The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 635 Monk Chengji

Chapter 635 Monk Cheng Ji

Zhang Tianfang took out a ghost beast and threw it to the ground. The boss was a pile of dark bones with a sinister appearance and looked very uncomfortable. Zhang Ao explained: "This is a thing made by ghosts. It is made from living people. I wonder if it can be used to find the ghost emperor's energy?" Kong Duanfo glanced at it and shook his head: "It's useless, it's not the ghost emperor." It can't be found." He didn't look at it again, and Zhang Tianfang had no choice but to put away the ghost beast.

Kong Duan used his Buddhist eyes to look at Zhang Weifang one more time, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile: "I still say you are good, just like before." He put up a palm with one hand, nodded to indicate, and then retreated into the temple. The great monk knew that Zhang was afraid of the purpose of this trip, so there was no need to talk nonsense. If ghosts were really rampant, a group of Buddhist cultivators would definitely subjugate and eliminate demons.

After achieving their goal, Zhang Ai and the others flew north to the Song Dynasty to meet Master Wuwu.

Master Wuwang lives in a mountain forest at the junction of the Song Dynasty and the barbarians, with more than a dozen houses and several acres of vegetable gardens. The name is Han Temple, and it is indeed shabby. It is not even comparable to Ganliang Temple. It does not even have a temple name. There are several monks living there, and Wuwu is the only Buddhist in the temple.

The great monk was extremely kind. At that time, there was a war between the Song and Barbarians. He single-handedly escorted thousands of people back to the Song Dynasty. He was attacked by countless barbarians. The master did not want to kill in vain and insisted not to fight back. He only wanted to protect the people. , which shows his kindness.

Later, when the monsters caused chaos and destroyed all living beings, in order to save the people, the great monk got angry and started killing, causing the Buddha's hands to be stained with blood.

The reason why Zhang Weijing came to Master Wuwu was that Han Temple was close to Mandi and should have contact with Mandi Buddhist cultivators. He asked him to release the news on his behalf. If Buddhists took action to deal with ghost disciples, it would be a blessing to the people of the world.

According to the etiquette before going to see Master Kongduan, Fei Gu stopped a thousand meters away. The three of them walked to Han Temple. When they arrived at the door, the great monk Wuwu had already come out to greet him, with one palm raised on his chest, a smile on his lips, and he said to Fang Fang. Jian said: "I'm back."

Fang Jian hurriedly walked over and knelt down. He wanted to thank the great monk. Back then, he was helpless and was chased by the masters of the Qing Dynasty. Fortunately, the great monk protected him and saved him from any accident.

Monk Wuwang waved his robe lightly, supported Fang Jian with a burst of energy, and said softly: "Man, kneel to the sky, kneel to your parents, there is no one else in the world worthy of your kneeling."

Fang Jian couldn't kneel down, so he bowed and thanked: "Thank you, Master." He wanted to thank you a lot, but suddenly he felt that he was so unkind. He had never come back in so many years, so he said with a smile: "I'm sorry."

Wuwang whispered: "What did you say? Thank you, sorry?" The great monk was very happy to see Fang Jian. He was in the mood to joke and asked Zhang Ai: "Is this how you taught him?"

Zhang Awei quickly waved his hand: "Master, this has nothing to do with me."

Wuwang looked at Fang Jian with a smile, nodded and said: "Yes, he cultivated very quickly. How long have we not seen you?" Seeing that Fang Jian lowered his head and said nothing, he added: "I know you, don't think too much, I know you are not You don’t want to come back, but you’re too embarrassed to come back. Are you the disciple who was expelled by me before you even became a disciple? You’re also a first-time genius, and you want to show off to me only after you reach the top level, silly boy.”

Zhang Ping had never thought about this problem. Unexpectedly, the great monk revealed Fang Jian's heartache with one word. He was a little embarrassed and said to the master: "Master, this is my fault."

