The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 616 Protection

Chapter 616 Protection

Then something even more difficult happened. After he sent the news to the two families, Lu Luo replied that if he married into the Song family, he would be a member of the Song family, and it was not convenient for the Lu family to come forward. Song Tie was so angry that he cursed: "Why didn't you say that last time?"

The response of the Song family was not very good either. Lu Wan married two people, and her elder brother was so angry that he had been in seclusion for many years. His younger brother was directly implicated to death, and they also did not want to take him home. Song Tie had to temporarily place her in the ancestral temple.

But a few days later, Lu Wan committed suicide!

Song Tie was in the palace at the time. He rushed over after receiving the news and saw Lu Wan leaving the ancestral temple. This made him confused for a while. Didn't he commit suicide? He hurriedly chased after him and asked, but Lu Wan just didn't answer and moved forward stubbornly.

Song Tie had no choice. Lu Wan was not a prisoner and could not be captured and imprisoned. What's more, even if she was captured, what would happen if she committed suicide again? He had no choice but to give up his honor as a national master for the time being, and ordered his disciples to notify the two families, while he followed and protected him.

At that time, in order to take care of Lu Wan, four disciples were sent to guard and monitor him. Only when a disciple came to report, he finally understood what was going on.

Lu Wan did commit suicide and stabbed her heart with a knife. However, due to the severe sting when the knife entered her body, her wrist trembled and the stab missed the target. The blade of the knife grazed her heart and she passed out. The guard disciple noticed the noise in the house and came in to check, and someone went to report Song Tie. At this time, a man in gray robe appeared and fed him a few pills, and Lu Wan came back to life.

The person who rescued her was Zhang Ping. When he sent her back, he found that her mental state was not very good. He stayed for two more days to check the situation, so he rescued Lu Wan. After rescuing people, he left.

After Lu Wan died once, she became more indifferent to human affairs, but all the past discussions still lingered in her mind, making it difficult to let go. In addition, her parents and children died, and the man who loved him also died. She lost her sustenance and had no one to protect her from the wind and rain, so she decided to leave this place, the Soul Controlling Sect and the Infinite Sect. At this time, she did not know that both factions had given up on her.

Beauty is not wrong, but if something happens to a beautiful woman, it is wrong, and it will be magnified infinitely.

So Lu Wan set off alone, with Song Tieyin protecting him in the dark. Five days later, two disciples reported that the deacons of the Lu family and the Song family were absent, which meant that Lu Luo and Song Yinglong chose to give up by escaping. Song Tie was a shrewd man. After hearing the news, he sighed and returned to Song City with his disciples. He has his own responsibilities and cannot abandon the responsibility of a country to protect an orphan girl.

Fortunately, Zhang Ai was still secretly protecting him. He didn't want to care about it, but Lu Wan was so innocent. A poor woman couldn't just watch her get into trouble again and follow her from afar.

Lu Wan was originally a basic-level practitioner of foundation building. When she gave birth to a child, her Dao foundation was damaged and she became a Qi refining disciple. After giving birth, she practiced quietly and practiced again. She seemed to be able to recast the Dao foundation, but due to an accident, the unformed Dao foundation was completely shattered. At this time, he was just a Qi refining disciple.

This qi-refining disciple walked east after leaving the ancestral temple. She just walked slowly and ran quickly without raising her qi. It would have been fine if that was all. The problem was that the direction she was heading was a deserted area, and she walked further and further into the mountains and forests. The long road is deserted and inhabited, so eating is a big problem.

She was practicing Qi refining and could not live without food. In the past five days, she could encounter villages to buy some food. After Song Tie left, she had already walked into the mountains and filled her hunger with the dry food and wild fruits she bought in the past few days.

Zhang Wen followed behind, looking a little unbearable. If it weren't for the bad guys doing evil, why would the beautiful girl be like this? But although I felt sorry for her, she never showed up.

This mountain forest covers a large area and has many trees. Walking deep into the forest, the branches and leaves are thick and block out the sun, making it look a little dark. Lu Wan seemed to have no feeling at all, walking lightly in the forest, just walking, not asking where the road ahead was, just walking.

She didn't know where she wanted to go. She only wanted to leave Song State and not to hear other people talk about her anymore.

Some wild beasts in the forest spotted the orphaned girl and came one after another to pounce on her. Lu Wan was a cultivator and could defeat these ordinary beasts, but he didn't kill them, he just chased them away.

She knew no rest and walked all day and night. During the day, the dappled sunlight shines bright spots one after another on the ground; at night, the bright moon hangs high in the sky, pouring some silvery brilliance from the gaps between the branches and leaves, and it feels somewhat holy when it hits the body.

As they were walking, Zhang was afraid of smelling blood, so he ducked past Lu Wan to check. There is a big tree a thousand meters ahead. At the root of the tree are two little leopards, just born, huddled together. In front of the two cubs was a female leopard, tall and weak, with scars all over her body, a gash on her neck, and her flesh was white and dripping with blood. Opposite there were more than a dozen jackals divided into several groups, taking turns attacking the female leopard.

If it was just a fight between a female leopard and a jackal, he would not care. But behind the female leopard there were two little ones, watching pitifully and nervously. As long as the female leopard was killed, they would not live long.

Zhang was afraid that he would show up and kicked the jackal away. He didn't use any force and just drove it away. However, beasts like jackals are very tough and never give up when they see their target and continue to fight with the female leopard. Zhang was afraid that he had no choice but to kill a jackal, and then scared away the pack of jackals.

