The Monk

Volume 1, Chapter 610: Fighting against the Jin Family

Chapter 610: Fighting against the Jin Family

Zhang Awei nodded. Shura was right. He just didn't know what Jin Si had done and provoked Shura to kill him at the mountain gate several times.

The three of them were chatting, and seven people from the Jin family came out one after another, wearing golden clothes, each standing in his position. One of them ordered: "You go back." The six guards hurriedly walked into the entrance circle as if they had been granted amnesty.

Zhang Awei asked with a look of fear of not being lively: "There are only eight people? Where are the other two? Dead?" Jin Si ignored him and asked Shura: "Are you sure you want to get involved?"

Shura scolded him: "You must be sick, why should I get involved? My enemy is just you, come on, come on, fight against San Baili." He took the time to say to Zhang Awei: "Ow, eight is not enough, we need ten." Are you here to kill someone or to commit suicide?"

Jin Si swept towards Shura coldly and said softly: "Get out." Shura refused: "I will leave after I kill you."

Jin Si stopped talking, and suddenly pulled out a black flag with his right hand and inserted it heavily into the soil. The five-meter-high flag fluttered in the wind and made a hunting sound. As soon as he moved, the seven men in golden clothes behind him activated at the same time, and seven golden lights surrounded Zhang Ai and Shura.

Shura shouted: "It has nothing to do with me." He shouted while running. After shouting these four words, he had already flown high into the sky. But the Jin family obviously didn't want to let him go. The eight Jiatang monks they sent out definitely didn't just come out and look around. They sent two monks to kill Shura, one with a silver mace and the other with a golden gun. It was Jin Wu and Jin Liu. .

The other five people surrounded Zhang Afraid. Presumably for the convenience of coordination, they used the same magic weapon and stabbed Zhang Afraid with a golden sword. Of course Zhang Wen would not be stabbed easily. When the golden light flashed, he was already floating in the wind and stepped on the black flag. If you move too fast, there will be afterimages, and two Zhang Fei will appear above and below the flag. But he was faster than his enemies, and there were too many afterimages to count. The five swords of the Jin family stabbed the afterimage of Zhang Awei. When the wind blew, the five golden swords dissipated. It turned out that they were also afterimages, and the five monks had already chased and stabbed Zhang Awei on the banner.

It was still an afterimage. When they went there, Zhang Ai disappeared again and appeared in another place. After the previous battle, Zhang Ping knew deeply that if he wanted to remain invincible, he had to anticipate the enemy first and must be faster than his opponent.

So the six people quickly shuttled back and forth in front of the mountain, creating a world of human figures. Compared with Zhang Awei, Shura's method of fighting enemies in the sky is much simpler. He just wants to kill Jin Si and knows that he can't defeat the two who are chasing him, so he just runs away and runs like crazy to lure Jin Wu and Jin Liu. Drive a long way.

Only Jin Si remained motionless in the field. He kept looking down at the ground, not knowing what he was looking at.

Zhang was worried about being chased by the five Jiatang monks. He felt that it was more difficult than the previous days to fight against six. He was stressed no matter where he flew, but if he didn't fly, he would be stabbed by the golden sword. He was already riding a tiger. , I can only try my best to persist.

But even so, he didn't use all his strength. He knew that there was still a Jinsi who was still in danger, and that guy was the danger. But if he took action, he would definitely be seeking death with one blow.

He activated the Divine Comedy Refining Technique and assigned a soul to monitor Jin Si. He continued to take the other five brothers to play in circles in the sky. It's not that he doesn't want to fight back, it's that he doesn't want to give Jin Si a chance.

He was just flying, with no knife or sword in his hand, not even a folding fan. Looking at his relaxed and carefree appearance, the five top-level masters who were chasing him were itching with hatred. out, all spinning in afterimages.

If you look at it from a distance, it looks great here. Many groups of golden light circle around a big golden ball, with a gray dragon flying in the golden ball, and occasionally a few golden lights burst out to chase the gray dragon. The speed is too fast, and often the old image fades and the new image appears again, and this big golden ball continues to exist.

Jin Si stood with his head lowered for a long time, then suddenly took out a red war flag and stood opposite the black war flag. There was a ripple between the two flags, and one after another red and black lines flew out from the flag and wrapped around Zhang Ain. There seems to be a formation between the two flags, and people will be caught and stumbling in it.

Zhang Ping had already noticed that something was wrong, and Jin Si was patient enough. At this moment, Gongfu was waiting for him to enter the control area of ​​​​the big flag. If he didn't go in, the red flag would never be taken out.

I'm afraid Zhang is also joking, so I'll make you angry and see what happens. One kick entered the control range of the black battle flag, but Jin Si did not move. Zhang was afraid that he would continue to anger him, so he stepped completely in with both feet, and then floated away in an instant.

Jin Si reacted very quickly and put down the red battle flag the moment Zhang Ao entered. However, he was still a little slower than Zhang Ao. He ran away and trapped the five masters of the same sect who were chasing him.

Zhang Ai paused in the air and smiled: "Where is the yellow flag?" I don't know how many battle flags Jin Si has, but he has seen three of them, and each one is extremely powerful.

Jin Si looked calm, knowing that flags alone could not lure Zhang Awei into taking the bait, so he changed the positions of the two battle flags, slightly further apart, and at the same time drew a golden sword to watch Zhang Awei.

At this moment, the five masters also broke away from the battle flag and continued to chase with their golden swords. Zhang Ai finally no longer just ran away, he summoned the Fushen Sword, a bright white silver sword that easily carved out a space in the golden chase.

