The Monk

Volume One Chapter 620 Kill and Kill

Chapter 620: Kill and kill

At this point, except for the leader, the entire team is all masters of Dan Jie and above. Yu Laoda has the lowest cultivation level and is at the beginning level of Dan Jie. The rest of the team are all masters of Dan Jie and above. The whole team moved quickly and entered a valley in the evening. The monk who led the way was walking too slowly, otherwise they would have arrived early.

Looking at the valley, there is a gate-protecting array outside, which is obviously the work of the monks. It seems that the place is right. He raised his hand and patted the leading monk: "Stay here until I finish handling the matter and send you out."

The monk didn't dare not listen, Zhang was afraid that all his strength had been wiped out in one shot, and now he was just a slightly stronger ordinary person, how could he dare to walk in the forest.

The traveler He Tian stood in front of the magic circle and took a look, turned around and said, "If I break the formation, the noise will be a little louder." He didn't even look at the Hantian Changtang Sect Master.

Zhang Awei said: "It doesn't matter. It's not about enjoying the scenery anyway. If there's a lot of movement, there'll be a lot of movement. I'm afraid they won't come out."

He Tian nodded, and a handful of talismans suddenly appeared in his hand, and they were hung outside the valley one by one. Someone around him understood his trick and asked nervously: "What are you going to blow up?"

Zhang Ai took a look and used the talisman to blow up the magic circle. The noise would definitely be huge. This guy was so humble that he actually said that the sound would be slightly louder. Ignoring what he was doing, he ducked and squeezed into the magic circle. He sneaked a few times like a loach and entered the sect.

At this time, the spell exploded, and the huge explosion easily tore apart the magic circle outside the valley. In the midst of the smoke, two groups of masters surrounded the center from left to right, following Zhang Afraid and rushing in.

The explosion was so loud that it alerted the cultivators in the valley, and a group of warlocks and a group of monks ran out together. The warlock was led by an old man with a white beard. When he saw the master of Hantian Changtang, he hurriedly bowed down and said, "He San'er pays homage to the master. May I ask why the master is here this time?"

The master of Hantian Changtang sneered: "What a good disciple I taught, he actually learned how to kidnap people."

He Laosan said in fear: "I have never tied anyone up with my own hands. I have all my disciples who can testify for me. If I make false claims, my body and spirit will be destroyed and I will never be able to ascend."

Zhang Ain sneered: "Explain what? You didn't tie them with your own hands, so you wouldn't send your men to tie them? Don't bother, your eyes are all red, what else can you explain?" Then he looked at the other cultivators who were running over. It was pretty good. , only the first few people have red eyes.

He Laosan hurriedly knelt down in front of his master and shouted: "Master, have mercy on me. Han monks came to this matter and said that as long as they provide them with a place, they will be responsible for arresting people, and everyone can use them to practice together." ; I thought that she is a Han woman anyway, and her people will die, so why should I care so much? So I agreed..."

Before he finished speaking, the master of Hantian Changtang slapped He Laosan to death, and ordered in a cold voice: "Kill them all, leaving no one behind."

Most of the cultivators who came out of the valley first had alchemy cultivation. Zhang Fei felt that it would be a waste to kill them like this, but he thought about it and just kept the top-level disciples of foundation building, so that his Nascent Soul could be in the same realm. It was easier to manage, so he did not stop them and watched the warlocks and wanderers rush over and kill like lions in a flock of sheep. He took a few steps back leisurely. When others were fighting, he was responsible for picking up the missing ones. If anyone wanted to run away, he would fly over and kill them with a little effort.

Soon all the first batch of masters who came out were killed. Zhang Ai was the first to enter the residence. It was a large house. Although the style was ordinary and plain, the place was big enough. There were more than a thousand monks and more than a thousand warlocks inside. Build foundation and practice.

Youshi Hetian was more compassionate and asked: "They are just some disciples. Maybe they don't know anything. Do you want to kill them?" He meant forget it, kill the culprits, and take these people back and educate them well.

The leader of Hantian Changtang gritted his teeth and said in a cold voice: "Kill, leave no one behind! All those who do evil under the banner of Hantianmen should die." He tried his best to clear his name. The more people he killed, the better he could explain to his superiors. .

Zhang Wear had just wiped out two sects with more than 4,000 people a few days ago and killed everyone. Hearing He Tian's words now, he felt a little cold-blooded. With more than 4,000 lives, how could he just kill them all? Maybe the person had something hidden, so he said, "Gather them together and examine them one by one. Kill them as dead, but not as dead. I will take them away and keep them in custody."

He Tian thought it was a good idea. Although the leader of Hantian Changtang was not happy, he knew that he could not defeat He Tian and Zhang was afraid that the two of them would join forces, so he agreed with a cold face. So the two men's eight pill-forming masters were dispatched to surround them from all sides, forcing the people in the valley to gather on the grass outside. Anyone who attacked or escaped would be killed without mercy!

After a period of bloody suppression, more than 2,000 foundation-building disciples were killed into more than 1,500 people.

The courtyard is quite large, with more than 2,000 people living in various places. Seeing the arrival of a powerful enemy, the first reaction of most disciples is to run for their lives. A few fierce disciples go there with magic weapons to fight for their lives. No matter what kind of reaction, they all see that there are few people on the other side and think they have an opportunity.

The idea was good, but the reality was cruel. Hundreds of disciples who rushed out and tried their best to escape were quickly killed. Some unlucky ones also used magic weapons to fly away in the air, only to survive and fall down alive. The remaining disciples did not dare to move anymore, surrendered obediently, and walked out of the valley to line up on the grass outside the valley.

