The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 692 Corpse Soldiers

Chapter 692: Corpse Soldiers

Zhang Ai said, "There's a fight going on in the front. Are they Mao and Corpse Soldiers?" Jin Da was stunned. Wouldn't he know about the fight in front of him? He searched with his consciousness, but found nothing, and asked solemnly: "What's going on?" He felt extremely strange. Since the zombie soldiers appeared, his powerful cultivation suddenly became useless.

"What else could happen?" Zhang Aif led the way and led the three of them through the forest. Jin Da refused to admit defeat, used his spiritual consciousness to check again, and finally found the problem. He snorted and rushed to the front to lead the way.

After walking a thousand meters, the body came into contact with a transparent barrier, which blocked the detection of spiritual consciousness. After passing through the barrier, I immediately noticed that there was a fierce fighting atmosphere ahead, accompanied by the smell of blood spreading in all directions. After walking another two kilometers, a clearing of about two miles appeared in the dense woods. The war took place here. Corpse soldiers faced off against the hairy men. There were battlefields everywhere in the clearing and in the woods. The two groups fought together in a messy manner.

Zhang Tianfang whistled softly and said, "Interesting."

Of course it's interesting. If others are working hard and he's watching the excitement, how can it be boring? Jin Da said: "There are many Mao people, about 6,000 people, and 3,000 corpse soldiers."

There were no more than nine thousand people able to squeeze into the two miles of open space. The surrounding woods turned into a killing battlefield. There were only more than 400 people fighting in the open space. The ratio of the number of people on both sides was about one to one. The corpse soldiers were stronger and smarter than those seen yesterday. , know how to dodge and give way, know how to protect yourself. Just like Zhang Wei's requirements for his subordinates, he seeks to protect himself first and then to injure the enemy.

"How did the corpse soldiers become more powerful?" Jin Da asked. As long as you see two zombie soldiers fighting, you can spot the problem at a glance. They were both pill-forming corpse soldiers, but the one in front of them was much more powerful.

Zhang Ping was also a little curious. It is said that Mao was born and raised as a servant and was good at jungle warfare. However, nearly 6,000 people surrounded 3,000 people in the forest. Not only could he not successfully kill the enemy, but he was taken advantage of by the corpse soldiers several times.

At this time, the Gopher Rat sent a message to Zhang Ai. In the distance, a team of about 3,000 people came through the forest. Zhang Aochong laughed and said, "Someone is here again." As he spoke, he scanned with his spiritual sense. There were almost no signs of life. No need to ask, it was corpse soldiers surrounding them. These dead things actually used their brains to play tricks. ?

Jin Da also found out that they were corpse soldiers and whispered: "Kill." He wanted to help Mao Ren kill the corpse soldiers, but it was too late. Mao Ren and the corpse soldiers found the four of them and thought they were enemies, so they divided their forces to attack and kill them. them.

Seeing the hairy man rushing towards him with great force, Zhang Aixiao asked Jin Da: "Are you still going to kill him?"

Facts have proved that there are also jokes in the battlefield. When a group of hairy soldiers and a group of corpse soldiers came to kill each other, they discovered each other at the same time, then abandoned Zhang Ai and the four of them, and started fighting in the middle of the road. The killing was so ruthless.

When the corpse soldier stabbed him with a sword, the hairy man opened his claws, grabbed the sword with one claw, and grabbed the corpse soldier's head with the other claw. The corpse soldier did not dodge or dodge, and rushed forward with all his strength. The bone sword was caught by the hairy man, but a sword appeared in his other hand and stabbed him silently. The hairy man changed his moves in an emergency, closed his palms and stepped back. He swiveled his body to pass the enemy's attack. At the same time, he used his retreat as an advance and ran forward. He let go of the bone sword in his hand and grabbed the corpse soldier's head. The hairy man changes his tactics, and the corpse soldiers also change their tactics. The hairy man retreated to advance, and the corpse soldiers continued to advance, rushing forward, pounced on the other hairy man, and gave up their position. The corpse soldiers behind him took over and attacked the hairy man chasing him for him.

