The Monk

Volume One Chapter 609 Chance Encounter

Chapter 609: Chance Encounter

There was a conspiracy, so Zhang Ain thought about it and asked, "Yao Mei'er isn't in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?"

"Why are you asking so many questions? After all, I owe you a favor. With the power of the Tie family in the Lu State..." He wanted to continue bragging later, but Zhang Awei interrupted him rudely: "Why do you owe me a favor? I don't I like when people owe me something.”

"That means you don't want to?" I asked the last three words one by one, and my face became solemn.

Zhang Ping's expression was also very solemn, as if he was thinking deeply. In fact, he felt happy. After so many years of training and hard work, he had seen too many joys and sorrows in the world, and his mentality had changed. He had attributed all the hatred in Tianlei Mountain to the Mangu Jin family. As for the Yao family, and even the four major demon sects of the Yue Kingdom, he didn't want to embarrass them anymore. So when I heard what Tie Mou said, I naturally felt happy in my heart. It was a favor for nothing. It was still a favor from the Tie family, one of the eight aristocratic families in the Lu Kingdom. It was just that my face was pretending to be calm and without any expression.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Tie Mou asked, "Are you really unwilling?" His voice was a little cold.

"It's not that she refuses. You also know that she has tormented me quite hard. What would you do if it were you and me? Let's compare our minds and think about it from different positions, right? In fact, I don't want to embarrass them. Who likes to run when they have nothing to do? You came all this way just to kill someone, right?" Zhang Feng has a wonderful tongue.

Tie Mou was so innocent. He missed the name in vain. His face softened and he nodded lightly: "Yes, it's me instead. Alas, it's just that we can't discuss this matter anymore?"

If Zhang hadn't been afraid that his cultivation level was higher than his, he would have fought tooth and nail, and he would still be talking like this.

Zhang Weijing pretended to think and said slowly: "It's okay not to go to the Yao family to cause trouble. The problem is that you have to find a reason. You can't just leave it for no reason. So, tell me what your relationship is with the Yao family and why you helped me." them."

Tie Mou said: "It doesn't matter. I have nothing to do with the Yao family. The Yao family is relatively close to the Hu family. Then there is the Tian family. The Tie family and the Yao family will never have anything to do with each other." He said a little lonely.

The clever Zhang was afraid that he would hear something from it, so he asked: "It doesn't matter, why don't you help the Yao family?"

Tie Mou didn't want to say anything, his eyes were wandering, thinking.

Zhang was afraid that he would simply take a strong medicine: "As long as you tell me the reason, I will not go to the pharmacist to seek revenge."

Tie Mou really didn't want to say it. What he wanted to do most was to fight Zhang Ao to death, but the crazy legend that Zhang Ao was one against six had spread all over the world. For this reason, he went to the Hu family to inquire and learned more details. Under the siege of the Hu family's two heaven-bending magic weapons and seven top-level monks, this guy was able to injure one person and force six people to run away. What kind of strength is this?

When he first started talking to Zhang Awei, he said that very inappropriate nonsense after thinking about it carefully. He wanted to anger the other person and see if there was an opportunity to kill Zhang Awei. But the attempt failed, and I knew that even if I tried my best, I might not be able to keep Zhang Wei, so I begged for peace, just for a secret in my heart.

Hearing him make such a request, Tie Mou turned his head and looked into the distance, his eyes a little sad, and he was frightened. What is this?

Tie Mou took a long breath, and then inhaled again. Finally, he did not perform any magical breathing skills, and said slowly: "I know you once went to the Yao family to cause trouble. That time, the Yao family was upset. I admire you very much. Your cultivation is not good. Gao, was chased by several top-level masters, but managed to escape easily, and even killed the Yao family's guardian beast. I also know that Yao Meier once went to the Song Dynasty to embarrass you..."

Zhang Wei screamed and said: "Brother Tie, if you don't do this, I will be causing trouble by beating Yao Jiajia, and Yao Mei'er will make things difficult for me by beating me."

Tie Mou ignored his objection and continued: "Actually, I don't care at all what happens to the Yao family. I just can't let go of one person. If you go to the Yao family to seek revenge, that person will definitely step forward and suffer with his own body. She can't beat her." You can only die; and I don’t want her to die, so I came to find you.”

Speaking to this extent, it is extremely clear. Zhang Jing said: "I promise you, as long as the Yao family doesn't mess with me anymore, and doesn't do anything bad and makes people look down upon, I won't go to the Yao family to make trouble."

Tie Mou was overjoyed: "Seriously?" He seemed a little unbelievable.

Zhang Awei nodded and said: "Seriously."

Only then did Tie Mou realize that there was something wrong with his question. If someone agreed, he would definitely be able to do it. He didn't feel confident asking more. He was really a little impatient. He cupped his fists and said, "Thank you very much."

Zhang Ain smiled and said, "It's so hard to hold it in all this time. Let's talk about it some time. I see that you are quite handsome and should be worthy of me."

Tie Mou himself said that it had nothing to do with the Yao family, he just wanted to help someone, and this person played an important role in the Yao family. With Tie Mou's twisted expression, it was not difficult to guess who that person was.

After saying this, Tie Mou turned pale and gritted his teeth: "Actually, what I want to do most is to kill you."

Zhang Awei scratched his head: "I know."

To put it bluntly, Tie Mou fell in love with Yao Mei'er unrequitedly, and continued to love Yao Mei'er for many years, secretly caring and protecting her. Considering the face of Yao Meier, a top-level expert, there are some things that can only be done but not said. But this time the opponent was too strong. Tie Mou asked himself that even if he took on the entire Tie family, he might not be able to defeat Zhang Ping. He really had no choice but to shamelessly come to beg for mercy. For him, he would rather lose his face and dignity. He wanted to keep Yao Meier intact, so he carried her behind his back to see Zhang Awei. Fortunately, although this bastard was hateful, he finally fulfilled his wish.

