The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 636: Encountering a Wonderful Dharma on the Road

Chapter 636: Encountering a Wonderful Dharma on the Road

Wuwang seemed to know what he was thinking, and continued: "I met Brother Chengji by chance the last time I went out, and we struck a chord with each other, so I invited him back to the temple to talk about Buddhism and Zen. We talked for nine days and nine nights, which benefited the poor monk. A lot, and the disciples in the temple have also benefited a lot.”

Cheng Ji Qian said: "No, no, it's the young monk who has benefited a lot from his senior brother."

These two brothers are capable of chatting, and they are not bothered even for nine days and nine nights? Zhang Tianfang muttered: "I admire you." Fang Jian knew that he couldn't say anything good, so he quickly interjected: "Master, is he a Zen practitioner?"

The divisions of Buddhist cultivators are very fine, much stricter than those of monks. However, because there are few disciples and Buddhist cultivators have always been low-key, the world doesn't know much about them. They only think that all bald people are monks and that they are all from the same sect. In fact, monks sometimes quarrel with each other and argue wildly because of their different understandings of Buddhism. Zen is one of the larger sects in Buddhist practice. It emphasizes sudden enlightenment. Master Wuwu studied under Zen monks.

Chengji smiled softly and replied: "Buddhism is boundless, how can we, the arrogant and foolish people, be able to explore it? There are twelve volumes of the Tripitaka of the Great Way, each containing one hundred and eight thousand volumes of scriptures, and there are many sub-vehicles and Mahayana. It takes a lot of time to read the Dharma, so how can we separate the Dharma into one sect?”

He roundly said that he did not belong to any sect, but only believed in Buddhism and only read the true words of the Buddha.

He is indeed crazy, Zhang Ain said in his heart. He saw many Buddhists, and except for the monks of Daxiong Temple, all the monks were divided into clans. When Wuwang asked Bu Kong which sect he studied under, Fu Kong replied: "No matter how many sects there are, they are all the same Buddha; no matter how many sects you practice, you only have one skin, so why should you separate them so clearly?" This means that there is no need to divide the Buddha's teachings too clearly. Sect, Buddhism does not need sects.

Master Fu Kong came out of Daxiong Temple, which is known as the best temple in the world. It doesn't matter if he speaks louder, I don't want to see another one today. But, there is a problem. Monks are very particular about ordination. There are Buddhist monks who don’t wear orbs, some Buddhist monks don’t wear monk’s robes, there are Buddhist monks who keep their hair long, and there are even Buddhist monks who marry wives and have children, but no matter what kind of Buddhist monks they are, To practice Buddhism, you must have a good disciple and take refuge in the Three Jewels before you can truly become a disciple of Buddhism. Therefore, every Buddhist practitioner must be ordained. And ordination is divided into sects. In which temple you were tonsured and which sect the temple belongs to, you are a disciple of that sect.

Among all the temples in the world, apart from the Daxiong Temple, there is really no temple that has no sect alone, so Zhang Ain asked curiously: "May I ask where the master got his hair?"

"Donor, have you ever heard of Daxiong Temple?" Chengji said softly.

Daxiong Temple? Have you seen all the Buddhists at Daxiong Temple? Everyone fights with the ghost disciples together, and they can be regarded as comrades, but they have never met Cheng Ji. He looked at Fang Jian with an inquiring look in his eyes.

He was embarrassed to speak, but Zhang Tianfang didn't care about that and said in a loud voice: "Daxiong Temple? I've been there. It's shabby and not much better than here. Why haven't I seen you?"

Chengji coughed softly: "The poor monk has been away from the temple for many years and has been traveling around the world to preach Buddhism. This benefactor, you have a great affinity with my Buddha. You have a close feeling that seems to have been acquainted, and you have Buddha nature." The location of Daxiong Temple is hidden. Even Buddhist cultivators may not necessarily know where he is. I didn’t expect that the monk in front of me had actually been there. I couldn’t help but look at him out of curiosity. I found some clues at this glance. The rough man actually had the characteristics of Buddhist skills and mental methods, but he was indeed a Nascent Soul cultivator. Let Chengji be a little confused.

Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "It's fate, I am now a Nascent Soul monk." Because he successfully conceived a baby, he had covered up the Buddha's killing aura a lot, so Chengji didn't realize that he was a Buddha killing.

Master Wuwu sighed softly: "How come you haven't changed after so many years? I will teach you the Heart Sutra and recite it diligently, so that you can be wise, purify your mind, have fewer desires, and be less angry."

"Don't learn!" Zhang Tianfang refused directly: "The great monk has no good intentions. Fang Jian wants to learn from you. You lied to me. I don't want to learn. You turned to me instead. There is something wrong with a monk's brain."

This guy is so fierce. He scolded the monk in front of two Buddhist monks. This courage left Zhang Fing speechless and made Fang Jian mutter: "When I get out, I won't be able to deal with you."

Since he is a monk from Daxiong Temple, Zhang Ping doesn't want to ask any more questions. Let's not say whether this monk is fake. Even if it is fake, it will be handled by the monks of Daxiong Temple and it has nothing to do with them.

The few of them talked for a while, but Zhang was afraid that the three of them would say goodbye and leave. On the way, I was thinking, since Cheng Ji said that no trace of the ghosts was found in the barbarian land, then they should indeed not be found. Do you want to go home?

The three of them walked out of the forest, and along the road were former battlefields. Since the chaos of the monster beasts, the barbarian and Han tribes have not used swords for many years. The battlefield is covered with green grass. Although the height is different, they are equally full of vitality.

Zhang Tianfang said, "I don't like that pretty face. I always feel that something is wrong." Zhang Ai and Fang Jian looked at each other and smiled. The three of them felt the same way. Fang Jian said: "I feel a little uncomfortable. I have never seen such a clean Buddhist cultivator."

It's clean, so clean. Not only is it clean, but it's also perfectly groomed. If nothing else, just look at the hands and feet. They are as white as jade, the nails are neatly trimmed, and the clothes are also shockingly white. No matter how you look at it, you don't look like a monk. There is also his bald head. Most other Buddhas repair their bald heads by simply removing the hair, but Chengji's bald head has no hair and is shiny.

Zhang Ping said: "He doesn't look like a Buddhist cultivator." Buddhist cultivators don't care about their clothes, nor do they care about their own image. They think that there is no need to take care of a stinky person, as long as it is not sloppy and clean. But Chengji's dress was too clean.

Zhang Tianfang said: "Whatever, is there still a fake monk? Is that guy a fake?"

Fang Jian said: "Don't talk nonsense. Even if someone dares to pretend to be a monk, no one dares to pretend to be a Buddhist."

Zhang Tianfang muttered in a low voice: "That's hard to say." Fang Jian stopped arguing with No Brain and asked Zhang Awei: "Where are we going?" Zhang Awei said: "I wanted to go to the barbaric realm..." The latter part was because he couldn't find it. Ghost disciples, just go back to the mountain. But Zhang Tianfang didn't let him speak, so he interrupted him and said, "Okay, let's go for a walk and see how cool the warlocks and wanderers are."

Zhang Ain smiled and looked at Zhang Tianfang: "You are really..." It was useless to say anything to this shameless guy, so Zhang Ain chose to give up. Fang Jian said: "I have been holding him back for more than twenty years. He is like a wild dog that has escaped from the reins. He can be turned around." The follower jumped on Zhang Tianfang, knocked him down and beat him: "How dare you be rude to Master Wuwu?" , looking for a beating."

Zhang Tianzhao shouted: "Ghost Sword, help me." Sadly, Ghost Sword ignored him and made him receive a few punches.

