The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 687 Battle

Chapter 687: Battle

It has only been about two years since he helped the Nascent Souls seize their bodies, but they have cultivated a high-level team of 222 people. At this time, there were still sixteen Nascent Souls in the big walnut on his chest. Except for one person who was killed because he was fighting for a sand bear, the other fifteen were all monks from the Demon Cultivator Sect of the Holy Kingdom. He didn't have time to tell the truth about this group of people. No matter what kind of bad things they have done, I have never been able to decide whether to kill them or give them a chance to live again. Judging from the current situation, it might be a good idea to let them obey you honestly.

The disciples of the Jin family led them along the right side of the city wall, said to Zhang Awei: "Excuse me," and walked away quickly. It's rude to run off with guests, so I apologize in advance. Zhang Ping didn't care about this, smiled and said nothing, and followed them forward.

Soon after walking fifteen miles, a large tent appeared in front. It was very big, five times as big as ordinary tents. A group of people were still far away from the big tent when more than twenty monks in black suddenly appeared silently in front of them. The leader shouted: "Stop."

I just came down the mountain and saw more than a thousand monks. Every one of them is a person who has been in the killing array for a long time. They are fierce and ferocious. Their bodies exude murderous aura involuntarily, giving people a powerful and terrifying feeling. The more than twenty people in front of them were even worse. Their eyes were cold, their faces were expressionless, and they looked at them with an air of indifference to life. They looked at them as if they were ready to die at any time.

Turning around to look at Heiyi, Heiyi was also shocked. He had trained his men not to be afraid of death and to dare to kill people, but he had never seen anyone like the twenty or so people in front of him. If Hei Zhan was trained by him as if he were a killing weapon, then the twenty people in front of him were just as cold as a killing weapon. The difference between the two is the difference between like and being.

When men in black block the road, the Jin family disciples step forward to explain as usual. But this time, no matter what they said, it was useless. More than 20 people refused to give an inch or say a word. However, the firm determination and cold attitude shown in their eyes made Zhang Awei understand that as long as he dared to take a step forward, he would definitely be killed. , either they kill you, or you kill them.

Zhang was afraid of causing trouble unintentionally, so he led the people to stand still and let the Jin family deal with them. Zhang Tianfang was not happy and muttered: "Trouble." But Hei Yi suddenly said: "As long as you give me time, I can do the same." He was aroused by the men in black and did not believe that his black battle was no match for the other party.

Zhang Wen smiled and said: "It's good like this now." No one wants to be a tool and judge others by their own feelings, and Zhang Wen doesn't want to be too jerkish.

They waited for a while, the eight Jin family disciples were still explaining and persuading, and the man in black was still unmoved. At this moment, a soft voice came from the big tent: "Let them come over."

Zhang chuckled fearfully: "I thought you could hold back your words forever."

The person in the tent whispered: "I really don't want to talk to you." Judging from the tone, the two seemed to know each other.

Zhang Ai stood still. He didn't want to enter the big tent, so he looked around and asked softly: "Where is Jin Da?" He had known that there was a master in the tent, and he wanted to kill his master, so he was too lazy to speak.

The soft voice said: "Four hundred miles north, if I am correct, he should be fighting."

This sentence surprised Zhang Awei. He actually asked Jin Da to do it himself? How powerful is this enemy? He ordered: "Follow me, let's go." He led the people to fly north.

After they left, the curtains opened and a thin middle-aged man walked out. It was Jin San, and Jin San, who was as tall as the sky in fear of hatred. But you can't tell from the appearance. There is no hatred or coldness in his eyes. He looks towards the north with a sense of indifference.

Once a group of people attacked Zhang Ao, but Zhang Ao used a spell to blow him up with wounds all over his body. Although the talisman was not fatal, the Fushen Sword in Zhang Ai's hand could be fatal. Jin Si came to the rescue at the critical moment, but he was saved, but Jin Si had to blow himself up and died. Whenever he thinks of this matter, Jin San hates it so much. This is an undying hatred, and he must resolve this matter one day.

Zhang was afraid that it was him in the big tent, so he didn't bother to pay attention to him. For the sake of protecting the lives of millions of people in the valley, he had no choice but to do nothing and not take revenge, but he didn't want to see these bastards. Hatred is hatred after all, and it cannot be resolved by saying a few words. In comparison, he would rather get along with Jin Dajiner who has no blood on his hands from the Tianlei Mountain disciples.

Leading the team to fly straight to the north, Zhang Tianfang was very excited and followed him with the ghost knife tightly in hand. Fang Jian lazily walked behind Bai Zhan. The two teams, white and black, formed a shuttle formation. Everyone pointed their swords at the ground and moved forward quickly.

It was only four hundred miles, and with their cultivation, they could arrive in a matter of seconds, but in order to maintain their formation, they deliberately slowed down and walked a little longer.

When they arrived, they saw fighting. Jin Da led nearly 600 monks in white and were trapped among a group of men in black. He has extraordinary cultivation, and he kills with his sword without mercy. He is invincible to all the men in black, but he cannot withstand the large number of people, so groups of people rush forward bravely as if they don't care about their lives.

Zhang Ai glanced briefly and knew that Jin Da was fine. Although there were more than a hundred white-clothed corpses in the field, compared with the enemy, the ratio was about ten to one. There were many enemy corpses everywhere on the battlefield. Scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that the man in black was dead. Sure enough, the Ghost King came in!

