The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 470: Lotus grows step by step

Chapter 470: Lotus grows step by step

"How do you know?" Zhang Tianfang was a little curious. The man in black laughed ferociously: "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the old bald donkey actually waited for a Buddha to kill me." His eyes were cold, and his voice was colder than his eyes: "You are a Buddhist cultivator. Even the old bald donkey can't To hurt me easily, there is no other possibility except Buddha’s innate magical power.”

"Who is the old thief Bald you are talking about? Who are you? Are you very powerful? Also, I am not a Buddhist." Zhang Tianfang turned into a curious baby and kept asking questions, explaining his identity by the way.

The man in black didn't reply to him, so he flew a hundred meters into the air and shouted into the void: "Aren't you coming out yet?"

The sky was clear and cloudless. Zhang Tianfang looked up and saw nothing for a long time, and asked loudly: "Who are you talking to?"

The two of them were talking about their own things, and the two people beside them murmured in low voices. Fang Jian said, "This guy is crazy enough." Zhang Ain agreed. The man on the side was silent and silent, staring at the man in black with a serious expression. Suddenly he raised his arms, and the moon-white monk's robe he was wearing soared into the sky like an eagle and owl, and carried it towards the man in black.

The man in black had already seen the young monk, but never took him seriously. Seeing that he was not empty, he launched an attack. He hit the monk's robe with a burst of black energy, but was swallowed up by the monk's robe. The monk's robe unfolded again, and it was as heavy as It attacked like an evil eagle, and the black energy disappeared.

The spell was easily broken, and the man in black was slightly surprised. He knocked down the golden skull in his hand. The skull became bigger than a mountain when it left his hand. To put it more vividly, it was like a big one-meter-square stone hitting a goose feather. White monk robe facing the moon. Fu Kong shouted: "Every step of the way, a lotus grows." The moon-white monk's robe suddenly gathered together and stood in the air like a flower. When the golden skull was about to hit it, it suddenly bloomed, and a snow-white flower leaf bloomed. Qiao Shengsheng held up the skull.

At this time, Bu Kong walked up and up, walking step by step out of thin air, just like walking up stairs. As he took a step, the snow-white lotus in the sky would bloom with an extra petal. When he walked to the lotus made of moon-white monk robes, , the whole lotus has been so densely packed that I don’t know how many petals it has bloomed, and it is placed flat in the air, like a lotus throne. Fu Kong drank again: "Lotus grows step by step." Countless petals grew up at the same time, and with a slight tremble, the top of the skull's head flew up, revealing the entire lotus platform. Fu Kong stepped forward and shouted again: "Step by step, a lotus is born!" Sanskrit chants resounded from the lotus throne. The outer petals separated from one layer. Fu Kong picked up his finger and tapped lightly, and the fallen petals gathered together. After a while, a tall white-armored god general was formed, holding a handful. The white sword glared at the man in black and shouted: "You and other ghosts will only cause chaos in the world, wait until I take you in."

This change shocked everyone. Zhang Tianfang said nonchalantly: "What is this?"

The face of the man in black changed several times, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Bubu Shenglian and other Buddhist treasures were actually passed down to a young monk, haha, haha, hum." The laughter changed continuously, and finally he sneered with disdain: "A little monk I'm just a lotus god general, what can I do?" He yelled into the void again: "There is a thief in the sky, there is a Buddha killing the world, there are lotus Buddha treasures born step by step, and there are eighteen golden Arhats to help, don't you dare to come out? Will you meet me?" The voice sounded like thunder and lasted for a long time.

"He said he was more powerful than the old monk?" Zhang Tianfang suspected that he heard wrongly. Zhang Fangjian also looked at the man in black with a look of astonishment on his face. Who is this man? Do you need to be so arrogant?

Hearing him insulting his master, Fu Kong's face turned cold. The Lotus God General received the order, and the silver knife in his palm slashed at the man in black like lightning. Although the sword was fast, the man in black moved even faster. He was like a ghost. He moved out of the way of the attack. His figure flickered, and the whole sky immediately darkened. Looking at it, he could see that they were all densely packed with men in black. I don’t know if he moved too fast and left behind. The afterimage still transformed into many clones that densely covered the sky.

Fu Kong was also stunned at this moment. The sky was filled with men in black. Who could they kill? With a casual move, the Lotus God slashed a clone in front of him with his sword. With a swipe, the silver sword passed through him with a sound of wind, but the man in black was still there.

Fu Kong was stunned again. The tens of thousands of figures in the sky were all afterimages? How fast can this be done? There are many identical bodies, which body is the real one? After countless fights, for the first time I felt helpless. I looked back at Zhang Awei involuntarily and found that Zhang Awei, like him, was staring blankly at the afterimages in the sky in surprise.

Zhang Tianfang shouted carelessly: "Brother, give in, you're blocking the sun." The man in black was amused by his words. He raised his hand and made a move. The golden skull flew towards one of the bodies, and the other bodies followed the movement of the skull. The flight disappeared in an instant, the sky was clear again, and the sun was shining brightly. The man in black stood in the sun and talked to Zhang Tianfang: "It's interesting, I like it."

Zhang Tianzhao shouted: "What? You want to eat me? You can't do it!" He swung the ghost sword once, but the man in black was not annoyed. He ducked to avoid the sword and said with a smile: "Laughing and scolding, neat and straightforward, Good natured.”

"You don't care if I'm wrong?" Zhang Tianfang is definitely a donkey. He was held back and pushed backwards. The man in black finally calmed down, and he started to take the initiative to provoke again.

The man in black just felt that this guy's temperament was similar to his own, and he had a slight liking for him. Unexpectedly, this guy actually got on his nose and was very disrespectful. The little bit of goodwill turned into water clouds and flowed away, and the golden skull was thrown at his face.

Zhang Tianfang had a ghost knife. The nine ghost kings in the ghost knife knew that the skull was powerful, so they retreated with force and took him far away. The skull fell into the air. The man in black stared at the ghost knife and repeated for the second time: "I am very familiar with that breath." His spiritual consciousness swung around the ghost knife. Other people's spiritual consciousness was invisible and colorless, but his spiritual consciousness was black, like a black silk thread that wrapped around the ghost knife, like a black cocoon. Zhang Tianfang held the black cocoon and shouted: "What are you doing?" He opened his palm and grabbed it. The swastika pattern on the palm emitted golden light. The black spiritual consciousness was swept by the golden light and exploded. The man in black let those spiritual consciousnesses dissipate, staring at the ghost knife in disbelief. After a long time, he said a word: "Ghost King? The nine ghost kings are bound." He shouted suddenly, and his black hair stood up. The black robe on his body was torn, revealing the body below, which was pale and skinny, like a skeleton covered with a white cloth. The man in black inserted his hands into his chest and tore open a piece of skin to reveal the inside. There was no flesh and blood under the skin, only black bones. A closer look revealed that those bones were all black gas, tightly condensed together like real objects.

The man in black was extremely angry and shouted in a tearing voice: "How dare you treat my royal family like this? I must kill you!" As he spoke, the sky and the earth turned pitch black and nothing could be seen. Only Bukong's lotus throne emitted a faint white light, which was barely guiding the direction for everyone. Zhang Pa hurriedly led the girls to the lotus throne. Bukong also dropped the throne to the ground and shouted: "Lotus grows with every step." The lotus throne became larger and shouted to Zhang Pa: "Bring them up." The layers of lotus petals outside the throne made way for a road, and the lotus god stood at the intersection with a knife in his hand and was cautious.

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