The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 651 Cave at the Bottom of the Lake

Chapter 651: Cave at the Bottom of the Lake

Zhang Ai put away his flying gun, and the three of them flew eastward in a battle formation. Zhang Ai was in front, Zhang Tian was on the left, and Fang Jian was on the right. The three of them wore the same gray snake robe and the same bright silver snake sword. It was just flying silently, but it carried a chilling air of courage.

After flying five thousand miles eastward, I saw the second battlefield. There were more than 300 warlock corpses lying on it. They were all mummified corpses like the previous one, with no water or blood. Land and bury them, then keep flying. At this time, Zhang Ai suddenly thought of Master Han Tian. How would she face all this? That cold, unreasonable and defensive woman would go crazy after seeing so many warlocks dying?

The scenery on the land is diverse, including grasslands, woods, lakes, and mountains. After passing the first few places, a relatively large lake appears in front of you. Four people were fighting in the air on the shore of the lake, one monk versus three ghost disciples. Two corpses fell on the ground, wrapped in black, and they were also ghost disciples.

Zhang was afraid of discovering them, so he hurriedly came over to help the monk, but when he got closer, he realized that the monk was bullying the three ghost disciples alone. The three ghost disciples were high-level Nascent Soul cultivators. They were no match for the fair and frail and beautiful monk. They tried to escape several times, but were stopped by their opponents alone, and they were ruthless. The two corpses on the ground were killed by the monk while they were escaping.

Zhang Aili stood next to him and said, "I've seen Master Chengji." As he spoke, he felt strange in his heart why monk Chengji not only didn't look happy when he saw him coming, but instead showed a trace of panic in his eyes. So he stood aside and didn't do anything. Looking at the surrounding environment, there is no Yuanying in the two corpses on the ground. Could it be that they ran away? At this time, Fang Jian and Zhang Tianfang arrived. Zhang Tianfang was about to rush into the battle group to help the monk with his magic sword, but Zhang Wen stopped him: "Master, you have the upper hand."

Zhang Tianfang was not happy: "You won't help if you have the upper hand?" After seeing more than 1,300 corpses in two places, he was very angry and wanted to kill someone to vent his anger.

Cheng Ji saw three people, especially Zhang, who was afraid of the unpredictable nature of his cultivation. He didn't dare to take risks, knowing that things would not develop as he imagined, so he said, "I'm tired of fighting too. Can a monk abstain from killing?" Okay, I'll leave these three people to you." After saying this, he pushed with his palms, and a strong wind swept the three ghost disciples and pushed them towards Zhang Wei and the others.

He knew that Zhang Fear had the absolute strength to kill three people, so he pushed his hands and the figure flashed away. But Zhang Aifeng's sharp eyes clearly saw a trace of reluctance in Cheng Ji's eyes. What was he reluctant to let go of? Could it be three ghost disciples? Thinking in his mind, he stabbed out the magic sword in his hand without delay. Three swords in a row, faster than lightning, stabbed directly into the strong wind and took away the lives of three people. Then he made a false grab with his left hand and held the three escaped Nascent Souls in his hand. Without looking at them, he sent them to the Golden Core Yuanshen to seal them and refine them carefully when there was time.

Zhang Tianfang said: "Slow down, leave one for me." But when the strong wind stopped, only three bodies were left.

The three corpses he killed were somewhat different from the two corpses on the ground. It was hard to tell what the differences were, but Yuan Shen clearly felt that they were different. Curious, he checked it out, but still couldn't find anything wrong. Even with his top-level cultivation, he couldn't tell the difference. He thought that he was too suspicious. He grabbed a fire and burned the five corpses to ashes, then chased them in the direction where Monk Chengji disappeared.

It stands to reason that he should capture the ghost disciple and ask for information about the ghost king's whereabouts and other information, but he knew that the ghost disciple would not leak the secret easily, and he did not know how to search for souls and kill evil spirits, so he had no choice but to kill people quickly and then follow Cheng Ji away. He thinks Cheng Ji is suspicious.

The three of them flew forward across the lake, and the ice crystals in their bodies suddenly jumped, reminding him that there was something going on under the water. Zhang was afraid to stop and said to the two of them: "Wait for me here." Without waiting for an answer, he plunged into the depths of the lake.

Fang Jian and the others had to wait even if they didn't want to, so they landed on the lake and stood still.

The lake is not too deep, about seven to eighty meters, and Zhang is afraid that he will sink to the bottom soon. The lake water lacked flow, and the bottom was always thick silt. Zhang feared that he didn't see anything wrong, so he asked the ice crystal with his soul, and the ice crystal guided him to sink into the silt.

What he didn't expect was that the lake was 70 to 80 meters deep and the silt was deeper than the lake water. He had to sink more than 100 meters in the silt before reaching solid ground. It was pitch black under the mud and nothing could be seen, but after hitting the bottom without looking, Zhang Weizhi knew there was a problem here and there were signs of the existence of the magic circle.

The soul sent him out, leading him to turn left and right, and soon he came to the front of the magic circle. This formation is an isolation formation, with the purpose of concealing traces and isolating the breath. Therefore, the formation is not strictly protected, and Zhang Wen's cultivation level can easily get in and out.

When he came here, Zhang Ain sighed secretly. No wonder Master Hantian searched all over northern Xinjiang and couldn't find five ghost cultivating sects. Who would have thought that there is a cave under the more than 100 meters of mud deep in the lake? If it weren't for the ice crystal reminder, he would have missed it even with his cultivation level, let alone those low-level warlocks.

The magic circle tried to hide his traces, but it made it easier for him to sneak into the magic circle without being noticed.