The interrogation was handled by Zhang Ai. Each person asked questions one by one. The question was very simple. Did he go out to kidnap a woman and come back? It means asking if you know what is evil and do it?

The same question has different answers, and you have to defend whether the words are true or false. As long as it is a lie, no matter what you say, you will deserve to die. When asked about the more than 300 people who should be killed, Zhang Aing told He Tian and the Changtang Sect Master the results. The Sect Master wanted to kill them himself at that time, but Zhang Aing stopped him and said: "I have use for those bodies, let me do it." "

He Tian's expression changed when he heard this: "You also refine corpses?"

"What does it mean that I also refine corpses? I don't refine corpses!" Zhang said fearfully.

He Tian didn't believe it: "What do you want the corpse to do if you don't refine it?" Zhang Ping explained patiently: "I want the body to be useful, not the corpse!" Unexpectedly, this explanation was more troublesome, and He Tian looked at him suspiciously: "You can refine it through ghosts Technique?”

"I'll train your head, just ask your boss Yu to find out." Zhang Ping didn't want to waste any more time explaining.

Boss Yu heard the greeting and hurried over. He Tian then asked Zhang Weifang what the purpose of his body was. As soon as Boss Yu heard about this, I would tell you even if you didn't ask me. He should carefully describe the matter of seizing the body with a cautious expression.

After hearing this, He Tian shouted at Zhang Ao: "Evil magic!"

Zhang Weijing was a little angry and replied: "You idiot, these people deserve to die anyway, what's wrong with letting Yuanying be reborn?"

When He Tian heard this, it seemed like this was the case, but he still believed that the body-seizing spell was an evil act, and was confused as to what to do.

Zhang was afraid of ignoring him, so he went around the houses in the valley and found more than two hundred girls who had not had time to use them for ghost cultivation. After concentrating on looting the entire sect, release the girls and take them out of the valley.

When He Tian saw the rescued girl, he temporarily forgot about the matter of seizing her body, and led his men to organize them to go out.

They were all ordinary women, and it was very difficult to travel in the mountains. Zhang was kind enough to take out the carriage and let the girls in, and he would be the driver to pull them out.

This action changed He Tian's impression of him. He was higher in cultivation than himself, but he could sacrifice the dignity of a strong man to pull a cart for ordinary people. What a broad mind it takes to do this. Little did he know that Zhang Weijing had no concept of the so-called dignity of the strong. In this regard, his concept was that as long as you are weak and worthy of help, I should help you, and nothing else matters.

The girls' traveling problem was solved by Zhang Ao, and four tourists went over to escort more than 1,500 prisoners on the road. After half a day of driving, we returned to the foot of Gaogao Snow Mountain. When they got here, Zhang was afraid of letting more than 200 girls get out of the car, so he handed the girls on the three carriages to He Tian: "Please, fellow Taoist, send them home, I have to deal with these bastards." He raised his hand and gestured, a thousand The more than five hundred cultivators who were arrested were all a little timid and uneasy.

He Tian agreed and said thank you. He collected a few carriages from the Guzhong Gate station and came back. He took them out and asked the women to get on the carriages one by one, and then drove them south to take them home.

It can be seen that the wanderer and the warlock are not getting along well. He Tian has not said a word to the warlock since he arrived, and he left without saying a word when he left. But the master of Hantian Changtang obviously had no time to take care of these things. What he thought most about was how to return to his master's door and confess his guilt. He even asked Zhang Ai: "Can we kill more people?"

Zhang was afraid of giving him a blank look: "If you want to kill you, find someone else to kill them. I can use these people." He raised his hand to circle more than 300 low-level disciples who were sentenced to death, released all the Nascent Souls, pointed at those people and said, "Forget you." Good luck, they damn it, take your pick."

When the Nascent Souls came out, some people thought of showing off their merits to Zhang Awei, meaning that I taught many people the body-seizing spell, and it would be my turn to seize the body and be reborn next. I didn’t expect so many bodies to appear. Everyone first He was stunned for a moment, then rushed towards more than 300 people, looked at the selection as if he were choosing a watermelon, and then started to seize the body.

Although the process of seizing the body is cruel and terrifying, it is very simple. Using Nascent Soul cultivation to seize the body of a foundation-building disciple cannot be simpler. After more than 200 people successfully seized the house, they all came to pay their respects. Zhang Wen called the five people who had seized the house first and threw each of them two bottles, one bottle of marrow pill and one bottle of life pill, and ordered: " Divide it.”

Who dares not to listen to him? A group of newly reborn cultivators took the elixir and went to practice on their own. There were still more than a hundred people left in the field, fearful, frightened, and full of various emotions. Zhang was afraid that killing them would be dirty, so he said to the leader of Hantian Changtang: "They are yours." He didn't say a word more, it didn't matter whether you killed them or let them go.

The ending, of course, was to kill. The master of the sect came with six men. One of the men was restrained for making a mistake, and the remaining five acted as executioners. They took the lives of more than a hundred people in an instant, and then cut off their heads and took them away.

The sect leader came over to say goodbye to Zhang Awei. Anyway, he didn’t know each other before, and he might not have any contact with him in the future. After a few casual words, the sect leader of Hantian Changtang returned to the mountain with his five men and more than a hundred heads, and then escorted the prisoner. The wrong disciple went to Hantian Clan to plead guilty. He just hoped that he would perform well and escape the blame.

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