The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 619: Cold Heaven Hall

Chapter 619 Hantian Changtang

Now that I have understood what I need to ask, what I need to do now is to go find the sect named Hantian Clan to settle accounts. Turning back to look at the two hundred yuan baby, a group of former masters were now staring at the five arrested people in front of them like mad dogs. They knew that even if Zhang Ping was willing to let them seize the body, only these five people would have the best chance.

Zhang Ai glanced at them coldly. Every Nascent Soul, especially the more than twenty Nascent Souls who stood up and knew how to seize the body, held their heads high and held their chests high, hoping to get this precious opportunity. At this moment, seven people whirred from the sky. The leader was a Nascent Soul master, followed by six people, two top-level pill-forming warlocks, and four high-level pill-forming warlocks. When the seven of them landed on the grass, they first looked at the more than 200 yuan baby and were extremely shocked. Especially the Nascent Soul Warlock, greed flashed in his eyes. He knew what it meant for the Nascent Soul to leave the body, that is, there was no protection for the advanced recipes for practicing magical medicines that were easily accessible. He wanted to grab them all at that time.

It stands to reason that the Yuanying who lost his body would have very little courage and would run away when he saw a cultivator. However, not only did the many Yuanyings in front of him not run away, but no one looked at him seriously. He felt something was wrong in his heart and turned his attention back to Zhang Ain. There were many people in the field, but Zhang was the only one who couldn't figure it out and couldn't see his true strength clearly.

As soon as these seven people arrived, two of them immediately saluted him. One was an alchemy sorcerer whose arms were broken off by Zhang Wear. He could not move and shouted: "I have seen the master of the sect." The other was captured by Zhang Wear. The disciple named Zhuji who asked the question bowed and said, "I have met the sect master."

The master of the sect was very majestic. He glanced around coldly, and with a flick of his hand, a stream of energy flowed out, spread out in the air, and hit the more than twenty disciples who were restrained. The more than twenty disciples stood up almost at the same time. Get up and salute the door master.

Zhang Ai looked at them without saying a word, and restrained those people without using any spells. He completely relied on his spiritual power to suppress them and prevent them from moving. Because a group of disciples were low in cultivation, they just controlled them, so the master of Hantian Changtang could easily save them. Everyone.

The master of the sect accepted the bows of all the disciples and said in a cold voice: "Step back." Then he asked Zhang Ping: "I don't know what I, a disciple of Hantian Changtang, did wrong that offended you. I would like to ask my fellow Taoist to make it clear so that I can punish you accordingly." I'm venting my anger on my fellow Taoist." He said this very coldly and arrogantly. Although it sounded polite, it was not the case. He was using Hantianmen's name to put pressure on Zhang Awei, meaning that if you confess your sins properly, he might let you go. , otherwise it would be difficult to say.

Even if he didn't care about this, Zhang glanced at the so-called sect leader and turned his attention to the five unlucky guys captured by the wanderers: "I need someone to take me to your sect's headquarters. I'll take care of it first." Keep him alive."

These five people had seen Zhang Wei's methods and were feeling frightened. After hearing this, they shouted loudly at the same time: "I know, I know."

Zhang Ai casually clicked on the first monk who spoke frankly: "It's you." Then he turned around and casually clicked on the four Nascent Souls: "Tell me your name and cultivate your skills."

The four Nascent Souls were extremely surprised. They were about to be reborn. They said one after another: "Zhang Changgong, a high-level Yuanying monk." "Liu Dao, a senior Yuanying sorcerer." "Zhang Zao, a senior Yuanying wanderer. "Liu Li, a high-level Yuan Ying monk."

The four people reported their names and frightened the people present. Oh my God, it is usually difficult to see a master of Dan formation. Now there are as many Nascent Soul masters as dogs. They all watch carefully.

Zhang Dawei said: "How about living a good life? You have to go to the God Refining Valley, go ahead." He decided the life and death of the four of them with one word. The four Nascent Souls didn't care about this. The most important thing was that he could survive. Almost at the same time Get into the minds of four unlucky guys. Then the painful process of seizing the body was repeated, screaming, wailing, rolling and struggling. After a quarter of an hour, the four of them succeeded in seizing the body. Like Nanyun, the four of them went to see the worshiper for Zhang Ao first, without caring about their own situation at all.

Zhang Wen gave them the Marrow-breaking Pill and the Life Pill as usual and asked them to go aside to recover. Then he said to the only remaining monk after the capture: "Don't be afraid. I said I will protect your life. I will protect your life. As long as you take me Take it to your sect.”

The monk nodded repeatedly: "Definitely."

The sect master of Hantian Changtang saw the process of seizing the body and shouted: "You are doing evil work and you should be punished for your crime!" He was thinking about those Nascent Souls and wanted to pick something to rob, but he was not sure and was afraid of their strength, so he found someone Use the excuse to delay for a while and think of a solution.

"Evil skills? If you don't say that I have forgotten it, then who will." Pointing to the alchemy sorcerer whose arms were cut off by him, he said, "Whose order did you receive to embarrass me?"

The alchemist's face turned pale and he shouted, "I'm going to kill you." He was so fierce that he wanted to kick Zhang Awei to death without any hands, and rushed over to him screaming.

Zhang Awei looked at him and shook his head slightly: "You won't tell? Then I'll ask your sect master." He waved his hand and supported the broken-arm warlock with a soft force, and turned sideways and asked the sect master: "Who am I talking about? What's the matter with you? You Shi is doing some good deeds, why did you come out to intercept them? Who gave the order? Do you know that those bastards arrested people for practicing Falun Gong?"

