The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 488 Coming and going

Chapter 488 Come and go

This was an extremely boring fight. The ghost disciples worked hard to destroy the ice surface, and the ice crystals immediately restored and even thickened, forcing a group of masters to look at the ice and sigh. After a quarter of an hour, the ghost disciples finally knew that this was an impossible task. , then collectively stopped, stared fiercely at the ice for a few times, and then retreated. As quickly as they came, they left even faster. The afterimage flashed and everyone was gone.

After waiting for a while, no more enemies were found. Zhang Ping removed the turtle shell and saw a large number of people standing on the deck. Zhang Tianfang shouted at him: "Forty top masters? Do you need to be so exaggerated?"

Forty masters came just to kill them, which is indeed a bit exaggerated. Zhang was afraid of falling on the deck and said: "So many people are thinking about your knife, so be careful not to lose it." Zhang Tian gave him a blank look: "A crow's mouth."

The sea ship is too big and the target is eye-catching. While the girls have recovered from their injuries, Song Yunyi suggested: "Change the ship. The airship can travel underwater." Zhang Ai agreed. There are more and more enemies. Dead people, safety is the most important thing.

Forty people transferred to the flying boat, which closed and sank into the water, but they did not dare to move forward too fast. A river is not full of water like the sea. It has banks on both sides. If a flying boat traveling at high speed does not change direction in time, it will easily hit the bank. Prior to this, Zhang had never dived in an inland river for safety reasons. Now, for safety reasons, we have to submerge and sneak. There is no way, there are too many enemy masters.

As a means of protection, there was a thick layer of ice on the outside of the craft, like a large ice lump drifting downstream.

The ghost disciples seemed to like Heitian's work very much. Forty ghost disciples came again the next night and searched along the river for a while. After finding the big ice mass, they dropped countless spell blasting beads and easily blasted through the ice wall outside the airship.

Zhang Ai reacted very quickly, and the ice crystal heart moved at will, and the flying boat condensed into a thicker and larger ice mass, allowing a group of ghost disciples to vent their anger. These people struggled for two quarters of an hour before they had no choice but to stop and retreat. Although the spells and explosive beads were very powerful, turning the river water into a fountain, the ice crystals were so powerful that they easily blocked all attacks. The ghost disciples' sneak attack failed again.

If Feizhou hadn't been sealed, Zhang Ping would have wanted to tell the ghost disciples that he would anger them tomorrow. Zhang Tianfang appropriately asked: "They don't come here once a day, right?" Zhang Weing comforted himself: "The river is too shallow, let them toss it, wait until it enters the sea."

He also wanted to fly away from here quickly. The problem was that if he was unlucky and was caught up by ghosts, he would be a living target and be beaten. In comparison, although traveling in the water was slow, relying on ice crystals was at least safe. .

After staying up all night, at dawn, the flying boat floated to the surface, opened the hatch cover, and rushed downwards like a small boat, which was faster than when underwater. Watching the scenery on both sides of the Taiwan Strait change, Zhang Ai felt vaguely that something was wrong. With his cultivation, status, and experience as a ghost disciple, he knew clearly that he could not handle the solid ice, so why did he keep testing it? Thinking about it gives me a chill. According to Sky Buddhist, the Ghost King needs a ghost sword. Judging from the situation in the past few days, he not only needs it, but also needs it extremely. The sneak attack by six ghost disciples has increased to the siege by forty people. Even a fool can see that. The importance of the Ghost Sword to him. If the Ghost Emperor needs the Ghost Sword so much, why does he just send someone to show his face and then leave? Thinking of this, my heart becomes clear. There are only two reasons. One is to determine the location of the ghost knife, and the other is to paralyze us. To deal with ice crystals, the Ghost King must have a way to crack it.

Thinking of this, he immediately let go and asked everyone to transfer. Then he collected the flying boat and flew west. He had one day to find the next river. The middle-grade flying bird is very fast. It can fly hundreds of thousands of miles in half a day and find another wide river. When I came to the river, I turned south and flew along the direction of the current.

After half a day, the flying boat was replaced by a flying boat and sank to the bottom of the water. A barrier was set up inside the flying boat, and the outer part of the flying boat was wrapped in ice to isolate the inside and outside breath. It did not rush it forward, and the river water drove the flying boat downstream.

When night came, the ghost disciples went out to attack Zhang Awei again, but after several searches along the original river, no one was found. A ghost disciple ordered the search to be dispersed. Forty ghost disciples were divided into four groups to conduct a large-scale search. Look at their appearance. Not impatient, not hurried, not slow, as if he wasn't worried about running away at all.

The ghosts did not find them that night, so they continued to search during the day. However, Zhang Wen and others hid in the ice and sank to the bottom of the water, rolling downstream with the sand. Without a close inspection, it would have been impossible to find them.

The day soon passed and night came again, but the ghost disciples still did not find Zhang Afraid and others. At this time, they became a little anxious, sent a message to the Ghost Emperor, and then expanded the scope to continue searching. The order sent back by the Ghost King was to keep looking until he found it.

The Ghost King was very angry. How could a group of wastes allow some low-level monks to escape? If his strength hadn't been severely damaged, he would have really wanted to go out and fix these losers. After thinking for a long time, the order was issued, and all the ghost disciples came back to look for Zhang Ping's traces.

There were one hundred and eight ghost disciples in Tiexian Valley. After these days of hard work, a few more died. Counting the few who died due to fear, there were still a hundred people left. Most of these one hundred people were either fighting or running away. After receiving the order, they turned around urgently. Their lives were controlled by the Ghost King, and they could not disobey him even if they wanted to.

Forty of the one hundred people were looking for Zhang Ping, and the remaining sixty people needed time to travel because of the different distances. They ran wildly across the land, making the demon cultivators along the way frightened. They couldn't figure out why these master ghost disciples were running around?

The ghost disciples rushed back, and the Buddhist and demonic cultivators who opposed them followed. They didn't want to kill them, but mainly wanted to understand what these guys were doing and what their intentions were. Of course, if they have the opportunity to kill ghost disciples, they will not show mercy. There are already Buddhists who have broken the precept of killing because of ghost disciples.

Zhang Wen and others hid at the bottom of the river and did not know this. They hid for seven days. Seven days later, Zhang Tianfang couldn't stand still and asked, "When are you going to go out?" Zhang Tianfang said, "Keep it up." He didn't know how many people were looking for him outside, but he knew that it was best to be careful in everything. After hiding at the bottom of the river for another ten days, the ice-wrapped flying boat was also blocked by stones at the bottom of the river and stayed here for several days.

After these days, Zhang Tianfang finally couldn't stand it anymore and advised Zhang Awei: "Go out and have a look." The girls were also a little eager to try, and Zhang Awei nodded in agreement. So he urged his spiritual power, and the flying boat slowly rose up. After a while, it returned to the river again.

Coincidentally, it was dark outside again. After opening the cabin, the girls came out to relax. Zhang Tianfang flew into the air and sighed: "Get out of this hellish place quickly. There will never be a good day."

Not long after they emerged, someone appeared in the sky. Zhang Wen and others looked at it and saw that it was the Buddhist monk in the sky. Zhang Ai asked out of curiosity: "Master, why are you back again?" Sky Buddha looked at the people on the boat and said, "Why haven't you left yet?"

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