." Let him fight, but let him go through the trouble of finding someone? It's impossible.

Zhang Pa said, "I want to kill the Ghost King, but there are still a lot of people in Tianlei Mountain. I can't just leave them alone. How about you stay here and kill the Ghost King while I go back to take a look."

Zhang Tianfang hurriedly shook his head, "Don't come on! No matter what you're up to, don't think of leaving me behind."

"Why leave you behind? Come on, take me to the battlefield for a stroll." Zhang Pa stood up and said. Zhang Tianfang asked him, "What for?" "Collect souls, so that they won't be devoured by the Ghost King before they dissipate." Zhang Pa said.

"It's hindsight, I've already done it." Zhang Tianfang showed the swastika mark in his heart.

"Ah, you've become smarter." Zhang Pa teased him. "If you want to die, just say so. I don't mind taking care of one more person." Zhang Tianfang said angrily. Zhang Pa got angry with him, "Can you beat me?"

Fang Jian watched the two quarreling. He was helpless. Are these still two Yuanying masters? It was just like a child playing house, especially since that idiot was known as the best master in the world. If the current situation spread out, I wonder how many people would be so depressed that they would hit their heads against the wall and commit suicide.

However, although this idiot was crazy, what he said was a big problem. If they left, the Mao people and the Jin family continued to fight and people continued to die, and the Ghost Emperor got these souls, in time... Alas, Fang Jian didn't want to think about it anymore.

The problems he could think of, Zhang Pa could think of, and Jin Da could think of them too. Before the night, Zhang Pa still had the confidence to find a Buddhist to help him get rid of himself. It was really that he didn't like some people in the Jin family Jiatang and didn't want to help them again and again. But after the battle at night, the Ghost Emperor hadn't died yet, and the Mao people sent people to fight again. Did these pigs think they lived too long? Were they worried that the chaos was not big enough? Zhang Pa even wanted to find the leader of the Mao people and kill him with one sword. It was simply an idiotic act!

Zhang Pa and Fang Jian were willing to use their brains and think of these. Zhang Tianfang didn't want to use his brain, so he asked, "How many days will you stay?" "Look, Fang Jian, how about you go and ask Master Wuwang?" Zhang Pa said. He really wanted to leave, but he had to explain everything before he left. He couldn't start well but end badly, leaving huge hidden dangers for the people of the Jin family. Fang Jian said yes. Zhang Pa said, "Thank you." Fang Jian smiled and said, "You are sick, why thank you?" The next morning, Jin Da came to find him. After the previous battle and drinking last night, he had guessed that Zhang Pa had the intention to leave, but the battle last night brought a sense of crisis to Jin Da. It was a commonplace to find Zhang Pa. He didn't expect to keep him for a few more days, but just asked him to find a Buddhist master after he went out, so that the Buddhist master could deal with the Ghost King. Zhang Pa said, "It's my bad luck. I will stay with you for a few more days, but you send someone to take Fang Jian out, and he will go to find someone for you."

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