The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 688 Three Parties

Chapter 688 People from Three Parties

As soon as hundreds of big snakes appeared, the grassland became lively. A bunch of hairy people in the distance started making a mess, apparently they wanted to come and snatch the snakes? Zhang Ao looked at them with disdain and shouted: "Kill." With one word, both humans and snakes turned into murderous gods. The Bai Zhan team members spread out and stabbed the enemy with one sword, easily harvesting their lives.

There were many enemies, but they didn't run away. When they saw the powerful Snake, they still bravely rushed forward to fight for their lives. This is courting death. Of course, the Fushen Snake will not be polite. With the help of White War, the Black War ends. Thousands of people in black are killed in a short period of time. The remaining black people are divided into pieces and are desperately holding on. Zhang Ping glanced over and saw that there were less than a thousand people left, among whom the so-called masters had just given birth and were really vulnerable. He waved his hand to let the Shenfu rush forward again and spoke to Jin Da: "Go back."

When Jin Da saw that he had nothing to do so quickly, he clasped his fists at Zhang Afraid and led the people back to the city wall. He was going to rescue the big tent.

Zhang was afraid that no matter what he did, he just wanted to know where the Ghost Emperor was, so he had to quickly eliminate the enemy before he had a chance to ask. Bai Zhan was immediately ordered to collect and suppress those who slipped through the battlefield outside the battlefield. He led the Fushen Snake and Hei Zhan to eliminate the men in black head-on. The ferocious God-Suppressing Snake flew out a sheet of silver light on the grassland, and wherever it passed, all the men in black had their heads bitten off. Coupled with the coordination of black and white battles, all enemies can be killed in about twenty breaths.

The enemy had Nascent Soul masters. After their death, the Nascent Souls fled. Zhang Ai, who was like lightning, captured them all. There were thirteen Nascent Souls in total. According to the old rules, they were sent to the Jindan Yuanshen to be trapped for later refining.

He was really curious about the origins of the men in black and how they could be manufactured in batches like household items. Stop in front of a certain corpse and touch it, then use your soul to scan the other person's body, and you will understand. Then he went to check another corpse. After checking five corpses in a row, he sighed softly, Ghost Emperor, Ghost Emperor, I must let you die in the Savage Valley this time!

In this fierce battle, no one was injured in the black and white battles. The Subdued God Snake was the main battler. They cooperated in the battle formation to fight against the enemy without any effort at all. So everyone is happy, and it can be regarded as a show of bravery, and let Zhang Ain see that we did not take your elixir in vain, and there is absolutely no problem in helping you kill people.

The only one who was unhappy was Zhang Tianfang. He managed to avoid getting involved in a bloody battle. Now that the battle was over, Fang Jian no longer stopped him. He rushed over angrily and roared loudly: "Why don't you let me do it?"

Zhang Ai said seriously: "You are a secret weapon, you have to hide it."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Tianfang was still angry.

"We must kill the Ghost Emperor this time. You are the last killer. You cannot let him know your arrival. Take precautions and escape in advance." Zhang Ai said solemnly. What he said is the truth. If he wants to eradicate the Ghost Emperor, Zhang Tianfang must take action. .

"Really?" Zhang Tianfang didn't believe it, and then asked: "Really? Don't coax me."

Zhang feared and said, "Really, when have you ever seen me tell lies?"

Zhang Weifei's greatest advantage is his absolute lack of character. Zhang Tianfang became happy: "Hahahaha, no problem, just a ghost emperor? Let's see how I torture him."

Zhang Aixin smiled and continued to look at the corpse. There are two reasons why Zhang Tianfang cannot be exposed. One was mentioned before, and the other more important reason is that Zhang Tianfang has a ghost sword, which is something that the Ghost Emperor would only dream of obtaining. After being exposed, he will become the Ghost Emperor's primary attack target again. The Ghost King might not be able to kill him, but the countless minions the Ghost King created could.

Zhang Tianfang gained great psychological satisfaction and came over to ask: "What's there to see in a pile of dead bodies?"

Zhang Ai waved his hand casually, and the black clothes tore open, revealing the body of the man in black. It was just a mummy. The bones were much thicker than those of a human being. The body was covered with thick black hair, like a wild beast.

Zhang Tianfang was startled: "What is this?"

Zhang Ping said: "The bones and skin belong to the hairy man, and the head and soul belong to the human. The Ghost Emperor is really good at it."

Up to now, it has been confirmed that it was the Ghost Emperor. Except for his evil skills, no one else has this ability.

After understanding all this, he turned his attention back to the direction of the big tent, where Jin San's troops were fighting with the Ghost Emperor's men, and Jin Da's men covered them from behind.

This is a place of divine punishment, with endless killings that have never stopped since ancient times. Under the city wall in the distance, this tragedy is being staged. Two groups of people are fighting desperately, and one group is approaching. Blood and severed limbs have become new decorations on the grass. The heaven and earth are in a state of silence. A gust of wind blows, and all that is blown is murderous intent. The leaves are dancing with murderous intent.

Anyone who saw such a cruel Shura killing scene would not feel comfortable. Zhang was afraid to look at the hairy men in the distance, still standing still, and understood that what they were thinking was nothing more than fishermen who wanted to make a profit. He ordered: "Hei Zhan, attack independently."

He gave up his power to Hei Yi, who responded loudly, and led one hundred and twenty of his men towards the battlefield four hundred miles away like a sharp sword.

Fighting on the battlefield is about practicality, and few people use fancy magic weapons and spells. Hei Zhan did an excellent job in this aspect, and the Jin family disciples and the men in black were not bad either. The three parties used magic swords as their main offensive weapons. They used the swords to injure the enemy from a thousand meters away, releasing a rain of swords. The comparison is accuracy, density and speed.

