The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 471 The Tenth Ghost King

Chapter 471 The Tenth Ghost Emperor

The man in black is a ghost emperor. He has endured hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate into a ghost emperor. He has experienced countless hardships and dangers. Not to mention ordinary people, even cultivators cannot imagine it. He is angry not because he has feelings for the nine ghost emperors, but because he feels sad. The ghost emperor is the supreme existence in the ghost clan, but he found that the nine ghost emperors were cultivated into swords by a small Buddha. This kind of thing is simply unimaginable. The man in black is worried about his future. Will he also be refined like the nine guys in the knife?

After hundreds of thousands of years of hard cultivation, devouring countless lives, he finally cultivated the supernatural power, but he may be subdued and burned by a small human with a very short lifespan at any time. How can he not be angry? He doesn't want to be the tenth weapon soul on the knife, so he decides to strike first and must kill Zhang Tianfang.

Zhang Tianfang flew towards the lotus throne and gathered with Zhang Pa and others. At this time, there were gusts of gloomy wind in the dark sky and earth, and the shrill ghost howls resounded all around. A rope condensed from black air quietly wrapped around Zhang Tianfang. The nine ghost emperors were extremely alert, and pulled him back, and then pushed him, throwing Zhang Tianfang onto the lotus platform. The ghost knife flew out of his hand and fought with the black rope. After a few moves, the black rope was still there. The ghost knife was worried about Zhang Tianfang's safety and flew back to his hand.

A deep sigh sounded in the boundless darkness: "The nine ghost emperors can't fight a black air, alas." The voice was bleak and full of sadness. It was because he felt pity for the ghost emperor's strength after refining the weapon soul, and it also strengthened his determination not to be refined into a ghost weapon. But he didn't know that the ghost knife was made by the nine ghost emperors who sacrificed their cultivation. Zhang Tianfang didn't understand these at all. Even if you offered your hands and actively cooperated, Zhang Tianfang could only watch in a daze and do nothing.

Without the ghost knife entangled, the black rope swam towards Zhang Tianfang again, but heard the lotus god shouting, and the silver knife chopped down to block the way ahead. The black rope was afraid of contact with the silver knife, so it bent down and bypassed the blade. At this time, the ghost knife attacked and cut the black rope in half with one knife, and then the silver knife came again, and the two knives, one black and one white, cut the black rope into pieces, dispersing into black gas and disappearing.

The black rope was broken, and the ghost emperor flew over with a golden skull, moving in the dark world, and it was difficult to discern his whereabouts. Only when he approached the lotus platform, he was illuminated by the faint white light of the lotus platform. But he was very fast, and he came behind Zhang Tianfang in an instant. A crescent-shaped knife suddenly appeared in his left hand and stabbed his back. Seeing that the knife was about to pierce Zhang Tianfang's body, it suddenly shot out backwards, not seeking to hurt anyone but to protect itself, and appeared ten thousand meters away.

Zhang Tianfang felt the coldness through his body, and the ghost emperor had run away far away, and there was a golden light around him, and a vajra stood on the lotus platform, emitting thousands of feet of light like the sun, dispersing the darkness around him.

Before he could figure out what was happening, the Ghost King yelled, "Despicable." He dodged and flew back, leaving the skull behind. The skull grew bigger again, hovering above his head, and opened its huge mouth. Countless little ghosts as long as arms flew out of it, holding swords and magic weapons and rushing towards Zhang Tianfang, while the Ghost King himself spread his arms and pulled out a black light shield with both hands, blocking it tightly in front of him.

As the vajra fell, nineteen light balls appeared in the air, shining with golden light and surrounding the Ghost King. The one who led it was the old monk Sky. The old monk pointed with one hand, and the vajra flew up again, stabbing at the Ghost King like a flying sword.

The Ghost King sneered, "Old turtle, are you willing to come out?" As he spoke, the vajra stabbed the black light shield and bounced back. It is said that Buddhism is the object of ghosts, but the old monk's vajra can't hit the light shield, which is really strange.

Master Sky didn't say anything, but he pinched the magic formula with his hand, and the vajra stabbed again. The Ghost King ignored his movements and focused on Zhang Tianfang. For him, the biggest enemy at this moment was Zhang Tianfang. The ghosts flying from the skull covered the lotus throne, and the ghosts rushed to the lotus platform one after another. Zhang Tianfang had the ghost knife to protect him, and the lotus god general helped him, so he was safe for a while. Bukong even helped him and shouted: "Lotus blooms at every step." The petals on the lotus throne began to close, blocking the ghosts outside the petals layer by layer.

The Ghost King saw that it was difficult to kill Zhang Tianfang for a while, and wanted to use a killing move but was afraid of being attacked by the old monk like just now. The white eyeballs moved slightly, and he said ruthlessly: "Today I will only kill him, don't interfere, I will give you a hundred years of peace and prosperity."

"Only a hundred years?" Tiankong whispered, and blessed a Buddhist Dharma on the vajra, and the other eighteen golden arhats also blessed a Buddhist Dharma on the pestle, and saw the Buddha's light shining, and the vajra was as majestic and solemn as the god of Dharma. The old monk chanted Amitabha and suddenly shouted: "Break!" Eighteen Buddhists shouted with him, and nineteen thunders exploded nineteen groups of Buddha light, stabbing the black shield with the vajra.

This time the black shield did not hold on. Under the impact of the Buddha light, it was like melting snow in spring, with a few snaps, and it went as it came, blending into the world and disappearing.

The ghost king shouted: "Are you serious, dead bald head? Don't force me to kill people."

The sky Buddhist said leisurely: "It's funny, you haven't killed enough people? If you don't kill people anymore, you can consider it." The vajra turned in the air and flew towards the ghost king again, and its posture became more fierce and fierce.

The ghost king's chest was still open, revealing the dark bones inside. The ghost king reached in and pulled out a small bone spur. He grasped the bone spur with his hand and squeezed and released it. The bones condensed by the black air changed and turned into a 10-foot-long spear to meet the vajra.

Zhang Tianfang was still fighting with the little ghosts, but fortunately, Bukong and the Lotus God worked together to block most of the attacks for him. Especially the lotus throne, whose white petals were as hard as armor, making it difficult for the little ghosts to rush in.

The Ghost Emperor glanced at him and said fiercely: "Five hundred years, I'll give you five hundred years." He turned his eyes to the old monk, hoping that he would agree. Tian Tian was unmoved: "If I kill you, wouldn't it mean eternal peace?"

The Ghost King angrily yelled: "Then you come and kill!" He slapped his forehead, and his whole body flew off the ground and lay flat like a stream of water. The skin, bones and head were all gone, revealing the ghost energy itself, filling the black sky and earth.

The old monk in the sky chanted Buddhist dharma loudly, accompanied by eighteen golden Arhats. Every sentence of Buddhist dharma was spoken, and golden characters appeared in the sky. After a while, there was no more darkness in the sky, and countless golden characters formed a sun, shining in all directions.

The Ghost King wanted to kill Zhang Tianfang, and filled the lotus throne with ghost energy. The little ghost was nourished and strengthened by the ghost energy. He grew taller and stronger in an instant, and used the lotus throne as a gong and drum to beat endlessly.

And more ghost energy poured into the gaps between the petals, rushing towards Zhang Tianfang, just hoping to kill him with one blow.

Zhang was afraid that he would be a bystander for the whole day and would not be able to help. At this moment, the light from the lotus platform and the golden light in the air shone, and I could clearly see the black and gray ghost energy filling the air. I immediately released the concentration beads, and the small white beads rolled around, absorbing the ghost energy.

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