The master of the Hantian Changtang Sect wanted to get angry and bully my disciples, but he still acted arrogantly in front of me? Just when he was about to question, he suddenly heard the last sentence, and his steps stagnated, and he asked the Broken Arm Warlock: "Is what he said true?"

The Broken Arm Warlock lowered his head and said softly, "Yes". The door owner was furious: "Who asked you to come?" The Broken Arm Warlock did not reply, but looked past the door owner and towards the person behind him. The door owner followed his gaze and saw a person. The high-level pill-forming warlock's face turned ugly, and he cupped his fists at the sect master and said: "Sect master, I don't know the details of this matter. He Laosan sent me a message saying that his sect was being bullied, and he was near our sect, so I let him I came here to see if this happened."

The master of Hantian Changtang looked at the warlock with cold eyes and said nothing for a long time.

Zhang was afraid that he would not have time to watch other people's acting, so he spoke to the two hundred Nascent Souls: "That's it this time. Those of you who know how to seize the body, go back and teach it to others. Next time I ask, the one who taught the most will be asked." Seize the body first, but remember it. If anyone dares to cause trouble or even fight, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

When the two hundred yuan baby heard this, his happy time was gone. He looked at the dozens of families around him and said, "There's more, there's more."

Zhang Wen ignored what they said and patted the big walnut on his chest: "If you want to go back, come in by yourself. I won't force you."

Isn't he reluctant? Which of the bunch of Nascent Souls dared to be disobedient and entered the big walnut with disappointment on their faces. After setting up the barrier, Zhang Weifan looked at the five foundation-building disciples who were seizing the body, and thought to himself: "From a high-level Nascent Soul cultivator to a foundation-building disciple all at once. "Basic disciples, they can adapt to it." Among the five people, there are three monks, a warlock and a wanderer. Fortunately, the Nascent Soul wanderer is also a monk, so he fits the five bodies and becomes four new monks. Disciple and a sorcerer disciple.

The master of the Hantian Changtang Sect over there was still looking at his subordinates coldly. Zhang was afraid that he had noticed what was happening here, but he was already distracted because of the reckless behavior of his disciples. As long as the matter was exposed, he might be implicated.

Others don't understand how strict the Hantian Sect is towards its disciples. It's impossible for him not to know. This is the main reason why he left the sect immediately after having a baby and established a sect. And the most important point is that Hantian's sect rules state that those who kill innocent civilians will die.

Looking at the high-level pill-forming warlock, his mind was constantly calculating how to minimize the harm to himself. After thinking for a long time, he turned to Zhang Afraid and clasped his fists: "This fellow Taoist, I just didn't notice and misunderstood. Don’t blame me, why don’t I accompany you Taoist friends to eliminate evil and restore purity to the holy land.”

These people all like to call their home a holy place? Zhang Weijing looked at the Changtang Sect Master in surprise, wondering what was going on? Just now, I wanted to embarrass myself, but suddenly my attitude changed completely, and I replied: "Since the sect master is serious about it, then I won't bother you."

The two people's answers completely frightened the high-level alchemy-forming warlock. He shouted to the door master: "Sect Master, I really don't know. It's just that He Laosan gave me a thousand-year-old herb. Five plants are three to five. I thought he was your personal disciple, so I would take proper care of this century-old herb. I never expected that something like this would happen. Please forgive me, Master."

He finally realized something was wrong, but it was a little late. The leader of the Han Clan Changtang glanced at him and coldly ordered: "Catch him." A top-level pill-forming warlock next to him immediately started to seal the blood all over the warlock's body, and then handed him over to his men to be bound.

The owner of the door smiled at Zhang Wen: "Leaving now?" Just as Zhang Wen was about to say yes, three more people flew up from the sky. After landing, a group of tourists went to pay their respects. The three people who came after them scanned the area and found no one. Very happy, he nodded and said: "Well done." After receiving the greeting, the tourist took a few steps back, and Boss Yu walked over and briefly introduced the situation just now.

The leader of the three people who arrived later was an intermediate Nascent Soul practitioner, and the two subordinates were high-level Pill Formation practitioners. After understanding the situation, they nodded to Zhang Awei and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your help. My name is He Tian."

Zhang Ai cupped his hands and said, "You're welcome. I've met fellow Taoists." He Tian asked, "I heard you want to go to their hometown?" Zhang Ai said yes, and He Tian said, "Count me in." His voice was calm, but it contained a murderous hint. meaning.

The sect master of Hantian Changtang on the side said in his heart: "Fortunately, I made the choice in time, otherwise this wanderer would be enough for me to drink a pot."

Since the three gangs have made the same decision, the rest of the matter can be easily resolved. Zhang Ain ordered the last monk who was arrested: "Lead the way." This monk didn't dare to disobey, so he walked in front honestly, praying that Zhang Ain would let him go.

The doorkeeper of Hantian Changtang ordered a group of Foundation Establishment disciples: "Take people back and go to the execution hall to receive their punishment." A group of disciples responded in unison and helped the broken-arm warlock and the restrained high-level pill-forming warlock back to the mountain gate. Although they were unlucky, they were lucky compared to those who lost their lives, and no one dared to complain.

The traveler He Tian looked at a few of his men and ordered, "Old Yu, follow me, and the rest will guard the carriage. If anything happens, please notify us immediately." The travelers also agreed. Zhang Ai looked at the five disciples who had just taken over the body, and said quietly: "You guys stay here too." Then he said nothing more, not worrying whether these people would sneak away.

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