The Monk

Volume One Chapter 446 Heading West

Chapter 446 Heading West

After staying underground for two hours, Zhang Ping said: "Let's go." The little pig reluctantly left home again. One person and two beasts emerged from the ground, and the kitten became more like a dragon again. Noisy and piggy competed to see who was more powerful.

Continuing to fly west, there are more than a dozen villages north of the edge of the desert, or there used to be more than a dozen villages, and the girls were kidnapped from their homes in those villages. Most people can't tell which is the homeland where they grew up, so they only accompany the girls who can still remember it to visit the villages. Walking everywhere, all you can see is desolation, and the girls are very unhappy. In addition, Xiaozhu was a little unhappy, Zhang Tianfang was also unhappy, and Zhang Wen was also unhappy. He couldn't figure out what happened. Why did everyone have some strange changes after the old monk Tian Kong took Bu Kong away? What was he afraid of? parting? Reluctant to give up?

Thinking about it carefully, he was quite afraid of separation. He couldn't imagine what would happen to him if Song Yunyi, Cheng Xier and others left him.

There have been demon cultivators passing by here occasionally. Looking at Zhang Wei, a large group of people were curious, but compared with their strength, no one came to provoke them. This situation lasted until the desert border town ended.

Without him, I would have met someone fighting again. Two gangs of thirty or so people were having a good time. After Zhang Ao found out, he wanted to avoid it, but two people from one of the groups took the initiative to approach Zhang Ao to find out why he was here. Zhang was afraid that if he left at this time, he would arouse more suspicion, so he came to the battlefield and watched openly.

The two groups, one with ten people and the other with more than twenty people, were evenly matched even though their numbers were twice as large. The sky was filled with black air, and all kinds of weird magic weapons attacked each other in weird ways. Some ghosts bite, and some black smoke resembles arrows, making a mess.

As soon as Zhang Ping stopped flying, someone in the crowded group spoke loudly: "Which sect do you fellow Taoist belong to? Why don't you join us in killing the ghost disciples." Zhang Ping said, "It turned out to be ghost disciples and saints." fight.

The Holy Kingdom was founded on the merits of demons. The biggest contradiction is the endless battle between the so-called righteous saints and the absolutely evil ghosts. There are thousands of sects and sects of demonic arts. Those who are not good at killing innocent people are saints, and those who use people's lives to refine weapons and practices are ghost disciples. Even in a demonic country, cultivators cannot bully the people.

Zhang was afraid of flying out of Fei'a, so he shouted: "Give me a moment." He stabbed the Fu Shen Sword straight through the encirclement and aimed directly at the ten ghost disciples. No matter what, he had to fight this fight. One was to help the girls vent their anger. At the beginning, If it weren't for the ferocious ghost disciples, the girls wouldn't be homeless; secondly, they would be friendly with the monks from the Holy Kingdom. These people are just cultivating alchemy, killing a few bad guys to make a good impression. It's a mutual benefit, why not? Happy but not doing it?

Zhang Wen doesn't care about throwing the sword away like Zhang Tianfang does. He prefers to hold the hilt of the sword and fly with the sword, as graceful as a dragon. The white blade light is seen flowing and turning, and the whole person is like smoke covering the field. , after a moment the smoke dissipated, the sword light faded, and all ten ghost disciples turned into corpses and fell to the ground.

The two dozen demon cultivators on the other side were frightened. Who is this person? Where did the master come from? Kill ten pill-forming masters in the blink of an eye. Zhang was afraid and didn't say much. He clasped his fists and said, "Farewell." He returned to Feiya and flew west. The twenty saints just watched him leave, no one dared to object.

There are thousands of sects and sects of demon cultivators, and they have many conflicts with each other. They will fight for fun when they have nothing to do. Only when facing ghost disciples will they put aside their past grudges and share the same hatred. Anyone who claims to be the authentic successor of demonic arts will always regard ghosts and disciples as their lifelong enemies. This is the rule set by the ancestors of the demonic arts. The first sentence of any demonic arts book is that innocent people must not be killed in vain. Anyone who violates it Kill them together.

