The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 691 Search

Chapter 691 Search

Well, you're very good at putting your own face on it. Zhang was afraid of ignoring him and spoke to Fang Jian: "It seems that we have to live here for a while."

Fang Jian joked: "I know the Ghost Emperor makes it difficult for you to sleep and eat well. If you don't kill him, you won't feel comfortable."

The three of them were talking, Hei Yihou was on one side. Zhang Awei asked him: "Are the injured people okay?" Hei Yi replied: "It's okay, they are all fine." Zhang Awei nodded. He did not want any casualties to happen to those around him.

Heiyi said again: "Master, I feel something is wrong. Those men in black seem to be just here to die. They did not run away even though they knew they would be defeated."

Zhang Fing said: "I also think it's strange, those men in black are corpse soldiers." After he subdued Hei Yi, he used countless pills and life threats to make Hei Yi voluntarily recognize him as his master, and together with the black and white forces, he fought More than a thousand people called him this. The strange thing is that except for a few people from Nanyun who made a move to become a master just after taking over the body, the others have never officially become a master. To them, master is more like a name. Anyone named Ducheng can be called Ducheng. become.

Poor Zhang Wen is still not used to this title because he hasn't had many opportunities to meet them.

Regarding Hei Yi's question, Zhang Ain and Fang Jian speculated for a while. Fang Jian asked, "Why did the Ghost Emperor let them die?"

No matter whether things in the world are complex or simple, they are all about profit. The Ghost King is willing to sacrifice thousands of corpse soldiers every day, which shows that he has a bigger conspiracy. The problem is that he can't figure out where his conspiracy is?

Zhang was afraid that he would not answer, but asked another question: "Heiwu came to collect the corpses. The Ghost King has the means to refine corpse soldiers. Isn't it true that he is not afraid of his dead people and can still make them again anyway?"

"It's possible, but it's unlikely. A few days ago, the Ghost Emperor collected 250,000 fresh corpses and souls at once. Will he still care about hundreds of hundreds of corpses?" Fang Jian said about the 250,000 corpses. When he found the corpse, Zhang Ai was suddenly startled. Even if it was reduced by 20%, there were at least hundreds of thousands of troops. Why was there no trace? Where is this team hiding?

He glanced into the distance and said, "Have a rest and continue searching tomorrow." He threw the tent out and opened the curtain to enter. So everyone went back to their respective houses, except for the sentinels and others. Even Zhang Tianfang went into the house to rest, replenishing his energy and waiting to fight with the corpse soldiers.

What Zhang Ai was thinking about was that the little mouse would search for a few more days, try to eliminate the corpse soldiers as much as possible, and try to force the Ghost King to reveal his whereabouts so that he could be killed.

Early the next morning, Jin Da appeared outside Zhang Ping's house. The Ghost King was causing trouble in Mangu, and he was the most troubled and anxious person. He wished he could track down the corpse soldiers all the time and drive away the Ghost King as soon as possible. He doesn't ask much, just drive him away. As long as he doesn't harm the Jin family, he will harm whoever he likes.

Zhang Ain smiled and went out: "Morning." Jinda asked directly: "Let's go now?" Zhang Ain nodded. He knew what Jinda was thinking. He released two mice and walked along the city wall from east to west.

Zhang Tianfang gradually followed him, and the four of them set out on the road.

From an ordinary person's point of view, the city wall is very long, more than two hundred miles, but to Zhang Ai and others, it is nothing. The two mice quickly completed their scanning mission and found nothing, so they searched forward instead.

The four of them were walking and talking. The mice were doing the work, and they were very leisurely. Zhang Ain asked: "How big is it here?" Jin Daodao said: "Have you ever seen a watermelon? Stretch it a little longer, and the point under our feet is the tip of the watermelon." He turned around and raised his hand to gesture: "The two hundred miles of city wall protects the tip of the watermelon. The people of the Jin family.”

How big is the watermelon and how big is the tip of the watermelon? Zhang Weijing was depressed: "How long will this search last?"

Jin Dazheng said: "It depends on human effort, hurry up."

Zhang Tianfang heard the question and asked: "Are all the other parts of the watermelon full of hairy people?" Jin Da said: "Yes." Zhang Tianfang shouted: "There are millions of people living in one watermelon tip. How many people can this big watermelon contain?" Enemies? Oh my god, how did you survive?”

"The hairy people are aggressive and murderous by nature. If they don't fight with us, they will fight with other hairy people. They are fierce but lack discipline. They fight on their own and don't obey anyone. What's more, in this barbaric valley, the hairy people are not the biggest ones. , there are some strange things on the other end of the watermelon, which are said to be much more powerful than the hairy man." Jin Da revealed some more information.

Zhang Ai hurriedly said: "Stop, that's your business, don't tell us, I'm only here for the Ghost Emperor." He was thinking in his heart, last time you came here, you said you were only enemies with the Mao people, but this time there are more Awesome, what should I do next time? More danger and trouble? It would be better to quickly deal with the Ghost Emperor and leave early.

Two rats, one ground-eating rat, can detect unusual movements on the ground and underground very sensitively; one Tibetan rat has a natural ability to detect various treasures. As long as it is within a certain distance, no treasure can escape its search. So, after a long time, Zhang Ain looked at Jinda, as if he had something to say. Jin Da looked uncomfortable and asked, "What's wrong?"

Since you asked, I will tell you. Zhang Ping said: "There is a mine, a spiritual vein, and a river underground."

