The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 650 I want to kill someone

Chapter 650 I want to kill someone

When Xiaozhu heard what he said, he hummed with satisfaction at him, praising him for being discerning and sensible. He was so angry that Zhang Huan grabbed the stupid pig and beat him several times: "If you keep pretending to be big with me, I'll beat you. "The kitten was gloating at the side and smiled at the piglet, meaning he deserved it. If he asks you again, you will have to take it. In comparison, Huo'er was really innocent. He looked around stupidly and couldn't figure out what was going on. He remembered how kind Piggy was to him, so he flew over to help Piggy rub his butt. He also remembered that Zhang was afraid that he was his master and had rubbed it. Pig Butt looked at him pitifully again.

Xiaozhu also knew that Zhang Afraid had become more powerful now, and he couldn't be defeated without setting fire, but setting fire? Looking around, he saw that the house was gone. Song Yunyin would be angry, so he snorted very magnanimously and proudly, which meant that the uncle was not as knowledgeable as you and went out to play.

Zhang Ai was speechless. This bastard pig has been against me since he was brought back. Leave it alone, talk to Song Yunyi Cheng Xi'er for a while, go out to find Zhan Yun, and ask him to stay at the archway temporarily. If the magic circle is turned on, there will be only one archway in the entire Tianlei Mountain for people to enter and exit. Add protection.

Zhan Yun agreed and went down the mountain with him. These days, Zhan Yun's life is going well. After completely letting go of things, he doesn't need to practice. He has free time every day, and he lives happily. When he has nothing to do, he goes to help Heiyi train his disciples.

At the archway, Zhang Tianfang was waiting with his heart scratching his head. When he saw Zhang Weijian and Zhan Yun coming together, he asked doubtfully: "Is he going too?"

Zhang Awei shook his head, led the two of them out of the archway, and with a slight click, colorless barriers appeared one after another from the archway, surrounding the entire mountain peak. Zhang Aifeng said to Zhan Yun: "Thank you for your hard work." After letting go, the three of them entered and flew north.

After flying away from Tianlei Mountain, Zhang Tianfang remembered to ask about his destination: "Where are you going?" For him, as long as he could wander around, it didn't matter where he went.

Zhang Ai said: "Lie Shan." Fang Jian and Zhang Tianfang looked at each other. Neither of them had heard of this place name before and asked, "Where is it?" Zhang Ai shook his head: "I don't know." "I don't know how to get there?" Zhang Tianfang asked. road. Zhang Ping said calmly: "You will always find it."

According to what Song Qingsong said, it would take tens of thousands of miles to fly eastward to reach Lieshan. He could roughly estimate the location and go straight at full speed. Soon after entering the wild land, I saw no cultivators, and the low-level warlocks who used to stop people and ask questions were also gone. Fang Jian asked: "Would you like to invite Master Wuwu to join us?"

Zhang Ping said: "It would be better if Master is willing to help." Fei Gu changed direction and went to Han Temple to find Master Wuwu.

This time the matter was urgent. Instead of stopping a thousand meters away like last time, it landed directly in front of the temple gate. Master Wuwang's tall figure pushed out the door and said, "Is there something urgent?" From what he understood, both Zhang Ai and Fang Jian were worried. He is not a reckless person, he does things very measuredly, something will happen if he behaves like this.

Zhang was afraid and said: "There may be changes in the Northland. The three of me are going to investigate. I would like to ask the master to accompany us. What do you think of the master?"

Wuwang didn't say anything, and jumped directly into Feiya: "Let's go."

Fei'ai took to the air again and headed north. Zhang Ai asked: "Master, does he know the location of Lieshan Mountain?"

Wuwang nodded: "It's some distance away from here, what's going on there?" He pointed out the direction by the way.

Zhang Ping repeated what Song Qingsong said to the master, and Wuwu said: "No wonder there is no sorcerer aura recently. I thought they stopped checking. Have you seen Cheng Ji?"

Zhang Ping said: "I haven't seen him recently." Wuwu said: "It would be great if Senior Brother Chengji was here, he wants to kill the ghost disciples most."

At the speed of a mid-level flying bird, he appeared in a plain after half a day. There were a few crop fields below, and there were mostly grasslands and pastures. Wuwang said: "To the northeast, you can reach Mount Lie in about a quarter of an hour."

Zhang Wen remembered what Song Qingsong had said about three villages near Lie Mountain. He wanted to go there and take a look, so he did not turn to the northeast, but flew north. After flying for a short time, a group of buildings appeared in front of him, including mud houses, stone houses, and other buildings. There are tents and about fifty houses forming a small village. It's a pity that there is no life in the village. There is not even a dead person, let alone a living person. The pigs and sheep are all gone, leaving only some empty sheep pens and cowsheds.

Seeing the empty village, Master Wuwu's face became solemn, he held up one hand and recited Amitabha in a low voice.

Zhang was afraid that Feiya would stop, so he jumped directly to the ground and quickly wandered through each room. After a while, he returned to Feiya, changed direction and flew eastward. As he flew, he said: "There is little dust in the house. These people should have disappeared not long ago." ”

During the flight, I saw two more empty villages one after another. They were similar in style and size to the previous village, and the situation was similar. They were both empty.

Zhang Ping said: "There are more than 200 households in the three villages. Calculated as a family of five, more than a thousand people are dead." People in the North have large families, and few people live apart. They all live together, old and young. , five people is already the minimum estimate.