The female leopard was particularly wary of Zhang Wei's sudden appearance, but after a hard fight with the jackal, she was already scarred and seriously injured and had no time to take care of him. She forced herself back to lie down in front of the big tree, and the two little leopards jumped happily. Come and nurse.

The female leopard only held on for a while longer, and finally breathed out, dropped her head, and died. The little leopard didn't notice it, and still ate happily. Zhang Awei looked at the two little guys and wanted to take care of them. At this time, Lu Wan came closer. Zhang Awei thought for a moment and disappeared from the place.

Not long after, Lu Wan walked to this area and found two little leopards and the dead female leopard in front of her. She was suddenly shocked, as if something touched her soul, and she hurriedly ran a few steps closer.

The two little leopard cubs were still sucking desperately, but the mother leopard had been dead for a long time and could no longer suck milk. The two little ones were so hungry that they screamed and went to feed the mother leopard.

Lu Wan's eyes suddenly became misty. She squatted down and stretched out her index finger. The two little ones rushed over to bite her. Unfortunately, there was still no milk. Lu Wan took out water from the storage bag, gave the two guys a few sips, and dug out some wild fruits. However, the little leopard didn't want to eat these things, so he stuffed them into his arms and ran quickly in the forest.

The two little guys left their mother, and of course they screamed in displeasure. Lu Wan let them call and found a herd of deer at the edge of the forest at dawn. There were two big deer suckling their fawns. Lu Wan hid in the dark and watched for a while. She didn't go over until the deer had eaten enough and left. Easily subdue a big deer, fill a water bottle with milk, fill a water bottle and let the big deer go. Then leave the deer herd and find a quiet place to feed the little leopard.

Zhang Wen was just watching her do these things. He thought it was a good thing that Lu Wan had something to do.

The little leopard was resting at his feet after milking. Lu Wan was afraid that they would catch cold, so she stuffed the little leopard into her arms and slowly walked out of the woods. Outside is a vast grassland, with a herd of wild horses grazing. Lu Wan looked at the horses, then back at the deer in the forest, and decided to stay and live here.

This forest is called Bianlin, and there are high mountains on the east and west sides, belonging to the Song and Yue countries respectively, named Bianshan. Due to the dangerous terrain and ferocious wild animals in the forest, few people live here, and even hunters rarely come here to hunt.

After Lu Wan decided to live there, she started busy building a house. This kind of thing is almost instinctive for human beings. No matter where they are, as long as they plan to live for a long time, they will definitely find a nest for themselves. Lu Wan didn't know how to build a house, but a cultivator always had some strength, so he cut and picked some wood, selected the thickest tree, and built a shelf randomly against the big tree, covering it with branches and leaves. I went to gather grass again, selected long and dense ones, cut them off, and spread them under the shelf, even if I had a temporary nest.

In the next few days, she was cleaning up the nest, trying to make it as strong and good-looking as possible. The two little leopards gradually developed feelings for her and got along well with her, but eating was a big deal.

Lu Wan's storage bag only contained some dry food and wild fruits picked on the road. After being in the forest for many days, it was basically empty. The little leopard can now eat deer milk and mare's milk. What will it do when it grows up? You have to eat meat, and Lu Wan doesn't like killing. Do you want the little leopard to catch it yourself? That will have to wait until they grow up.

While Lu Wan was worrying about food, Zhang Ain was surveying the whole mountain. Two high mountains, one in the east and one in the west, stretch for thousands of miles, sandwiching the vast woods and plains between the two mountains into a paradise. There are almost no human settlements nearby. Only a few families of hunters live on the east slope of the east mountain and on the west slope of the west mountain. .

Not only are there few people in this place, but there are also no cultivators. The biggest danger in the mountains is poisonous insects and beasts, and these dangers are basically nothing to Lu Wan.

At this point, Zhang Wen felt relieved. People should grow up on their own, and no one could take care of anyone for a lifetime. Seeing that she had no worries about her survival, he should leave. But before leaving, I made a little joke with Lu Wan, took out a storage bag and filled it with all kinds of food, including whole pigs and cows, a lot of seasonings, and hundreds of jars of water. In order to make it look like that, I also piled up some gold, silver, jewelry, swords, guns, weapons, brocade quilts and tents. Then there are two pill bottles. One contains a few marrow pills to change the person's physique, and the other bottle contains hundreds of spiritual energy pills. This kind of pill is basically useless to Zhang Wen, and it is useless to eat it. Useful, reluctant to throw away, best to give away.

He buried the storage bag under a big tree ten miles away, and used earth magic to hide the bag at a depth of twenty meters. He used a small trick to emit a faint aura and send it to Lu Wan.

Lu Wan's first reaction after noticing it was to be nervous. After a careful inspection and no abnormality was found, she decided to trace the source of the spiritual energy. Naturally, she chased him to the tree and dug out the storage bag. To her surprise, she had no worries for the time being.

Zhang was afraid that he could leave with peace of mind, leaving a very beautiful woman to live in seclusion in a mountain forest that was rarely visited by anyone. Although it was a bit cold and desolate, it was not a kind of protection.

Spreading his wings and flying, he wanted to explore the various barbarian sects. Since the first sect in which warlocks and monks colluded with each other appeared, there was no guarantee that the second one would not appear. Especially since these people were proficient in ghost refining methods and had done too much harm to the people, he could not sit idly by and ignore them. Because of this incident, the meeting with Song Yunyi was postponed again.

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