There is really a cave inside the magic circle. It is such a big cave, about a thousand meters wide and wide. The cave walls are illuminated by countless night pearls, and there are four passages close to the ground that lead to other caves. If all five ghost cultivating sects were hiding here, the space of more than a thousand meters would definitely not be enough to accommodate them.

Zhang Ping was startled as soon as he appeared. Such a big cave was full of corpses, piled one on top of another. There were countless layers on top of each other. There were pigs, cows, horses and sheep, as well as ordinary people, warlocks, and some others. Looking at the corpse of the monk, he found traces of his cultivation, and it seemed that he was a demon cultivator. He didn't understand. The demon cultivator and the ghost disciple were the same group, so why did he die here?

Suddenly, footsteps were heard from a tunnel on the left. Zhang Ai immediately crouched among the corpses and pretended to be dead. After a while, fourteen low-level monks walked out of the tunnel. They found out that the technique belonged to the demonic cultivator sect.

These people carried a large stretcher in pairs, and each large stretcher was filled with dead bodies, crowded together horizontally. There were at least fifty bodies, and seven stretchers equaled 350 bodies.

When they walked to the pile of corpses, someone shouted: "Throw it away." The two of them used their strength at the same time to throw the corpse onto the mountain of corpses. Three hundred and fifty corpses, spread out flatly, occupy a large area, but in the mountain of corpses, they only slightly increase the height of the mountain.

Each of the fourteen monks had a dull face and no expression. They looked at the mountain of corpses, and suddenly someone said: "Look what we did?" The voice was dry and hoarse, without any human emotion.

No one answered, everyone seemed as calm as a dead person.

The body just thrown down belonged to the warlock. After a while, the man said again: "Did we do something wrong?"

"What are you thinking about? Isn't this what demon cultivators do? Besides, if they don't die, we will die." Another emotionless voice sounded in the cave.

"When they are all dead, will it be our turn?" A third dry voice sounded.

"We deceived five warlock sects, and two of them have died. Who knows?" said the first voice.

They seem to be no longer afraid of death and dare to say anything. Maybe their hearts have already died.

Fourteen people stood there stupidly, not returning to the tunnel for a long time, and no one urged them. One person said: "It's better to die now than to be raped."

Of course, it was done by humans. All the corpses that came into view were dry, just like the corpses seen outside, without blood or moisture.

When it came to life and death, no one among the fourteen people spoke. They stared for a while, sighed, turned around, and walked back to the tunnel like zombies. Zhang was afraid that Qian Qi would follow him in. With his cultivation, if he deliberately concealed his aura, few people in the world would be able to detect it.

The tunnel is a kilometer long. After exiting the tunnel, there is another huge cave. In the cave, there are twelve Nascent Soul mid-level ghost disciples sitting. Each of them is meditating and practicing. There are three balls in front of them, one is colorless and transparent, hanging. On each person's forehead, it is invisible to the naked eye. Zhang Weijing can see it clearly with the help of the Dingshen Bead, and he knows what it is. It is the person's soul, which can also be said to be the soul. The second ball is white, with different colors, thick or light. It hangs on the chest and is made from the spiritual power of many cultivators. The third ball is bright red, a large ball of red blood hanging in the air, more than one meter high and wide. I don't know how many people's blood can make up this big blood ball.

As the ghost disciples continued to practice, the three balls gradually shrank and were sucked into their respective bodies for refining and absorption.

Zhang was thinking about whether to kill them, but he was also worried that he might alert the enemy. Seeing the fourteen monks carrying the body carefully put down the stretcher and turned into a small tunnel. After a slight hesitation, they continued to follow, temporarily letting the bastard ghost disciple live a little longer.

The ghost disciple closed his eyes and practiced, unable to detect Zhang Ai's aura at all, allowing him to wander around as he pleased here as if he were his own back garden.

He followed the low-level monks into the tunnel. This tunnel was longer, more than two thousand meters. There was a ghost disciple meditating at the exit. When he saw them coming back, he gave them a cold look and said nothing.

This cave is larger than the one outside. There are many demon cultivators meditating and practicing. After entering, these dozen people also closed their eyes and meditated. What they practice is only magic, not ghost magic.

The Yuan Shen swept over and found that there were more than 200 demon cultivators in the cave. Except for one person at the entrance of the cave who was a ghost disciple with Yuan Ying cultivation, the rest were all foundation-building cultivators.

He then returned to the large cave where the twelve ghost disciples were practicing, and took a closer look. Counting the tunnels he had just walked through, there were five tunnels on the cave wall. He chose another tunnel to enter. It took him 500 meters to reach the end. An iron fence sealed the entrance of the cave. Talismans were affixed to the fence, and a banner was hung. In front of the iron fence were sitting two Nascent Soul mid-level ghost disciples. Behind the fence are more than a thousand warlocks, ranging from elixir formation to qi refining, all in various realms. They must be one of the five warlock sects that were deceived.

Everyone in the cave was lifeless, no one spoke, no one practiced, as if they knew they would die, and they all waited quietly for that moment to come. Only a few people did not give up, cheering everyone up, saying that Master Hantian would come to save them. words like them.

Zhang Ping sighed secretly, that crazy woman's heart is colder than ice. If she comes here, the first thing she will do is to clean up the scum of warlocks.

There were once seven warlock sects in the barbarian land that were bewitched by demonic cultivators. Two of them were destroyed by Zhang Wei, and the remaining five were deceived into coming here. They didn't want to come, but if they didn't come, they could only wait to be killed by Master Han Tian. Kill.

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