There were ghost disciples just now, and these people dared to talk to Zhang Afraid. Now that the ghost disciples have been killed and the common enemy is gone, it is natural to be more honest. Saints cannot bully innocent people, but they can bully other saints. Such demons It's better not to provoke them easily.

Zhang was afraid of killing the ghost disciple. When he came back and talked to the girls, the girls shouted that they would kill him next time. Zhang was afraid of laughing and did not answer. These girls, including Song Yunyi Cheng Xier, let alone kill people, even chickens and pigs. None of them have been killed, and they have always been protected with tight security, which is no worse than the Emperor's House.

Zhang Tianfang snorted coldly: "You don't even call me when you kill people." Zhang Ain still smiled and didn't answer, but this smile was a bitter smile.

After flying another thirty miles, a city appeared in front of it. When I scanned it with my spiritual consciousness, I saw that there were more than 300 demon cultivators stationed there. It seemed that the ghost disciples were getting more and more rampant, and the demon sect had to deal with it with all its strength. After thinking for a moment, he passed through the city without stopping, but the demon cultivators in the city had already noticed Fei's arrival. In addition, someone had detected his divine consciousness scan just now, and three high-level demon cultivators flew out of the city to block the way and said, " Fellow Taoist, why do you want to scan the city?"

Yes, he was suspected. The three people in front of him were all Nascent Soul mid-level cultivators, which startled him. It was not because he was afraid of the power of the three of them, but because there were three Nascent Soul mid-level cultivators guarding a small border town, which showed how tense the situation was. Back in the Holy Capital, the Commander-in-Chief of the Wind Camp Guard of the Eight Camps of the Holy Capital was only at this level. Although there was a gap in the strength of his skills, it was terrifying enough. He said in a low voice: "I am not a holy cultivator, nor a ghost disciple. Coming from the other side of the desert, I admire the prosperity of the holy city."

"You do have time." The demon cultivator on the right said coldly. The desert is so vast that it takes at least two years to fly once. Even if Zhang Awei's mid-level flying gun flies extremely fast, it still takes more than three months to fly.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "We practitioners naturally need more time. It is also a pleasure in life to walk around and see."

The three demon cultivators could not find out the details of Zhang Wei, but based on his spiritual energy, they could conclude that he was not from the Holy Sect, so they were not suspected of being a ghost. At this time, the situation was tense and they did not want to cause trouble, so they gave way: "The monks from the Holy Kingdom are happy. Fighting is a matter of friendship."

Zhang Ain said goodbye and moved on. When approaching the next city, Luofei Gegui changed his carriage. There was no place to buy horses or donkeys, and he couldn't let the black tiger show off, so he caught a wild wolf in the mountains and fields to pull the carriage. However, it was inconvenient after all. After entering the city, he was stopped by the monks and said that he must not disturb the people, so he had to kill the wolf and buy an old donkey to pull the cart.

Zhang Tianfang looked at his cautious appearance and sneered: "The more you fool around, the more you go back." Zhang Tianfang laughed when he was afraid: "It doesn't matter how good I am, I just have the strength to beat you up." "Fart!" Zhang Tianfang said angrily.

The carriage had a barrier, and there were thirty-six women, piglets and kittens in the small carriage. Fang Jian was driving in front, while Zhang Ping and Zhang Tianfang were sitting on the roof of the carriage bickering. To outsiders, it looked like three foreign foundation-building monks driving a dilapidated carriage.

Fang Jian asked: "Where is the Daxiong Temple?" Zhang Ping said: "It is not empty to say that it is in the mountains to the west of the Holy Kingdom. It can be found." Speaking of the monk, Zhang Tianfang's attention was diverted again, and he became angry. To the Sky Buddhist: "That bastard old monk is always against me! I want to be free, so he tricked me into entering Buddhism; I just got a good bodyguard, and he took him away. I wanted to beat him up, but I couldn't. I Why are you so unlucky?"

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