Tie Mou threw a black command arrow to Zhang Afraid, with the word "iron" engraved on the front and the word "Mou" on the back. The two black embossed characters gave people a strange feeling, as if they were two magic circles guarding the entire command arrow. Tie Mou said: "This is my personal order arrow. With this order, I can mobilize the Tie family's hands at will. I and everyone below must obey the order. The requirement is that the foundation of the Tie family cannot be shaken and the Tie family's children must not be harmed too much."

Zhang Awei looked at the command arrow and threw it back casually: "Forget it, I don't want this thing. Don't destroy the Tie family's thousand-year foundation because of me. Are you okay? I'll leave if you're fine." He turned to leave.

The seed of infatuation, the seed of infatuation that has reached the top level of cultivation, Zhang Wen said in his heart, he has gained knowledge again.

Tie Mou didn't expect Zhang Weike to be so easy to talk to, so he said loudly: "I owe you a favor. If you have something to do in the future, just ask me." Zhang Weike caught the opportunity to be cool and didn't reply or turn around. He raised his hand over his shoulder. , swinging left and right twice, the whole person disappeared from the air.

Five days later, Zhang Ain appeared in Mangu. Just like before, a long hillside covered with green grass stretched into the distance. I don't know how long it was. He stood still in front of the mountain bag. This time he came here was very different from the last time he came. That time he was chased by Jin Si all over the world. This time he wanted to chase Jin Si all over the world.

The Jin family has four guards and twelve people in the first hall. The last time Yitang came, there were thirty-four people, and three of them were killed by pigs and kittens. I wonder if there have been any new people joining in these years. The inner hall is divided into four groups with a total of 88 people. Last time, the entire Eagle Group was directly destroyed by the God-Slaying Snake. As for the outer hall, except for the four hall masters and the elders of each group, although there are many disciples below, their strength is much worse than that of the first three halls. Their duties are to patrol, guard and scare people.

Zhang Pingcai stood still in front of the hill when six men in black appeared out of thin air and surrounded him. Zhang Awei smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous. I'll find Jin Si and tell him that Zhang Awei is here."

The entrance circle in front of the mountain bag is guarded by the outer disciples. Last time he came, there were only two guards. Now there are six people. It seems that the Jin family is very nervous.

As soon as the six people heard the word "Zhang Awei", they immediately dispersed. One person waved his hand and played Zhang's communication talisman, shouting: "Set up the formation." The six people were divided into two groups, facing Zhang Awei at horns.

Zhang Ai glanced at it briefly and realized that the Jin family was a bull. The high-level Danjie monk looked at the door and saw them sending out the communication talisman. He stopped talking and slowly stepped back a few steps to wait for the rightful owner to appear.

The hatred of Tianlei Mountain originated from the ten people of Jia Hall and had nothing to do with these disciples. He did not want to kill indiscriminately. But when he stepped back, the six guards followed closely, as if forcing him to take action. Zhang was afraid that his eyes would turn cold and said, "Don't move." He took a few steps back again.

The six guards seemed to have moved, but their duties were their duty, and they gritted their teeth and prepared to move forward again. At this moment, a cold voice came from the air: "He said don't move, so don't move." Following the voice, a monk wearing a ghost mask and black robes appeared.

Zhang Ping said quietly: "I thought you would watch the excitement."

"I didn't expect to meet you." The man in black replied.

When Zhang Weijing was talking to the guard, he knew that a top-level monk was coming behind him. He thought that the world was really full of coincidences. Shura was also here. This guy had beaten him before and was bullied by piglets and kittens when he wasn't paying attention. He vomited blood. And running away is one of the enemies.

Shura has also heard the most popular rumors in the world now. After investigating with his spiritual consciousness, he found that this kid is really powerful, so he took the initiative to speak out. He knew that he could find Zhang Ai, and Zhang Ai would definitely be able to find him.

Suddenly another master came, and the six guards became very nervous. The two teams immediately changed their formations and stood in an inverted triangle, facing one person each.

Zhang Ain smiled and asked: "Who are you looking for?" Shura did not answer the question, but said: "You have become stronger."

At this time, Jin Si appeared, a tall man with a high crown and a golden robe. He found that Shura and Zhang Ain were standing together, their eyes were a little strange, and then they returned to normal and said softly: "Here we come." It was like saying hello between friends.

Zhang Ping'en said: "Yes, here we come." Shura said: "Can I solve my matter first?"

Jin Si rolled his eyes at him: "Are you tired of coming here eight times a year?"

Zhang was afraid that upon hearing this, there was a grudge between the two brothers? He turned his head and looked at Shura. Shura wore a ghost face mask to cover his unparalleled beauty, and said coldly: "The hatred between you and me can only be paid with blood. Unless you kill me, it will never end."

"Nonsense, if I could kill you, I would have killed you long ago. Why do you think you are pestering me like this every day?" Jin Si had a headache for this Shura. He came to the door again and again to find trouble, so beat him up. When there were too many people, he would run away. When there were few people, he would harass him. If he didn't come forward, he would kill people and kill ghosts. I don't know how many disciples who were guarding the outer hall died.

Zhang Yin smiled and said: "I thought it was a coincidence." You almost live here now, so it's normal for me to meet you.

Shura said seriously: "It's quite a coincidence. It's rare to meet you." He thought that even if we come eight times a year, it would be a coincidence to meet each other.

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