"Come to me to admit your mistake?" Wuwang turned sideways and said, "Sit inside."

Zhang Tianfang was rude and said as he walked: "We should have been let in a long time ago. The great monk is not polite." Dare you speak ill of Master Wuwu? Fang Jian kicked him away and followed Zhang Ain into the temple.

Wuwu's cultivation had reached the point where he could clearly discern the details. He smiled at Fang Jian and said, "Talk more and move more. It will make you happier. Don't always carry useless things." Fang Jian said respectfully, "Remember Master's teachings."

He is not a monk, and has never worshiped Wuwu as his teacher, but he kept shouting like this, and Master Wuwu never corrected him. The three of them came to the reception room and sat down. Zhang Tianfang ran in and asked, "What did the great monk say?" Zhang Ai explained, "The master said that it's good to kick you."

Zhang Tianfang became angry when he heard this: "The great monk doesn't have such a thing, I even helped you kill people back then."

Wuwang smiled at him, gave up his seat to the three of them, took out a tea set from the wooden cabinet behind him and placed it on the wooden mat. It is said to be a tea set, but it is actually a large teapot and four large tea bowls.

Zhang Tianfang shouted: "The great monk is out of date, you arty person, you are not good at it. I have seen others make small pots and small bowls, and the small bowls have lids. This is not a rice bowl, right?"

Wuwang said calmly: "Others are others, I am me." The words are self-proclaimed, others are artful, but I treat guests with tea, and everything I do is based on one heart. How can ordinary people understand this?

Zhang Ai said respectfully: "Thank you, master. I'm sorry for bothering you."

What the great monk practices is Buddhism, not tea ceremony. Others can abandon the basics and pursue enjoyment, but he cannot. Besides, how many people in the world can enjoy tea served by a Buddhist master? This is more precious than the tea brewed by the world's top tea masters.

Zhang Tianfang muttered: "Okay, you are you, I am me, let's see what kind of tea you can make."

As a result, the master didn't take the tea at all. He just went out and brought back a kettle, poured the water from the pot into the teapot, and then poured the white water directly into four bowls without putting the tea leaves.

Zhang Tianfang quit again: "I said, great monk, do you want to fool people like you? Where is the tea?"

Wuwang glanced at him and said softly: "When did I say about making tea?" He raised his tea bowl and greeted the three of them: "Please." He raised his head and took a sip, put down the tea bowl and asked, "What happened?"

Zhang Tianfang was still struggling with the question just now: "Why are you pouring water into the teapot if you don't put tea in it? Can't you just pour it into the bowl?"

Wuwu solemnly explained to him: "Pouring water from a kettle is not the way to treat guests. Although it is only one more step, it adds more respect and sincerity."

Zhang Tianfang looked at the great monk with his mouth shut: "You can't be so shameless as a monk."

Zhang Weijing didn't let him continue talking nonsense, and simply told the story about Man Di's discovery of ghost disciples. After hearing this, Master Wuwu said: "I already know it, but it's just not as detailed as what you said."

Master knows? But it's right to think about it. Hantianmen is searching for ghosts with great fanfare. An individual in the barbarian territory should know about it, let alone a Buddhist with great supernatural powers. Zhang Ain asked: "What else has Master heard of?"

Wuwang shook his head: "I just heard about this from a senior brother. I don't know anything else. That senior brother has already gone to Beidi to investigate the news. I will inform the other Buddhist disciples accordingly."

Zhang Ai nodded lightly. Since the Buddhist monk already knew it, and with the power of Hantianmen, the ghost disciples should not dare to show up easily, so he said: "Thank you for your trouble, master." You don't need to be too clear when talking to the Buddhist monk, just understand each other's intentions. .

Wuwang nodded and asked, "Are you going to the Northland?"

Zhang Ping said: "More than a year ago, Hantian Clan disciples said that the remaining five ghost cultivators and evil sects had gathered together to hide, and two Nascent Soul ghost disciples were missing. I want to know what the situation is now."

