The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 444 Helpless

Chapter 444 Helpless

Fang Jian knew that he didn't want anyone to leave, so he just said something sentimental and asked, "Would you like to drink?" Zhang Ain nodded: "Yes, I should drink some." He took out three bottles of wine, one for each person, and sat down. Drink on the ice. Zhang Tianfang was dissatisfied and muttered: "Hey, how can we drink without food?" "It's so cold, I can only eat dried meat." Zhang Wen took out a bag of preserved meat.

The three of them were drinking, and the little pig and kitten came over to join in the fun. The two brothers’ pursuit of spiritual power never ends. They jumped out of the sea of ​​ice, threw themselves on the dried meat with ice water and ate it wildly. When they had time, they even competed for drinks with the three of them. . Zhang Ping gave two more bottles of wine and a pile of meat to the two beasts, and the three of them and the two beasts sought a kind of silly freedom in the ice and ice.

After drinking for a while, Zhang was afraid to speak: "The old monk is right, we have to get out of here."

Zhang Tianfang had never had a good impression of Sky Buddhists, and this incident made him even more angry. He shouted, "That's an old bastard. Not only did he kick me out of Buddhism, but he also took Bu Kong away." Fang He gradually added: "It's not empty, I'm not used to it."

Among the four, Fu Kong was the last to arrive, but the first to leave. Zhang Ping said: "Isn't it just a Daxiong Temple? He was taken away by the Sky Buddhists. Let's go find him. Anyway, we are being hunted every day, so why not go to the Holy Kingdom?" He said casually, but Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian It just makes your eyes light up, yes, it’s good to go for a walk. Fang Jian said: "I haven't been to the Holy Kingdom yet. I heard that the Holy City is full of masters and the country is huge."

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "That place is full of demon cultivators. According to the concept of right and wrong of our so-called righteous monks, there is no normal person. For them, refining corpses is normal. They even capture living people and sacrifice them. Zhang Tian put them there I just collected a bunch of things that were made from human sacrifices." He didn't say anything else, but the girls were captured and used for sacrifices, and they happened to be rescued by him.

Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully: "Everyone is a master, and they are all spreading rumors. The Holy City is like that. I passed through the city, but I didn't do anything. Aotian didn't keep me even when he tried to make a move. At that time, I was just building my foundation. Don’t you know Aotian? You’ll know if you go to the Holy Capital. The second-in-command in the capital, Zhang Ping, said he’s very powerful.”

The three of them chatted while drinking, talking about drinking, leaving this place, and talking about exotic customs. Finally, they even commented on the entire Eastern Continent. While chatting, Zhang was afraid that he remembered something. He never understood the formation diagram of the Refining Temple. He complained to the two of them: "Only the pill-forming monks can enter that miserable place of the Refining Temple, not the infant-forming monks, but those scary old guys in the valley just let them in. It's really unfair." His complaints were in vain. People can understand that none of the two beasts here care. Zhang Tianfang also complained: "Oh, the bodyguard is gone."

After talking and bringing the topic back, Zhang Ain sighed: "I left suddenly, and I didn't bring him any wine." After all, they had been together for many years, and it was inevitable to be sad when parting. The three of them were speechless for a while, each holding a bottle of wine in a daze.

Not long after, the three of them had drunk enough and lay down on the spot to rest. The two little guys used Zhang Wan as a flesh pad and lay on him motionless. At a glance, they looked like five corpses on the ice. It's a pity that even corpses are remembered.

Two people flew quickly in the air. They were the two masters who had just been driven away by the old monk. After discovering the location of the pigs and kittens, they did not hesitate at all and plunged down from the air at high speed.

Zhang Ain sighed: "I can't even lie down, so can't you let me rest for a while?" They built the igloo on the edge of the ice sea. The place where the three of them drank was even closer to the sea water. With a thought, a shot was shot out of the ice sea. Arrows were flying all over the sky, aiming directly at the two people in the air.

These two were top-level monks. They were self-disciplined and did not retreat. They each deployed a shield to withstand the ice arrows and continued to kill Zhang Ai. Zhang was afraid that he was tempted to kill. Ice arrows from the sea were shot at the two of them endlessly, and not only from the front, but from all directions in the sky and on the ground, there was reflected light from the ice. The space was filled with bright lights, and it could be felt from far away. of coldness.

The two monks just made a mistake in their thoughts and lost the chance to escape. They were instantly surrounded by ice arrows. They hurriedly thickened the shield and extended it to their whole bodies. The two of them joined forces to turn themselves into turtle shells. Only then did they consider temporarily avoiding it.

Although the ice arrow has many advantages, it depends on who the opponent is. Facing two senior monks who are desperately protecting themselves, it is impossible to cause any damage in a short period of time.

Looking at the two people being attacked by ice arrows, Zhang Ain smiled coldly. It was already too late to leave at this time. They were quite close to the water, which was deliberately arranged by Zhang Ain to protect himself. The ice crystal flashed out of the body and jumped into the ice sea, and then several huge waves rose up. Among the huge waves, a thick water column rose straight up. When it reached the height of the two monks, it suddenly turned and surged forward. The soft water flow stretched in the air like a tree. The speed is fast and will not fall. In just a moment, the water flows through their bodies.

The two masters were busy running away, using all their strength to resist the ice arrows. Unexpectedly, there was water flowing in the air. They were covered by the water with a splash, and the external shields were covered by the water. What comes next is what ice crystals are best at doing, condensing water into ice.

The flow of water in the air stopped, and the whole thing turned into ice cubes. Judging from its size, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was an iceberg. The huge ice block fell to the ground, and Zhang Aifeng flew up and said, "Do you a favor." He pushed the huge ice block above the ice sea with a flat push, and then the ice block fell and crashed into the water. He didn't care about what happened next. The ice was so cold that it could instantly freeze people into powder. He had never seen anyone escape from it.

He landed on the ground and greeted Zhang Tianfang and the two of them: "The annoying guy came too soon. Call everyone out and move."

Their fight had already alarmed everyone, and they all came out to watch. When they heard Zhang Pa say to move, many people sighed helplessly. Move again, what is the point of running around every day? The ice house was built only a few days ago... Oh, move, move to still be alive, if not... Thinking of this, more people went to see Zhang Pa, why are the enemies against them all high-level cultivators? Each one is extremely powerful.

Zhang Tianfang muttered: "Can life be any worse?" Fang Jian heard it, chuckled and said: "How does it compare to your past? I'm talking about the time in that bowl." Zhang Tianfang was silent, thought for a long time and nodded and said: "At least I can still do something I want to do."

More than 800 people, the worst of whom practiced Dan, did things neatly and efficiently. In less than a cup of tea, everyone had packed up the tent and let Feizhi go, waiting for Zhang Pa's order to leave.

Seeing the inquiring eyes of the crowd, Zhang Pa sighed in his heart: "I don't know where to go either. Do we have to go to a foreign country together?" More than 800 people, no matter where they are, they are a big force. Unless they infiltrate a little bit, it will definitely attract attention. If they attract other people's attention, someone will inquire about their origins. If they know that they are disciples of Tianlei Mountain, someone will come to ask for treasures. Alas, it is so difficult to live a peaceful life!

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