The big golden ball just now disappeared because a few people stopped temporarily. At this moment, the golden ball appeared again, and the light was much brighter than before. Zhang Ai began to pretend to be cool, and the silver sword began to stab in all directions. He was clearly holding it in his hand, but it seemed that the sword could reach a hundred meters away. The five masters had to dodge or block with their golden swords. In this way, the five masters People's movements are inconsistent, and minor loopholes appear due to improper coordination, which makes it easier for Zhang Wen to perform.

However, there was still Jin Si in the Jin family who had not moved. Seeing that the five of them were finding it increasingly difficult to trap Zhang Ai, Jin Si suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Ai, holding his sword straight but not thrusting out.

Afraid of seeing Jin Si's movements, Zhang secretly cursed bastard, jumped back, and bravely received the combined attacks of the two monks behind him. If he had any other choice, he would definitely not do this. No matter how powerful he was, he might not be able to defeat two people in a combined attack.

The combined attack of the two swords immediately stopped him in place, but he was not seriously injured. Zhang Ai let out a long breath, pushed the Fushen Sword outward, and flew out of the control of the two men. Looking again at this time, Jin Si stood alone in the air, staring at Zhang Wen and refusing to let him leave his sight for a moment.

Zhang was afraid that he had gained the upper hand. He flew upwards and easily pulled down five people. He shouted: "Dare you cheat on me? I'll wait for you to die."

Jin Si Ning's sword did not stab, and he set up three ambushes. No matter which one the ambush was, it would be too much for Zhang Afraid. This was the main reason why he didn't take action for a long time just now.

There were pursuers behind him, and Jin Si was blocking him in front. If Zhang Awei charged forward, Jin Si would hit him directly with his sword. He wasn't as fast as Zhang Awei, but he didn't need speed to hold up his sword and wait for you to hit him. If Zhang was afraid and didn't rush forward, the pursuit of the Jin brothers behind him was not fake. No matter what reaction you take, it will always be unsatisfactory.

The most important reason why Jin Si chose to intercept here is that this is the best place to place the third golden battle flag. After setting up the black and red battle flags, he had been planning. He hid the third battle flag in his hand and waited for several brothers to force Zhang Ain to come and use the battle flags to create a killing pattern. This flag formation is similar to the function of the magic weapon measuring the sky. It can kill people or trap people. With the cultivation of the six Jin brothers, if Zhang Wen enters the formation, he will definitely die!

If he rushes forward, Jin Si is waiting for him. If he doesn't rush, someone else is chasing him. Even if Zhang is afraid that he is going very fast and can turn around and fly away in a hurry, the golden battle flag is waiting for him.

Jin Si's calculation was perfect. He didn't expect that Zhang Wei would see the killing pattern, and then take a desperate risk to resist the attacks of the two people behind him, successfully escaping from the control range of the flag formation.

The two people's combined attack made Zhang afraid very uncomfortable and almost fell down. The Jindan Yuanshen first warned of the danger, and then used the strength of the ice crystal to temporarily fuse with it to withstand the two attacks, so that he did not suffer further damage.

After taking a quick breath, he didn't bother to run anymore. He flew to a high place, reached out and grabbed a lot of talismans, and threw them down like flowers. He also put more force in his hand, and the talismans shot down like lightning. In just a moment, The long-lost booming explosion sounded again in Mangu. Not to mention the loud sound, the huge power of the explosion lifted up the entire land several layers.

Below are the six members of the Jin family. They have top-level cultivations. No matter how many spells there are, they can't be exploded. Therefore, they can only see the colorful light lingering and hear the thunderous roar, swallowing up Zhang Ao and the six members of the Jin family.

After a while, the explosions stopped and calmness slowly returned. The entire mountain changed its appearance, but the people were gone.

At this time, Shura escaped from afar and wanted to see the excitement here. Just when the spell exploded, he couldn't see anything. He cursed "bastard" and turned around to continue running away. Behind him, Jin Wu Jin Liu was very persistent and pursued his footsteps unswervingly.

Where has Zhang Ain gone? He didn't go anywhere. He relied on his proficiency in the power of the Tiger Soul and borrowed the power of Divine Tears to fully activate his own Soul Power. His whole body exploded at a speed so fast that it was invisible and silent. You can only feel that there is something shaking in front of your eyes, but if you look carefully, you can't see anything.

Zhang Awei had this strength, but the six members of the Jin family did not. However, the six of them were also top-level masters. After suddenly discovering that Zhang Awei was extremely fast, the six of them changed their colors in horror and entered the gate formation without hesitation. Just kidding, how can you fight when you can't even see anyone? What Zhang is afraid of is not that he is invisible, but that he is too fast for you to see.

When Zhang Wen disappeared, Jin Wu Jin Liu happened to be chasing Shura back. He was a little surprised when he found several brothers returning home at the same time, but then he sensed the danger coming, and without any hesitation, he immediately abandoned Shura and turned around to fly back. However, the speed of the two of them was still slow. Jin Wu was flying forward when he suddenly felt a chill in his chest. When he fled back to the valley, he discovered that there was a big hole in his chest, as big as a fist, and he could clearly see through it.

At this time, Jin Liu also entered the valley and saw Jin Wu's appearance and shouted: "Fifth brother."

Jin Si and others noticed something unusual, and gathered around with a cold face. Some took the elixir, and some helped protect the blood. Jin Wu had a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and said in a strong voice: "I'm fine."

How could he be okay? A big hole was pierced in the left side of his chest, and his whole heart was blown into powder. It was because of his high level of cultivation that he managed to hold on without falling. Jin Sida said: "Call Lao Ba." Someone answered and left.

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