The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 489 The fight continues

Chapter 489 The fight continues

The Sky Buddhists wanted to deal with the ghost disciples, and the ghost disciples wanted to deal with Zhang Wen. Naturally, they were easily implicated, but it took the hard work of the master to go back and forth three times. Master Tian asked: "The ghost disciples gathered together to find you?"

Zhang Ping pointed at Zhang Tianfang and said, "I'm looking for him." Master Tianfeng said favorably, and what happened was what he expected. The last time I came here, I saw six ghost disciples making a sneak attack, but they didn't attract much attention. Now there are more than a hundred ghost disciples covering hundreds of thousands of miles around this place, flying around all day long. Even if there is a sneak attack by a demon cultivator, they don't fight back. They are clearly looking for something. . Combining the two things together, I guessed that they were looking for Zhang Afraid and others.

Seeing that Zhang was afraid of betraying him, Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "It's none of my business..." The following words were interrupted by Sky Buddhist, who shouted: "The ghost disciples are coming." He pinched the magic formula with both hands at a very fast speed, low and low. He shouted: "Great Light Mantra." The angry-eyed Vajra whom I had seen several times before appeared in the sky, that is, the Great Light Dharma King.

After being reminded, Zhang Hao called the girls back, and then walls of ice emerged from the water. At this time, a man came from a thousand meters away. He was dressed in black and looked at the sky from a distance. Buddhist monk, Zhang Ain and others stopped motionless.

He doesn't move, and neither does the Sky Buddha. Zhang Tianfang asked: "What is he doing there?" No one answered the question. Zhang Tianfang was afraid that he and the girls would be packed into the flying boat, and then sealed and protected by an ice wall.

Soon after half a stick of incense had passed, another man in black came from thousands of miles away. Starting from this person, more than 40 people flew in within half an hour. Sky Buddha was a little surprised, how to fight this fight? A pair of forty? joke!

I don’t know how the ghost disciples delivered the news. After a while, more people came, and sixty top-level ghost disciples had gathered to surround them. Sky Buddha's expression was serious. No matter how powerful he was, he could not defeat sixty people at once. He stepped back and stood with Zhang Ain.

Zhang Ai looked at the ghost disciples with an expressionless face. With a thought, the ice wall thickened and became taller. In the blink of an eye, a thick layer of ice hundreds of meters high and hundreds of meters long appeared on the river, summoning Sky Master and the King of Light who summoned him. Protecting them together, he planned to repeat his old trick of using ice to defend against the enemy.

The ghost disciples surrounding them remained motionless. After waiting for a while, three more ghost disciples flew over, but they were wearing red clothes. One of them even had red hair. He stared at Jian Bing with blood-stained eyes and spoke hoarsely. He whispered: "Do it." The man in red on his left took out a black box from the storage bag. It was so dark that he didn't know what it was.

The man in red on the left held the black box carefully, and the man in red on the right stepped in front of the black box and stood there, chanting incessantly, pinching the magic formula with both hands, and shouted: "Open." The black box cracked in the middle. Make a slit. Slowly, the gap gradually expanded, and suddenly, dazzling green light emitted from the gap. When the black box is fully opened, you can see a group of green flames beating in the box, emitting a strange green light, reflecting the surrounding green in the river, which is very eerie and scary.

The man in red on the left floated gently, floated slowly to the top of the ice, stopped in the middle, and then blew lightly on the green flames. An air blade cut out a trace of flame, which danced in the wind and floated out of the black box. At this time, the man in red on the right also flew over, raised his palm and pressed down. A force of energy volleyed on the flame, and the green flame plummeted down and floated to the ice. Then I saw the hard and unbreakable ice melting, slowly melting piece by piece from top to bottom, from the center to the surrounding areas.

Zhang was frightened and turned pale. What kind of fire is this? The river water is driven up to cover the flame. The flame is not extinguished and is still beating and burning in the water flow. Zhang was afraid that the river water would freeze and the fire would be frozen in the ice, but in a short time, the ice had already burned out and made a big hole.

What the hell is this? Zhang Ai was wondering how to extinguish the green fire. The Buddhist monk in the sky said: "This is the hell lotus fire. You can't extinguish it with your methods." Zhang Ain wanted to ask what the hell lotus fire was, but the most important thing to ask at this time was: "What should I do now?" Seeing the flames. It was about to penetrate the ice and burn him. Even if he escaped, how could Feizhou avoid it? After hesitating for a moment, he took out the hard iron knife. This thing was strong enough, and it was impossible to block it with it.

The Sky Buddhist said: "Let Bu Kong come out." Zhang Ai quickly opened the flying boat and called Bu Kong out. Sky Buddhist said again: "Enlarge the space inside the ice." Zhang Wen did as he was told. Apparently the old monk had a way to deal with it.

After the space became larger, the old monk Tian Kong asked the young monk Fu Kong to take off his moon-white monk's robe. After taking over, he chanted in a low voice: "Amitabha." The monk's robe turned into a huge white lotus blooming in the ice. At this time, the green fire burned through dozens of meters of ice and fell lightly. The Sky Buddha patted the white lotus to catch the green fire, and then countless thin white threads were wound around the lotus platform to wrap around the green fire. There were also white threads connecting the petals, and the green fire was densely wound into white fire. The strange thing was that the green fire It can burn through ice, but it can't burn through the white line.

The Buddhist monk in the sky chanted: "Lotus grows step by step." Then he yelled: "Stop!" The white thread retracted into the lotus platform, bringing the green fire with it. Then the green fire disappeared, and a faint white flame appeared in the middle of the lotus platform. The mark is very shallow, as if it can be brushed away by raising your hand.

Zhang was afraid of getting angry, but fortunately the Sky Buddha came, otherwise it would be unimaginable. The river water is urged to fill the holes in the ice and condense into one, and the ice returns to its original appearance.

The two men in red above the ice were stunned. Was the Hell Lotus Fire taken away with a magic weapon? I simply couldn't imagine it. I didn't dare to release the green fire again and turned to look at the red-haired ghost disciple. The red-haired ghost disciples were also stunned. When the ghost emperor handed them the fire, he said that this fire is one of the spiritual fires of heaven and earth. It grows in the dead land and can burn most objects in the world, including some ice. It can also burn people. But who would have thought that it would be taken away just after it was used?

The red-haired ghost disciple hesitated for a moment, then said to the two red-clothed ghost disciples: "Burn!" The two red-haired ghost disciples repeated the action again. At the same time, the red-haired ghost took out a white bone hammer. It was the bone of an unknown monster. It was as tall as a person and the hammer head was thicker than a human. He held it with both hands and watched the green fire burn.

Seeing this, the surrounding ghost disciples took out their magic weapons and prepared to kill.

The ice layer is a hundred meters high, and the green fire can burn through fifty meters and burn Zhang Wen and others. The red-haired ghost stared at the green fire burning. When it sank to forty meters, his long body rose up and he swung a huge bone hammer and smashed it against the ice.

The green fire melted the ice and could easily create a five-meter-wide hole. However, the red-haired ghost disciple hit the edge of the hole with his hammer. He was a top-level expert. With one blow, he smashed a piece of the edge of the hole. .

The red-haired ghost disciple took action, and the sixty ghost disciples around him followed suit at the same time. Sixty Nascent Soul top-level masters can move mountains and earth together if they attack together. With the power of hell lotus fire, they gather the strength of sixty masters to strike with all their strength. The ice layer cracks and shatters, and the hard protective shield finally breaks.

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