Zhang Ai was dumbfounded. Isn't that too exaggerated? Not only did he know how to use strategies, but he also cooperated to kill the enemy? Is this still a corpse soldier made up of a bunch of dead things?

Jin Da was also shocked and felt fierce in his heart. He must get rid of them! He raised his sword and his figure was like the wind, blowing into the killing battlefield in the woods. Zhang Ain looked twice and said to Zhang Tianfang: "It's okay to fight, but you can't use the ghost knife."

Zhang Tianfang happily took out his magical sword and threw the ghost sword to Zhang Ping: "Watch it for me." He greeted Fang Jian: "Come up." Fang Jian said nothing and rushed into the battlefield with his sword raised.

Fighting in the woods. On the surface, it seems that there are trees blocking the fight. In fact, this is not the case. Either one of the fighting parties can easily push down the trees in front of them. The difference is that the master is faster and the one with lower cultivation is slower. One's fate can be decided by one's speed or one's slowness, and it is easy for the opponent to seize the opportunity, so the corpse soldiers would rather circle around in the forest than destroy the forest easily.

This is especially true for the Mao people. They are suitable for fighting in the mountains and forests. With the large number of people, they can intercept the corpse soldiers everywhere. There is no need to spend extra time to destroy the forest. With the time and opportunity, three or two people can probably kill them if they gather around them. One corpse soldier died. Only by forcing the corpse soldiers to take the initiative to destroy the forest and flee can we have a chance to kill them easily.

What's more, there are people everywhere in the forest. Both sides are fighting together. It is easy to destroy the forest. The difficult thing is that no one knows who will benefit from the destroyed forest, so they are content with the status quo and would rather go around and around.

Zhang Ain smiled secretly as he looked at it: Fighting between masters is troublesome. They fight for every cent and refuse to give up even a chance to the other side. But while he was secretly laughing, he was even more surprised by the corpse soldiers. These guys were so smart that they were still corpse soldiers? More like a ghost disciple.

Thinking of this, I was shocked. I scanned the corpse soldiers carefully. They didn't have the characteristics of ghost disciples, but I was particularly worried. I stepped forward and stepped back. I grabbed a corpse soldier in my hand and sent the soul into his body. After careful inspection, this The secondary body is more than ten times stronger than the corpse soldier I saw yesterday, the inner breath is thick and powerful, and the soul is also extremely powerful. He secretly cursed: "What the hell." He killed him with a casual throw, and then showed the Moon Shadow Knife. His body was floating like light and shadow, constantly shuttling in the forest, getting close to each corpse soldier, waving the thin knife to cut off their lives. .

Another advantage of fighting in the forest is that there won't be a lot of enemies surrounding you, so you don't have to worry too much about safety issues. Zhang is happy to take advantage.

The three thousand corpse soldiers seen at this time were all at the top level of Dan Jie. The three thousand corpse soldiers who arrived later were also at the top level of Dan Jie. However, the six thousand hairy soldiers ranged from the beginning to the top level of Dan Jie. There are also several Nascent Soul beginner masters. It is said that it is very easy for Nascent Soul to tie the Knot Pill, but it can't hold back the corpse soldiers' desperate efforts, just like when the Jin brothers besieged Zhang Awei. I admit that you are powerful, but many people beat you together. Unless you just dodge without killing the enemy, otherwise you can't If they make any move, they will definitely leave holes for others to take advantage of, so these Nascent Soul masters are entangled by dozens of corpse soldiers and dare not risk their lives easily.

It was precisely because of this situation that Zhang was afraid of killing him. These corpse soldiers were so powerful that he didn't want them to leave alive.

With the help of two terrifying killers, Jin Da and Zhang Ai, Mao Ren finally stabilized his position and gradually regained the situation. However, there were too many changes in the corpse soldiers in front of him. It was discovered that Jin Dazhang was afraid that the two of them would be powerful, so he stopped fighting and retreated without fighting. After leaving more than a hundred corpses behind, the soldiers acted as a death squad to stop the two killing gods, and the rest of them poured into the forest like a black tide and disappeared.