Master Wuwang was silent for a long time, and suddenly without any warning, he coldly uttered one word: "Kill." The great monk had murderous intentions again. But he suddenly said the word "kill", which startled Zhang Tianfang: "What for?"

Wuwu didn't say anything, silently practicing his Buddhist skills. A peaceful breath rushed out instantly and spread in all directions. Ren Feiya flew for a while before speaking again: "Stop."

Zhang Wen stopped as he was told and Wuwu pointed to the north: "There is no need to go to Lieshan, just go north."

The great monk must have discovered something. Zhang Weijing controlled Fei Gu to fly north, but after traveling more than a thousand miles, he realized something was wrong. His face was even lower than Wuwang's, and murderous intent loomed in his eyes. He looked much more sinister than Wuwang.

Zhang Tianfang's cultivation was too low to notice anything, so he asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Feng didn't say anything, so he urged Fei to continue traveling north. After a while, even Zhang Tianfang realized something was wrong. After flying for more than a thousand miles, he stopped. Below was a lifeless atmosphere with no life at all. It was even more terrifying than the three villages he had just passed.

The grassland within a radius of more than ten miles was withered as a whole, but it was not yellow, but blood red. The grassland within ten miles was soaked in blood. This place is full of blood, and only blood is left. The red is dazzling and the red is cruel.

It stands to reason that after the blood flows out, it will clot and turn black and red, but the blood here is still red, as red as if it had just flowed out of the wound.

For more than ten miles, that is to say, the area within a radius of more than 6,000 meters was covered with blood. Zhang Wei asked Wuwu: "Master, what's going on?" He had seen the method of blood refining. The gang of bastards at Hongguang Inn in Shiwanda Mountain used animal blood to refine monsters and created more than a dozen blood pools. I thought it was cruel enough, and I don't want to see anything more cruel today.

Wuwang sighed, without explaining, he made a circle with his hands, pushed outward slightly, and kept chanting in his mouth. As he chanted, Buddhist sounds appeared out of thin air, Sanskrit chants resounded through the air, and the bright red color of the blood on the grassland began to darken. When Master Wuwu finished reciting the Heart Sutra, the dim blood burst into green smoke. There was no more blood in the entire grassland, but there was no grass anymore. Everything on the ground disappeared, leaving only a piece of black land. .

This piece of blood is so strange. Generally speaking, if there is bright red blood, it is alive, or if it has the smell of blood, it will be easily noticed. But this blood is different. Apart from the dead energy, there is no qi movement. You can see its blood redness, but you can't feel its blood. Zhang is afraid that the three of them are full of questions, but Master Wuwu doesn't explain, and they are not good either. Pursuing the question again, he asked: "Where are we going now?"

Master Wuwu said: "No need to leave, just wait here."

However, after waiting for a long time, even after dark, no practitioners appeared, and no suspicious circumstances occurred. Master Wuwu's face was so serious that water could drip from his face. Zhang was afraid that he had never seen him so scary.

Until daybreak, no one showed up. Wuwanhan said in a cold voice: "You three look eastward, maybe you can find the ghost disciples. I have something to do." After saying this, the three of them disappeared without waiting for a reply. .

Seeing Wuwang's behavior, the three of them spoke in unison. Zhang Awei said, "It's broken." Fang Jian said, "Something happened." Zhang Tianfang said, "What happened?" Then the two looked at Zhang Awei and said, "What's wrong?" ?”

At this time, Zhang Ai suddenly thought of Master Han Tian. If that crazy ice woman devoted all her strength to fight against the ghost disciples, would her small body still be enough? It has only been more than three months, and the serious injury must have not healed. Could it be that she only watched when her subordinates were fighting? She is the number one person in the barbarian land and has supreme appeal. If she doesn't take action, how can hundreds of Hantian sects act in unison to fight against the ghost disciples?

From entering the barbaric land to what he saw now, Zhang Ping was sure that the warlocks had found the ghost disciples' lair, and there must be a bloody battle between them, either already started or in the process of starting. With the powerful strength of the ghost disciples, Zhang Wei was worried that Master Hantian would lose the battle.

Seeing the two people asking themselves, Zhang was afraid and said: "The warlock may be defeated."

"How do you know?" Zhang Tianfang asked. "I don't know, let's go!" Zhang Ping had no time to explain, he wanted to find the ghost disciple first before getting down to business.

Flying eastward, Feiya quickly flew out of the grassland and found a forest. They are all tall, thick and straight hardwood. The three of them could not name them, but they knew that there had been a fight below.

The three of them flew into the forest, and the ground was full of corpses. At a glance, they found that there were more than a thousand people, and without exception they were all warlocks. Zhang Tianfang asked: "Who did it?"

"What do you think?" Fang Jian knelt down to check. The corpses were all mummified, without a trace of blood or moisture remaining. They had been devoured.

"Where's the blood?" Zhang Tianfang also discovered the problem.

Zhang was afraid of standing still, and felt a sense of sadness in his heart. Was he going to be killed if he didn't become strong? Does it mean that if you don’t kill, you will be killed? Are you going to be killed if you're not fierce enough? He said to the two of them, "Bury it."

The two agreed, and even a careless and lazy person like Zhang Tianfang had no objections. Zhang Ping dug a large deep pit in the wilderness outside the forest. The three of them carried the thousands of corpses in one by one. The high-level monks became the ones who carried the corpses. They worked hard for a while and put all the corpses into the pit, and then buried them. Fang Jian recited the death curse for a while, but Zhang Tianfang just said nothing. Zhang Tianfang waited for Fang Jian to finish, and said coldly: "I want to kill someone."

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