According to the news from the Hantian Clan, there were seven ghost cultivation sects, two were directly destroyed by Zhang Awei, and the remaining five were gathered together and hidden. The barbaric land is vast and mostly wilderness. It is really easy to hide tens of thousands of people. Hantianmen's power in the north cannot find them. Zhang is afraid that there are only three people. It is even more difficult to find them. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack. So Zhang Ping didn't even think about that and talked to Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian about the Jin family.

After he finished speaking, Zhang Tianfang shouted: "That's awesome, the God's Punishment Clan." This guy never looked at problems differently from others, but fortunately there was Fang Jian, who asked: "What do you want to do? No. Revenge?"

"I want to take revenge, but I don't want more people to die because of me after taking revenge." Zhang Ping said, the three of them have been standing on the former battlefield, looking at the wind blowing the grass, looking at the clear blue sky, they also died here. Many, many people are willing to go to die just because of an order from those in power.

Zhang Tianfang said: "What a difficult task, find something to replace the star grass, let the Jin family get out of the valley, and then take revenge."

This guy always spoke carelessly, and Zhang was used to it, so he said calmly: "Go find him." Zhang Tian glared: "Why should I go find him? It's not that I want to kill someone."

They stood here for a while, and then a small team of warlocks came over to investigate. After looking at the eyes of the three of them, they knew they were not ghost disciples, so they respectfully left. Watching a small group of warlocks fly away, Fang Jian asked, "Is it possible that the Ghost King is here?"

Zhang Jing said: "It's possible that if he can go to the Qin Kingdom, he might come to the Barbarian Land." Last time, everyone took the sea route from the Holy Kingdom back to the Eastern Continent and saw the Ghost Emperor occupying the body of a zombie in the Qin Kingdom.

"What does he want to do?" Fang Jian looked at Zhang Tianfang and asked.

The Ghost King was seriously injured. If he wanted to recover his strength quickly, he would have to seize the Ghost Sword. There were nine of his kind in the sword. If he were absorbed and fused, his strength would jump several steps, let alone heal his injuries.

Zhang Tianfang muttered: "What are you looking at me for? I don't know."

Zhang Ai had the same thought as Fang Jian, and looked at Zhang Tianfang: "He is looking for you." After saying these four words, his expression changed: "Go back to Tianlei Mountain."

Zhang Tianzhao yelled: "We just came out and then went back." Zhang Wen stopped talking nonsense, threw Feiya, and dragged him in. After Fang Jian entered, he quickly flew south.

If the Ghost King made up his mind to find Zhang Tianfang, it would not be difficult. Zhang was afraid of being in the limelight, so he had a few friends around him to help him become famous. For example, it was rumored that the disciple of Tianlei Mountain was a big pervert. Not to mention two extremely beautiful lovers, there were also thirty-four beautiful little girls. Concubine to serve.

This rumor is very inaccurate. At least anyone who has seen the girls knows that it is nonsense. How can a virgin become a concubine? But the people who spread the rumors don't care about these many things. They are just talking about it for fun. With the help of such powerful rumors, it would be difficult for Fang Jian, Zhang Tianfang and the three of them not to become famous.

In other words, it is really difficult to find out their specific whereabouts. It was still possible a few days ago, because there was only Zhan Yun on Tianlei Mountain. Even if the Ghost Emperor went there, he would not dare to take action easily. His strength has not been restored, and he would definitely not dare to cause trouble, lest he attract the attention of the Buddhists. But things are different now. There are more than 2,000 people on the mountain, and the girls are all there. They are still virgins with high-level cultivation. There is no guarantee that the Ghost Emperor will arrest them for practicing, so Zhang is a little anxious.

Of course, all this was just speculation. He hoped that he was wrong, but he still had to return to Tianlei Mountain as soon as possible.

Fei'a moved forward at the fastest speed, like a meteor streaking across the sky. As he was flying, a fat monk suddenly appeared next to him and smiled at the three of them. With such a fast speed, he could catch up with Fei Gu, and he still seemed to have enough energy to spare.

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