In the past, the enemies of the Jin family were the Mao people, and many tribes united to attack one Jin family. Now, the enemies of the Jin family are men in black, but there are also hairy men on the battlefield. They did not fight. Nearly ten thousand people gathered five miles away, watching the Jin family fight hard.

Zhang is afraid that he doesn't understand, what's the matter? When are you still playing War of the Three Kingdoms? What is the hairy leader thinking?

The men in black also had many masters, but they could not stop Jin Da. He led his men to rush out several times. So more men in black focused their attention on the Jin family disciples. If they couldn't kill the powerful ones, they would drag some of the less powerful ones to be buried with them. Ghost claws, cold swords, and clouds of black mist appeared one by one on the battlefield, attacking the Jin family disciples who were unable to defend themselves.

The disciples of the Jin family were really fierce. They followed Jin Dalai and killed the enemy. No one gave up. Some had their arms broken, some had chest injuries, but they still gritted their teeth and persisted. Some of the seriously injured even committed suicide in order not to drag others down. Soon, the consciousness of each living person disappeared, turning into cold corpses scattered on the grassland. This is the cruelty of war. No matter how fierce the battle between cultivators is, it is only a battle between a few people or a dozen people, and it is never so tragic.

Seeing the carnage ahead, Zhang Tianfang said anxiously: "What else are you looking at? Let's fight." He was about to charge forward. Zhang Ai suddenly remembered something and said loudly: "Fang Jian, watch Tian Fang, don't let him take action." Zhang Tian was angry: "Why?" Zhang Ai didn't have time to explain, so he said lightly: "Let's watch the show first. ." He showed his hard iron sword and slashed horizontally into the crowd. He followed the force of the sword and rushed into the surroundings of the men in black.

Following him was Bai Zhan, a master of more than two hundred yuan who could easily deal with a group of men in black. These guys were dressed in white, but their hearts were blacker than charcoal. They had been bullied so hard by Zhang Awei that they had to listen to everything they said, regardless of the dignity of the masters. The fire that had been suppressed for hundreds of days was released at this time, as if they were crazy. When they were involved in the battlefield, the place they passed was cleaner than a locust plague. There were not even corpses, and all the corpses were kicked far away by them.

The last one is Black War, because there is White War in front to open the way, Black One closes behind the team, expands the formation, and turns into wild goose wings. A small team of three people takes turns harvesting the lives of the men in black. It's not that they want to spread out their formation to fight, it's really a vain fight. They kill the opponent without leaving any armor. If they don't spread out their formation, they can't kill the enemy.

There were about 5,000 men in black. After Jin Da fought hard and Zhang Ai led people to kill, more than 3,000 people died in a short period of time. All Bai Zhan was too ferocious, with an average of ten lives per person. As for the more than a thousand disciples of the Jin family, and Hei Zhan, they only killed more than a thousand people together.

The leader of the men in black noticed that his opponent was coming for reinforcements, but he did not run away. He smiled sinisterly at Zhang Afraid and Jin Da, raised his head and let out a loud roar, leading the remaining less than two thousand people to rush towards Bai Zhan.

After he roared, a black team suddenly appeared on the grassland to the east of the battlefield, flowing like black clouds against the grassland. The direction of their flow was the Jin family camp behind the city wall, four hundred miles away.

When Jin Da saw Zhang Wen coming, he said coldly: "Why are you here?" He kept holding the sword in his hands, and in the time it took him to say four words, he had already killed eight people.

Zhang Ai's strength surprised him. He couldn't figure out where to find two terrifying teams, especially Bai Zhan, a master of more than 200 infants? Are you kidding me? With this kind of strength, it would be enough to destroy the Jin family. He was also a little uneasy, not knowing whether calling Zhang Weijing to help was the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do.

Zhang Ain replied: "Kill first, don't talk nonsense." He was more ruthless than Jin Da. Jin Da killed two people with one word, but he slashed a whole group of people with one sword, at least five or six, or more. It's easy to kill more than ten or twenty people. In one sentence, Bi Jinduo killed many people.

Jin Da smiled arrogantly: "What does this little thief mean?" He led the Jin family disciples to rush to the outside. He planned to join forces with Zhang Ao to make dumplings and annihilate all the men in black in front of him.

Zhang Awei scanned the men in black, and there were less than two thousand of them, because they were spread out too widely, covering a large area. Each and every one of them was not afraid of death, and bravely pounced on the Jin family disciples and Hei Zhan and Bai Zhan. Most of them had the cultivation level of Dan Jie, and about ten of them had the cultivation level of Nascent Soul. Zhang Wen became more and more curious about the Ghost Emperor. What kind of methods did this guy have that could actually create so many powerful subordinates with his bare hands?

Asked Jin Da: "Is everything okay over there?" He was talking about the black team that went to attack the big tent.

Jin Dadao: "It's okay." He said it was okay, but he was still a little anxious. His men stepped up and quickly killed the man in black.

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Leave this place to me, you can go back."

Jin Da shook his head: "There's Jin San over there." It means nothing will happen.

Zhang Ai turned around and looked back, but the black cloud had disappeared. Letting go of his spiritual consciousness, he discovered that many tents in the Jin family camp were sending troops at the same time. More than a thousand Jin family disciples crossed the city wall to face the black team. The two sides were about to engage in battle. He sighed and said, "I owe you what you owe me. Please pay me back." As he spoke, he released more than a hundred volts of divine snakes. He understood clearly that there was no need to hide his strength in front of Jin Da. With the powerful information network of the Jin family, he has everything. As long as he shows his strength, Jin Da will definitely know everything.

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