Also fleeing with them were the three thousand corpse soldiers who came to support them and returned halfway.

Of course, Jinda would not be stopped by a mere hundred or so Dan-formation stage corpse soldiers. He flashed past them and pursued the large army. At this time, there was a sudden explosion in the air, showing two colors of black and white, and then a man in black appeared, with a pale face, and said in a cold voice: "Have you not killed enough?" As he spoke, an ice sword stabbed to the ground, The volley dragged out a chill.

Jin Dahidang didn't even try to dodge, he slapped the ice sword into pieces with his backhand, then ducked in front of the man in black, raised his palm and slapped it, the whole action was so fast that the man in black was shot a thousand meters away before he could react. In addition, the chest collapsed and the entire upper body was damaged, but the person was not dead yet, leaving a sentence: "It's really amazing." There was another explosion in the air, the black and white colors disappeared, and the one who was shot flew a thousand meters away People also disappeared, along with thousands of fleeing corpse soldiers.

Jin Da was stunned for a moment, he was actually fooled! The man in black came out and yelled just to be beaten, just to stop himself for a moment and let the corpse soldiers escape. If I had known, I would have slapped him on the head and killed him!

With no place to vent his anger, he turned his attention to the hundreds of corpse soldiers behind him. He wanted to kill someone to vent his anger.

More than a hundred corpse soldiers have been fighting, or were forced to fight. The other corpse soldiers ran fast, and those who were left to intercept the enemy were simply sending themselves to death.

Looking at the one-sided situation, Zhang Ai felt vaguely that something was wrong and called Zhang Tianfang and the others back. At this moment, the Corpse Soldiers self-destructed. It was like a cannon. There was a booming sound for a while. Looking at the scene, none of the Corpse Soldiers survived. The woods were also blown up into clearings, surrounded by the broken corpses of some hairy people. . When these corpse soldiers were about to die, they had to drag someone on their backs.

Jin Da's expression changed again. If today's ghost soldiers were like this, then the battle situation in the Jin family camp must be very tragic. He hurriedly said: "Go back." The man had disappeared.

Zhang was afraid that he would know that he was anxious, and the Mao people around him were full of hostility and came around, secretly cursing: Bastard, I helped you fight in vain. He put away the two mice and said to Zhang Tianfang and the others: "Go back."

Zhang Tianfang was very angry: "I just helped them fight, what do you mean? Want to kill me? A bunch of white-eyed wolves."

Zhang Jing said: "Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly." He turned around and followed, Zhang Tianfang cursed and followed. Fang Jian smiled and said: "You must have had a very interesting life at that time, right?"

Zhang Tianfang didn't understand: "When?" Fang Jian said: "It was during the foundation building period, when a ghost sword broke into the world." Zhang Tianfang became proud: "That's it! It's necessary! Back then, I killed people without mercy, killing people all the way. Anyone who dares to follow me will be killed immediately! Anyone who pretends to be a big boss will be killed immediately! It’s like being like a wolf with its tail between its legs all day long! It’s really jealous of Yingcai.”

Fang Jian laughed: "You're not dead yet, don't use your words blindly."

"It's not a waste of time. God is jealous of me for being so powerful, so he made a bastard Zhang Afraid to torture me. If I don't accept it, God is jealous of Yingcai." He was feeling strongly.

Zhang Ai coldly sent back a sentence: "If I had known earlier, I should have thrown you in a ghost cave and made you practice every day until you died." If Zhang Ai did not enter the ghost cave, Zhang Tianfang's life would most likely be what Zhang Ai thought. It's scary to say that he is forced to fight against the strange fish in the lake every day. If he doesn't fight, he will be killed by the strange fish.

Fang Jian also spoke: "You misunderstood. What I said was interesting was that it was interesting that you were being hunted all the time. With your temper, it is a wonder that you were not killed. You should really go home and worship Buddha." You have to know how to be grateful.”

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