The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 447 Ghosts are rampant

Chapter 447 Ghosts are rampant

Fang Jian poured cold water on him: "It's a good thing you're still alive, a good thing you're still at ease."

Zhang Ain asked him: "Why don't you go to your birthplace?" "How can I have a birthplace?" Zhang Tianfang thought for a while and asked.

"It's where you came out of that alms bowl and killed a monk."

"Ah, that's what you said, don't go!" Zhang Tianfang paused and said, "Are you trying to make me angry on purpose? Others are lucky enough to have a family and parents, and it's okay to just go back and look at the dirt. Who am I?"

"I'm not much better than you." Zhang Ping said lazily. He became an orphan too early. He has no memory of his parents and hometown. Fang Jian added: "Me too." Zhang Tian smiled wildly: "Three miserable children without a father and a mother." Zhang Wen and Fang Jian quickly shook their heads to draw a clear line with him: "We are not miserable." Zhang Tian Zhang was angry: "You said you didn't mean to anger me?"

The carriage moved forward slowly, and after finally making it more than ten miles, it stopped again and ran into another fight. Zhang Tianfang muttered: "What happened? The world is getting more and more uneven."

This piece of land belongs to the suburbs outside the city. Going further is a low hillside. On the hillside, there is a young man in white who fights one against seven. It is quite hard and dangerous. If it were not for the protection of the magic weapon, he would have died seven or eighty times. . The magic weapon will not attack. When the enemy's magic weapon hits the body, a circle of light will buzz out to block the attack.

Zhang Wen was delighted to see the man in white and met an acquaintance again. What a coincidence.

The carriage stopped at the bottom of the slope. Zhang Tianfang stood up to watch the excitement. One of the seven people with a bad temper yelled: "Get out." Zhang Tianfang wanted to get angry at that time. He looked at the man in white, thought for a moment, smiled and sat down without saying anything. He actually held it back.

Fang Jian couldn't believe all this and asked Zhang Tianfang: "Are you sick?"

Zhang Tianfang said with a smile: "I know that kid, it's really cool to see him get beaten." Then he shouted towards the hillside: "We're passing by, let's see the excitement, you guys who beat you, don't worry about me, don't worry, I won't cause any trouble."

It was a good thing that he didn't speak. When he shouted, three of the seven people were divided into three men with swords to face the three of them. Look at their postures, look at their eyes, and look at the strength of their swords. It was clear that they wanted to assassinate the three of them. Zhang Tianda was furious: "I told you to watch the fun, why don't you believe me?" Before he could finish his words, the cold light had already reached his body. He was so angry that he picked up the ghost sword and knocked away the enemy's sword, killing the person behind the sword as well. That's when he finished his sentence.

Fang Jian and Zhang were afraid that they had not killed anyone, so they fought back the enemy with their law enforcement swords and said with a smile: "You killed everyone, and still people believe you?"

The three easily defeated their opponents, and one of them even lost his life. The four on the hillside and the two on the bottom were shocked. Knowing that they would not get any favors, a whistle sounded, and the six turned around and ran away.

Zhang Ping didn't even think about stopping them and let them leave, staring at the man in white on the hillside without saying anything. The guy in white clothes had always been in danger. Suddenly the enemy retreated, and he had time to look at the person coming. When he saw Zhang Ai, he yelled, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Ai was still looking at him without saying anything. The man in white suddenly thought of something and said a little embarrassedly: "The incident last time had nothing to do with me. I just went to watch the fun. I really didn't mean to cause trouble for you."

Zhang Ping said: "You still remember, I will give you the spiritual wine."

The man in white murmured: "It really has nothing to do with me. How can I, a young disciple, influence the opinions of the elders?"

Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to hear his explanation of a topic that he could never explain clearly, so he changed the topic and asked, "Are you being bullied?" Before the man in white could say anything, Zhang Tianzhang shouted: "Xiaosan, where are those bastards? What are they doing? Looking for trouble with me?"

This mistress was Yong San from the famous Dragon God Valley in the Holy Kingdom. Zhang Ping had met him several times. The last time they met was when Yong San and the sect elders attacked Tianlei Mountain. Zhang Tianfang had also seen him, so he asked. Yong San smiled bitterly and said: "Who dares to attack Dragon God Valley? Who do you think he is?"

Zhang Tianfang thought for a long time after hearing this, and replied seriously: "I don't know."

I don’t know what you want for a long time? Yong San was not in the mood to argue with him about this, and continued to explain to Zhang Ai: "I really didn't know that was your sect. The elder of the sect said that he found the snake, and he was tempted. I just went to watch the fun."

"What about now? In your territory, I'll come to your door again. You can report the news." Zhang Ain suggested that he would embarrass himself.

Yong San blushed a little: "No way, no way, we have known each other for many years." He still had this idea in his mind, but after meeting Zhang Ai several times, he felt more and more that this guy was quite scary, and even if he offended him, he couldn't. Come in the open.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "I'm a little worried. How about this, we want to go to Daxiong Temple, how about you show us the way?"

What can Yong San say? Of course he has to express his strong willingness, but he raises a question: "I have only heard the name of Daxiong Temple. I really don't know where it is." Zhang Ping said: "It's in the west anyway, look for it slowly." Ask slowly, there is plenty of time." Then Yong San sat on the carriage again, and the carriage swayed and continued to move forward.

On the way, Zhang Tianfang asked him: "Who were you fighting just now?" Yong San didn't hide it: "Ghost disciples, it's strange. There have been so many ghost disciples in the past ten years. Many cities have been massacred. The Holy City was furious, and the Holy Fire Order was summoned to the world. , all descendants of the Holy Sect will be punished if they see ghosts, and with all the masters from the eight battalions, we in Shenlong Valley will not be spared."

"How to distinguish between ghosts and saints? What's the difference between the two?" Zhang Ain asked.

"That's what I'm talking about. Many ghost disciples are very hidden. For example, the ghost disciples who use corpse bones to refine weapons. Do you know whether they are using living bones or dead bones? There are also ghost disciples who use corpse energy to refine weapons. How can there be so many cemeteries? How many dead people have accumulated corpse energy for them? They have to take advantage of the living people. Now that the situation is getting more and more chaotic, the Holy City has no choice but to start a cleansing plan. Several fringe sects have been exterminated. Looking at it this way, like our Shenlong Valley. The saints who control animals and enter the Tao are the ones who have no doubts and are truly safe.”

"After talking for a long time, I still haven't explained how to distinguish ghost disciples." Zhang Tianfang said dissatisfied.

"The essence and blood of living people are different from those of dead people. Practicing exercises with living people's energy and blood will be reflected in the exercises. According to the Holy Sect's teachings, regardless of the refining method, the things being refined must be taken into the body and passed through vomiting. Only through tempering can it be integrated into the magic weapon or technique. If you massacre living people for practice, all kinds of cruel energy and blood will be tempered and accumulated in the body, which will make your eyes red. This is a sign of discrimination. "Take a breath, forever. San continued: "But there are no absolutes. Some people are born with jealousy, which is unlucky; some people kill people and bury their corpses, and then refine the corpses after a long time, but the signs cannot be shown, so there are a few marginal branches that are unlucky to be wiped out. "

"The method is still wrong. The devil's power is inherently evil, so how can it make people do good things?" Zhang Ai concluded.

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