Jin Da was stunned at first, and then laughed: "I have always said that there is a spiritual vein in the Man Valley, but no one has seen it. It turns out that it is deep underground and there are mines. It's really good! The Jin family can change the magic weapon."

Zhang Weijing waited until he had laughed enough before saying: "Don't be too happy. The mine is thirty miles away from the ground, and the spiritual veins are deeper, reaching fifty miles. If you are not afraid of being tired, just dig slowly and let the hairy men attack you. But the river is not deep. More than two thousand meters, the Jin family is short of water?"

One sentence made Jin angry: "Can you finish the sentence in one breath?" Seeing a beautiful dream emerging, but out of reach, this is real and not so irritating.

Zhang Ain continued: "Yes, but I haven't finished talking yet. There are corpse soldiers five thousand meters ahead. Go dig them up."

It was his pleasure to use Jin Da as a servant, but Jin Da had no choice but to go and dig a hole. After a little trouble, he dug out a huge pit. There were more than 3,000 corpse soldiers hidden three meters deep, arranged vertically and horizontally, lying on the ground. In the dirt.

Looking at a pile of dead things, Zhang Tianfang thought of his skeleton beast and asked, "Can we put this pile of things away?"

Zhang Ain had thought about this problem before. There were sixteen Nascent Souls imprisoned in the walnut on his chest. He originally planned to make sixteen corpses to resurrect them, but the corpse soldiers were evil and ugly, so he gave up the idea. The reply was: "Are you crazy?"

"Why are you crazy? Are you saying that things are not inherently good or bad? It depends on the user's heart. Can't we use them to do good things?" Zhang Tianfang said plausibly.

Zhang Aifeng glanced at him: "The skeleton beast is alive at least. How can these piles of corpse soldiers survive? Do you have souls to give them?" He was stunned by this sentence. Others may not have souls, but he has many, to be exaggerated, endless.

He has the Calming Bead, which is a Buddhist sacred object left behind by the great Buddhist master after he passed away. It can purify all haze, accommodate all ghosts, and is the guest star of all ghosts. When the monsters in the Withered Bone Forest were causing trouble, they collected millions of monster souls. Then they went out to kill them randomly. They went against the Ghost King several times and absorbed souls like crazy. Even he himself didn't know how many souls were contained in the Calming Bead. Ghosts, if some of these ghosts are taken out and put into the bodies of corpse soldiers, will there be another fierce team?

Fang Jian saw him stunned and asked, "What are you thinking about?" Zhang Ping said, "I'm thinking whether I should accept these piles of corpse soldiers." Fang Jian was very serious about praying to Buddha, so he quickly shook his head: "No, They are already dead, so let them go in peace. After the Six Paths, they will have their own reincarnation, and there is no need for you or me to interfere. "

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said, "How can I interfere with what I said casually?" But Fang Jian was right. After all, it is an evil thing. It is different from the Nascent Soul seizing the body. Who knows what will happen after the forced resurrection? monster?

While they were talking, Jin Da had already set fire to people and turned more than 3,000 corpse soldiers into ashes. He came back and said, "Keep looking."

The poor two little mice worked endlessly underground. At noon, they found another corpse soldier. But at this time, a team of corpse soldiers appeared on the grassland again, about 5,000 people, and they fiercely attacked the Jin family camp. .

Zhang was very puzzled and watched helplessly as those guys appeared, but he couldn't find them. He ducked to the place where the corpse soldiers appeared several times in a row, and used the ground escape technique to dive down, but he still didn't notice them. It's strange, how come the corpse soldiers of dead things are alive?

Jin Da came over and asked, "Did you find anything?" Zhang Ain shook his head and asked, "Why don't you go back and take a look?" Jin Da Dao said, "I'm not the only one in Jia Hall, why should I go back and take a look?"

Zhang Fing didn't care: "Then keep looking." He ordered the two mice to continue searching. Jinda thought of the topic just now and asked: "Ignore the spiritual veins for now, can we get the ore up?"

"We?" Zhang Wen laughed, not expecting the first member of the Jin family to be so close to him. Jin Dahun said nonchalantly: "We are in the same group now." As the old saying goes, if you have too much debt, you won't have to worry about it. This is what Jin Dahun had in mind. The more money you can get, the better. Who knows that he has fallen behind?

Zhang Ping didn't want to help. The hatred between him and the Jin family was still there. If it weren't for the Ghost Emperor, he wouldn't have entered Man Valley at all, so he said: "Continue to look for the corpse soldiers."

I guess the little mice were tired of looking for them. They had lived with Zhang Ai for many years. They knew that this owner was kind-hearted and had never let them do such endless things, so they started to be lazy, searched quickly, and ran straight to the north. .

Zhang was afraid that he was connected to the spirit of the mice and found that they were acting abnormally. After thinking about it for a while, he understood what was going on and felt helpless. Even the little mice dared to fool him. But I didn't stop them. Mangu was as big as a watermelon. If I searched inch by inch, who knew how long it would take. Besides, maybe you just searched this place and found no corpse soldiers. Tomorrow the Ghost King will find a bunch of them in the place you searched. Do you know where they are? The right way was to get rid of the Ghost King, so he lazily followed the mouse forward.

After walking three thousand miles, the terrain changed from grassland to hillside, and the four of them were in a dense forest. Zhang was afraid that his consciousness would be slightly exposed, so he asked Jin Da: "Is this the territory of the Mao people?" Jin Dao: "As soon as you leave the city wall, it is the territory of the Mao people. Isn't it a little late for you to ask now?"

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