The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 617 Your Surname

Chapter 617 Your Surname

The barbarian territory is very large, larger than the land of Yue, Lu, Qi, and Zhan countries combined. Because of climate problems and geographical location, the population does not appear to be very large. There are many ethnic groups and tribes in the territory, and there are many conflicts. Fighting and killing are commonplace. The hundreds of millions of Han people in the capital of the great southern country looked down upon them, thinking that the northerners were sloppy, dirty, cruel, and barbaric, and called them barbarians with a contemptuous and arrogant attitude.

The Han people also call many ethnic groups in the Shiwanda Mountains barbarians. In fact, the Shiwandashan and the barbarian lands in the north are two different things. Not only are they far away from each other, but their appearance is also very different. But the Han people don't care about this, relying on their largest population in the world and their blind and arrogant national character, they just like to look down on others.

There are many barbarian races, and there are also many cultivation sects. Most of them are small sects with hundreds of people, larger ones have thousands, and sects with a population of more than 10,000 are definitely leaders. For example, Hantianmen and Shuiyuemen were seen during the demonic beasts' chaos.

Hantian Sect can be regarded as the Lord of the North to a certain extent, and hundreds of sects, large and small, are related to them. For example, when he first went to the Northland, Zhang Ao killed some foundation-building disciples of Hantian Clan. At that time, those people wanted to snatch Zhang Ao's monster cubs, but they failed to grab them and lost their lives instead. Those people reported themselves as disciples of Hantian Clan.

In fact, real Hantianmen disciples will add a word when announcing their door number, such as Hantianmen Ice Pavilion or Hantianmen Water Pavilion. Any disciple who is a member of Hantianmen will have an identity mark.

Lu Youliang, whom he met during the last time the monsters caused trouble, was a disciple of the Hantian Clan Ice Pavilion. Zhang Awei had a pretty good impression of him.

The other so-called disciples of Hantian Clan are just branch disciples. The master of the sect is from the inner sect of Hantian Clan. After leaving the master's sect, he became his own sect under the banner of Hantian Clan. Hantianmen doesn't care about these things. As long as it doesn't hurt innocent people, you can do whatever you want. After hundreds of years of evolution and development, we have reached today's situation.

Zhang Ping doesn't know this. His only knowledge of the barbarians is Hantian Clan and Shuiyue Clan, but his shallow knowledge does not prevent him from killing people. He only asks if this person wants to change his death. Doesn't it matter where you are from? So he flew over the barbarians all day long, and went to investigate whenever he found some slight fluctuations in spiritual power. After a month of hard work, he found no trace of the ghosts, but he did see more than a dozen fights, with a few people or a dozen people fighting bravely to let him I lamented repeatedly that there are people everywhere who are not afraid of death.

As the scope of the investigation became wider and wider, we arrived at a high mountain in January. The mountain was covered with snow, and the sky was bright. From the mountainside down, it was full of spring. It was white above and green below, cold above and hot below. Together they became It was a strange and beautiful scenery, but there were people fighting in this beautiful scenery. Two gangs, one group of more than 20 people, and the other group of ten people, were divided into many battlefields, one against one, or one against many, and they fought fiercely on the grass in front of the mountain. kill.

Zhang Ai's spiritual consciousness swept through and discovered that the party with more people was a sorcerer, and the party with fewer people turned out to be a wanderer. This ethnic group is rare. They are different from monks, Buddhists, warlocks, and alchemists. They are the most upright group of people in the world. Although scum occasionally appear, most of them are good people among good people, and the most powerful group among them. Known as a knight-errant, he not only has superior strength, but also has great charisma. He has probably done countless knight-errant things to qualify for this title.

If it was someone else fighting, Zhang Wen would just take a look, but he has always had a good impression of Youshi. When he had a grudge against the Jin family and chased the pervert of the Jin family, Youshi helped chase the enemy; and the monk with the largest number of people never lacked a sense of justice and was always It doesn't matter if it's none of your business.

Zhang was afraid of falling on the grass, so he took out his black folding fan and walked towards a besieged traveler. There were many warlocks in the field. When I saw someone joining the battle group, although I couldn't figure out the purpose, I knew it was definitely not one of my own. At that time, two people were separated to attack Zhang Ai.

Most of the two sides fighting were at the top level of Foundation Building, but the leader of both sides was at the lower level of Dan Building. The two of them were fighting tooth and nail in the sky.

Zhang was afraid that the warlock would attack him first, so he didn't need to hold back. He folded his fan gently, knocked down the two of them, and continued to walk towards the besieged warlock. The two people fainted and attracted more people's attention, and some warlocks gathered around him and released magic weapons to attack him. There were big axes, flying swords, and magic weapons that he hated to attack the soul. A warlock Play the flute at him.

Are you going to kill yourself without even asking? Zhang Ai got angry and his figures dispersed, as if many Zhang Ai were attacking at the same time, and then returned to one place. Looking at the warlocks on the ground, all of them were knocked down regardless of whether they attacked him or not.

Just now, there were four warriors fighting each other, and they were bullied enough. At this time, they finally took a break to relax, and wanted to kill someone to vent their anger. Zhang Ai said coldly: "Stop." With just two words, who dares not to listen? They shouted like shadows and knocked down more than 20 opponents. Our level was simply not good enough, so the group of wanderers obeyed and left the warlocks alone and gathered together.

Zhang was afraid of making a move and alarming the two masters in the sky, especially the alchemy magician. He was so frightened that he swung forward in the distance and wanted to escape. Zhang Ain coldly snorted: "Come back." A white light flashed across the sorcerer's eyes. It was a magic sword, with the tip of the sword facing his throat.