Master Wuwu put his palms together and said, "It's also the donor's trouble."

Everyone said a few more words, Zhang Wen wanted to leave, Wuwang suddenly said: "Senior Brother Chengji is back, he may know something, you might as well wait until he comes back to ask." Zhang Wen agreed.

Not long after, a young monk with fine features walked in. He was wearing a moon-white monk's robe, which was whiter than Fu Kong's magic weapon monk's robe that "steps by step to grow lotus". He had a bright head and bare feet. His feet were whiter than his face and his toes were trimmed. tidy.

Zhang Ping's first feeling when he saw this person was that he felt uncomfortable. Jin Da was also wearing a white robe and bare feet, and he was also young in appearance, but he looked more comfortable than the person in front of him.

After entering the door, the young monk raised one palm to Wuwu, lowered his body slightly to show his courtesy, then turned to Zhang Ao and the others and said, "Cheng Ji has met three donors." His voice was soft and low-pitched, which sounded very comfortable.

Zhang Ai and the other three stood up and returned the greeting: "I have met the master."

Cheng Jiqian smiled and said: "What kind of master is he? He is a novice monk in this world. He devotes himself to the cultivation of Buddha. He has a golden body and is blessed by the four directions of the great road."

The monk's words shocked Zhang Afraid and Fang Jian, but their expressions remained unchanged. They looked at each other and said respectfully, "Master, please." Please take a seat, monk Chengji.

Literally understood, the four sentences mentioned above seem to mean that I am just a little monk, devoted to the Buddha, and that one day I will be able to become a common sentient being after cultivating the great path and golden body. At the same time, I also humbly explain that even if I succeed, it will be due to the credit and help of my fellow disciples. .

In fact, it is not the case. The last word of each line in the four-line poem is read together as Mi Xiu Cheng Ji. Cheng Ji is his dharma name, let alone saying it. Mi means full. He is saying that he has completed his practice. As long as the Buddha calls, you can escape from the sea of ​​suffering and become a Buddha in the physical body. From just four words, this monk is crazy.

The two of them looked at Wuwu curiously, they could hear it, and Master Wuwu should understand better, but the great monk had no expression on his face. He rushed towards Cheng Ji and leaned slightly to show his respect, and asked: "How is your trip, senior brother? "

Cheng Ji sat down next to him and said: "If there are five temples and nine monks in the barbarian land, there are only two who have reached the level of Buddhists. If ghosts and disciples attack fiercely, I'm worried... sigh."

Wuwang said: "Maybe there is a senior brother who lives in seclusion and ignores worldly affairs, so of course he won't be able to see it."

Chengji said: "You and I don't care about worldly affairs, so aren't we involved in the same thing? I am a compassionate Buddha, so someone has to do something Wuwu." Having said this, he smiled at Wuwu, and he put the great monk's The Dharma trumpet is brought into the words.

Zhang Ping felt that Cheng Ji seemed to have something behind his words. He thought about it, but couldn't think of anything. After careful observation, he couldn't see any clues. He couldn't just say that there was something wrong with someone just because they were uncomfortable with their clothes.

Master Wuwu looked calm and said to Zhang Ai and the others: "Senior brother Chengji is playing in the world, and he always talks like this. Don't be offended by the three donors." He asked Chengji again: "Senior brother, have you discovered the whereabouts of ghost disciples during this trip?"

Cheng Ji shook his head and said: "No, but the Hantian Clan is quite powerful. The entire North is conducting detailed investigations. Even I was stopped several times, so I came back to bother my senior brother."

Zhang Ping became more and more curious, where did this Chengji come from? He asked: "Two masters have known each other for a long time? I think they are very close to each other."

Wuwang said: "Today is the second time we meet."

ah? Can you just walk in without asking when you meet for the second time? This monk is more familiar than Zhang Tianfang.

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