This was a tactic used when initially engaging the enemy. Both sides were densely packed, so many people with low cultivation levels and slow reactions were stabbed by swords and directly lost their combat effectiveness. The Ghost King had many men, and was sandwiched between Jin Da and Jin San, so there were naturally many casualties, but they didn't care and fought against the Jin family with a desperate attitude.

At this time, the black war is still approaching, and the two parties are the Jin family and the Ghost King's men. Zhang was afraid to look at it a little unbearably. The Jin family's magic weapon was very poor and there was no shield for defense. Otherwise, many casualties should be reduced. But he also knew that it wasn't that the Jin family didn't equip their disciples with shields, but that they really didn't have the materials to refine weapons. It's just a Barbarian Valley, and most of the things it needs are bought from outside. How can it be equipped with equipment on a large scale? It is extremely rare to have a good magical sword.

After looking through the storage bag, there were only magic weapons belonging to some people who had been killed recently. They belonged to the fifteen Nascent Soul masters from the Shengmen. These demon cultivators were also poor people. There were not many good things in the storage bag, so they tore them up and gave them away. The thoughts of the magic weapon.

Zhang Tianfang asked him: "Why don't you go and kill him?" Zhang Ain looked at the hairy man in the distance and said quietly: "There is no hurry."

Mao Ren didn't move, and Zhang Ai didn't move either. However, under the distant city wall, the Jin family disciples and the black army were already fighting hand to hand. In order to avoid accidentally hurting their own people, no one used their swords to attack. At this time, people from the black band arrived, armed with a black shield and a sharp sword, tearing apart the enemy team as easily as a knife cutting through a piece of paper.

There are many enemies, and Heiyi is unwilling to take risks. That's why he cut the edge of the paper with the knife, then cut it out, and then retreated along the original path. When the enemy filled the gap, he led the team to rush in, using simple and effective attacks to consume the opponent's vitality.

Jin Dajinsan attacked from both sides. Not to mention his team, the two of them alone could be a million soldiers and easily killed many mummies dressed in black. Coupled with the knife-like black war, the three forces combined put the black-clothed mummy at a disadvantage and appeared defeated.

The fighting was fierce under the city wall in the distance, and Zhang was afraid that a black mist suddenly fell from the battlefield around him, covering the corpses everywhere. As soon as the black mist appeared, a third team appeared at the Jin family's city wall. There were only twelve people, all of them were Nascent Soul mid-level monks, probably masters of the inner hall, and they flew towards the black mist. The hairy people behind also moved, the same twelve people, also heading towards the black mist.

Zhang Tianfang said: "There are weird things in the fog." "Nonsense, can you talk more nonsense?" Zhang Ai said casually, staring at the black fog.

The hairy man who flew over was tall and long, more than two meters tall. He lunged forward, vaguely carrying the power of thunder, and was full of momentum. On the other hand, the twelve members of the Jin family were slightly shorter in stature and approached quickly and silently. The strange thing was that they were also empty-handed and did not hold any magic weapon.

The hairy man was close and rushed to the edge of the black fog to stop. While stopping, the twelve people spread out and stood in an arc. I don't know what kind of magic was used. I only saw a small light ball condensed in each palm of their hands, about the size of a fist, but the twelve hairy people looked like It was very strenuous, and there was sweat on my face.

Someone shouted softly: "Go." The twelve hairy men shot the light balls at the same time, flying toward a point in the black mist, and the twelve light balls exploded in one place. The light ball flew out, and the hairy man fell to the ground without any strength. At the same time, twelve pieces of fur covered his body. Then there was a huge explosion.

Zhang Tian yelled in anger: "Didn't you say something in advance when the firecrackers were set off?" The explosion was so loud that no one heard his curse.

The ball of light explodes so fast that it explodes as soon as it leaves your hand. Therefore, the twelve human hairmen did not dodge at all after throwing the ball of light, but fell down and pulled off a piece of animal skin to protect themselves. Anyway, you can't run that fast without force.

Zhang is a little curious, can Mao Ren use magic?

The explosion was loud and went away as quickly as it came. After a loud noise, the world returned to calm, and most of the black fog was blown away. At this time, twelve members of the Jin family arrived and flew into the black mist in a straight line. The leader pointed his sword at the black mist and whispered the magic formula. Eleven people lined up behind him. Everyone put their right hands on the heart of the person in front of him and recited a formula together. The eleven people passed the technique to the first person. The twelve people used a sword in total. Then, that sword Flying straight out, right in the center of the black fog.

There was only a buzzing sound, and thousands of rays of light appeared in the black fog, scattering outwards and piercing the black fog. Twelve members of the Jin family shouted in unison, and the light in the black fog became stronger and stronger, as if the sun was shining away the haze. The remaining half of the black fog was finally dispersed by the light, and then the magic sword in the light trembled again, as if Very unwillingly, it then broke into several pieces and fell to the ground with a clang.

The black fog dispersed, the sky and the earth became clear, and the creatures on the grassland reappeared. At this time, we can see that the originally chaotic corpses are actually arranged in rows. Zhang Tianfang shouted: "So evil?" Zhang Ping said quietly: "There are many evil things." As he spoke, he took a step forward.

The Jin family disciple fell to the ground at the same moment when the magic sword broke. He remained motionless after falling. His injuries were much more serious than those of Mao Ren. The twelve furry men hid under the animal skins and managed to withstand the force of the light ball explosion. The animal skins were only slightly scratched. When the explosion subsided and the Jin family arrived, the hairy people had already shoveled the animal skins and meditated to heal their injuries. After a short period of time, they immediately stood up and walked towards the Jin family disciples, locking one of them each.

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