The warlock refused to give up, and the man flew upwards, but he could not move his sword, and it was still pointed at his throat. After several attempts in a row, he realized that he couldn't escape, so he had to come back honestly. His eyes were full of anger and he was glaring with fear. He didn't know who this guy was and why he was helping the wanderer.

Zhang Wen recalled the Fu Shen Sword, looked at the travelers and asked, "What's going on?"

The tourists were grateful for being rescued by Zhang Awei. The master of pill formation in the sky flew back quickly, bowed to him and thanked him repeatedly, and then said why they were fighting.

The reason for their fight was exactly what Zhang was looking for.

Several cases of missing young girls occurred in several cities on the border of Vietnam, causing panic among the people. After learning about it, the tourists sent people to investigate. During the search, they encountered a mixed team of sorcerers and monks, escorting three carriages heading north. .

Upon inspection, the tourist found that there was an ordinary woman in the car, and her breath was flustered. So he stopped and asked, and the two sides started fighting. The traffickers were a dozen cultivators, most of whom fought with the tourists, while the rest drove their carriages back.

Those wanderers were not of high cultivation, and two of them died in the fight, but the traffickers escaped easily. The remaining travelers sent back the news, and the team led by Jiedan Travelers continued the pursuit.

The carriage was moving slowly and was intercepted by the travelers in the barbarian territory. When they were about to annihilate all the enemies, the group of sorcerers appeared in front of them. They directly fought with the travelers without saying a word and let the traffickers escape again with the carriage.

Zhang Wen listened carefully and nodded while listening. After understanding what happened, he walked towards the alchemy magician and asked softly: "What's your surname?"

The pill-forming warlock was stunned and didn't understand what Zhang Ain wanted to do, but this guy had an arrogant temperament. He looked at the other party coldly and said, "This is not Han Dynasty. If you want to get here, you have to find out clearly."

"Oh? What are you asking about?" Zhang Ain turned around and said to Jiedan Youshi: "Chase the carriage back, so that the injured don't have to go."

Jiedan Youshi obeyed the order and chased after him with eight of his relatively healthy men. Only two seriously injured people sat on the ground to see how Zhang Wen could help them vent their anger.

The expression of the alchemy sorcerer changed, and then he sneered: "This is the realm of Hantianmen. You, a monk, had better leave as soon as possible, and don't wander into troubled waters."

"Hantianmen?" Zhang Ao chuckled: "Do you know Lu Youliang? And Yang Jin?" He and the two of them had killed monsters side by side and were considered comrades in arms.

The expression of the alchemy sorcerer changed, and he asked tightly: "Do you know Elder Lu and Elder Yang?"

"Have they grown old?" Zhang Pingxin raised his voice quickly enough, and pointed at the two seriously injured warriors and continued to ask: "Is what they said true?"

The pill-forming sorcerer did not reply, but said: "Senior, if there is any old relationship with elders Lu and Yang, he can be considered a member of my humble family. This dispute has been resolved. Please forgive me for any offence."

"What do I understand? This matter has nothing to do with me. I would like to advise you, don't talk nonsense. What do you say when I ask you?" Zhang Ain said coldly.

As the two of them talked, the two injured travelers were frightened. Zhang was afraid of meeting the enemy, and secretly broke down. Just when they were feeling tense, they heard this sarcastic remark again. The two of them felt relieved and said loudly: " Boss Yu is an upright person and will never tell lies. Senior, please rest assured that if what Boss Yu tells is a lie, we will give you our lives."

Hearing this, Zhang Ai turned around and smiled at the two of them: "Don't worry, I will ask clearly." Then he said to the alchemy warlock: "If there are warlocks and monks kidnapping ordinary women, are you right?"

The alchemy sorcerer's face turned pale. He heard the coldness in Zhang Ping's words, coughed and said, "Senior, I don't know much about those things. A fellow disciple sent a warning, and I rushed over to help."

Zhang Wei chuckled: "So you are still anxious for justice? What a pity, what a pity, you can't understand what I said. Is this what I asked about? You answered wrong." He spat out the last word. , unfolded the folding fan in his hand, and swiped it in front of the warlock. His right hand was silently broken off from the elbow down, and fell to the ground with a slap, followed by blood splashing.

Zhang was afraid that he had not restrained the alchemy warlock, and the warlock was always vigilant. However, Zhang was afraid that his speed was too fast, and the warlock did not even have time to react. His arm had already fallen to the ground, and then he roared: "Ah! I'm going to kill you." ”

He was able to shout a word, Zhang Fing's folding fan scratched his arm, then folded it into a bundle, restrained the warlock with his backhand, and said softly: "I'll tell you again, listen carefully, you answer whatever I ask, Don’t tell lies, understand?”

The warlock gritted his teeth, his eyes full of anger, and remained silent. Zhang Ain stared at the warlock. After waiting for a while, he didn't hear an answer. He shook his head slightly and said, "Wrong answer." He unfolded the folding fan in his hand and made another stroke, and the warlock's other arm was broken. Then he continued: "If you answer the wrong answer for the third time, I will kill you." The voice was very soft and slow, as if he was saying something that had nothing to do with him, but the coldness contained in it made him feel even if he was restrained and fell to the ground. The more than 20 foundation-building warlocks on the ground can also feel it.

The alchemy warlock was very tough and shouted: "Kill me quickly!"

Zhang Awei chuckled: "Well done, you are not afraid of death? I don't believe that your disciples are not afraid of death like you." He grabbed a foundation-building warlock with his left hand, Zhang Awei punched him to the ground and laughed. He asked: "What's your last name?"

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